Post subject: Superplay 'discussion' on radio show
Editor, Experienced player (805)
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Location: Arizona Time: 2:02:30 - 2:07:00 They don't have a lot to say really. You'll hear that they asked me to discuss Superplays and I declined. This is because the questions that he emailed me were either a) already answered on the site or b) about me personally. I offered to answer any questions he had about strategies, etc. of Superplays, or explain things in the videos that I made, but he didn't reply.
Post subject: Re: Superplay 'discussion' on radio show
Editor, Active player (297)
Joined: 3/8/2004
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Location: Arzareth
Arc wrote:
They don't have a lot to say really. You'll hear that they asked me to discuss Superplays and I declined. This is because the questions that he emailed me were either a) already answered on the site or b) about me personally. I offered to answer any questions he had about strategies, etc. of Superplays, or explain things in the videos that I made, but he didn't reply.
Interesting. What questions did they ask you then? It's not a good thing to answer an interview with "look at the website, it's all there" type answers :)
Post subject: Re: Superplay 'discussion' on radio show
Editor, Active player (297)
Joined: 3/8/2004
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Location: Arzareth
For the convenience of people who don't want to download this 86 MB mp3 file, here's a text version of the relevant piece. My native language is not English so there's a few places where I couldn't understand what they said, but the most of it is here.
I wanna take a little moment to talk about timeattack and speedrun videos. Now, my original intention of this segment was to try to get Arc the lad, who houses some of these speedrun videos, to come on to our radio interview. However, Arc the lad seemed to be a little shy - didn't really want to come on - didn't think that speedrun videos would be all that cool to talk about. I can understand that - but I wish that he would have came on. Nonetheless, there is a link to his page, right? Now, that's not it - that's not all of it. On it you can see all of these timeattacks and of these <?> Ghosts'n Goblins in 9'38, Metroid in... - Tyson's Punchout in 20 minutes... But, with the games like that <?> there's definitely like a shortcut <?>. Metroid in 16'20. - No - Yes. - I don't believe that. - Yes. - I believe Punchout in 20 minutes- - Hold on, I've got some of these here - Now none of these have been altered in any ways? They have not been altered! However, it has been said that many of them use slow motion - in order to make this most precise movements in the game. And if you want an excellent example, that Castlevania one in 12'35 of how to use the game engine to advantange. - I want to see it. I could look at it at home, but... This is what the special surprise is gonna be here. Jagobah is here, however... he has... - No, he is here, .. <?> Jagobah, why don't you release the information out to everyone here the channel - because, Jagobah has been so kind as to gather these game videos and present them on his ftp that he's going to open up for the EG listeners to night. Exclusively for EG, because some of these - actually a lot of these - are like torrent links. <?> here is Kung Fu in 3'42 - this is amazing. Seriously, this guy has - I don't know if this is as amazing as the Castlevania one - but this guy has every single bit of timing down to the tee. - Cup stacking.. hehehe The Life Force one is very very cool. Anyway, there's an excellent - _excellent_. Here's Zelda Ocarina of Time in 5 hours.. - <?> There is Ghosts'n Goblins, and it is done in... - What is that game? - Mega Man in 31 minutes... - Mega Man 2 in 28 minutes... - Super Mario Brothers in 5 minutes, it's using warp pipes... Anyway, check these out... Jagobah will give you the information in the pound epilectic channel on - As to see these, right? To see these, right - you'll be able to download... River City Ransom in 9 minutes... Legend of Zelda Link to the Past in one minute 52... that's pretty good... - In one _hour_ 52... So... very cool stuff - the question is... There's no question of <?> in these... It makes one wonder <?>
So... indeed they didn't have very much to say. :) [edit: The name was Jagobah, not Jackover]
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What I meant is that he said what questions he would ask in the radio interview. One of which was about the various types of Superplays, which I said were clearly defined on my site and there was not a lot else to add. Basically I said that discussing the movies would be more interesting than discussing me and my site.
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hmm, never heard of this radio show; I visited their forums, and there really isn't much going on about superplay videos. I'm glad that they didn't do the whole "these are fake!" thing and actually recommended the videos. Seems like superplay videos are getting more popular by the day.
Editor, Active player (297)
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Deviance wrote:
hmm, never heard of this radio show; I visited their forums, and there really isn't much going on about superplay videos.
I spent a few days on their irc channels and didn't see anyone talk even once about speedruns or timeattacks, despite it being an open topic for their 41st episode. Guess those are more like Counterstrike-type people.
Joined: 1/12/2013
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That's cool. It's nice to see people get into TASing. It is not very well know and deserves to be more well known. Many people don't know about TASes but when you show them they get hooked.
Projects: Interested in TASing N64 Mario Golf. GBA Mario Tennis: Power Tour is on hold.
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You made me read through this topic and I didn't realize until the end that the posts were from 2004...
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Wow, that was almost a 10 year bump! Biggest one I've seen yet. Also, thanks. I never get to use this Kirby.
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CoolKirby wrote:
Also, thanks. I never get to use this Kirby.
Oh, my. Edit: Wait a second. Aren't we talking about this again in another area?
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.