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Editor, Experienced player (876)
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Fortranm wrote:
Is it possible to get into the second boss fight by doing rabbit clip with Yoshi? Is it possible for Yoshi to skip the infinite stairway without rabbit clip?
Yes. The point of those questions…?
Just wanna know if it's possible to complete the game with only Yoshi, leaving aside whether the caps are spawned at the Bowser fight.
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Fortranm wrote:
Fortranm wrote:
Is it possible to get into the second boss fight by doing rabbit clip with Yoshi? Is it possible for Yoshi to skip the infinite stairway without rabbit clip?
Yes. The point of those questions…?
Just wanna know if it's possible to complete the game with only Yoshi, leaving aside whether the caps are spawned at the Bowser fight.
There's still no way past the 50 Star door with Yoshi. Even just collecting the stars required doesn't work as you can only go through the door for the first time as Mario.
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Is this any useful? Link to video
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
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Kurabupengin wrote:
Is this any useful? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2scQtHs3Y0
Are you serious? Why would a video of a glitch that has been used in every single SM64DS TAS be useful?
Editor, Experienced player (876)
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I guess he's trying to say it's possible to do it at that specific spot. So you can't clip into the final stage with camera glitch outside of the 50 Star door? Then, is it possible to clip into Wario's stage, save him, save Luigi if necessary, and skip the endless stairway with rabbit clip? Just skipping Mario is still kinda fun.
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Fortranm wrote:
So you can't clip into the final stage with camera glitch outside of the 50 Star door? Then, is it possible to clip into Wario's stage, save him, save Luigi if necessary, and skip the endless stairway with rabbit clip? Just skipping Mario is still kinda fun.
I'm not sure what you mean by camera glitch: the 50 Star door is bypassed using a rabbit that is only there for Mario. It is possible to rescue Wario as Yoshi, who could then be used to rescue Luigi, and there is a Luigi rabbit on that floor. I think it only runs around the outside of the room but theoretically you could get onto the seam and then do a backflip, or something like that... I agree it would be cool to beat the game without Mario, and I'll look it into making it possible sometime in the next few days!
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WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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https://twitter.com/Really_Tall/status/728640763660226560 Confirmed this saves time in Any% as you also skip the text for getting 3 stars! Somewhere from 1-5 seconds depending on how fast it can be done: ideally the star would be spat out right after you land from the twirl, and then you'd go straight to the loading zone, but that may not be possible in practice. The mechanics of spitting out a star are very strange: sometimes the star will keep going forwards and upwards and be unobtainable, and sometimes it will just go forwards, and be collectable. The speed it travels at can also vary wildly. From what I can tell, spitting it out just before/after you land is the best way to make it tangible, but if you're not moving backwards then you will collect it almost instantly. Being damaged by an enemy will also make you release the star and it will travel at around double the usual speed. I'm not sure if this glitch could save time in other courses, in the 150 Star TAS. The glitch requires an owl, shell, spindrift or fly guy to work, which means it is possible in most courses, but for it to be useful the course has to have a loading zone in it. This means that CCM, JRB, LLL, SSL, SL, TTM and THI are the candidates. In CCM the loading zone is very far away from the stars, so it is unlikely to save time. IN JRB, the only loading zone is underwater, so there isn't really any hope. In LLL it will likely save time, but only if it's possible to start riding a shell that you have spat out anywhere. I know this is possible if you spit the shell out while on a steep slope, but I don't know if it's possible anywhere: trying to jump on the shell will usually damage you. In SSL this will save time, but the route may need changed. You could in theory do this glitch with any of the stars outside the pyramid, and then either exit course or get a star inside the pyramid after... there are quite a few options to test. In Snowman's Land, for some reason, this glitch actually doesn't work on the igloo. The star will just bring you out of the course like usual. The loading zone is actually delayed: if you do this with the 100 coin star then the loading zone will continue talking you afterwards. This is unfortunate as it could have saved a decent amount of time :/ I haven't tested in TTM yet, but there is a good chance that the loading zone will work the same as the igloo, as it does the same zoom effect. Otherwise it could be useful, but it's unlikely. In THI there are a lot of loading zones to work with, but luring a fly guy somewhere is ridiculously slow (https://twitter.com/Really_Tall/status/728665830259593216). If it's possible to take a Koopa in your mouth to the top of the course quickly then it could save time, and more testing needs done. In addition to all this, doing this glitch with one of the stars that appears for a limited time when you hit a switch has some pretty crazy effects. When the timer runs out most objects, such as enemies, penguins, blocks, etc., will freeze and you can pass through them freely: the effects are similar to timestop in the original SM64. I will make a video of this in full soon: but for now: https://twitter.com/Really_Tall/status/728560745781334016 This actually works as an alternate method for doing Slip Slidin' Away and Big Penguin Race BCCless since you can pass through the coins blocking the chimney, and it's probably faster. Loading zones are actually disabled while timestop is active, but spitting out the star (in a way that makes it tangible) will make the loading zone active again. Funnily enough hitting the switch again will give you a view of the star flying off into infinity! So far I've only done this glitch in CCM, but it should also work in SSL, maybe DDD if shells co-operate, and would technically work in RR if you lured a fly guy all the way to the top of the big house :P Going to end this post with one final cool thing I achieved. I first did the moving with a star glitch with the Lil' Penguin Lost star. Then I collected the 100 coin star, with the other star still in my mouth. When entering the course I was at 3 stars, and the 100 coin star set the total to 4. Then when I said yes to saving, the other star came out my mouth and I started collecting it... as I was saving. This increased my total to 5, and resetting at this point counted my file as having 5 stars! The save from the 100 coin star counted the star I had collected while the game was saving.
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this can be done with AR codes. so uh good job with making this a reality. also i am going to do a LOTAD of SM64DS no B button challenge. minimal B presses etc. it's going to take a while because i have to think about what i need to do. oh and.
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Thanks to Really_Tall, the 150 star TAS may have some stars where we will use that glitch. I'll try to do the star cancel glitch in SSL (useful for any% AND 100%). Aside of that, this video will make you wait for the WIP where a lot of improvements will be done : Link to video
I'm the main TASer of the SM64DS 150 stars TAS and YIDS any% TAS. I'm French. Sorry if I make grammar mistakes. My YouTube channel where I post about TASes : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ij2bLJfWYkYOWTMF6sKVQ
Editor, Experienced player (842)
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Looks completely insane - the superspeed discoveries are making the run shape up very differently from what I expected.
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Are you able to do this to group the main stage stars together, then grab them all at once?
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I made a video of the timestop glitch I mentioned in my last post: https://youtu.be/Ouhg5mxNC7A I found a way to use it to enter the slide in CCM BCCless, it's a similar speed to the Water Storage method and looks just as cool: https://youtu.be/mSaHtiD2keM I also found this weird thing when messing with timestop, probably doesn't have a use: https://youtu.be/8qI-qrOpkys
jlun2 wrote:
Are you able to do this to group the main stage stars together, then grab them all at once?
Nope. There's no way to collect more than one star at once. The only way this star carrying glitch can be useful is if you can spit the star into a loading zone and collect it again, or spit it and then eat if over the edge so you fall and die. For the latter you'd have to be able to do it very quickly for it to save time though.
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Oh. 1 more thing, is this possible only on the earliest version of the game, or all versions? I know they patched a number of glitches on subsequent releases for this.
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This thread is getting crazy, looking forward to the progression of this game!!!
My name is Forensics.
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lxx4xNx6xxl wrote:
This thread is getting crazy, looking forward to the progression of this game!!!
Yea. It's super crazy how much we have found in the past few years. We all helped SM64DS get to where it is today. Also. About the time stop glitch. What version did you TAS it on? 1.0 or 1.1 or PAL? Just for curiosity would the glitch work in all versions. Also would firespitter way of allowing you to keep yoshies tongue out when he gets burned while licking up the star be possible? I still need to get through all the game since I had to reformat my R4 so I could Play the V1. (Yes I legally own the V1 copy of the game) as it got corrupted after my April fools joke I did. Also SM64DS is so hard to TAS on my Mac. I can't load the states without it just not recording over it. I need to learn lol.
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jlun2 wrote:
Oh. 1 more thing, is this possible only on the earliest version of the game, or all versions? I know they patched a number of glitches on subsequent releases for this.
So far, for all the glitches I've found in the last few days, I've only tested US v1.0. I will test the PAL version later today and see what works and what doesn't.
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Oh ok. Thanks for that. I can't seem 2 do these glitches while recording as it throws my timing off. Doing TAS things real time is not really easy.
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Water Storage, carrying a star in your mouth, and timestop all work on PAL. The version of the glitch where Yoshi's tongue stays out and you can destroy a star (https://youtu.be/8qI-qrOpkys) does not work, which isn't surprising as most (if not all) glitches that leave Yoshi's tongue stuck out are 1.0 only.
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PAL version has JRB tongue glitch (which has been impossible for me to do) where you lick up a cap from a goomba and get crushed by those falling pillers. It's kinda frame perfect according to Swordlesslinks glitch guide And no other version does that apparently. Can someone give me a video for that so I can add it in my glitches compilation? Also. I have been trying to get A+Start to do his son of a glitch episode. We all need to pester him so we can tell him how truly broken this game is. It truly has been a pleasure working with you all and I hope to get my minimal b press TAS done by 2018
I’m sorry. Really I am... I am so sorry for what I did. Forgive me.
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This is getting ridiculous. I found a third method for entering the CCM Slide BCCless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhuBuUSjE9A This method is a lot faster than the other two methods so it would be used in a BCCless TAS. Kinda sad about that because the other methods were cooler, but oh well.
Player (36)
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We are now able to skip the 30 star door room as Luigi ! Must save around 30 seconds in the whole run ! Link to video
I'm the main TASer of the SM64DS 150 stars TAS and YIDS any% TAS. I'm French. Sorry if I make grammar mistakes. My YouTube channel where I post about TASes : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ij2bLJfWYkYOWTMF6sKVQ
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https://tcrf.net/Super_Mario_64_DS#Regional_Differences Does Korean version have anything different other than the removal of mini-games?
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Apparently according to a kid in my YouTube channel the power flower freeze still works. Since I don't have the Korean version I can't test
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Two more timesavers for the 150 Star TAS! https://youtu.be/WWJEq-xLNSk https://youtu.be/FYck8flHAo8 I also figured out how to make a star move slowly when you spit it out: jump, then hold forward two frames, neutral two frames, then hold back. This will make your speed go up to a maximum of -108108 instead of 108108, which halves the speed that the star travels at. To get the slowest star it is also best to press A before you hit the ground, so you spit the star out exactly as you touch the ground, losing no speed from sliding along the ground. Spitting out the star any earlier will cause it to be permanently intangible, and fly upwards. Using these strategies, on flat ground, I managed to get a star to move at a speed of 40000: https://youtu.be/ysYieuWI4-w I also tested what the speed you need to not instantly collect the star is, and it seems to be about -60400. -60482 worked, but -60299 did not. This is assuming you spit out the star as you touch the ground so you lose the least speed. The star traveled at a speed of 70000 when doing this: https://youtu.be/U5kh0aA2H5U Spitting out the star with a speed of 60480 made it travel at 140000 speed, which is how I know the speed is halved when it is a negative value. These observations should be very helpful when optimising the star cancels in SSL and SL in a TAS.
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