Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3567)
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The whole point is the obsoleted movies. Unobsoleted have live torrents and I hope encoders are trying to download those and upload to rather than reencoding.
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Emulator Coder, Former player
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Hi, encoders! We've recently created the Unstreamed Movies page, listing those movies which do not have a Streaming Media link. If you're looking for encoding work to do, consider encoding a movie and uploading it to a streaming media site and post it in the submission thread so that we can link to it!
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3567)
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Location: Tennessee
sgrunt wrote:
Hi, encoders! We've recently created the Unstreamed Movies page, listing those movies which do not have a Streaming Media link. If you're looking for encoding work to do, consider encoding a movie and uploading it to a streaming media site and post it in the submission thread so that we can link to it!
Yes, but if it is Unmirrored PLEASE upload to as well, that's highest priority!
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Post subject: Framerates with Famtasia
Editor, Player (69)
Joined: 6/22/2005
Posts: 1049
Should the movie durations reported for NTSC games recorded with Famtasia be corrected for the slight difference between 60 fps and 60.1 (rather, 1008307711/16777216) fps, or should we just stick with what the site currently says? I'm mostly asking for the purpose of subtitles, but consistency among framerate values is desirable. Example: should be slightly over 2 seconds shorter than reported.
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I spoke to adelikat about this last night, and we agreed that a page keeping track of the amount of movies users have contributed is a good idea. At the moment, the table sorts by user and console, it isn't too pretty but it gets the job done. It only keeps track as of the 4th of December and requires manual updating, but it's better than nothing and most contributors are Vested Editors anyway. Feel free to check it out in its malnourished goodness. This is also a plea for more encoders, of course! Just a note, if you want to have yourself tallied onto the list, you must post here or edit the list yourself! Also, hell yeah! All the Game Boy games are done!
Joined: 5/27/2008
Posts: 17
I am just starting to encode videos, and would very much like to help create high quality encodes of the older runs on this site. I am running OS X, so my method for making encodes differs significantly from what is suggested on the site, so before I begin I would like to get some feedback on the files I would be creating. I need to know if they are suitable in the following ways: Are they small enough and look good enough? Do they play properly on all systems? My sample encode is of the new Rockman run, whose published version does not play back properly in quicktime under os x, whereas my version should. Does it work correctly under windows and linux? Is there anything technically wrong? Anything else? I have not appended graphics at the beginning nor overlayed TAS information, which I will of course do for submitted encodes. I would just like some feedback as to whether what I am doing is technically acceptable, or anything else as I would very much like to help this effort. Thank you. Here is a sample: Rockman in 12:23.34 by Timo Taipaleenmäki (Shinryuu) & FinalFighter. (12.63MB)
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That doesn't look half bad at all, and the size is way more than reasonable for me. I would like to see how your logo and subtitles to look, however. If I may ask, what encoding settings did you use when encoding this video? I am also very interested in your ability to make H264+OGG MKV files, partially because I hate MP4 files with an absolute passion. Either way, Quicktime as a media player is ass, I weep every time someone uses it as a primary media player.
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Posts: 1217
CMiller wrote:
I am running OS X, so my method for making encodes differs significantly from what is suggested on the site, so before I begin I would like to get some feedback on the files I would be creating.
Basically the encoding method is the same (split audio/video, run both through encoders and mux). The differences come from logo insertion and subtitling. I think the older mencoder method (still documented in Wiki: EncodingGuide) should work. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a good way on OS X to dedup the encode if game runs at substantially less than full frames per second (omitting dedupping improves player compatibility at cost of increased file size). Sure, some programming would do the trick (but that's programming).
Joined: 8/29/2005
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I have an interest in learning to encode videos correctly in HD. I'm a long time lurker and have recently been making Dragon Quest videos for my YouTube channel. However, the HD vids from this site put all my videos to shame! I will be hanging around the IRC channel so feel free to give me a shout. I would be happy to help out if I knew what to do. Edit: Just found my way to the encoding guide on the site. You'd think I would know better having been around for 8 years. Sorry for being such a noob. ;)
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I gave ledauphinbenoit a rundown on the process. Here's hoping he uploads some encodes!
All the best, Brandon Evans
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Well, I've been encoding all day long. I have three HDs up so far, and another four or five on the way before the day ends. Edit: And a couple SDs from for ones that didn't/don't have them.
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Can I be an encoder? I can to do NES, SNES, GBx SD encodes. But not to long movies. :(
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Editor, Player (191)
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Patryk1023 wrote:
Can I be an encoder? I can to do NES, SNES, GBx SD encodes. But not to long movies. :(
Sure! Sign on the IRC channel and we can get you started.
All the best, Brandon Evans
Joined: 12/22/2009
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Location: Michigan
I'm not an official encoder (*cough* yet *cough*), but I wanted to contribute. SNES Tetris Attack (USA) in 01:31.28 by Acmlm
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I want to contribute too.
Blah Blah Blah... Why I'm writing this?
Joined: 5/7/2011
Posts: 40
Location: Melbourne, Australia.
May assist where needed, and the idea of encoder points is really genius, but could someone please provide more information about it, such as how it would work and the point system as a whole? Please and thankyou. :-)
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