The gametime is 00:22. So this movie is 3 minutes faster than Alex Penev's version. It ends up with 22%.
  • uses warps
  • collects only necessary items
  • takes damage to save time
  • uses the animals
  • uses Diddy and Donkey

Bisqwit: A little too brief message I think.
Bisqwit: Publishing now.

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15450
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #262: alexis_neuhaus's SNES Donkey Kong Country in 25:33.48
Former player
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I haven't been keeping up with the DKC speedrun thread or seen alex penev's time attack, but this video does indeed look great, and I'm curious to know the opinions of the DKC speedrunners.
Former player
Joined: 3/8/2004
Posts: 706
I'm quite pleased with your run, after watching the first two DKC submissions I didn't know what to expect. You follow the proper strat set out in Alex Penev's run of this game, and throw in a little of your own. Overall, you did a decent job; with Alex though, you'll probably be faced with some competition. ;)
Bisqwit wrote:
What makes this submission different (and radically shorter) than Contendo's submission?
Contendo's run was aimed at 101% completion so naturally it has to be significantly longer because you have to complete all levels and bonuses.
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Joined: 7/14/2004
Posts: 104
It's a very good run, mainly because he's using most of the optimum strategies (no prizes for guessing where he most likely saw them). I can think of 3 places you lost some time. Two of those places are probably worth less than a second each, but neither appeared in any of my SMVs so you might not have seen them yet. One is the second Gnawty fight, the second is a chasm jump in Torchlight Trouble. The last place you can improve is Manic Mincers and Platform Perils. I caught up to you by over 100 frames (= 1.5 seconds) on those two levels. I've already done a 22 minute run (also a 22%) a week ago, so that "25 minutes" is way outdated - you should change the caption because it's wrong/misleading! =D Daniel V compared both mine and yours and said that your run is about 1-2 seconds faster overall (d'oh). This run is beatable, but only just.. by mere seconds. Unless we come up with new strats again.
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Posts: 1107
Daniel V compared both mine and yours and said that your run is about 1-2 seconds faster overall (d'oh). What did you need Daniel V for? You can easily compare the two runs by clicking on search for cheats to look up the value of the timer. Btw, in case anyone's interested, I completed level 1 with both bonus levels without save states 1 frame faster than Penev did in his 40 minute run :)
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Posts: 104
Aha.. yes the 40 mins is improvable too (not by much), there's no doubt about that. You'd had so much practice from DKCCC that I'm pretty sure you've got level 1 worked out to the exact pixel. I didn't use many save in it either since I was familiar with it as well. I've done the first 5 levels in order with 3 mins on the clock at Candy's without saves, mostly thanks to DKCCC.
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Posts: 104
I played the game again and got 25:19 (22 in-game time with 23%) using Alexis' timing method (he stops when he delivers the final blow). This is several hundred frames better. I first made a run that was about 150 frames that even this, but it desynched at the end of Blackout Basement, so I had to redo Dumb Drum and the last world all over again and didn't spend as much time on it.
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I just tried level 1 some more and I beat the 40 minute run by 3 frames in level 1. Edit: I just beat the 40 minute run by 7 frames in level 1. Edit: I just completed the second level 9 frames slower than the 40 minute run.
Joined: 7/22/2004
Posts: 6
This movie de-synced for me during the croc chase level, but the part I DID see was awesome. Definitely a good run. Edit: And to answer the question Bisqwit asked him, his is faster than mine because he skips the bonus rooms. And even getting the bonus rooms, there are others who leave mine in the dust.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [167] SNES Donkey Kong Country by alexis_neuhaus in 25:33.48