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mz wrote:
Well, this was made by Konami: Compare it to this piece of crap or to some of the tracks from that shitty port of Dracula X. :P
Yeah, CV4 is retarded, I agree 100% with that. But Dracula X? I like the SNES version of Richter's theme much better than the PCE original (The PCE sounds OK, but it's a CD track so I was expecting more...). The SNES version does a GREAT job with only synthesized effects. All versions here It's also 300 times better than any song from the genesis game.
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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I just want to add that yes, FM synthesis can sound great - my favorite game on the GB is Link's Awakening, and it has incredible music (e.g. Face Shrine). And there are lots of memorable songs on the C64 etc. But FM just can't reproduce "real-world" sounds as well as PCM samples. Just compare Rock'n'Roll Racing on the Genesis and the SNES. I think the latter can also mix channels better; with FM something like Undersea Palace would no be as clear, imo.
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mz wrote:
Well, this was made by Konami: Compare it to this piece of crap or to some of the tracks from that shitty port of Dracula X. :P
Well, if we are comparing the music of the same game for both systems, how about: Doom for the Sega Genesis: Doom for the SNES:
Joined: 2/24/2010
Posts: 153
lso, that 1-minute track sounds great, but it's just as useful as an static image of a scanned photo. The real fact is that the SNES could never have something as good as this in a real game: :P Woah, woah, woah... Are you comparing Antonio Vivaldi to upbeat video-game techno?... The very thought of such sacrilege... I don't know enough about the specs to make an honest comparison, but every time my friends introduce me to good Genesis games (I was always a SNES player as kid) something about the graphics and sound always makes me cower in my chair like a vampire's just walked into the room. Like recently he turned on Warsong and I got this: Awesome awesome game, but the sound effects really just... No, that's not fair, I loved the sound effects. It's just that I loved them because they sounded like something out of one of those button-operated digital noise maker pads kids had in the late 80's, early 90's. To much clunky explosions and violent noise to be "camp" but just as entertaining. Phantasy Star VI was something else... I mean, the sound was good, but it's just so much sharper, and rumbly, and digital sounding than what I'd expect from the SNES. In comparison, everything on the SNES sounds so light, and smooth and balanced... And I know I'm using very sophisticated music theory terms here (sarcasm) so I'll just give what I think are two representative samples: Phantasy Star IV: Secret of Mana: I'll reiterate what other people have said in that there's simply no comparing the sound capabilities of either system. Maybe it all depends on whether a person prefers Antonio Vivaldi or techno. PS. I loved what little music I heard from the Sega Master System: The Japanese sound was supposedly better, but I kind of hate it comparison.