Tails Adventures is an adventure/platformer game for the Sega Game Gear with many game-breaking glitches. Unfortunately for anyone expecting Kumquat to finish that game, she has instead teamed up with alden to show some Rubik's Cubes the real super power of teamwork!

Game Objectives & Other Notes

  • Emulator used: DeSmuME v0.9.5 (8MB debugger disabled!)
  • Objective: Solve three Rubik's Cubes (sizes 2x2x2, 3x3x3, and 4x4x4) in the most entertaining way possible. Fastest in-game time.
  • Screw the lag; we have funny!
  • alden encoded it and Kumquat uploaded it!

Important Notice

This run will not sync unless your firmware settings are correct (go to Config > Firmware Settings to change them). Please make sure your language is set to English and your name and comment are one of the following combinations. (Your birthday and "favourite color" do not matter.)
(Note: this list is under construction. We will be adding more combinations as we find them.)
Nickname: 378TsG7f
Comment: p-Iu57rUf0bEK<3XkaRT5^
Nickname: mgstwo
Comment: 141140.141.1001.1.1...96
Nickname: Woah.
Comment: Does this seriously work?
Nickname: TAS
Comment: Goal: Color a Rubik's Cube
Nickname: TASV.Grue
Comment: Om nom nom... Om nom.
Nickname: Xkeeper
Comment: I voted no just 'cause.
Nickname: A dinosaur
Comment: Don't color me, bro!
Nickname: D. Caruso
Nickname: POOP!
Nickname: LOOP!
Nickname: Walkn
Comment: This movie does not use B
Nickname: Smilin'Egg
Comment: Is a little creepy.
Nickname: TASV.Agent
Comment: Hello, I am a robot
Nickname: arukAdo
Comment: improper Capitalization
Nickname: Kumquat
Comment: Stop being so pedantic.
Nickname: adelikat
Comment: <3adelikat/Nach OTP!<3
Nickname: Limne
Comment: Never heard of him before
Nickname: Kumquat
Comment: Yup, I get more than 1!
Nickname: alden
Comment: my head is upside-down!?!
Nickname: mklip2001
Comment: surprising newspaper!
Nickname: Limne
Comment: Sounds like chimney, y/y?
Nickname: BisqFist
Comment: Erm, I mean AngerFist.
Nickname: Noob Irdoh
Comment: Oh... It's an archer?
Nickname: Kumquat
Comment: Running out of ideas...
Nickname: alden
Comment: my head is normal now. :D
Nickname: Brushy
Comment: Doin' the no-pants dance
Nickname: goldfish
Comment: evolved into SEAKFISH!
Nickname: alden
Comment: woah, my head exploded!?!
Nickname: mmbossman
Comment: [lowercaseletterjoke]
Nickname: Randil
Comment: That dog is laughing. =(
Nickname: Sticky
Comment: Boing zoom Dakota! Pwah.
Nickname: goldfish
Comment: worth its weight in gil.
Nickname: sgrunt
Comment: don't read the next one.
Nickname: Warp@
Comment: A secret warp! Go down 2!
Nickname: Too Long
Comment: OmnipotentEntity's is.
Nickname: Warp@
Comment: A hidden warp! Go up two!
Nickname: Kumquat
Comment: Fantabulous fortunella!
Nickname: Bezman
Comment: Get equipped with WORDS!
Nickname: adelikat
Comment: can't let you do that!
Nickname: TASV.Grue
Comment: Bleh, needs less salt
Nickname: Kumquat
Comment: Yeah, I kind of figured
Nickname: alden
Comment: invisible pixels:       !
(There are seven spaces between : and !)
Nickname: Sticky
Comment: Burnt popcorn is delish.
Nickname: too short
Comment: mz's name is two long
Nickname: Kumquat
Comment: Have it figured it out?


Welcome to Rubik's World, land of the Cubies! Cubies are born here as Rubik's Cubes, but they eventually split apart and go on their own. They still love to build bigger cubes together, but they can never seem to get the colors right.
The Cubies need your help! Are you a bad enough Rubik's...Cuber...to aid the Cubies?


Everyone loves charts! By popular demand, we have prepared some charts that show some numbers about some things.

World Records

These are the current world records for solving 2x2x2, 3x3x3, and 4x4x4 Rubik's Cubes, according to The World Cube Association.

Input Time

These are the times for this movie, from first input to last input, excluding spinning (see "Advanced Techniques" below for information on spinning). Please note that the first two cubes were not optimized for this timing.

Turning Time

These are also the times for this movie, from the first frame of the first turn of the first cube on the first screen to the last frame of the last turn of the last cube on the first screen.

In-game Time (hahaha)

The in-game timer does not account for lag, so it make us look even better. In fact, I should add "Fastest in-game time" to the list of goals!


We used many techniques in the making of this run, so we have divided them into three categories: Basic Techniques, Advanced Techniques, and Techniques That You Should Not Try at Home.

Basic Techniques

Luck Manipulation
Oh, you know, standard stuff. Besides changing the firmware settings, as mentioned above, going through menus changes the RNG. We tried adding pauses to generate better cubes, and while the 3x3x3 cube was faster, the 4x4x4 cube was slower.
Also, you can touch the back arrow to skip three text boxes at once at one point, but it will generate slower cubes.
Slice Turn
Ah, the most essential technique of all! Without this, you would never be able to solve the cubes!
You can initiate a slice turn by touching a Cubie during a certain frame (hereafter referred to as a "movement frame") and touching another part of the screen during the next movement frame. If performed correctly, the slice to which your selected Cubie belongs will turn in the direction of your second touch!
Movement frames can be kind of tough to find, but you can just touch the same spot for a few frames and it will still work.

Advanced Techniques

Reverse Slice Turn
A bit more complicated than the last technique, but the reverse slice turn is much the same as a normal slice turn. You just have to touch a different different part of the screen after you have selected a Cubie.
You can tell whether it is reversed or not by the direction the slice turns – clockwise is normal and counter-clockwise is reverse.
There are two ways to spin the entire cube:
  1. Touch a non-Cubie area followed by another area.
  2. Use the D-pad.
Method #1 is faster, but you cannot perform turns while using it. Thus, Method #2 is preferred.
Also, it causes a lot of lag, but who cares?

Techniques That You Should Not Try at Home

Despite the plural, there is the only technique in this category because it is just so much harder to pull off or even understand than the others! You might want to skip this part or at least save your game first.
Internal Facet Centrifugal Exertion Cycle
Okay, seriously, do not try this without the supervision of an expert – you might break a nail or hurt you wrist. Like, really badly. So badly that it hurts for more than a few seconds, even!
But enough warnings! (Who pays attention to those, anyway?) To perform this technique, start by touching a non-corner Cubie during a movement frame. Then, during the next movement frame, touch the screen in an area across the cube from where you started. If performed correctly, the middle slice should turn instead of one of the outside slices, and your DS / computer / actual Rubik's Cube should not be engulfed in flames (if it is, stop wasting your time on this nonsense and seek help immediately!).
Please note that this technique will not work on the 2x2x2 cube, and a slightly modified version is an integral part of solving the 4x4x4 cube. (If you have mastered using it one the 3x3x3 cube, you can probably figure it out on your own. If not, you should really just stick to simpler techniques until you have.)

Kumquat's Comments

I am so tired right now that I started playing Pokémon for a while before I realized I was just throwing Goldfish Crackers and Nutter Butters around. But I did get the high score!

alden's Comments

I agree with Kumquat.

Possible Improvements

Spinning the cubes causes lag, but whatever. Not spinning them would only be an improvement frame-wise.
I guess you could find better cubes if you searched for a few more hours, but I think we searched through enough. Finding better solutions, especially for the 4x4x4, would be a better idea (if there even are any better solutions, of course).
Speaking of better solutions, the technique shown in this video might be helpful, but the solver's hands got in the way and we were unable to determine exactly how it worked.
Also, you might try solving them in a different order, but that would ruin the pacing.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Herbert Kociemba and Bruce Norskog for making Cube Explorer and FiveStage444, respectively. Without their solvers, we would have had to use other solvers instead.
And also to the kind folks at Speedsolving.com for trying to help alden find better solvers.
Special no thanks to Windows Vista, which caused a few problems for us along the way.

Suggested Screenshots

alden: Editing, so that this is like, the most edited submission text EVAR.

adelikat: Rejecting. Details found here. adelikat: Unrejecting.

mmbossman: This is a quirky enough movie with enough possibility for competition and improvement to warrant publication. Congrats on a rare April Fools acceptance!
sgrunt: Correcting the game name so that it isn't published with the wrong name.
Aktan: Processing...

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15439
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2622: Kumquat & alden's DS Rubik's World in 01:20.23
Experienced player (960)
Joined: 12/3/2008
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Voting no, you cheated on the game name. Also there seem to be some unecessary input near end.
Player (121)
Joined: 8/11/2009
Posts: 73
Location: Texas
I also vote no. Kumquat should have spent at least three more hours looking for faster cubes.
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3566)
Joined: 11/3/2004
Posts: 4749
Location: Tennessee
Lol, I thought this was neat. Only thing is that I bet I could find a youtube video of someone solving a rubix cube faster than this TAS was able to show. For a April fool's TAS it was awesome. For a real TAS, it might be pretty good too.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Joined: 2/24/2010
Posts: 153
I still think the music in this one was better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CruqZhN_5D8&feature=related
Player (121)
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adelikat wrote:
Only thing is that I bet I could find a youtube video of someone solving a rubix cube faster than this TAS was able to show.
Only if they tool-assisted just one of the cubes or spent a lot of in-game time luck-manipulating a better set because all three of the solves in this movie are faster than the unassisted world records. I should probably go add the times to the submission text, huh?
Player (121)
Joined: 2/11/2007
Posts: 1522
voting no because Kumquat hates me and also didn't use invisible pixels while trying to impersonate me.
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Joined: 6/23/2009
Posts: 2227
Location: Georgia, USA
Wow, you two are pretty amusing together. Nice job with this submission! I was expecting it to be just April Fool's silliness, but like adelikat said, this actually turned out to be a fairly good watch (though predictable). Honestly, if Minesweeper has a place for TASvideos, so does this game.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. (http://tasvideos.org/2928M.html.) Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! (http://tasvideos.org/2001M.html) Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Joined: 2/24/2010
Posts: 153
Ya, all things considered, I think I'll give this a yes too. It's music is still better than most of the Rubiks Cube solves on Youtube and knowing that there's luck manipulation involved makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
Active player (436)
Joined: 4/21/2004
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Count me in aswell for voting yes. That last one looked slightly suspicious but I am in no position to question it since I suck at it :)
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Joined: 6/4/2009
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This is funny.
Player (121)
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AngerFist wrote:
That last one looked slightly suspicious but I am in no position to question it since I suck at it :)
The 4x4x4 cube could almost certainly be solved faster, but finding a better solution is impractical because of how many combinations there are. Someone might write a better program someday, but FiveStage444 is the best we could find for now. (Incidentally, the solution it gave us was actually 73 moves, and I shortened it to 71. It also gives up to eight unique solutions for the same cube depending on its orientation. It even says that it is not likely to give the most optimal solution right in the instructions!) If the game generates cubes by applying a list of moves, you could just reverse those moves to solve them much faster. But neither of us know how to do that, and for all we know the game might just have a list of pre-scrambled cubes that it chooses from.
Player (121)
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Posts: 1522
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Former player
Joined: 11/13/2005
Posts: 1587
I didn't find this impressive or anything, it was just boring and plain. Voting no.
Joined: 2/20/2010
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I've seen videos of a human solving it just as quickly, and those were interesting only because it was a demonstration of extreme, *real-time* human skill. Unlike the vast majority of games, I think the un-skippable animation time between rotations contributes to the total time to the point that champions doing it in real-time are faster. Even if it weren't for the rotation animations, I'd still think this is much less interesting than a video of a human doing it. Voting no. Also - in general, I think most video games based on real-life puzzles shouldn't be TASed due to the inherent lack of creativity required to make the TAS, and display of creativity is really what I think makes TASes so fun to watch. And there are twenty "new" submissions in the queue since 3/20; could these be addressed, please? Seriously, it's been two weeks.
Oh, play it cool. Play it cool. Here come the space cops.
Player (121)
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Posts: 1522
goldfish wrote:
I think the un-skippable animation time between rotations contributes to the total time to the point that champions doing it in real-time are faster.
I don't know why you'd think that when the submission text makes it clear that this is not the case. I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but the facts are clear that this submission beats all official human records despite the handicap of the animation time. I guess there could be some unofficial faster times, but I couldn't find any videos.
goldfish wrote:
And there are twenty "new" submissions in the queue since 3/20; could these be addressed, please? Seriously, it's been two weeks.
Two weeks is actually really good compared to historical wait times. Frankly, I think submissions should be given at least a month before they're judged anyway.
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Post subject: It's been 5 minutes already, why isn't it judged yet??
Experienced player (828)
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goldfish wrote:
And there are twenty "new" submissions in the queue since 3/20; could these be addressed, please? Seriously, it's been two weeks.
How about I correct that and say there are 16 new submissions within the past 7 days? People bitch when we judge too fast, and they bitch when we judge too slow... just know that they'll get done. Hopefully a good portion of them will be dealt with tomorrow.
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Skilled player (1820)
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This movie made me smile, it might be that I'm tired, but I liked watching it. I'll just throw in a yes vote. It would be even more awesome if the turning animation for the cubes were a lot faster.
Joined: 2/26/2007
Posts: 1365
Location: Minnesota
I vote lol. And this was cool enough to be published, if only as a concept demo.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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alden wrote:
goldfish wrote:
I think the un-skippable animation time between rotations contributes to the total time to the point that champions doing it in real-time are faster.
I don't know why you'd think that when the submission text makes it clear that this is not the case.
I had not yet read the submission text. *inserts foot into mouth* *shove shove shove shove* But I hold that it's not a terribly entertaining movie.
Oh, play it cool. Play it cool. Here come the space cops.
Emulator Coder, Former player
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I have watched this a couple of times now. I conclude that there is technical merit (it is far from easy to solve a Rubik's Cube, and even a small amount of luck manipulating for one that is easily solvable is far from trivial), it's just not that exciting to watch - the action on the 4x4 especially just goes on and on and on without any variation, and you know more or less what's going to happen during any given frame. I vote Meh.
Banned User
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alden wrote:
I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but the facts are clear that this submission beats all official human records despite the handicap of the animation time.
Note that the official world record is determined as the average time of solving several cubes (IIRC 5 cubes are solved and the slowest and fastest times are discarded), In other words, a human can solve even a completely scrambled cube (one where even the most optimal solution has at least 19/20 rotations) faster than the world record in individual cases (even when the solution is not trivial).
Player (36)
Joined: 9/11/2004
Posts: 2624
Warp, the times used were for the single cube solutions, not for the average.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Banned User
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Warp, the times used were for the single cube solutions, not for the average.
You mean in this TAS? That's exactly my point: Trying to compare the times in this TAS with the world record is a bit moot because the WR is measured as the average of solving several cubes, while this TAS only solves one cube.
Player (121)
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The best average records are 2.45, 9.21, and 42.01, respectively. The times in our submission text are the fastest single records, which is what OmnipotentEntity was trying to tell you. However, the 2x2x2 cube we solved would be rescrambled if it turned up in an official competition, so comparing those times might be pointless.