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OK, so the reason why I haven't been doing any TASes? Part of it is that I'm teaching a creative writing class this summer. So as a carry over from that, just for fun, see if you can guess the vocabulary word definition that I'm quizzing my students on over the course of the summer. Go ahead and spurt out answers and it'll be a collaborative fill-in, but I'm asking to go by the honor system here and not cheat by running out and going to look the words up. So, maybe just one or two per post then? I'll fill in the definitions as people get them right. --- 1.) Felicity - 2.) Lexicon - vocabulary (moozooh) 3.) Jostle - To shake up, shake around (Ferret Warlord) 4.) Pious - Religious (Blublu) 5.) Vivacious - lively (alden) 6.) Beguile - 7.) Ubiquitous - Omnipresent (moozooh) 8.) Superfluous - unnecessary (alden) 9.) Obstinate - 10.) Cacophony - 11.) Deprecate - 12.) Facetious - 13.) Veritable - 14.) Cavort - 15.) Inundate - To flood (Ferret Warlord) 16.) Inane - 17.) Nimiety - 18.) Convivial - 19.) Staid - 20.) Copse - 21.) Incipient - 22.) Glower - 23.) Badinage - 24.) Perfunctory - 25.) Obfuscate - 26.) Hermitage - 27.) Abscond - 28.) Bombinate - 29.) Vagary - 30.) Aberrant - 31.) Temerarious - 32.) Mephitic - 33.) Egress - 34.) Frission - 35.) Fervid - 36.) Bedlam - extreme disorder (moozooh) 37.) Expectorate - (to) spit (alden) 38.) Carom - 39.) Somniferous - 40.) Venial - (Edit: More definitions to come as I poke at it over the weekend)
Post subject: Re: Rick's Vocab Words.
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1.) Felicity - luck 2.) Lexicon - group of words? 3.) Jostle - shake, so as to mix 4.) Pious - religious 5.) Vivacious - lively 6.) Beguile - vex, confuse 7.) Ubiquitous - found everywhere 8.) Superfluous - extra, unnecessary 9.) Obstinate - hard headed 10.) Cacophony - a lot of noise 11.) Deprecate - make fun of 12.) Facetious - funny 13.) Veritable - true 14.) Cavort - dance, move around in a free, happy manner 15.) Inundate - overwhelm 16.) Inane - pointless, irritating 17.) Nimiety - 18.) Convivial - friendly 19.) Staid - staying still 20.) Copse - some sort of receptacle? 21.) Incipient - 22.) Glower - angry look 23.) Badinage - 24.) Perfunctory - 25.) Obfuscate - make less clear 26.) Hermitage - retreat 27.) Abscond - steal 28.) Bombinate - 29.) Vagary - 30.) Aberrant - different 31.) Temerarious - timid? 32.) Mephitic - 33.) Egress - exit 34.) Frission - 35.) Fervid - with fervor - zealous 36.) Bedlam - chaos 37.) Expectorate - spit 38.) Carom - 39.) Somniferous - sleepy 40.) Venial - Some of them I understand in context but fail at putting the definition into words :)
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Post subject: Re: Rick's Vocab Words.
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2.) Lexicon ~= vocabulary; 4.) Pious — uh, something between acting religious and being god-fearing; 5.) Vivacious ~= energetic; 7.) Ubiquitous ~= omnipresent; 8.) Superfluous ~= redundant, needless; 10.) Cacophony — loud sound coming from several sources, noise; 11.) Deprecate ~= something beetween "disapprove of" and "make obsolete"; 12.) Facetious ~= not serious; 16.) Inane ~= nonsensical; 25.) Obfuscate ~= make unclear; 26.) Hermitage — uh, a living place for a hermit? Or an act of becoming one; 36.) Bedlam ~= extreme disorder (we use this word in Russian, too).
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Okay, I'll try 4.) Pious - Religious 7.) Ubiquitous - available everywhere, common 8.) Superfluous - redundant 10.) Cacophony - the opposite of "symphony" 11.) Deprecate - if something is deprecated, it should not be used anymore because something better is available, but it still works it's so not exactly the same as obsolete 25.) Obfuscate - Clutter up to make impossible to comprehend 33.) Egress - Leave? Those are some obscure words. Many of them I have seen before but I just now realize I don't fully understand what they actually mean.
Post subject: Re: Rick's Vocab Words.
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Definitions as I understand them/paraphrase them. 1.) Felicity - Happiness 2.) Lexicon - Vocabulary 3.) Jostle - To shake up, shake around 4.) Pious - Religiously devoted, paying reverence 5.) Vivacious - Lively 6.) Beguile - To deceive, convince? 7.) Ubiquitous - It's everywhere. 8.) Superfluous - Needless, filler 9.) Obstinate - Refusing to budge 10.) Cacophony - Chaotic noise 11.) Deprecate - To put down 12.) Facetious - Angrily sarcastic 13.) Veritable - Can be backed up with evidence 15.) Inundate - To flood 16.) Inane - Pointless 22.) Glower - Angry glance? 25.) Obfuscate - To confuse, make unclear 27.) Abscond - Run off with 29.) Vagary - Vague statement It got more obscure as it went on.
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I'm disappointed at the lack of "defenestrate" in that list. Favorite word ever.
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Solon wrote:
I'm disappointed at the lack of "defenestrate" in that list. Favorite word ever.
I also don't see the word "synecdoche" in there either. Edit: Also "jocose".
Post subject: Re: Rick's Vocab Words.
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What? No recalcitrance? I'm disappointed. Anyways, here's the words that I think I know. 2.) Lexicon - something like "vocabulary" or "dictionary" 3.) Jostle - shake around 4.) Pious - having a religious/spiritual inclination 5.) Vivacious - lively? 6.) Beguile - to trick someone 7.) Ubiquitous - very commonplace 8.) Superfluous - unneeded extra junk 9.) Obstinate - stubborn? 10.) Cacophony - an annoying noise 11.) Deprecate - to decrease in value 12.) Facetious - like a smart alec 13.) Veritable - true 16.) Inane - vapid? 25.) Obfuscate - make confusing Here's the words I've heard before, but can't really define: Inundate, Staid, Perfunctory, Abscond, Vagary, Aberrant, Egress, Bedlam, Venial Would I be correct in assuming that the list was in ascending order of difficulty?
Solon wrote:
I'm disappointed at the lack of "defenestrate" in that list. Favorite word ever.
I defenestrated your mom last night. The result was rather... uh... messy. I suggest that you move out of your high-rise apartment.
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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Lexicon: A Japanese portmanteau of the phrase "Lex Luthor complex". The sexual attraction to Lex Luthor. Beguile: A verb. Van Damme liked to beGuile. Anyway, Alden's gotta be deprecating me...
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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Sedulously eschew obfuscatory hyperverbosity and prolixity, espouse elucidation.
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Nice use of Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness, Warp. hoo, boy, let's see what I can do... 1.) Felicity - Joy or happiness 2.) Lexicon - essentially, the vocabulary of a particular area 3.) Jostle - bump into or shake 4.) Pious - faithful, in a religious sense 5.) Vivacious - Lively 6.) Beguile - Charm (ie, tricking someone with it) 7.) Ubiquitous - everywhere; all-pervasive 8.) Superfluous - extra and unneeded 9.) Obstinate - refuses to yield 10.) Cacophony - din (ie, a whole lot of loud noise) 11.) Deprecate - to speak ill of or belittle 12.) Facetious - not serious; joking 13.) Veritable - means something similar to "real" (as in "That was a real big one.") 14.) Cavort - dance around, usually in merriment (or perhaps felicity) 15.) Inundate - flood (the verb, not the noun) 16.) Inane - dull, pointless 17.) Nimiety - wow, got me there. can't even parse this one out 18.) Convivial - friendly, nice to be around 19.) Staid - fixed, unmoving 20.) Copse - a small group of trees 21.) Incipient - beginning 22.) Glower - a very angry look. 23.) Badinage - no idea. moving along 24.) Perfunctory - cursory; without much care 25.) Obfuscate - to obscure. These words do an excellent job of obfuscating language, though I'm surprised how many I actually use in everyday speech. 26.) Hermitage - presumably going off and living alone, ie, becoming a hermit. 27.) Abscond - Escape, often from a crime 28.) Bombinate - I can think of some joke guesses 29.) Vagary - a statement meant to be vague and devoid of information 30.) Aberrant - not normal, in a negative way. 31.) Temerarious - hmm...from the root, I'd guess it has something to do with trembling in fear. 32.) Mephitic - root seems to indicate being like the devil or hell, so I'll go with that 33.) Egress - eh, I'll skip this one 34.) Frission - Definitly never heard of this. you sure it's spelled right? 35.) Fervid - vehement, highly-charged, that sort of thing. 36.) Bedlam - chaos, pandemonium, that sort of thing 37.) Expectorate - to spit 38.) Carom - well, it's a type of plant, for one. Carom seeds are used in Indian cooking. 39.) Somniferous - sleep-inducint 40.) Venial - minor. Nearly always used in reference to sin, to distinguish from mortal sin. Well, assuming my definitions that weren't guesses are right (and the ones that were are wrong), that's 32/40.
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I'm just taking guesses. Actually I have no clue about most of them. 1.) Felicity - Happiness/Luck? 2.) Lexicon - Collection of words? 4.) Pious - Something that has to do with religion. An attribute that persons can have. No clue about the exact meaning, but it's something pro-religious. 5.) Vivacious - Living? 6.) Beguile - "Geil" means cool or sexy in German. Originally it meant something like "fat", as an attribute for food. I'm gonna translate be- as to make something be a certain way. Beloved is the only other English word I can think of that also starts with be-. My kind of random guess is that it means to make something appeal to lower instincts. 8.) Superfluous - Not necessary in terms of quantity or quality? x_x 9.) Obstinate - Hindering something? 10.) Cacophony - Has something to do with bad sounding sounds. 11.) Deprecate - Something related to depression, make somebody depressed? Make something less concentrated? (Less precise?) 12.) Facetious - Something personal? Just guessing 13.) Veritable - Testable for truth? 14.) Cavort - Having some sort of roundish, cavish hole? 15.) Inundate - I'd like to know what undate means first. But I don't. Let's just say it means accountable. 16.) Inane - Missing an s. Discribes the difficulty of this task :/ 18.) Convivial - Con means something like together, so it's probably more living beings that live closely together in some way? 19.) Staid - Something that refused to go away? XD 21.) Incipient - Ingredient is built up similarly. I have no idea about -cip-. Something that gets something put into itself? 23.) Badinage - Capability to commit evil acts? x_x 24.) Perfunctory - Something that makes something work better? 26.) Hermitage - Living alone like a hermit? 27.) Abscond - Something that's away in some way? Not belonging to a certain group? Irrelevant to a certain system? 28.) Bombinate - xD 32.) Mephitic - Maybe related to Mephisto in some way? Bad? 33.) Egress - Opposite of regress? Spread out? 34.) Frission - The process of something getting cold? The traces left from getting into a frozen state? 37.) Expectorate - Should have something to do with to expect, maybe it hasn't. Let's say it means a certain expected outcome of something that has several possible outcomes. 39.) Somniferous - Magnetic? x_X Just guessing because it has ferous in it. 40.) Venial - Not arterial? XD Slowly leading back to something? lol, what a lame guess.
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Felicity: a shitty show on the WB Ubiquitous: characteristic of Mozilla's new über-program, Ubiquity Superfluous: like a superfluid such as helium at a fraction of a kelvin Cacophony: when your reception breaks up Hermitage: the state of being a hermit Bombinate: what John McCain wanted to do to Iran Egress: a female eagle Bedlam: a bed for a lamb Expectorate: expect Venial: relating to a vein I'm surprised that "atavistic" wasn't included: concerned with being "at" in some way.
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arflech wrote:
Egress: a female eagle
Don't you mean a female egret?-)
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I found Pirate Sephiroth's and arflech's posts better application of this game. Cacophony - Fake Oreos
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oh, another couple choice words include epicene (upon "the scene") and Zeugma (stigma from Zeus)
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You knew someone was going to do it... I'm not even sure the spoiler tag is necessary here. 1.) Felicity - exuberance, jubilance 2.) Lexicon - vocabulary 3.) Jostle - jolt 4.) Pious - ecclesiastical 6.) Beguile - allure, gyp 7.) Ubiquitous - pervasive 8.) Superfluous - exorbitant 9.) Obstinate - contumacious 10.) Cacophony - clamor, bedlam :) 11.) Deprecate - disparage 16.) Inane - jejune 25.) Obfuscate - what I'm doing here 26.) Hermitage - an art museum in Saint Petersburg I only translated the words i knew, but had some help with some (most) of the replacements. While this is fun, I don't see how it helps with creative writing. Unless you think Ulysses is a creative book because it contains so many different words...
Post subject: Re: Rick's Vocab Words.
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Here are my best definitions. The annoying thing about games like this is that you never know half as much as you think you do. I could have guessed at some of the others, but that would have been cheating ;-) 1.) Felicity - 2.) Lexicon - 3.) Jostle - unrest 4.) Pious - nonchalant sincerity 5.) Vivacious - zealous (female usually) 6.) Beguile - to interest 7.) Ubiquitous - omnipresent 8.) Superfluous - unnecessary 9.) Obstinate - particularly stubborn/difficult 10.) Cacophony - loud disorganised noises 11.) Deprecate - mock, put-down 12.) Facetious - flippant 13.) Veritable - metaphysical comparison 14.) Cavort - associate with 15.) Inundate - overload 16.) Inane - foolish 17.) Nimiety - 18.) Convivial - 19.) Staid - 20.) Copse - 21.) Incipient - the beginnings of 22.) Glower - frown aggressively 23.) Badinage - 24.) Perfunctory - quick and half-assed 25.) Obfuscate - attempt to confuse 26.) Hermitage - 27.) Abscond - depart without authorisation 28.) Bombinate - 29.) Vagary - 30.) Aberrant - uncommon and unacceptable 31.) Temerarious - 32.) Mephitic - 33.) Egress - 34.) Frission - 35.) Fervid - with haste 36.) Bedlam - chaos 37.) Expectorate - 38.) Carom - 39.) Somniferous - 40.) Venial -
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19.) Staid = stayed 22.) Glower: something that glows 38.) Carom: Calcium read-only memory
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
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I'll try my hand at some stupid definitions. I warn you, there are some racist comments and some pretty un-funny definitions. 1.) Felicity - that bratty girl that lives down the street that you just shot 2.) Lexicon - Yet another place where comic book nerds hang out 3.) Jostle - what happens when you're in a crowd and there's a fire in the building. 4.) Pious - "peice" in New Zealand 5.) Vivacious - When you start a Spanish themed birthday party for your five year old son 6.) Beguile - "bagel" in France 7.) Ubiquitous - when Bisqwit decides something is going to happen. and does it without consulting anyone else. 8.) Superfluous - when you drop a radioactive sample into water 9.) Obstinate - The opposite of obfuscate (see below). When a really skinny guy easily makes it through the doorway 10.) Cacophony - Fake chocolate biscuits (see above post) 11.) Deprecate - When you shit on your next door neighbors lawn 12.) Facetious - the only word with all five vowels, and in the correct order 13.) Veritable - An object where the table content of the object is above 99.9% 14.) Cavort - when a New Zealander dresses in black and grabs a gun 15.) Inundate - When your "in" tray vastly outweighs your "out" tray 16.) Inane - when you scream for help at the hands of a psychopathic killer who just cut your tongue out 17.) Nimiety - the number after 89 in Ireland 18.) Convivial - a place where a ferris wheel is kept in Ireland 19.) Staid - when you're hillbilly dog is actually in the same spot you left it. 20.) Copse - A corpse, but without the uh... 21.) Incipient - when the recipient is you 22.) Glower - a light bulb 23.) Badinage - hardcore teenagers 24.) Perfunctory - an unpleasant odor originating from the armpits 25.) Obfuscate - a fat person stuck in a doorway 26.) Hermitage - what you get when you lift a very old object that's too heavy for you. 27.) Abscond - having bread products thrown at your face 28.) Bombinate - a term used in counter strike when the terrorists win 29.) Vagary - when you forget how to say words 30.) Aberrant - When a guy called Abe has a tantrum in a public shopping centre 31.) Temerarious - A roman name of some description. Most likely this kid got teased at school 32.) Mephitic - When you try to think up a metaphor while writing a novel, and then suddenly you have a seizure . 33.) Egress - When someone is pissing you off and you flick out your knife 34.) Frission - a nuclear reaction ten times more powerful than fusion. 35.) Fervid - when your memories are all fuzzy and cloudy 36.) Bedlam - a reading light 37.) Expectorate - when someone is completely and utterly predicatable 38.) Carom - the sound a car makes in japan 39.) Somniferous - multiple pieces of iron 40.) Venial - when a japanese person has done something embarrasing and wants to cover it up
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andymac wrote:
12.) Facetious - the only word with all five vowels, and in the correct order
A WINNER IS YOU! You can have your prize now: A tutorial! In Russian!
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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Alright, sorry for not having revealed anything since I started this. I'm gonna be working on it now, so...check the edits.
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All five vowels appear at least once, in the correct order: $ grep '.*a.*e.*i.*o.*u' /usr/share/dict/words abstemious adventitious facetious facetiously facetiousness facetiousness's sacrilegious
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A copse is a small forest; I didn't see that one yet. There may be one or two others left, but I'm not sure I know those.