Join Carlos in a race to clean up the streets of Raccoon City, enjoy the architecture and the new walls colors.


  • Use ResidentEvil2/3 Hack to operate the movie
  • Use Dirty Sram to unlock Mini-Game "The Mercenaries"
  • Use Carlos Oliveira
  • Obtain Highest Grade (A)
  • Kill Everything
  • Does NOT aim for fastest time
  • Dont Take Damage
  • Manipulate Luck
  • Official Encodes [1]
  • Emulator used: PCSX-RR 0.1.2
  • Frames:xxxxx Lag:xxxx Re-records:17002


This movie does use a dirty sram to unlock a mini game in Resident Evil 3, The Mercenaries : Operation Mad Jackal.
The memory card can be filled up simply by replaying this movie and saving after credits.
This mini-game take place in the raccoon center exactly like in the main game, you start from the trolley and go back to hangar (game start).
A voice will explain to you that they putted a bomb inside your body (escape from LA?Oho) and that in order to dispose of it you have to reach your target before the timer run out.
On the way 6 "hostages" can be free up, giving time bonus as well ammos, killing monsters also give time bonus.
3 characters are at disposal, all from the Umbrella mercenary force, each carrying different arsenal.
Michael have the most heavy gears, rocket/shooty/magnum, Nikolai have a knife/handgun, finaly Carlos have a rifle and custom hand gun (only weapon in the game having critical hits).
The reason i took Carlos is simply because of the custom handgun, i try to (ab)use as much as possible the critical hit feature unique to this gun, speed wise the riffle is like shooty, decrease for about 5% your movement speed while holding it.
By constantly using head shoots on zombies, the handgun is obviously way faster to clear everything than the riffle, and the ammo supply is no trouble compared to riffle since only 1 bullet is enought to kill any monsters.
The reason im killing everything is simply to try making something entertaining, this mini-game can be cleared in less than 5 min, running just for the purpose of speed is somewhat limited here, instead of making a movie clearing with all 3 characters the minigame within 15 min (and bad score), i choosed rather to go for massive kill in a bigger movie with just 1 character
I attempted first to mix in between by simply rescuing all hostages and going as fast as possible, while doing that i noticed that killing everything wouldnt take twice the time than just running by the various location to save peoples, also need to note here that pure speed wont give the highest grade (i had B, took damage to save time...)
A few passage will probably look somewhat sloopy, mainly with birds/snake/floor-zombies, i used the riffle there, because it was too tedious to use the handgun and not having good results with it, snake seem to always respawn so i just killed them once, for the whole rest im just using the gun, some demo licker at the power plant might look sloopy, i kept that outcome because of the crazy dodging, looked cool to me.
Note that at the end, my timer show as much time left than it took to run (14:11), i tought to mention it, its pretty neat i think :p
Obviously using Michael would be faster due to better arsenal, i realy did wanted to avoid using the rockets because i felt it was no fun, just hit once and the nemesis is dead, overall carlos seemed the most balanced and most interresting to tas due to luck manipulation on head shoots.
Maybe i should have first do a run aiming for fastest time, yet, after my initial attempt i felt a "kill everything" was in order, so i hope youll all enjoy this butchery

Ill fix errors in text and polish it a bit latter.

This score chart was took on gamefaq, my initial attempt with carlos proove that its not very accurate tought.
Rescuing all hostage, no spray use, and over 2min left on timer didnt awarded me a A rank (took damage)

A 1,000
B 800 - 999
C 500 - 799
D 300 - 499
E 100 - 299
F 0 - 99


-- -- --
6 - 900 1:99:99+ - 100 0 - 50
5 - 750 1:29:99+ - 50
4 - 600 1:00:00+ - 0
3 - 450
2 - 300
1 - 150
0 - 0


Consecutive Kill: +1 per consecutive kill (doubled)
Take no hits : +100
Take fewer hits : +??
Push : +1 (doubled for additional pushes)
Dodge : +1 (doubled for additional dodges)
Nemesis KO : +10
Nemesis Kill : +20
Oil Drum : +?? (dependant on no. enemies killed)
Knife Kill : +5


Using Rocket Launcher : -10
Excessive Damage : -10
Too late to save a hostage: -10
Finish below 0:59:99 : -50
Use 1 or more F.Aid Sprays: -50 per use
Dies before finishing : Final Score Halved

Official Encodes[1]


Thanks to Aktan for encodes, and pcsx-rr team for making psx tasing possible.

adelikat: Accepting for publicationas a "maximum kills" movie.

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Your almost saying that like i could have do something else, so ill try sarcasticaly to remind the goal of this mini-game: its a race and in order to gain time you have to kill monsters or rescue hostages, the idea is to run run and kill kill, yes, theres nothing else you could do Its realy like saying mario is boring because its run run jump jump, supa interresting comment indeed If you prefer no kill watch the published run i guess, wait no dont, youll complain anyway
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No need to take offense; Zurreco is just saying that he didn't care for the game choice. It's not a comment on your playing skills.
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Didnt took offence, just saying
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arukAdo wrote:
If you prefer no kill watch the published run i guess, wait no dont, youll complain anyway
You're right: you have no leet gamer skills either way, so it's going to be boring regardless. Give up and kill yourself, I suppose? GO SUPER MEGA SARCASM ALERT GO. Seriously, I don't know how to respond to that reaction. The submission really is boiled down to just running and shooting. Yeah, you could say that SMB gets boiled down to just running and jumping, but at least those two inputs lead to multiple scenarios that produce entertainment. Be glad I didn't vote No and don't be so defensive.
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Zurreco wrote:
Be glad I didn't vote No and don't be so defensive.
Yeah indeed, bow to you, master of all tas and skills with awesome tastes
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Zurreco wrote:
don't be so defensive.
This is what you should have quoted, arukAdo. Some people won't like your movie. It happens. Get over it and just move on.
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arukAdo wrote:
Zurreco wrote:
Be glad I didn't vote No and don't be so defensive.
Yeah indeed, bow to you, master of all tas and skills with awesome tastes
Nice. I don't think anyone is going to take this outburst too seriously, since you did something similar here. The argument is basically carbon copy, except Zurreco's is a bit more wordier and mmbossman simplified it to this already.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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Hai :) I recommend you watch HKGoldenMrA's "all clear" videos and kniferun videos throughout the Bio/Resi series. He's a natural, and has perfected dodging outside of TAS means: That video there is part 1 of a Biohazard 3 Mercenaries run. He kills every enemy (yes every enemy) as Nicholai. If he can do it without TAS, I'm sure a TAS'er here would blow that out of the water. Even though the RE3 TAS proved a lot of existing strategies for speedrunningthe main scenario inefficient, a lot of HK's strats could be used for a RE/BH3 Merc Nicholai TAS.
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Sinister: Thx, i already have somewhere a avi of nikolai killing everything, the main issue is its too slow and would be boring, i believe, this is why i took carlos so i could take advantage of criticals hits and make the movie not "too" long, i think a 1 hour (or even 30min) run with nikolai would be a bit too long I was thinking to use nikolai for pure speed clearance, i dont know yet if he will save everybody ect... but i think the speed goal is better For a 100% kill i think its either carlos or michael, its fun with knife but the problem is its very slow, but well, maybe if the audiance urge to see knife run will do one, yet you can see in the other resident thread in workbench generaly the speed win over the knife ^^
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This was entertaining. I love when you stack the zombies together and blow them all up at once. Good stuff. Yes-vote
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I loved this run, very nice abuse of the criticals on Carlos's pistol. Definite yes vote.
adelikat wrote:
It started off fairly tame, but as more balls entered the picture it sure got a lot more entertaining.
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It looks like it's a 'Maximum Accumulated Time' run, with the pre-requisite that you get an (A) grade. I suspect that if would be faster to not kill some enemies in that case, so it really would be an attempted 'Max out' run for several criteria. I found it to be entertaining, considering that this isn't the type of game I would actually play, so I voted yes.
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This mode was such a pain in the ass as I recall it. Your obliterating it did my heart good.
What's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire?
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I'm giving this a yes vote, late, I know, but still, a yes vote. I rather enjoyed seeing those giant Spiders die, as well as all of those Zombies. Most enjoyable, was watching a few groups of zombies die in big booms, yes.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1419] PSX Resident Evil 3: Nemesis "The Mercenaries" by arukAdo in 18:54.02
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Could I suggest that the movie contain the tag "Contains Speed / Entertainment tradeoffs?" Unless I'm mistaken, in most cases where the zombies are lured to the explosive barrels, the zombies could be killed faster by not using the barrels.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
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It was updated (and yeah your right, you can easly obsolete it by just blow up zombies with head shoots)
Joined: 9/20/2008
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I liked it. Looked pretty solid, and I liked all of the zombie-shooting. The +99 seconds was pretty good.