Goof Troop - SNES
Movie length: 20 min 29 sec
Frames: 73745
Re-record Count: 1617
Rom used: "Goof Troop (U).smc"
Emulator: SNES9x 1.43 v7[1]

When I first started to record this I did'nt know how fast I would be.
But when I compared with Nji9's run after the first stage I saw that mine was
already 1 min faster and that this is going to be a huge difference between 1player and 2players
And it ended at approx 10 MINs shorter/faster then Nji9's run.. wow :)
Im controlling both Goofy and Max.
And I can say. It anit easy
Goof Troop to SNES. An hillarious fun game made by Capcom.
Played at 140ms.. and that is sloooooow :)
Takes no hits.
2 Players.
Aims for the fastest time.
2004-08-08 //Sunday
Magnus Seger - Frenom/Reminscence

Bisqwit: Very good for a first version. Processing.
Bisqwit: I believe the battle with the red and blue skeletons could be improved.
Bisqwit: I also believe that there is at least one room that would be a little faster if the roles of Goofy and Max were exchanged.

[1]The exact version of SNES9x used to create this TAS is unknown, but the movie file plays back properly in 1.43 v7. - Dacicus

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #257: Frenom's SNES Disney's Goof Troop in 20:29.08
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