Skilled player (1829)
Joined: 4/20/2005
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Location: Norrköping, Sweden
Awesome! I have a much longer WIP here that doesn't use warps (I didn't know how to pull them off). I did it a long time ago and have no big intention of finishing it. Hopefully you can continue to shave off more frames from it. Keep it up! EDIT: I dug up all the RAM addresses I have:
00DD X|pix
00DE X|big
xdd |
1c5e Boss|HP
46A Boss|inv.|time
| |
00DB Y|pix
E2 Y|speed
5A9 Speed|change
e6 Collision|detect
| |
| |
E4 Stop|on|1
E2 Stop|ok|on|1
E3 Glide|on|1
| |
5AB Glide|on|192
10E 100|coins
10F 10|coins
110 1|coins
5BC Weapon
568 Bubble1|Y|pix
| shoot|on|SC=6
| |
Skilled player (1329)
Joined: 9/7/2007
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Warps work by visiting selected doors. There is one in 1-3 that can only be accesed by an "invincibility" power up of sorts. I'll have to redo 1-1 to get him now so stay tuned. Thanks for all the addresses and the extended WIP.
Skilled player (1329)
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New WIP But ill have to revisit 1-1 again to get more diamonds.
Skilled player (1329)
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So yeah, This is kinda dead. Ive wanted sort of a break from TASing so much, so im leaving this behind. Plus, the stupid reset bug in FCEUX is too annoying.
Joined: 1/22/2008
Posts: 319
Location: Brasil
if i only knew hex editing to edit the movie... but i never got sync... it is killing me thinking of do everything again. plus i realy dont have time. thanks Sonic kustar for the tips.
Skilled player (1829)
Joined: 4/20/2005
Posts: 2161
Location: Norrköping, Sweden
Maybe you know this, but I think the desynch bug can be cured by opening up the .fm2 in a text editor and replacing all "|1|" with "|0|". Still, it is quite inconvenient if it occurs frequently.
Skilled player (1329)
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Banana Prince in 9:44 Im not sure who made this, but its nice that this game got TASed.
Joined: 1/22/2008
Posts: 319
Location: Brasil
Sonikkustar wrote:
Banana Prince in 9:44 Im not sure who made this, but its nice that this game got TASed.
OMG!!! I never knew about those those boss fight skips. This game is just full of secrets, surprises.
Joined: 1/22/2008
Posts: 319
Location: Brasil
i guess we could use that boss fight skips in the current submission