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  • Video: Jabos Direct 3D8
  • Input: Jabos Direct Input 7 1.6
  • Sound: Jabos Direct Sound 1.6
  • RSP emulation plugin
Hello, this is my first tas i submit to TASvideos.
I love the Zelda games and thought this game needs a TAS after all these new discoveries. My goal was a near perfect run but Oot ruined it. I had over 20desyncs while doing it and it was pain to redo half of the game. It's a known problem of oot and heres my solution: just wait some frames after entering a new area or closing the inventory. If u move to early, it desyncs. I think the movie is ok for my first tas and the whole desync problems with it. The worst part of the game is the forest escape: i know the one nut hover trick and i performed it once (it took ages), then i was shocked that the file descyncs and the jump wasnt saved :(. I wasn't feeling like redoing it so i took the easy way (sry for my lazyness). There is a big problem with all the savewarps in the demonstration run. Mupen cannot softreset so i needed to do it in one file. after i received the master sword i jumped through the hall of time wall so i can save after my death,restart and escape the hall of time room.
I hope it will be accepted but if not its ok, I was just to lazy.

adelikat: Fixed ROM and Game name (and fixed up the text/formatting a bit).

adelikat: According to the Guidelines: If you are aiming for speed and you fail to beat existing speed records, your movie will be rejected.
It has been established that Groobo's movie does complete the game faster even after factoring timing differences and save warping. Therefore, I am rejecting this submission.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2012: jnx's N64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in 1:12:36.18
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Oot people will probably vote no and talk about how unoptimized it is. But blah blah, 1 hour 20minutes less boring ness. That plenty for me to vote yes.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Maybe you should, you know, watch it first. The last one that was faster than the old run by 45 minutes was rejected on the grounds of not being optimal. In the end, it does not matter how many submissions of OoT made that are faster than the current published movie, it should be an extremely well polished and optimal run. Especially since some timing estimates predict a fully optimal run will go sub 1 hour. Watched, and it's as on the same sub optimal level that P. Dot's run was, and should be rejected for the same reasons. Saying an old run should be obsoleted by a newer, but still very unoptimal run does not contribute to the goals of this site.
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I am very unpumped I have to wait until after work to watch this video. Also, your english would be greatly improved if you spelled out whole words, not that aim speak bullshit such as "sry" or other such words.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
Active player (498)
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This is the same situation as P.DOT several months ago. Although this beats the published run's time (not that hard to do...), it's still really suboptimal. So I voted no.
Joined: 6/22/2007
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Listen guys, if we accept this run, then the next published run will be faster then this, regardless if it is optimized or not. By denying this run (even without watching it), we just open the door for someone else to submit a poorly made run. By accepting it, we force the next person in line to beat the time by using optimizations. Yes it's a little pointless, but that means the next guy must beat the current time forcing the rules upon himself. Voted yes.
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okaygo wrote:
By denying this run (even without watching it), we just open the door for someone else to submit a poorly made run.
I don't get the logic. The author here honestly admits he was lazy. So, if this run is accepted, the obvious deduction some other people may conceive is that you may be lazy and not care much about optimization, and still have your movie accepted, because this particular submission was accepted on these exact grounds.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Although lazy, its ~50% faster then the current run. One could argue that this run used new tricks to achieve a faster time, and another could argue that these tricks have not been optimized yet, thus allowing someone to beat it. Ok so he didn't play the game using the frame advance key, and took the easy way out... so what... that just makes it harder for the novice to submit ANOTHER poorly made but faster run, instead it forces someone to make a BETTER video to beat it. Otherwise we might be looking at yet another TAS of this movie... Look at how many super mario 64 runs got published, each one faster, and the first time it wasn't optimized. =)
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okaygo wrote:
that just makes it harder for the novice to submit ANOTHER poorly made but faster run, instead it forces someone to make a BETTER video to beat it.
I still don't understand how accepting a clearly suboptimal movie will force the next in line to be super-duper-optimal. What exactly will force the player to make a "BETTER" movie, and for that purpose, what constitutes a "BETTER" movie in the first place? If anything, accepting it would likely do the opposite. The site's standards so far have been to reject clearly improvable, lazily-made movies. I can see the reason for accepting it, what with it being twice faster than the published run, but doing so would compromise the site's standards in general. Even if the strategies were outdated, Guano's movie could at least show the competence of craft (that adelikat is looking for) more than what's described in the submission text. One could say it would solve most kinds of acceptance debates if you could just forget about the existence of the published movies, and judge the new ones in their own right.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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i will vote after someone tells me if this theoretical optimal zelda ocarina of time run will ever be done or if this is just a dream perpetuated every time someone submits an improved non optimal run
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A minute ago in #nesvideos: <wod3n> is anyone working on an optimal run? <Swordless> wod3n: Me and AKA have been for some time
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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moozooh wrote:
A minute ago in #nesvideos: <wod3n> is anyone working on an optimal run? <Swordless> wod3n: Me and AKA have been for some time
Progress on the any% run is currently on hold.. he's waiting for the new Mupen64Plus to be ready, which has the pause bug fixed.
so the new run is going nowhere. I don't care either way. I don't see how accepting this movie is going to cause a giant uproar ala moozo°h but it's no big deal to me either. Hell, even a tag saying "This movie is very much out of date and a new movie is in the works to be released in 20XX" or whatever would be a massive improvement to that steaming turd. (By all means I enjoyed the movie, but considering it can be done almost twice as fast is well you know)
I disagree with mooz°oh in some ways
oops now my post got deleted
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Xkeeper wrote:
I don't see how accepting this movie is going to cause a giant uproar ala moozo°h but it's no big deal to me either.
No, obviously not a giant uproar. But it can easily be seen as a wormhole for drama-loving people using this accident as an argument in favor of accepting any other movie. Not letting the potential drama grow is probably a better thing than otherwise.
Xkeeper wrote:
so the new run is going nowhere.
That's pretty pessimistic, eh.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I agree with moozooh, accepting a lower qualty video just because it is faster will possibility lead to a slip in standards.
i wasnt feeling like redoing it so i took the easy way (sry for my lazyness).
Just my thoughts. Would vote no if possible. That and I really enjoy the current movie.
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Quality isn't very good, for me. As has been said, we know that it's suboptimal and will be beaten. With virtually every other run, it's "assumed" that the run is optimal and therefore is published.
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Welcome to TASvideos JNX. Although I have not seen your movie, I would like to to show my appreciation to your effort and improving the current published run. Whether your run gets accepted or not, I would like to encourage you to use Okaygos upcoming version of Mupen, which should be a lot more stable than the current version of Mupen and to improve any future Ocarina of Time runs. Well done and again, welcome!
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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This thread actually makes me wonder quite a bit ... To what degree is it okay to "know" about improvements? I mean, if you submit a movie that you know has some frame-level mistakes, it usually gets accepted, but how far does this line go? When does knowing about x frames worth of mistakes suddenly become un-publishworthy? --
moozo°h wrote:
Xkeeper wrote:
so the new run is going nowhere.
That's pretty pessimistic, eh.
Not quite, since the pause bug is obviously an emulating/timing error, so it'd seem it would be mostly impossible to be sure that tricks would work with the same timing. Not only that, but it would be impossible to record any of the new movie, since the differences in emulation to fix it could easily throw off the already desync-happy Mupen. More realist that pessimistic, really. -- Saving for later:
*114715 <Soulrivers> say that the first 1-star run would be terribly unoptimized, would it had been accepted? *114720 <Soulrivers> It was still 10 minutes faster *114730 <Soulrivers> would have been* *114748 <adelikat> it would have been published
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I wonder when, realistically speaking, the next, "optimized" OoT-run will be done, how much faster it will be than this, and how long it will be considered "optimized" before someone finds something which tears apart completely. Now about the run. 80 minutes less of evil = I like.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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Too many errors I'm afraid and yes I did watch all of it. Most common ones were poor sidehopping and backwalking angles, text not being optimally skipped and scrolled through. Also at times you backwalk and even diagonally backwalk excessive distances as Young Link which is known to be a slower form of movement when compared to sidehopping. Also the two very precise tricks in the game didn't look very TAS like. The Temple of Time skip and the bridge skip in Gerudo. Using ^c to line up as well as several twitches and a extended delay before performing both tricks looks very unassisted. Also the Adult Parts had some poor route planning and management which alone cost about 3-4 mins.
adelikat wrote:
Oot people will probably vote no and talk about how unoptimized it is.
You suppose correctly...
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i wish i could see this its much much faster so i would vote yes but i cant watch n64 stuff anymore :/ btw even if its not as good as it could be its huge ass faster :x
Joined: 10/20/2006
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The point is if runs like this got accepted, random people could find this site, watch one video and think something along the lines of "Oh, nothing special.. Let's go back to Youtube and never come again!" I'm too lazy to watch this movie though because Oot's cut scenes and the pause bug annoy me that much. ^^ So no vote from me. :p
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Kuwaga wrote:
I'm too lazy to watch this movie though because Oot's cut scenes and the pause bug annoy me that much. ^^ So no vote from me. :p
Vote: Did you like watching this movie? (Vote after watching!)
(for the record, I didn't vote)
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Kuwaga wrote:
So no vote from me. :p
That means I didn't vote and that I won't. (=no vote from me) It doesn't mean I voted no. That would be 'a no vote from me', wouldn't it? o_O If not, then I'm sorry for making ambiguous statements.
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someone wrote in small text that they enjoy the currently published movie which i think triggers a similar reaction in me i remember the currently published movie from way back when and it was really fun to watch this previous run, like the mario 64 120 stars run, is entertaining the whole way and does not become drawn out and boring eventually unlike many runs where everyone vastly prefers a shorter version because they get bored at some point see also: majora's mask and glover (must be something about these 3d platformer/adventure games being a blast to watch) so i am going with "no" also, can someone point me to an explanation as to why mupen was adapted for capturing tas? i would think there are at least a few better emulators and bugs in mupen are being blamed for the lack of current progress on an optimal run
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Kuwaga wrote:
The point is if runs like this got accepted, random people could find this site, watch one video and think something along the lines of "Oh, nothing special.. Let's go back to Youtube and never come again!
I'm sure anyone who is familiar with this game and has never seen any sort TAS would mess themselves watching this run. As with the P.DOT run, I doubt most people could spot where it is "unoptimized." Personally I was happy to see the new route in action, but frankly the entertainment factor suffers because of it. The cutscene ration seems much higher, and we hardly get to see Link kicking ass at all. Part of it is probably that I'm jaded from seeing most if not all of the glitches before. Now I'm eager to see an all-dungeons run... Voted yes for being entertaining, voting yes to publish, and voting yes to at least acknowledge that the current run is highly highly obsolete. If anything, Kuwaga's projection of people being unexcited by a Zelda movie is much more likely with the current run, since it is longer than the unassisted run.
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs