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Captain Forehead wrote:
Question: Would there be a 100% Final Fantasy game or not? I Don't know if it could be entertaining though, I'm just wondering.
I don't think the first one would be different at all. Are there any side quests? FF4 (SNES) would have to include not skipping the Sealed Cave, obviously and all of Rydia's calls. That would show the majority of the game. Should getting the special weapons be required, though(Murasame, Masamune, Excalibur, Adamant Armor)? I would say yes, because you get to see the unique monsters, but they don't really add anything to the story. FF6 (SNES), I think, is simple: all characters, all espers. Going further by requiring all Dances, Lores and especially Rages would just be tedious.
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Warp wrote:
I don't know which "Lord of the Rings" movie you are talking about, as you seem to talk about it as if it was a single 3-hour movie, but at least I have watched the entire extended trilogy as a marathon a couple of times. Yes, that's right, about 11 hours straight, from beginning to end. And I still enjoy it.
I would just watch Fellowship of the Ring and then quit.
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Sorry to rerail, but I prefer any% runs, as 100% runs take longer, some of the optional achievements are dull, and generally, the longer a movie is, the more repetitive it becomes. I still prefer 100% to low%, though.
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Good question. Most of the times I prefer 100% runs because they show more of the game, and if they're well done, you get to see more awesome action. Anyway, there are some any% runs that are very entertaining as well, namely the ones that show off weird glitches, characters that walk through the walls and stuff like that. Which is why I'm happy to see there is more than one movie for the most popular games, so I can see both the SM64 0-stars run and the SM64 120-stars run, as well as the S3&K no emeralds run and the S3&K all emeralds run. Variety ftw.
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I'd say any% mostly because they aim to be massive glitchfests. I think I only truly enjoy watching a TAS if it is massive amounts of glitches that break a game in half, like Ferret's recent GB Metroid game.
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Andy Olivera wrote:
Captain Forehead wrote:
Question: Would there be a 100% Final Fantasy game or not? I Don't know if it could be entertaining though, I'm just wondering.
I don't think the first one would be different at all. Are there any side quests? FF4 (SNES) would have to include not skipping the Sealed Cave, obviously and all of Rydia's calls. That would show the majority of the game. Should getting the special weapons be required, though(Murasame, Masamune, Excalibur, Adamant Armor)? I would say yes, because you get to see the unique monsters, but they don't really add anything to the story. FF6 (SNES), I think, is simple: all characters, all espers. Going further by requiring all Dances, Lores and especially Rages would just be tedious.
All Dances is easy (there are only 8 to bother with) and all Lores would make you actually go to Hidon's cave. There're many story elements that would be skipped (dressing up Gau to reunite him with his father, say)...that game had so much depth that most anything else pales. But I digress. FF1 would be different- Castle of Ordeals, anyone? FF4: Yes, adamant armor- because it's such a PITA to get sans luck manip. And anybody who's played the Sealed Cave wants to see it put over a barrel and slain without mercy for being as evil as it was.
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The Sealed Cave wasn't that bad. A bit of a grind, maybe -- the Trap Doors got irritating fast -- but eminently doable, especially as you have your endgame party at that point (kinda). Granted, I did tend to run to the Cave of Summoned Monsters as soon as it became available and grab the stuff there, which doesn't hurt any (the Defender sword in particular is pretty broken).
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Captain Forehead wrote:
All Dances is easy (there are only 8 to bother with) and all Lores would make you actually go to Hidon's cave. There're many story elements that would be skipped (dressing up Gau to reunite him with his father, say)...that game had so much depth that most anything else pales. But I digress.
I didn't include the Dances or Lores as requirements, because then it follows that Rages should also be required. Maxing out character abilities would be nice, but Rages would just be too tedious(in both recording and viewing), and it doesn't seem logical to exclude just one character from a 100% run because he would take too long. I wouldn't object if a runner wanted to throw them in, of course; I just don't think they should be required. As for Gau's father, how about "All Characters, All Espers, All Side Quests/Plot Threads?"
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FF6's Dances wouldn't necessarily be hard, but it'd be very time-consuming. You can only get Water Rondo in the World of Balance, which means an extra trip to Narshe to get Mog early (not a big deal), but it also requires you to fight in water, which is only possible in two places: the rapids past the Returner Hideout and the trench at the end of Sabin's branch. Both of these paths are one-way trips, so even after you have the airship, you have to go through the entire rafting-> Doma continent-> waterfall-> Veldt-> trench-> Nikea boat ride sequence again. It'd add on at least 10 minutes for one dance, and as far as I know there wouldn't be any other sidequests to do on that path (unless you wanted to mess around on the Veldt, I guess, but there's no point in a visit there before the World of Ruin even if you're going to master every Rage).
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Oh boy! FF6 derail! :D We can solve that by using the GBA version. Just have Mog around when you obtain Leviathan. All Lores is pretty easy. Just do Strago's side quest, luck manipulate the Dark Forces in the final dungeon, and make sure he faces Poltrgeist. Getting all 8 dances should add only seconds to the run. Getting all of the lores might add 3-4 minutes. But I'm still against the idea because we'd have to arbitrarily ignore Gau. I think getting every skill is kind of like maxing out your spellbook for every character. Which is bad. That's my official excuse for not wanting to do it. I think the real entertainment comes from just seeing all of the content. There might be some other way to make it interesting besides 100% powerups. We could make an arbitrary (eeek!) but interesting goal just for the run. The traditional challenge is to do it with the weakest and most underleveled party possible. I also think it would be interesting to use every party member for variety. (Remember, 6+ hours to fill.) There's an obvious all-star team that could Moogle Charm through everything pretty quick. But that doesn't use TAS tools at all. I think a good way to make all those extra caves interesting would be to solo them. So Cyan solos his quest. Strago faces Hidon alone. The Fanatics Tower is done by Terra, Celes, and/or Relm. Setzer can solo Daryl's Tomb. I'd love to see a TAS send a team of Gau and Umaro into Kefka's Tower since only a TAS can control that team. Locke can solo Zozo. Sabin and Terra already have tons of solo time to shine. Anyway, the idea is to give the viewer the complete tour of the game without stopping to pickup every nickel along the way.
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I never did play the GBA version. Cool to hear that they had an easy way around that, getting Mog Water Rondo was always such a chore. I agree with you though, it'd be a dull run for EVERYthing. Maybe it'd be fun to watch a run that "completes all sidequests" instead. Your idea of showing off every character's low-level strength sounds really fun as well. "Sacrifices speed for entertainment" would be a must for this game, since Setzer completely breaks it on a pure speed run. I hope someone picks this up... and if no one does it in the next year or so, maybe I'd take a shot when my life is less hectic.
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100% runs for games I am familiar with, any% for all others ^^
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Ignoring my precious post in this thread, 100% runs better demonstrate what a game has to offer and people who have not played a particular game before, will more likely try games that look to offer what they are after. It is easier to find a game that offers what you want from looking at lengthy more detailed video's, then from short glitched to the max video's.
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my attention span is rather short, so I prefer any%, however, if it is a game I know well, I like to see it all finished.
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I usually prefer the 100% runs. Metroid 2 is probably the one I'm least warm toward, though I can't finger why. The main advantage to the any% runs to a viewer is that, as usually being much shorter runs, they are going to be produced first. The other is that, with the (usually) great reduction in nodes to reach, it is easier to find quirky/glitchy paths that finish the game. [/2p]