Game objectives
   * Emulator used: mednafen-rr-249 but windows users should use PCEjin
   * Aims For Fastest Time
   * Takes Damage To Save Time
   * Manipulates Luck
   * Length: 87554 Frames
   * Rerecord Count: 31451
To help facilitate our collaboration we keep our movies and related files on a repository. You can get the latest version of any of our movies here at any time. In addition, we have a "failed attempts" folder that demonstrates varies routes/strats we used that turned out to be slower.
   * SVN:  
This submission is 2408 frames faster than the Richter any% #2311: arukAdo's PCECD Castlevania: Rondo of Blood in 25:03.72
Maria starts with a large disadvantage due to the unskippable cutscene where she is saved by Richter. However she is faster than Richter in every following level.
Basic Mechanics & Tricks
Maria generally needs to stay on the ground rolling as much as possible. Her "Dark Maria" attack is heavily abused throughout the movie, however in some cases the doves are faster. She can do a double jump, which allows her to take shortcuts off limits to Richter.
Hearts and health both cost frames at the end of level tally, so we aim to end each level with as little as possible. In some cases this isn't possible or loses time.

adelikat: Replacing the submission file with a fixed .mc2. The movie content is not changed. The file format is fixed to represent the new mednafen/pcejin .mc2 file format.

mmbossman: Quite a bit of cart-wheeling, but still a fun watch. Accepting for publication.

adelikat: Processing.