• Emulator used: VisualBoyAdvance 1.7.2 re-rerording v21+
  • Aims for fastest time.
  • Takes damage to save time.
  • No luck manipulation.
  • Genre: Platform and Shooter
About the game:
The fight with Batman and Joker in the Gotham city is collected in this game.
This game is very simple and not too difficult. So we can play this game easily.
About the run:
  • In platform stages, I played to advance right as fast as possible.
    • Batman sometimes stiffens 1 frame when he lands. I removed all these losses.
  • VS Jack and Joker stages, I choose the weapon of "W" to shoot his weakpoint easily.
    • In these stages, the power of all weapons becomes the same. (1 point: shooting body, 12 points: shooting head)
    • After the headshot, Jack (Joker) can't be damaged by headshot for a while (about 30 frames).
  • In shooter stages, I played to defeat minibosses as fast as possible.
    • In these stages, the power of all weapons and rapid frequency becomes the same.
  • Batman can jump a little far when he jumps to rub the corner of the celling.
  • Batman can walk faster when he walks on the lift which is moving right and left. But this is no use.
About other things in this game:
  • When the stage begins, the power of weapons is set to 16. It returns former power when Batman gets rapid items or another weapons.
    • The power of weapons: "N" = 16 , "S" and "P" = 32 , "R" = 40 , "W" = 48 , "T" = 64
Useful memory adresses:
  • X-location of Batman: C0D7
  • X-location of Scroll: C0EF
  • Lives of Jack(Joker): C353
  • Headshot timer: C34C
  • Lives of minibosses in Batwing stages: C4B6

adelikat: Viewer response is good. Good enough for publication. Accepting.