Unfortunately, the light for my laptop's screen mostly died last night. I say mostly because it's still possible to very vaguely see things as long as there's sufficient contrast (i.e., black text on white background); using the Windows magnifying glass feature is also helpful. Since the laptop is over 7 years old, I was expecting something to fail sooner or later.
I'm probably going to have to get a new laptop, and I would like to get some advice from you guys. I'm mostly interested in which brands you would recommend and which I should avoid. Durability is the most important criterion for me atm, since it would become my primary computer and should last for several years (another 6-7 would be nice).
Regarding the OS, I'm assuming that the chance of finding a laptop with WinXP is near 0 by now, as is the chance of finding one with a floppy drive. Correct me if I'm wrong, though. From what little I've read online, it seems that Win7 is way better than Vista. If anyone here has personal experience with both of them, I am interested in reading your thoughts.
Thanks for any help.
I should have posted this originally, but here are the specs for the current laptop:
- CPU: Pentium 4, 2 GHz
- RAM: 480 MB (says Windows; System info for Windows says 2×256 MB)
- Graphics: ATI Radeon IGP 340M (32 MB RAM says SiW)
- HDD: 27-28 GiB
- 8.5" × 11.25" of actual display (measured with ruler)
- 2 USB ports
- Ports for Ethernet and dial-up connections
- DVD/CD-RW combo drive and floppy drive
- Serial monitor and printer ports, S-Video port (what's this?), green non-USB port for mouse or keyboard
I don't care about the specific screen size as long as it's not much smaller than my current one. Also, I don't remember ever using any of the things on the last bullet.
As far as what programs I use, here's the list from the batch file that I use to launch them:
1. Delete 21. CamStudio 41. Safely Remove Hardware
2. Defrag 22. DVI Viewer 42. Services
3. Disk cleanup 23. Finale 43. Shutdown
4. Defrag + DirMS 24. GIMP 44. SIW
5. Archive 25. GraphCalc 45. Spybot
6. Proxomitron 26. GSview 46. UBASIC
7. Arachnophilia 27. HIEW 47. VFD
8. CCleaner 28. HxD 48. VMWare Server
9. Opera 29. Internet Explorer 49. Volume Control
10. Firefox 30. IrfanView 50. WinDirStat
11. OpenOffice 31. Irssi 51. XVI32
12. Adobe Reader 32. IZArc
13. Media Player Classic 33. Log off
14. VLC 34. Lynx
15. Windows Explorer 35. Notepad
16. Abort shutdown 36. Noteworthy Player
17. Ad-Aware 37. Ollydbg
18. Agent Ransack 38. Process Explorer
19. Avast! 39. Regshot
20. Bochs 40. Restart
Numbers 1-15 and 29 are/once were the most frequently used, while the others can vary from several times a day to less than once a month.