Emulator Information
  • Snes9x 1.43v9
  • Use WIP1 Timing
  • Allow Left+Right / Up+Down
Aims for...
  • Lowest Legit Item Collection
  • Ingame Oriented
  • Manipulates Luck
  • Takes Damage to Save Time
  • Abuses Programming Errors
I am fully aware that this run will most likely not be published due to category issue (no, not optimization :P), but I started this run around a year ago, and with this submission text I will be proposing a possible solution to the "too many categories" issue with this game, and publicity!
About the Run (General Viewer)
14% SpeedBooster run: Collects the lowest amount of items for a legit game completion. The 14th item can be substituted as either the Ice Beam or the SpeedBooster. I chose the speed booster route because it
1) Has never been TAS’ed before.
2) Is more entertaining than the Ice Beam route despite the slower Ridley and Mother Brain fight.
Easily the hardest run to perform both on console and TAS conditions, watch as Samus smoothly glides through the game, cheating death by hitting 30 energy at multiple areas, collecting refills at every turn with minimal to none delays, defeating everything with the omega, the unstoppable, the almighty POS Power Beam, and taking on the Metroids with, not the Ice Beam, but Power Bombs!
  • Why is this run so difficult? Compared to:
  • 14% Ice - Well, for starters, I have the Speed Booster, which means I can spark. That ups the energy management by a ton, the next reason is that the Ice Beam makes for a very easy Tourian, while I’m stuck PBing the Metroids, which calls for extreme kill-yourself manipulation.
  • 100% - Despite what you may think, there is pretty heavy ammo/energy management throughout the early stages of this run, assuming you take Hero of the Day’s route.
  • Any% - The amount of manipulation required for this run is nothing compared to either of the 14% runs.
I guess that’s all you really need to know if you’re not a Super Metroid freak. Hopefully you will enjoy this, as it was so difficult to make. This run is the most optimized run created so far, with no known improvements, excluding the few-framers which would apply to the TASers part.
About the Run (TASers)
Proper re-record count is around 300-400k I believe, by simply looking at all the SMVs I have from hexing time and time again... >.>
Phantoon first has always been the fastest route, and probably always will be. Doing Kraid after Ridley and Lower Norfair allows me to have the Speed Booster for his lair, but 1 less energy tank for Lower Norfair. The only major time-saver for having Kraid’s e-tank for Lower Norfair is the Big Acid Room Hero-Spark. This spark does not justify the amount of time lost from not having the Speed Booster in Kraid’s lair. The other argument-worthy point is also being stocked on supers from Mini-Kraid. Well, there were more than enough refills along the way to Lower Norfair to justify that alone, but not enough on the way back for Maridia. Thus, I am easily completely stocked for Maridia after doing Kraid’s lair, saving even more time. The estimated time gain is ~3.5 seconds. Yes, a sexy amount. This will also be the most optimal real-time any% route.
Other than the route, all known optimization tricks were applied where they would save time, including a new optimization trick I discovered during this run. We all know about the inverse WJ trick, which wasn’t really anything special other than for entertainment purposes. Well, utilizing this trick and jumping with .4096 speed going right, you can inverse WJ with .4096 speed, thus allowing the game to set your Y sub speed higher than that of a usual WJ. So far, it saved a frame on the wall before the pre-Draygon spark and a few frames in the escape sequence.
There are three people who really stood up and helped me out when needed throughout this run. They really did have a huge impact on the outcome of this run.
  • Kriole - Definitely the most deserving as the greatest help. Helped out with heavy manipulation issues and shared your finds during the any% that applied to my run, allowing me to implement them and keep a very tightly optimal run. You’re awesome man, too bad you suck at DotA you sorry piece of shit.
  • Saturn - Greatly helped in route making, planning, and helping me optimize very difficult techs seen throughout the run such as the Phantoon fight and reverse kago elevator tech. I’m also writing this text before submitting the run, so I’m going to assume you will be encoding it and making a secksy little AVI for me. Slave.
  • Hero of the Day - Ah, my motivator person guy. You’re just fun to talk to and without you around to push me forward, this run would still be stuck at fucking Norfair and the preparations for Lower Norfair. Also had some fantastic ideas for unique techs and timesavers here and there. Also my only American SM TASer bud. (Oops, and Taco!)
The other person I must thank is Cpadolf for mentoring and all my noobish ways back when I started TASing Super Metroid, and of course, having all the answers even when they are not there.

Nach: While this movie is more entertaining than some other lowest no SRAM hacking submissions, it looks too much like our any % run, just slower.
Publishing a movie has to be more about entertainment, not just route selection. I'm not saying this movie is bad in itself, but it was beaten to publication by another too similar but better movie.

adelikat Unrejecting this submission for consideration into the Alternative tier

Nach: Since more arbitrary goals where wanted is now acceptable, and this run is pretty good, accepting.

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Well, behind the 100% runs I think this is the most entertaining Super Metroid run I have seen, and one of the most entertaining overall on the site. Incredibly stylish all the time, and the route/item limitations makes for a lot of great stuff throughout (the only real downsides being Ridley and Motherbrain, although you did a great job at the former anyway). As far as optimization goes it's mighty impressive as well, with plenty of improvements even compared to the newly published any% run (though none compared to the glitched run). Overall this is just one damn fine run. I can't vote yes though. The 14% category got obsoleted, and the discussion about reinstating it have been had twice already. Added to that this route is slower than the one in the other run. So in the tasvideos of today, I sadly just can't see a place for it among the published runs.
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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Yes, the idea I discussed in depth with Moozooh is to let there be 4 categories for Super Metroid: -100% (realtime/ingame, same route) -Any% (new realtime route good for ingame) -Glitched Any/Low% (ingame/realtime, same route) -Either the 14% runs or the RBO, I personally choose RBO. But yeah... That's the idea. O.o They are all completely different with separate routes and goals, all entertaining in their own fashion.
Trained by Cpadolf. Mission: To Perfect. Hero says: Yeah bro, I almost went super saiyan once My SM-RBO Current Project(s): 1)I don't TAS anymore! Pay me!
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Yeah in that case I'd probably go with RBO.
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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Someone register tasmetroidvideos.org for us, and we'll post all the Metroid runs for all categrories.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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IIRC, the major reason 14% was not reinstated wasn't because it was an unsuitable category, but because Saturn's run didn't qualify due to a number of criteria that had little to do with 14% as a category. However, with this particular submission the point becomes moot since it follows the same route as the any%, except finishes slower, and is thus not eligible for the "this movie is notably different from the others" clause. And since using Speed Booster also makes it slower than Ice beam… Yeah.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I liked it.
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Nach wrote:
Someone register tasmetroidvideos.org for us, and we'll post all the Metroid runs for all categrories.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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I don't see what certain goals this game falls under. I'm holding my voting decision until I find out what's going on.
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Oh man, I need to run to the grocery store and get some popcorn. I ran out in the last 14% thread.
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i really didn't find this run entertaining. Plus with all the dashes, you dash at a wall and stay there under the boost for a bit, would you let go a little bit earlier so that you go to the same place, but you don't waste frames by not moving? anyway, Meh vote, leaning towards No
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I have a few problems with the attitude given in the submission. "I am fully aware that this run will most likely not be published due to category issue (no, not optimization :P), but I started this run around a year ago, and with this submission text I will be proposing a possible solution to the "too many categories" issue with this game, and publicity!" If you had read the posts about Saturn's run, you'd see why the Ice route wasn't published, but merely added in addition to another publication. Just because this one does the same thing but with one different item doesn't increase your odds at all, especially since you seem to have adopted Saturn's behavior. "This run is the most optimized run created so far, with no known improvements, excluding the few-framers which would apply to the TASers part. " One of the best recommendations I can give to you is to avoid mimicking Saturn's behavior as much as possible. You just said it's the most optimal run, not including the frame savers that exist. "Easily the hardest run to perform both on console and TAS conditions" "Why is this run so difficult?" "Hopefully you will enjoy this, as it was so difficult to make." "300k-400k rerecords" No run should ever get sympathy votes because of how difficult it was to TAS. "I guess that’s all you really need to know if you’re not a Super Metroid freak." I am not a super metroid freak, and none of us non metroid freaks will ever understand why a change in route or one different item or whatever is more entertaining or not. The game all looks the same! I have never played it before! I can't tell if you did one segment 1 frame faster! The routes all look the same! The only noticeable difference in this compared to other runs is the boss fights, and this contains the slowest boss fights of any run. I had to hold turbo throughout the entire ridley and mother brain fight just to get through them.
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I don't think Spoofer's submission text had any negative attitude. He is not overly cocky, and freely admits that the run will probably not be published. I think the submission text is a relatively lighthearted way of stating all the work that he put into the run... I see nothing wrong with that. If my opinion counts for anything, I would say that everything written in the submission text is accurate too. As for the run itself, I have been following it's development since the beginning. Though the route ended up being inferior to the ice beam route, this is still a very entertaining run. I particularly enjoyed the extra effort put into the pre-boss 'entertainment' scenes. It is a shame that the Mother Brain battle had to be so drawn out though. The Luck manipulation in this run here is absolutely amazing, when you consider the fact that there are only a couple instances when we actually see Samus stop to refill. In regards to overall optimization, this run is right there at the top with CP's glitched run. I can't necessarily say that this run should be published, because unfortunately the route just ended up being slower. This run does offer something unique, so it should at the very least be linked to in one of the published runs. Anyway, congrats on finishing Spoofer!
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Comicalflop wrote:
I have a few problems with the attitude given in the submission.
O Rly?
Comicalflop wrote:
If you had read the posts about Saturn's run, you'd see why the Ice route wasn't published, but merely added in addition to another publication. Just because this one does the same thing but with one different item doesn't increase your odds at all, especially since you seem to have adopted Saturn's behavior.
Just stop right there. Pretty sure I did follow that thread. The category got obsoleted by the glitched any/low%, and the optimization level was from 2 years ago. Adopting his behavior? What the fuck?
Comicalflop wrote:
One of the best recommendations I can give to you is to avoid mimicking Saturn's behavior as much as possible. You just said it's the most optimal run, not including the frame savers that exist.
While I appreciate your amazing recommendations, I think I'll do without. Tho, I should probably add that the only other run that has the same level optimization is Cpadolf's recent glitched any/low%. And every run will have frames missing. Period. Once again, we see the behavior statement.
Comicalflop wrote:
No run should ever get sympathy votes because of how difficult it was to TAS.
I don't believe I asked for it, maybe you should re-read the submission text eh? I stated my thoughts of the difficulty of this run, and hoped that you would enjoy it.
Comicalflop wrote:
I am not a super metroid freak, and none of us non metroid freaks will ever understand why a change in route or one different item or whatever is more entertaining or not.
So you're unable to create your own opinion on what's entertaining to you? Rofl.
Comicalflop wrote:
The game all looks the same! I have never played it before! I can't tell if you did one segment 1 frame faster!
Why exactly would the general viewer care about 1-framers..?
Comicalflop wrote:
The only noticeable difference in this compared to other runs is the boss fights, and this contains the slowest boss fights of any run. I had to hold turbo throughout the entire ridley and mother brain fight just to get through them.
Yes, you had to hold turbo. I didn't.
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moozooh wrote:
IIRC, the major reason 14% was not reinstated wasn't because it was an unsuitable category, but because Saturn's run didn't qualify due to a number of criteria that had little to do with 14% as a category.
You didn't quite recall correctly, the category being unsuitable was the first reason I gave in my rejection text. It just wasn't discussed as much as all the other shit.
First paragraph of rejection text wrote:
Primary reason - Quoting the Judge Guidelines: ‘’Keep the number of different branches per a game minimal.’’ This run is an attempt to resurrect a movie branch that is now obsolete, as there is already a true low% Super Metroid run published, and I see no need to resurrect a dead category. Considering that the previous 14% run was left unimproved for 4 years, while multiple other Super Metroid runs were improved (and added) several times, it shows that there is a lack of interest in the Super Metroid TAS community in this category, which can likely be correlated to a lower interest in this category from the TASvideos community in general.
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funnyhair wrote:
Plus with all the dashes, you dash at a wall and stay there under the boost for a bit, would you let go a little bit earlier so that you go to the same place, but you don't waste frames by not moving?
What exactly are you talking about?
Trained by Cpadolf. Mission: To Perfect. Hero says: Yeah bro, I almost went super saiyan once My SM-RBO Current Project(s): 1)I don't TAS anymore! Pay me!
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NameSpoofer wrote:
Tho, I should probably add that the only other run that has the same level optimization is Cpadolf's recent glitched any/low%.
So the power ranger's recent any% doesn't deserve a mention?
NameSpoofer wrote:
I don't believe I asked for it, maybe you should re-read the submission text eh? I stated my thoughts of the difficulty of this run, and hoped that you would enjoy it.
When you talk about how difficult the run was to make, you're asking people to commend you for the hard work you paid off. I showed 4 examples where you did this.
NameSpoofer wrote:
So you're unable to create your own opinion on what's entertaining to you? Rofl.
I do have my own opinion on what's entertaining to me. Super Metroid fails to fit in it.
NameSpoofer wrote:
Why exactly would the general viewer care about 1-framers..?
Show me a super metroid run where people don't care about every single frame that can be saved. The TASers of Super Metroid have this tendency to compete against each other over subpixels. Don't tell me no one cares about 1 frame savers in Super Metroid, "the game that the TASers uber optimize the most rawr".
NameSpoofer wrote:
Yes, you had to hold turbo. I didn't.
I know you didn't. You made the movie, I think you find Super Metroid entertaining, hence why you made it. But I don't find it entertaining, especially since I never played the game and continue to find each new run to be exactly the same boring stuff in my eyes. So, I used the fast-forward lua script to skip the many boring transitions, and manually held fast forward through the boring boss fights.
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Comicalflop wrote:
So the power ranger's recent any% doesn't deserve a mention?
While they did an amazing job, they rushed the last part of the run, leaving quite a number of frames behind. The route flaw is also worth mentioning here. I'd rather not continue on.
Comicalflop wrote:
When you talk about how difficult the run was to make, you're asking people to commend you for the hard work you paid off. I showed 4 examples where you did this.
When I talk about how difficult the run was to make, I am talking about how difficult it was to make. It was very tedious and time consuming. Uh oh, there's a 5th instance, quickly, add it to your arsenal of fail!
Comicalflop wrote:
I do have my own opinion on what's entertaining to me. Super Metroid fails to fit in it.
Then state that and quit criticizing/stating how I act, my attitude, what I am or not doing, deserving of, and how I state things. Gtfo.
Comicalflop wrote:
Show me a super metroid run where people don't care about every single frame that can be saved. The TASers of Super Metroid have this tendency to compete against each other over subpixels. Don't tell me no one cares about 1 frame savers in Super Metroid, "the game that the TASers uber optimize the most rawr".
NameSpoofer wrote:
general viewer
This is fun buddy. :D
Trained by Cpadolf. Mission: To Perfect. Hero says: Yeah bro, I almost went super saiyan once My SM-RBO Current Project(s): 1)I don't TAS anymore! Pay me!
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Comicalflop wrote:
So the power ranger's recent any% doesn't deserve a mention?
No, this run is faster in several comparable places. My glitched run is the only run this one doesn't gain any frames over. Not that the power rangers TAS is badly optimized in any way though.
Comicalflop wrote:
Show me a super metroid run where people don't care about every single frame that can be saved. The TASers of Super Metroid have this tendency to compete against each other over subpixels. Don't tell me no one cares about 1 frame savers in Super Metroid, "the game that the TASers uber optimize the most rawr".
Well actually that mostly goes on in the Super Metroid thread, where a lot of repeated small optimizations have been made in several areas. And there mostly hasn't been any real competition either, just a mutual strive to perfect the game, and apart from Saturn I think every TASer has shared all his finds with the rest who have had use for them. And caring for all these tiny improvements only goes for a handful of knowledgeable people anyway, as far as I have noticed. In the various run submissions of this game there have sure been some pointing out possible improvements (as with every run that has known improvements), but there hasn't ever been a craze to fix all those flaws before publication, and in fact very few runs of this game have been published without having multiple known improvements (including two of the currently three published runs). I dunno, maybe I misunderstood this part a bit though, I'm pretty tired. EDIT: I take to long to write posts...
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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I give this run a resounding "Meh." It just didn't feel like there was much unique and interesting content compared to the currently published runs, and most of the new content (read: Ridley and MB) was flat-out boring. That, and it's slower than the other 14% run, which was also more entertaining (regardless of how much you guys like to vilify Saturn).
Comicalflop wrote:
Show me a super metroid run where people don't care about every single frame that can be saved.
Pot, kettle, ect.
Nach wrote:
Someone register tasmetroidvideos.org for us, and we'll post all the Metroid runs for all categrories.
Even a 50% Draygon->Kraid->Ridley->Phantoon run? Sign me up! :3
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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RT-55J wrote:
Even a 50% Draygon->Kraid->Ridley->Phantoon run? Sign me up! :3
The very best run would be one that defeats the bosses in a complete reverse order, with Mother Brain first and Ceres Ridley last (and thereafter completing the game without killing Mother Brain again by doing X-ray stuff). This should be possible, though no one have tested every single part yet, let alone tried doing the run =/
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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NameSpoofer wrote:
Comicalflop wrote:
The only noticeable difference in this compared to other runs is the boss fights, and this contains the slowest boss fights of any run. I had to hold turbo throughout the entire ridley and mother brain fight just to get through them.
Yes, you had to hold turbo. I didn't.
Please realise you created this run for others, not for yourself. This is in no way your achievement alone; your work has been derived from someone who has done it before, thus the list of people who have helped you create your run, without actually working on it, is pretty long. Try to be humble.
NameSpoofer wrote:
Comicalflop wrote:
The game all looks the same! I have never played it before! I can't tell if you did one segment 1 frame faster!
Why exactly would the general viewer care about 1-framers..?
You're forgetting the fact that we're all TASers, not just the ones who play Super Metroid. We all strive for perfection; single frame timesavers do matter.
NameSpoofer wrote:
This run is the most optimized run created so far, with no known improvements
That is to be expected, so I doubt you need to include that in the submission text. I even told you to remove this line, considering that people will be bothered by it. Also, did you test the improved Phantoon fight with just 1 missile pack? And what about the new Big Metroid skip? I think it's very arrogant to say that you're going to skip testing it because you don't think the run will be published, especially when stating that this is the best optimized run so far.
NameSpoofer wrote:
While they did an amazing job, they rushed the last part of the run, leaving quite a number of frames behind. The route flaw is also worth mentioning here.
You rushed your run too, leaving 'quite a bit of' frames behind in the escape. This 'route flaw' is just a blind assumption, without any regards to refills. I'm willing to accept this improvement as soon as I've seen it in action. Other than that, we did assume it to be slower because of several slowdowns in both LN and Norfair. Saying that it's 3.5 seconds faster not regarding other factors is just stupid, and I'm surprised you even mentioned this even after we've talked about it on MSN.
Cpadolf wrote:
Comicalflop wrote:
So the power ranger's recent any% doesn't deserve a mention?
No, this run is faster in several comparable places.
No? Why, thank you. Did you even read our submission text?
Cpadolf wrote:
I think every TASer has shared all his finds with the rest who have had use for them.
This is bullshit, and you know it.
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Ok, wow, for someone who doesn't care about Super Metroid nor find it entertaining at all, Comicalflop sure is the most vocal person. Some more instances of such behavior and I'm going to start suspecting him of being jealous of people who actually do like the game. :D Let me set one thing straight, the apparent "lack of interest" towards low% as a category does not stem from the category being unentertaining and unsuitable for the site. There is one huge underlying reason that covers not only this but other effects that everyone who has observed the development of TASes for the last few years can see. Low% is and has always been one of the least popular categories for TASers to make movies on. Every experienced SM player out there would try to complete at least a draft version of an any% TAS first, the only notable exception being JXQ. Reasons for this are numerous, all of them obvious enough. Low%, while a common goal in many games, remains a niche category, so it either comes last in the priority of TAS-making, or is attempted by people who specifically want to make a low% movie. Since the popularization of memory watch that made optimization and new trick discovery quite a bit easier, the game has enjoyed an influx of new promising players that have or have not made it to the publication in the end. In fact, there haven't been many games on the site that ever had so many experts actively working on them (counting both actual movie-making and research). As a result, new any% movies and WIPs were produced in such ridiculous amounts (considering it's a long and complex game) they essentially made the audience jaded. Obviously, when you have a dozen of people researching the game for years, certain outlines are bound to take place and eventually solidify, making the possible improvements less and less noticeable, especially to the inexperienced eye. It's not helping that some segments, particularly the first and the last few minutes of most runs, are virtually identical. You want a proof of the audience being jaded? Easy, just look at the amount and quality of feedback the first post-Terimakasih TASes got, and the amount they've been getting in the last year or so. Not only did it drop to about 1/3 of its initial amount, most of these 1/3 are more-or-less hardcore Metroid fans (and Comicalflop, who watches every TAS to discover that he dislikes it even more — which to me is dubious behavior because I take for granted that if I dislike one TAS of a given game, I'm not going to watch another; just don't be a victim about it). Anyway, my point is that the category is fine — and has always been. It didn't become less entertaining or technically sound. Quite the opposite. It's just that people are tired of Super Metroid. The thread is nearly dead despite quite a few surprising discoveries posted every few weeks or so. About once a year I reread Michael Flatley's 100% thread or the discussions about Saturn's RBO teasers — the document of milestone discoveries and incredible enthusiasm shared about the whole project by dozens of people, including those who have never been Metroid fans. This enthusiasm is long gone, and, oddly enough, it's the TASers themselves that made it so. As one of the examples of the overwhelming irony that fell upon this submission's fate, Spoofer worked really hard to make this run — the low% — as close to the published any% as possible, because fastest time was his natural goal. The same thing made it less interesting to watch and less valuable as a category. This isn't going to be published, that much is already clear, so we can just drop this discussion and appreciate the run for what it is — a good job by a very talented TASer.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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moozooh wrote:
...and appreciate the run for what it is — a good job by a very talented TASer.
This is worth emphasizing. Congrats on your first submission NameSpoofer.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Kriole wrote:
Please realise you created this run for others, not for yourself. This is in no way your achievement alone; your work has been derived from someone who has done it before, thus the list of people who have helped you create your run, without actually working on it, is pretty long. Try to be humble.
The hell? That was an opinion statement being settled, Comical finds the boss fights boring, I do not. I'm pretty sure I thanked the people who helped out in this run, and your logic here makes no sense to the argument you directed it to.
Kriole wrote:
You're forgetting the fact that we're all TASers, not just the ones who play Super Metroid. We all strive for perfection; single frame timesavers do matter.
And you're forgetting that I ONCE AGAIN directed that towards the General Viewer. And no, not everyone here is a TASer. There are plenty of lurkers who roam this site for its fantastic runs, and nothing more. Why are you trying to pull bullshit arguments out of you're ass? Because I noted improvements in you're run? Are you offended?
Kriole wrote:
That is to be expected, so I doubt you need to include that in the submission text. I even told you to remove this line, considering that people will be bothered by it.
1)I'm pretty sure I don't need to be told what to do. 2)It may bother some people, but not others. Why would it bother you? Because it's a slightly cocky statement? Since when is being cocky a bad thing.
Kriole wrote:
Also, did you test the improved Phantoon fight with just 1 missile pack? And what about the new Big Metroid skip? I think it's very arrogant to say that you're going to skip testing it because you don't think the run will be published, especially when stating that this is the best optimized run so far.
Have you tested the Kraid before Lower Norfair? Me and Taco did. Yes, try talking to him about it, since you apparently can't accept improvements from me. And, as I stated earlier, there will always be flaws to every run. Again, more bullshit arguments.
Kriole wrote:
You rushed your run too, leaving 'quite a bit of' frames behind in the escape. This 'route flaw' is just a blind assumption, without any regards to refills. I'm willing to accept this improvement as soon as I've seen it in action. Other than that, we did assume it to be slower because of several slowdowns in both LN and Norfair. Saying that it's 3.5 seconds faster not regarding other factors is just stupid, and I'm surprised you even mentioned this even after we've talked about it on MSN.
Me and Taco confirmed it a while back. It is no blind assumption. You should try talking to your partner, as we incorporated refills based off my run. And yes, we did indeed discuss it in MSN, and it ended in you asking where the refills where come from, and me saying I had more to refill and I managed it. And I did no such thing as rushing. Where are the frames in the escape you speak of? I know that you didn't optimize the escape for realtime, as you would have looked at Cpadolf's 100% run. And if I missed 'quite a bit' of frames, how does that compare to your run? We can start at Draygon's door by manipulating the camera for realtime favor. Did you test the mockball strat in pre-botwoon? It was used in Hero's any%v1. ~15 frames there. What about the ceiling door in the big grapple room? Yet another ~10 frames. I won't bother mentioning anything lower than those counts tho, as that goes back to flaws being in every run. Your golden pirate and post room strat? 35 frames. I even told you what I had accomplished, and all you could say was it wouldn't work for you. In fact, that's basically what you say to every improvement I mention to you. Of course, I'm going to stop this, as listing frame counts is just stupid. You're still my good buddy, but you need to get off your period.
Trained by Cpadolf. Mission: To Perfect. Hero says: Yeah bro, I almost went super saiyan once My SM-RBO Current Project(s): 1)I don't TAS anymore! Pay me!