Universal Soldier is a Turrican 2 rip off with slightly different bosses.
Movie features:
  • Emulator used: Gens 11a
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Plays on hardest difficulty
Well, there's not much to tell about this game. Perhaps that also means this won't get published but you never know :)
01:23 - Super attack is a few seconds faster than shooting normally. It reloads at the beginning of a stage and when you die
04:21 - I have to wait for wind to lift me up here
06:25 - I shoot this item so I don't have to downgrade my weapon
I use line bombs mainly to prevent damage, but here's the timeline:
0:22 - Prevent damage
1:14 - The falling bomb needs to be destroyed or there would be a gush of wind that would push me left and deny advancing
3:06 - Prevent damage
3:23 - Manipulating item box
8:56 - Destroying enemy and prevent damage
9:05 - Prevent damage
9:51 - Prevent damage
Yes, I have one left in the end and it should have been used at some earlier boss.

Baxter: Accepting due to an abundance of weak yes votes :)

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2593: maTO's Genesis Universal Soldier in 10:38.70
Skilled player (1098)
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That really was a blatant Turrican rip-off. While I don't find the series overly exhilarating, tool-assisted, bouncy, run and gun action is difficult to argue with. Decent yes vote.
Joined: 10/1/2009
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This crappy-movie licensed game doesn't even rise to the level of "rip-off". If I had to label it, I'd call it a "repaint". There were no steps at all taken to disguise the game's Turricanity. But still, blazing through something this blatantly Turricannish with TASly precision and supreme boss ownage is totally yessable. ...I think I just made my spell-check cry.
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From the Wiki page for Turrican II: Console conversions of Turrican II for the Mega Drive and Game Boy were produced by The Code Monkeys for Accolade, who had kept the rights for the console ports of the franchise. But at a late stage, Accolade also acquired rights to produce a game spin-off of the Jean-Claude Van Damme movie Universal Soldier and decided to rebrand the game as Universal Soldier. Turrican's sprite was changed into a marine and several other substitutions were made. Amongst other changes, the eyeballs-walking-on-fingers became mini tanks, and instead of a large mech/steel dragon in the first stage, the player now faces a large representation of Dolph Lundgren's character in the movie. The three shoot 'em up stages, cut out from the port, were replaced by the developers with three original stages (a Vietnam jungle, a fortress, and a motel/car junkyard) that in theory should link the game to the movie's atmosphere. The rest of the original Turrican II stages are still present and remain mostly intact in overall design, though some of them appear in different order, along with the three new levels differently scattered through them. A version of Universal Soldier was also produced for the SNES, but it was never published and only exists in the form of leaked ROM. Short version: It isn't just a rip-off/recolor/derivative. It is Turrican II. Oh yeah. The run was good, too. Thumbs up.
Editor, Experienced player (556)
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Awesome, maybe you should do Mega Turrican :) Yes Vote
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
Skilled player (1604)
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Holy shit that was horrible. I vote yes!
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Skilled player (1324)
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It was fast and all, but it kida seemed dull. :\ Abstaining from voting. P.S.: Do Mega Turrican!
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Yes vote. I was fairly entertained and it looked like it was a lot of work put into this. It probably has a high entertainment value if you actually played the game.
Joined: 7/2/2007
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Was reasonably entertaining. I'd like to know what made you decide to use bombs when you did, though. Thanks for the encode, Aktan!
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I suppose you meant line bombs. I edited the submission text.
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This game brings up more questions than it could ever hope to answer. Why does Van Damme turn in to a spinning blade? Why did that solider rise out of the ground like that? Why is that super solider collecting gems? What is the rationale for being attacked by all of these mutant animals? Etc etc. It was fun enough to watch, though this was mostly to see how ridiculous the game was going to get. I have no real qualms with the game choice, and the playstyle was entertaining. Yes vote.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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What the fuck is up with that ending screen? It blew my mind. I am not familiar with Turrican, but I was relatively entertained by this movie. It got boring towards the end, but not terribly, and I think someone more familiar with Turrican/Universal Soldier would be quite impressed. Yes vote here.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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The core gameplay here wasn't particularly varied, so this didn't hold my attention very well. However, it is reasonably fast-paced, and two of the boss fights (first and last) had me amused at the sheer number of projectiles flying around. Between that and the length of the run, there is enough here for a rather weak yes from me. EDIT:
Baxter's acceptance text wrote:
Accepting due to an abundance of weak yes votes :)
I guess that's a weak accept, then? :-)
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1491] Genesis Universal Soldier by maTO in 10:38.70
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yay, turrica.... wait, wtf? good enough for a crippled version. Makes me wish once more for a working amiga emulator, but I fear that'll never be possible as long as .IPF is closed source and nondeterministic and .adf doesn't run anything but cracked versions :(
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Well, you did use your weapons smartly, like the line bombs and mines. That, along with some fast-paced action (kinda) makes a yes vote from me. True: the movie was 70% "shuriken" form, but when someone plays the game normally, it's 70% shuriken as well, so no complaints.
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4K 60 FPS YouTube encode: Link to video
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