About the game

The player has to walk across stages and fight enemies. Each stage has a specific boss who has 6 life-points (the final boss has 7). Each hit deals 0.5 points of damage. You can jump, duck, kick and punch or do your 'special move' (up + b) which is kind of like Captain Falcon's Upair in the Super Smash Bros games. ;)

About the run

This run beats my first attempt which I posted on the forums by ~9 sec due to the use of some new exploits / glitches.
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Plays on hardest difficulty
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Manipulates luck
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Used emulator: 1.7.2 re-recording v19.3
When landing while attacking, you're stuck on the ground for some frames to recover. However, there's a frame in which there's the opportunity to jump (although you'll do an undesirable aerial move which will not even hit enemies standing on the ground.) I often add another aerial move to make it look less crappy.
Enemies will always grab and damage you. They can be defeated by punching or kicking. When they've grabbed you, you must mash on your control buttons. Of course, in this TAS it's a matter of only ~3 frames. It's still faster to just kick enemies out of the way, so I only get grabbed if there's no other way to escape the enemies or for luck-manipulation.
In the levels, there are sometimes tougher enemies (more lifepoints). But this doesn't need further description.
In later levels, it's possible to get inside of walls. I'll describe everything in the level-specific descriptions. But for those who are curious can check this out: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/693001496/glitch%20kfm%20v2.vbm In the 5th level I tried out some major glitching ^^ but it ended up being slower by 100 frames.

Level by level

Stage 1

At the chainsaw guy, when landing and attacking but additionally ducking, you'll attack on the ground. The chainsaw hitbox was also sometimes tricky and led me to several restarts. I came up with some strategies, and the one in the run was the fastest.

Stage 2

When I played the game as a child, I always thought those bouncing black things were stones until I read a GameFAQs guide where I found out they're barrels.^^
Whenever the boss picks up a barrel, he gains some invincibility time. During this time I do my 'special attack' (up + b).

Stage 3

On this stage, I spend some more time on killing enemies because this gains me a bomb. Since the flying physics of it are so strange, I had to move backwards for it to hit the stage boss with full efficiency.

Stage 4

From this stage on, there're now new enemies. The little ones will jump on you if you keep ducking (which you'd do to kick them). I abuse this fact on the last stage to gain another bomb. The tough enemies will sometimes throw shuriken (which causes lag and I always avoided that by kicking his ass before he can do it).
This level has some ceilings in some spots. When doing the special attack which moves you upwards a bit, it gets canceled and you can do another one and thus float in air (above an assembly line and a moving platform which would have slowed me down.
In the middle of the level, there's a spot where you can get onto a wall (which wasn't intended), and get some wall ejection boost.^^
The boss was a reason for me to postpone the project for some time. You can clearly see how he tries to escape after each attack. Fortunately, I figured out a good way to approach him.

Stage 5

Gaining some damage boosts here and there. The first tough enemy throws shuriken which causes the game not to load one of those spike structures.
At the end of the stage, where you normally would have to duck and wait on the assembly line, I repeatedly jumped more and more inside the wall until I could gain a wall ejection.

Stage 6

As said earlier, if you duck while one of the small enemies is approaching he'll jump on you making it impossible for the normal player to low-kick him. I abuse this to make them be in midair so that I can easily kick them out without a time waste. I ended the movie as early as it was possible.

Possible Improvements

- Damage boosting at the barrels in level 2.

I hope I didn't forget something. If there're questions, ask. Enjoy the run.

NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here. Oh! I also corrected the ROM name.
  • You indicated Kung-Fu Master (u).gb
  • I updated it to Kung-Fu Master (U).gb

mmbossman: Short enough to avoid being overly repetitive, and the voting has generally been positive. Accepting for publication.

Chaosv1: Encoding...

Bisqwit: Dummy edit to update the forum data (poll was lost)

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2078: MUGG's GB Kung-Fu Master in 03:41.82
Player (84)
Joined: 8/18/2008
Posts: 80
Cool. I actually didn't know this game existed. Yes vote.
Editor, Reviewer, Experienced player (978)
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I approve of this game. A friend of me had it, actually, and for the longest time we couldn't beat the first boss. After we finally got lucky and beat him, the rest of the game was a cakewalk. Anyway, the movie had some nice tricks. I wonder though, if it is not possible to take more damage, since it seems to boost you, and also decrease the score counting at the end of each level?
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It takes 17 frames for 0.5 of my HP to vanish in both the score counting at the end of each level as well as when an enemy is damaging me.
I wonder though, if it is not possible to take more damage, since it seems to boost you
Now that you mentioned it, it's indeed possible to damage boost at the barrels in level 2. That would have saved at least 30 frames. >_< You can't damage boost anywhere else in the game though, besides the weird spike things in level 5 which I did. Well, putting that on the possible improvement section...
Experienced player (828)
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I thought this run was the right length for the type of game. It was somewhat monotonous, but I noticed a few nice tricks to speed things up, and the boss fights were slightly varied. One thing I noticed that looked improvable was in level 3 (or 4). There is a section where three enemies (the ones who look like the dwarfs from Golden Ax) are coming at you from the left, with one enemy on the right. The game seemed to lag up quite a bit there, so I was curious if stopping for a short amount of time to kill the midgets would have reduced that lag. Anyway, I'm going to give this a meh, but with a lean towards the yes column. One concern I have is the lack of interest in the run. Currently, it has been on the workbench for 2 weeks and only has 3 votes (which seems to be an unfortunate common occurrence with GBx runs). Anyone else want to weigh in and give some opinions?
Living Well Is The Best Revenge My Personal Page
Joined: 8/26/2008
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Nice run. I take it the backflips were the added aerial moves? I'm voting yes.
Editor, Expert player (2323)
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mmbossman wrote:
There is a section where three enemies (the ones who look like the dwarfs from Golden Ax) are coming at you from the left, with one enemy on the right.
Where exactly?
Nice run. I take it the backflips were the added aerial moves?
After I jumped out of the recovery lag, I automatically kicked in the air (and that's why I did sometimes kick twice in mid-air to make it look better)
Experienced player (828)
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MUGG wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
There is a section where three enemies (the ones who look like the dwarfs from Golden Ax) are coming at you from the left, with one enemy on the right.
Where exactly?
Right around frame 8500, although after watching it again, there doesn't seem to be as much lag as the first time I watched it.
Living Well Is The Best Revenge My Personal Page
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MUGG wrote:
It takes 17 frames for 0.5 of my HP to vanish in both the score counting at the end of each level as well as when an enemy is damaging me.
I wonder though, if it is not possible to take more damage, since it seems to boost you
Now that you mentioned it, it's indeed possible to damage boost at the barrels in level 2. That would have saved at least 30 frames. >_< You can't damage boost anywhere else in the game though, besides the weird spike things in level 5 which I did. Well, putting that on the possible improvement section...
A sub 4 minute run and you don't want to redo to save those frames? I don't know if I agree with that, a run this short I would improve it and replace the movie file.
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Yes, ComicalFlop, but you also re-did Mischief Makers umpteen million times. I'm not saying the result was bad, but I do think you fall at one end of the optimization extreme, and very few people approach TASing the way you do. Personally, I'd say that improving a completed movie's time by .25% (that's a quarter of a percent) probably isn't worth the effort. Speaking as someone who's TASed about 1.5 stages of one game in his life, mind you.
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Editor, Expert player (2323)
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I would improve it and replace the movie file.
I would indeed do that, but I'm absolutely not in the mood for anything TAS-related currently. This is also why my other projects (Katam and kss) are stagnating. I may improve it someday in the future, but not now. Sorry.
Joined: 2/26/2007
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Honestly, I don't feel like booting up VBA... but the youtube looked good (I know, old version). I will give a yes vote, to the youtube one, but will not vote on this submission because, well, I didn't watch it. So, judges, I give a yes to the youtube, and a tentative (unwatched) yes to the submission. Take it for what it is worth :)
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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stickyman05 wrote:
Honestly, I don't feel like booting up VBA... but the youtube looked good (I know, old version). I will give a yes vote, to the youtube one, but will not vote on this submission because, well, I didn't watch it. So, judges, I give a yes to the youtube, and a tentative (unwatched) yes to the submission. Take it for what it is worth :)
new version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q16QHgCnTE0
Player (121)
Joined: 2/11/2007
Posts: 1522
Voted yes... it was over before I realized it :)
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Joined: 8/23/2008
Posts: 417
Sidescrollers are generally boring, unfortunately, but this one was fast enough that I didn't mind. Yes vote.
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Player (150)
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This game was short and varied enough to keep me entertained. Yes vote.
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
Emulator Coder, Active player (391)
Joined: 3/24/2006
Posts: 1802
This run looks well optimized, and is short enough to keep from getting repetetive. I also chuckled at about 55 seconds in where the barrel rolls up the pile of crates. PS: voted yes.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1196] GB Kung-Fu Master by MUGG in 03:41.82
Joined: 5/30/2007
Posts: 324
There appears to be some strange glitch in the rating of this movie; http://tasvideos.org/rating.exe/1196/details None of the ratings for the technical portion appear in the right hand column.