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  • Emulator used: FBA RR v0.0.2
  • Character used: Cody, V-ISM
  • Player 2
  • Level 8 (or level "Expert")
  • Speed: Turbo 2
  • Aims for entertainment, not fastest time
I used the second player to do "cross-up juggles" like in the second round in the Sagat's fight, it's impossible to do using the first player, and used the "crack kick" to jump low attacks.
I used this version of the ROM and emulator because of the constants desynchs that i had with FBA RR v0.0.3, and some others versions of the ROM.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2279: leandroff5's Arcade Street Fighter Alpha 3 in 09:47.62
Experienced player (960)
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This was a fun and entertaining run, voted yes
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Unfortunately, a lot of this was boring due to the repetitiveness... not that you didn't try to remedy that. [That Birdie fight was great and the Sagat fight rocked hard!] Unfortunately, the same bland combos at points kept it from being a total yes. This is about as high end of a Meh as it can get without being a yes. [If that combo finished off Sagat, that'd have transformed it into a weak yes] Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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arukAdo wrote:
This was a fun and entertaining run, voted yes
Thanks :)
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
Unfortunately, a lot of this was boring due to the repetitiveness... not that you didn't try to remedy that. [That Birdie fight was great and the Sagat fight rocked hard!] Unfortunately, the same bland combos at points kept it from being a total yes. This is about as high end of a Meh as it can get without being a yes. [If that combo finished off Sagat, that'd have transformed it into a weak yes] Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
OK, i understand... ... I heard that this site only counts the votes with comments, is that true?
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Hi leandroff5, and welcome to As a judge I do use the votes to form a general opinion of the run, but I place much more weight in the comments that people post, especially if they expand on why they think a movie is good, bad, or indifferent. Hope this helps.
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I'm afraid I had to vote No. There were some good moments, and I'm sure you put a lot of effort into the run, and it may also be a good technical demonstration or combo video, but I wouldn't know about that. The problem I had with the run was that the fighting was way too one-sided and repetitive for a run that doesn't aim for shortest time. I guess you might reasonably dismiss me as having insanely high standards or whatever, but I feel that this kind of run needs more showmanship to be effective.
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Things I liked:
  • counter-poking Claw
  • Bizarre juggles on Cammy
  • Chipping Cammy to death
  • Walking under Birdie as he dies
  • Killing Sagat with a jumping punch after a massive combo
  • Overkill on Dan
  • Strange 'last custom combo shade' hits on Dan
  • Finally you take a hit... after you've already won
Things I would change/add:
  • Use the knife a little more
  • Do a guard crush earlier in the round for dramatic effect
  • 'Rival' fight vs. Guy should be more matrix-y if possible
  • You killed too many with his throw/air throw
It's fairly entertaining but a bit too long considering some fights didn't get any positives in my book. Also I'm not sure Cody-V is the best choice. X or A wouldn't get those long juggles but might be a more interesting watch overall. I'm not sure.
Voted NO for NO reason
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Why did you use the Japanese version? By pressing the attack buttons you can skip the text at the start rather then wait 10 seconds. Ending the CC with air throws is because throw damage doesn't scale like normal attacks so even after a 99 hit combo putting an air throw at the end will still do good damage even if nothing else will. I liked the shadow only custom combo vs guy and the Psycho crusher dodge
Post subject: Re: #2279: leandroff5's Arcade Street Fighter Zero 3 in 09:47.62
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NesVideoAgent wrote:
I used this version of the ROM and emulator because of the constants desynchs that i had with FBA RR v0.0.3, and some others versions of the ROM
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LagDotCom wrote:
Things I liked:
  • counter-poking Claw
  • Bizarre juggles on Cammy
  • Chipping Cammy to death
  • Walking under Birdie as he dies
  • Killing Sagat with a jumping punch after a massive combo
  • Overkill on Dan
  • Strange 'last custom combo shade' hits on Dan
  • Finally you take a hit... after you've already won
Things I would change/add:
  • Use the knife a little more
  • Do a guard crush earlier in the round for dramatic effect
  • 'Rival' fight vs. Guy should be more matrix-y if possible
  • You killed too many with his throw/air throw
It's fairly entertaining but a bit too long considering some fights didn't get any positives in my book. Also I'm not sure Cody-V is the best choice. X or A wouldn't get those long juggles but might be a more interesting watch overall. I'm not sure.
Well, V-Cody has more combo variations than X-Cody, Z-Cody and almost all characters of the game...
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LagDotCom wrote:
Things I liked:
  • Overkill on Dan
  • Strange 'last custom combo shade' hits on Dan
what ? didn't saw dan in the movie Oo? also yes vote, i was afraid that the fights mights get repetitive, exept the multikick to push the enemy there was almost no repetition, great job like everybody i enjoyed you beating the hell of sagat with a 70 combo and i realy licked how you managed the hp /Stun meters, the cheaps win where good and the guard crush on ken was exelent (did he do a taunt ?) but like LagDotCom i'd wanted to see more use of the knife (you didn't even trew it once :/) also couldn't you select to do only 1 round per fight and shouldn't be an evil gouki fight after the Vega one since you didn't lost a single round ? finaly good choice of character, cody is not a common character and it's fighting style is kinda unique.
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I'm beginning to think that TASVideos is not quite cut out to handle most street fighter submissions. They're vastly different in goals and style from the rest of our videos, and the audience that is deciding whether or not they get published is not the audience that watches most street fighter videos on the rest of the Net. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have any street fighter videos on the's more that I think our standards tend to be vastly different from those the street fighter experts are used to working towards. As for the video, I stopped watching after a few minutes because I felt I'd seen everything that Cody had to offer. There's only so much entertainment I can derive from watching flawless victories. I'm going to abstain from voting.
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I found it quite amusing despite the repetition. You demonstrated some very interesting move properties, both Cody's and the opponents', and there was a sufficient amount of toying with your victims to make it entertaining. On the other hand, I think you overused that one particular super combo, and the big long juggle--you know the one I mean, the one that usually ended in an air throw. You can throw in a few more projectiles, too--all fireballs is boring, but all melee is also boring. One knife and, what, four rocks? Not enough, though they were well used. So you get a "yes" vote from me, with those two things I'd note specifically as "room for improvement."
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Amazingly dedicated and solid run. As an ex-cody-main, I know how grand a lot of this stuff is. The above comment about TAS videos not being the best place for these makes sense, except that the S in TAS doesn't stand for speedrun, and more people need to recognize that. It saddens me when someone's run is obsoleted because someone else didn't make the speed/entertainment tradeoff... I digress... this run is amazing, and it lets me vote YES without even the slightest bit of hesitation.
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The run is great, but too many of the ground-based combos were the same. I liked the frequent use of rocks to pick off a quick extra little hit at the end of a combo. The taunt to dodge the psycho crusher was awesome. I just wish that the endings of the two Final Bison battles were switched, to make the movie end on that one high note. Good run, I didn't find it too repetitive for the length and entertainment presented.
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I meant Guy, not Dan. :) Also, I'm sure seeing some supers would add more entertainment in the average viewer's eyes. That's why I recommended switching grooves. Also Cody isn't very 'flashy' if that's the right word.
Voted NO for NO reason
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Voting no for your violence against women, cops, old men, and American Ryu clones. Ok, I give it a meh for real. The biggest problem was that you overused the special kick juggle, IMO. But the majority of things were well done though.
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Also, a 2-player video always has more potential for entertainment than one that simply beats the computer. I do realise it is much more annoying to produce. I won't vote on this submission unless any of the things I mentioned are changed.
Voted NO for NO reason
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hmm... yeah, cool, but it's a little repetitive. Someone should try SFEX2 Plus in the Extra Random select mode any day.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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Needed a lot more variety. Cody isn't that interesting IMO ..
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om, nom, nom... sweet!