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  • Emulator: FCEUX 2.1.2, New PPU
  • Aims to complete each act as fast as possible
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Disregards floors and ceilings
  • Shows that Mario can actually stomp enemies underwater

About This Run

Somari is a Hong Kong pirate (unlicensed, not a hack) game that takes Mario and puts him in Sonic's world on the NES. It is an extremely difficult, glitchy, hard to control and colorful game. The levels and badniks are modeled after Sonic 1, with the addition of the spindash from Sonic 2. This game is not only difficult, it takes a special person to get through this game unassisted and not have ones ears and eyes bleeding. Try it yourself if you think you have what it takes.
The main goal of the run is to get through levels as fast as possible. I disregard the score tally screens, which unlike most Sonic runs, count rings separately from the time bonus. Some total frames can be saved by sacrificing level time to decrease score tally screen time.

Some technical info and quirks about this game

Speed in this game is basic integer speed. There are two speed values for Somari, which are an internal speed value and the screen speed value. Max normal speed is 5px/frame, although zipping is possible at 7px/frame. After passing certain internal speed threshholds, Somari's screen speed instantly increases or decreases to the next value, which is why at times Somari tends to have a large visible jump in speed. These threshhold points are abused heavily in the run.
All jumps are of a fixed height (unless a ceiling is hit). Speed can't normally be gained in jumps. However, in some cases, touching ceilings, corners or collecting rings can cause the speed value to change (such as increase if you are holding a direction). This is abused heavily throughout the run.
Spindashing and rolling sucks in Somari, because it can't be interrupted. You can't jump or cancel out of it - you have to wait until you slow down to 0 speed (either naturally or hitting a wall) before you stop rolling. However, when coming out of a spindash or a roll, you can start walking and accelerating, even in air. Because of this, spindashes and rolls aren't used much in this run, but it is sometimes used when speed is very low and an enemy needs to be killed, and where taking damage takes more time than the acceleration gained by being able to walk in air.
Somari is limited to 1px/frame max speed in the water. However, acceleration and the internal speed works the same in the water as well as out of it. As soon as Somari leaves the water, he will transition to above water speeds depending on the internal speed (so, if internal speed is 246 and Somari is going 1px/frame underwater, if he jumps out he will go 5px/frame, since a speed of 246 is within the 5px/frame thresshold).
When running off a ledge, Somari will continue to accelerate.
Many things in the game are based on a 60 frame timer (and likely some other timers I haven't found), such as spikes, Orbinauts, and the delays in the arrival and leaving of the score tally and title cards. Enemies are usually based on Somari's position, but can also be affected by if they spawn on an even or odd frame, or position within this timer. Because of this, I delay about 120 frames at the end of Spring Yard Zone 3 to set up spikes and other objects to be optimal and end up with a net 230 savings in Labyrinth Zone 1.
The score tally screen gives points for rings and a time bonus. However, the time bonus isn't actually implemented so it always gives 5000 points. The ring bonus takes 4 frames per ring to count. Again, the goal of this run is fastest level time, not fastest overall movie input time, so I list a SCORE TALLY after each act and possibility of saving frames specifically on this screen.

Flygon started this run but I found a lot of optimizations (it wasn't unusual for me to shave off 15%+ of the frames from some of his levels) so I basically took it over. He ran a lot of the levels first and then I'd come through and basically clean up. I don't think he really cared since the game got done and we both were able to see and find some neat glitches.
Act by act follows.


Typical fast level. I beat Randil's run from power on by about 16 frames.
SCORE TALLY: Lots of frames can be saved at the score tally if smarter ring collection is used and if Somari is hit near the end.


Speed doesn't really pick up until the second half of the level.
SCORE TALLY: Lots of frames can be saved at the score tally if smarter ring collection is used and if Somari is hit near the end.


Typical level. Going the top route is quicker mostly due to badnik placement and the ability to gain speed. My delays around the moving platform don't waste time since I have to wait for it anyway - if I don't wait then I have to make two jumps which is slower than waiting. It might be able to be jumped on a couple frames earlier, but I couldn't get everything to match time-wise.
SCORE TALLY: The rings could probably be lost at the boss without losing much, if any, time. This would save, at most, 244 frames.


I skip about a third of this level by jumping through the ground and zipping.
SCORE TALLY: Some frames can be saved at the score tally if I get hit near the end (maybe the spikes?).


I realize after the run is done that dropping down at the beginning isn't optimal, but due to later spikes it's doubtful I could get more than a couple frames from fixing this. Somari can't accelerate in lava but he maintains his speed, so when I get damaged I get up to 3px/frame speed before running in the lava.
SCORE TALLY: If frames can be saved here, it wouldn't be many.


Pass through the floor at the beginning. Getting the third hit on the boss is very difficult - there is a one frame window to get the third hit in.
SCORE TALLY: 104 frames can be saved at the score tally if rings are lost at the boss.


There's really no way through the underground part without taking damage, so I optimize it.
SCORE TALLY: Some frames can be saved at the score tally if I get hit near the end.


I go backwards to gain speed to set the timings for the buzzbomber and crabmeats. I take damage at the crabmeat near the end because I can't really find a way past it with the timings that I was given on this level. The only way around it is possibly to delay some frames at the beginning or go significantly faster on previous levels.
SCORE TALLY: If frames can be saved here, it wouldn't be many.


I delay about 120 frames here to optimize timings on LZ1, which ends up saving 235 frames.
SCORE TALLY: Maybe hitting the boss is possible? If so, 88 frames can be saved.


Most annoying level... second longest time-wise. Somari headstomps a Grounder :) There is a ~13 frame wait near the end of the level to wait for the Orbinauts to change their spikeball timings so I can get the most speed out of some areas that act as if you are not underwater.
SCORE TALLY: Some frames can be saved at the score tally if I get hit near the end, or if better ring management is done.


Yay glitches! I guess they forgot to program crushing... If Somari doesn't move, nothing can hurt him :)
SCORE TALLY: It is doubtful many frames could be saved here.


I have to get the air bubble... I can almost make it to the top without it, but I need to save another 60 plus frames and don't really have a way to do it. If I can save these frames in the last underwater area, then I can save over 600 frames total. Oh, yeah - I skip Robotnik :)
SCORE TALLY: Lots of frames can be saved at the score tally if I get hit near the end.


SCORE TALLY: Some frames can be saved at the score tally if I get hit near the end.


I slow down on the downhill parts because traction is lost otherwise and you run in air, where you can't jump. I use this traction to jump over the loops.
SCORE TALLY: 8 frames can be saved at the score tally if the rings are jumped over at the end, although some frames might be lost due to the avoidance of the rings.


Maybe the Bomb + Buzzbomber spring can be done better? Depending on timings, the Orbinaut near the end can be run underneath.
SCORE TALLY: No improvement possible =]

Final Zone

Robotnik can be hit twice per round in this version. Internally the variable is set to six hits but he only really requires five.

The End.


Nach: I am rejecting this movie, since the author of it did not really try to optimize it, instead opting to make excuses and lie that it was only stylistic choices to look sloppy, while not actually being sloppy, and blaming the game for any perceived problems.
This run ignored basic TAS principles such as: avoid items you do not need, try to get rid of items you picked up that affect the end of level counter, and take damage to save time.
Here is a movie file that is based on the submitted movie and completes Marble Zone Act 3 on frame 26410 whereas the submitted movie does so on frame 26514 which is 104 frames slower, than the movie I made. My run was made without the slightest of effort, which shows clearly the submitted run is the same.
Note to TASers who do want to give this game a shot: This is probably a bad game choice.

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when I say I could only stand to watch three minutes, I meant it. That means green hill zone.
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I'm not going to say whether this is a good game or not. That isn't in question. The question is: did I enjoy this run? I found it pretty interesting. I liked the labarynth zone glitch and the general play-through speed of this run (though I am sure it's optimized). As such, I'm giving it a yes vote. Sometimes I feel people are too concerned about the game itself rather than the run. Just because they don't find it interesting doesn't mean others won't.
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upthorn wrote:
Especially given the author's comment that he intentionally made parts look sloppy, which goes against the principal goal of TASing.
Vehemently disagree. It goes against your principals perhaps, but in a speed-based run, speed is the first and foremost important thing to me. I could make a few parts look prettier or I could waste some time for some funnier glitches, but in the end 99% of the run would look the same, I stall in different places and (if I didn't put any time wasters in) the end frame doesn't change. Now that I think of it, should I have waited in LZ1 instead of SYZ3 just to make it look worse? I think I might want to do that now. Didn't you chime in on the MM4 issue?
upthorn wrote:
when I say I could only stand to watch three minutes, I meant it. That means green hill zone.
GHZ has the most repetitive zone music in the game. GHZ and MZ have the worst colors in the game. I find it to be the most boring zone in the run. If you want to watch a braindead level that definately looks like a TAS, watch LZ2. I tried to explain the physics (some anyway, and I still ran on a bit) in the submission. They're pretty simple but very easy to deal with, but also quite limiting in what can be displayed.
Nicos wrote:
weird homebrew talk
Official or not, it was released as a cartridge - real hardware - and sold to run on Famicoms. Most (not all) console homebrew is intended to be run by enthusiasts, not really the masses. I don't care too much since it's a stupid argument to me but as it isn't homebrew, a hack or a demo I don't see why it should go in that category. If you want categories so much, make an "unlicensed" category.
Raiscan wrote:
Sometimes I feel people are too concerned about the game itself rather than the run.
Raiscan wrote:
Just because they don't find it interesting doesn't mean others won't.
true on twitch - lsnes windows builds 20230425 - the date this site is buried
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True wrote:
I purposely made parts look sloppy if it lost no time.
This philosophy is ****ing terrible.
True wrote:
No, if it doesn't get published simply because someone doesn't like MY aesthetic choices, which I find more entertaining than a bunch of follow-the-song "dancing" or other crap (...)
Which do you find more entertaining, your aesthetic choices, or arguing about this? I'm thinking the latter is the only reason you actually chose to create the run that way.
True wrote:
it took just as much effort to make it look aesthetically sloppy without technically being so as it would to make it look somewhat polished
No it didn't. You were being both lazy and defiant.
True wrote:
This is a minor protest and guess what?
So wait, are you protesting, or is this actually more entertaining to you. I'm confused, Saturn.
True wrote:
But at least I've got the balls to do it instead of just getting in line and taking it.
Right now it seems to me as if you're fighting against the viewer response more than the judges decision. I am strongly of the opinion that if a majority of the viewers find something more entertaining, then the site should feature the fastest, most generally entertaining movie. By 'generally entertaining', I mean the author should get his head out of his *** and do his best to feature entertainment during relevant portions. Ironically you compare it to the Megaman 3 run which is a completely different issue. That run at least did its best at the time. If you have an issue with judging that run, it's still sitting in the workbench. Go voice your opinion, though I doubt anyone cares to listen to any sort of extremist rant. Perhaps you could try constructive comments? I did watch about half the run, it isn't too bad. The run is a bit long for my tastes, the game engine is fairly bad, but exploited fairly well. Normally I would probably place it in 'weak yes vote' territory. I suppose if anything, since this run takes an intentional poor approach to being entertaining, that it should be rejected so as not to start a precedent that the speed of runs is not the only thing that counts. This is my personal opinion having nothing to do with site rules. I don't want to see you go beat the Super Mario Bros 3 run and stand still for 5 minutes of autoscroller. This is the precedent you are trying to set. Normally I'm not one for destructive posts, but I really couldn't pass up this opportunity.
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Kirkq wrote:
<3 you too.
true on twitch - lsnes windows builds 20230425 - the date this site is buried
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Voted no, the hack is ridiculous, even if its not a hack, anyway the reason is obvious why this was never sold. No entertainment to me, just ripp off, bad musics, bad graphics, slow paced ect...
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arukAdo wrote:
...anyway the reason is obvious why this was never sold.
It was sold in Taiwan from at least 1994ish.
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Wait, so you intentionally made parts of this run look bad? To make some sort of protest or statement or something? Ok.
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I don't think it's that, some of the pauses were required to manipulate a global timer, essentially, luck manipulation if you wanted to call it so, unless we're thinking of two different things. For example, in Labyrinth Zone 1, jumping right into the 'rush tunnel' would have been slower simply because the timer would have pushed him into the walls.
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I think the game was cool, didn't know there was a "sonic" game for the NES before. But watching the run was supremely boring due to the slow-pacedness of the game. Voting no.
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Flygon wrote:
arukAdo wrote:
...anyway the reason is obvious why this was never sold.
It was sold in Taiwan from at least 1994ish.
Sayd you... Also yeah the snes copier was sold in Taiwan, that doesnt mean it was allowed or fair use of copyrights. You can also buy junk stuff for cheap, like, fake chanel, celio or lacoste products, that doesnt make them more leggit, they are still fake. Let me rephrase since you want to be assy. It is obvious why it was never sold on countryes where that realy matter and where copyrights are not just some paper to clean your ass with.
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I think this needs to cool off. The run was meh. I sat through it but won't really recommend it to someone. Game pretty much failed.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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arukAdo wrote:
Flygon wrote:
arukAdo wrote:
...anyway the reason is obvious why this was never sold.
It was sold in Taiwan from at least 1994ish.
Sayd you... Also yeah the snes copier was sold in Taiwan, that doesnt mean it was allowed or fair use of copyrights. You can also buy junk stuff for cheap, like, fake chanel, celio or lacoste products, that doesnt make them more leggit, they are still fake. Let me rephrase since you want to be assy. It is obvious why it was never sold on countryes where that realy matter and where copyrights are not just some paper to clean your ass with.
The point is it actually went to manufacture. Whether or not it was a blockbuster hit is beside the point.
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mmbossman wrote:
Wait, so you intentionally made parts of this run look bad? To make some sort of protest or statement or something? Ok.
Flygon wrote:
I don't think it's that, some of the pauses were required to manipulate a global timer, essentially, luck manipulation if you wanted to call it so, unless we're thinking of two different things.
You are thinking of two different things, look at this:
True wrote:
For what it's worth, as part of my defiance regarding the MM3 MM4 submission debacle, I purposely made parts look sloppy if it lost no time.
(emphasis mine)
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For what it's worth, as part of my defiance regarding the MM3 MM4 submission debacle, I purposely made parts look sloppy if it lost no time.
If it didn't lose time, why should it be a strike against? Will watch tonight and vote tomorrow.
Previous Name: boct1584
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Solon: it's a stylistic choice, like wobbling or bunny-hopping. People are free to complain about stylistic choices because they can detract from the entertainment of the movie. How much weight should be given to those complaints is a different matter entirely. It's also rather difficult to tell what parts of the apparent sloppiness here are stylistic choices and what parts are limitations of the game.
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I liked it. It was fast, it showed off some of the physics in the game, it exploited a couple interesting glitches, and generally does what a TAS is supposed to do. Voting Yes, though I agree that it ought to be placed in the Demos/Hacks section, if only because True had to link to the rom in the description, and that such a thing can be considered acceptable. And for what it's worth? I think it's great that True made it look 'sloppy' where it wouldn't waste time, simply because it has pissed so many people off so very much. And because, if it looks sloppy, then that opens an opportunity to educate if someone brings up an objection. New people learn, the makers get to show they did the research, everyone wins.
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mmbossman wrote:
Wait, so you intentionally made parts of this run look bad?
I've done that too as well. Well, only once in this run. >_>
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Voting yes for three reasons: 1. I was entertained (though not as much as other runs) 2. I didn't notice any sloppiness that I didn't chalk up to the game's awful physics (although that first pause right before the upward scrolling section at the end of Labyrinth Zone seemed unnecessary) 3. I feel sorry for True 'cause of all the flack he's been getting. I get the feeling I'm one of the few people here who are still entertained merely by seeing someone play a game really really fast. Conclusion: I must be a freak (haha, I already knew that).
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tymime wrote:
Voting yes for three reasons: ... 2. I didn't notice any sloppiness that I didn't chalk up to the game's awful physics (although that first pause right before the upward scrolling section at the end of Labyrinth Zone seemed unnecessary) ...
If you are talking about the pause before getting the air bubble, it is necessary and I hate it. I spent quite a while looking for ways to get past this but couldn't find anything. It is possible to scroll past the screen and get to the top, but I need enough air for two more jumps (>60 frames) and unless I can find a zip, an "air pocket" like in LZ1 and LZ2 or some other major improvement in the last water area, I can't get all the way to the top before drowning.
tymime wrote:
I get the feeling I'm one of the few people here who are still entertained merely by seeing someone play a game really really fast.
Same. Unless it's Columns or Tetris (although I do enjoy seeing realtime 20G Tetris runs).
true on twitch - lsnes windows builds 20230425 - the date this site is buried
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Okay, my thoughts. 1. For a 4-megabit game, it's mediocre at best. The music is earbleedingly painful, and looking at it for too long hurt my eyes. (Though that could just be due to me trying not to blink.) 2. Mario seems rather slow (at least compared to Sonic) most of the time. This is obviously to do with how the game was programmed. 3. Maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention, but I didn't see any spots that looked overly sloppy. You pretty clearly know what you're doing, but the game itself just doesn't look that good. Weak yes.
Previous Name: boct1584
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Solon wrote:
1. For a 4-megabit game, it's mediocre at best. The music is earbleedingly painful, and looking at it for too long hurt my eyes. (Though that could just be due to me trying not to blink.)
Hacking around in the game (I do hang around more then Shining Force you know) reveals that there is a reason it is so large... they literally duplicated everything in the game for each act/zone (There was enough duplication to make me not bother getting a specific count). That, and there is a hunkload of unused stuff, including a speed shoes monitor, just why the hell did they have to make that unused!
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Flygon wrote:
That, and there is a hunkload of unused stuff, including a speed shoes monitor, just why the hell did they have to make that unused!
the game wouln't be able to scroll faster ?
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Whoa this game has more than one level, the first was so repetitive I figured it just repeated, I was entertained.