Post subject: For the keyboard users - what's your key configuration?
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After years of cursing the default key layout of, well, every game and emulator I've ever used, I've become curious as to just how alone I am here. When faced with a keyboard, I always map action buttons to the numpad, d-pad to the arrow keys, and various hotkeys (frame advance, save/load state, etc.) fall somewhere in the surrounding area (/, *, +, -, etc.) of the numpad. If I happen to be stuck with an unchangeable layout, which invariably has action buttons mapped to the alphabetical keys, I am forced to physically cross one hand over the other. My brain is incapable of letting my right hand take care of directional keys.
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WSAD for controls, yuihjk for buttons, QE for start/select, ZC for.. Z and C )) also: 1 for load 2 for asve 3 for rewind 4 for pause 5 for frame advance
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I TAS solely on my laptop, and have a generalized layout for most emulators I use. F1-9=Save/load Directional Arrows for movement F & D for A/B buttons R & E for R/L buttons Enter for Start \ for frame advance Backspace for pause/unpause Tab for fastforward (screw you VBA) Depending on what game I'm doing, however, this can be expanded greatly. Thankfully for Wild Guns, a couple of the controller buttons didn't have a function, so I didn't need to map them. Also, N64 input usually has the C buttons as ASWX, with V as the Z button. Also, I could have sworn there was a thread about this very thing a year or so ago, but I'm having trouble finding it... guess I'll keep looking. EDIT: Bingo
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mmbossman wrote:
Also, I could have sworn there was a thread about this very thing a year or so ago, but I'm having trouble finding it... guess I'll keep looking.
Yeah, I searched for a related topic beforehand and didn't come up with anything. I was rather surprised.
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mmbossman wrote:
Tab for fastforward (screw you VBA)
My thoughts on turboing in vba exactly :( I use a similar setup to mmbossman, but recently I've been switching over to right ctrl for frame advance instead of \ ... I had a tendency to push \ with my middle finger and works directions with my thumb which hurts after a while Also, I like having my primary save and load buttons easy to access -- I put save on C and load on numpad 0
superjupi wrote:
I am forced to physically cross one hand over the other
Turn the keyboard upside down? :P
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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mmbossman wrote:
Also, I could have sworn there was a thread about this very thing a year or so ago, but I'm having trouble finding it... guess I'll keep looking. EDIT: Bingo
that topic is 100% offtopic according to its topic XD
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zefiris wrote:
that topic is 100% offtopic according to its topic XD
Ack! Indeed it is; I wouldn't even assume it would be related at all by that title. Oh well, my apologies.
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Interestingly, I no longer use the save/load technique I wrote about there. I have evolved into using F9 as the beginning of the segment I'm currently working on, F8 for a savestate in whatever movie I'm comparing my run to, F7 for my "best effort" for this segment, and F1-6 as commonly used states (F6 sometimes mimics F7 in it's function). [/offtopic]
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I use: F4 to save. I only use 1 saveslot, yes, I am a dumbass but I feel comfortable being one :) (but the only reason why I am using only 1 slot is because when I first began to TAS, I used only 1 slot and I've become used to this procedure). F7 to reload. F to frame advance. L to open a movie. Ä to end movie.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Yeah, I also remember there being a topic about this. Either way: up/down/left/right = arrows B = Z A = C Select = [ Start = ] For Snes (which I don't use very often) X/Y = A/D L/R = W/E For two player runs, I assign multiple buttons to single keys, mostly the keys above the arrow keys. Select save state = 1234567890 Save selected state = S Load selected state = Q Frame advance = ' Pause = SPACE Watch input = , Watch frame count = Backspace I think the rest is unchanged from what is preset.
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My layout is almost the same as the one I posted in that topic. I now use IJKL for movement, however, because the arrow keys on my 5.5-year-old laptop are starting to fail.
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I'm a SNES TASer who uses a keyboard for TASing. Fx -- Load State #x Shift+Fx -- Save State #x Backslash -- Frame Advance Pause -- Pause Tab -- Fast-forward Q,W,A,S,Z,X -- 1P L,R,Y,X,B,A E,D,C -- 1P Auto-hold, Auto-fire, Clear All M -- 1P Temp-Turbo Left, Right, Up, Down -- 1P Left, Right, Up, Down Enter, Space -- 1P Start, Select R,T,F,G,V,B -- 2P L,R,Y,X,B,A Y,H,N -- 2P Auto-hold, Auto-fire, Clear All L -- 2P Temp-Turbo Left, Right, Up, Down -- 2P U,K,I,J P,O -- 2P Start, Select Note: - I'm using a laptop. - I don't know how much Japanese keyboard layout is different from other keyboard.
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Japanese keyboard layout isn't drastically different from English layout. A few differences, but they're mostly minor.
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Unlike superjupi, I am able to mirror-image my controller layout onto the keyboard: D-Pad->Arrow keys Start->Space Select, Mode->Q B/A, 2/1->Z/X Y/X->A/S R/L->W/D C/B/A->A/Z/X Z/Y/X->W/S/D R/Mode/L->Q/E/C C-Up/Right/Down/Left->W/S/A/Q L/Z/R->E/D/C Analog Stick->I/J/K/M, but seriously for N64 gaming it's usually a combination of USB gamepad and keyboard, with the C buttons and D-Pad relegated to the keyboard. The systems I've seriously tried to play emulators for are SG-1000/SMS/GG/Genesis/Sega CD/32X (via Kega Fusion) Saturn (via GiriGiri) Game Boy/GBC/GBA (via VBA) NES (via FCEU) SNES (via Snes9x) N64 (via 1964 and Project64) DS (via no$gba) and old arcade machines via MAME. I'm not sure how I would handle 2 L and R buttons or the black and white buttons on the Xbox or anything like that, let alone the graphics...
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NES:   A = B   D = A   H = select   P = start   S = save   F = load   Alt+Number = select savestate slot   Enter = toggle pause   Tab = turbo   N,M = adjust playback speed   ' or , or . = Frame advance   Backspace = toggle frame counter / RAM display / etc.   Shift+1 = create new movie   Shift+2 = load movie   Shift+3 = end movie   For two-player movies, second player has a similar arrangement of keys around the K key. SNES:   Similar to NES, except more keys around S pSX:   Similar to SNES, except loadstate keys are at F1…F5 and savestate keys are at F6..F10 (default pSX configuration). I find 5 states to be an inadequate number. Other:   n/a
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I've only TAS with gens so far, but my key layout is as follows: Arrow keys for d-pad, asd for ABC, enter for start, spacebar for frame advance, shift for autohold, ctrl for autofire. I prefer to TAS with a joypad, but my Saturn controller -> USB converter box has developed a short.
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It seems I'm even more alone on numpad usage than I thought. I'm rather envious of those of you who can play with the key layout backwards.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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superjupi wrote:
It seems I'm even more alone on numpad usage than I thought.
Some laptops, like mine, don't have a separate numpad; that could be a factor for those of us who primarily use laptops. For example, I have to press a key labeled Fn together with Num Lock in order to toggle certain keys between the usual mode and the numpad mode.
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GBx: A - A S - B num7 - start num 8 - select E - L R - R W - next frame / pause strg - fast-forward For saving or loading savestates, I use the menu. SNES: Same as GBx, but with more buttons around W.
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Dacicus wrote:
Some laptops, like mine, don't have a separate numpad; that could be a factor for those of us who primarily use laptops. For example, I have to press a key labeled Fn together with Num Lock in order to toggle certain keys between the usual mode and the numpad mode.
Totally understand. That's actually why I only use my laptop for watching movies, and do all my playing on the desktop.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I played PC games like that as a kid, so I never really considered it "backwards", or at least not when I'm using fingers on a keyboard rather than thumbs on a pad.
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For SNES, my setup is: Arrow keys: D-Pad ASDF: A,B,X,Y, in that order WE: L,R, in that order G: Pause Emulator Q: Frame advance ~: Rewind =: Increase emulator speed -: Decrease emulator speed Roughly the same for Genesis, but I don't do Genesis TASing yet.
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I tend to use a default layout and rotate all my emulators around it. For N64: Arrow keys = Analog Stick s: A d: B a: Z z: R q/w/e/t: c^/v/</> r: frame advance For SNES: d: Y s: B c: A f: X a: L z: R
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ESDF instead of WASD so I can use the numpad for buttons: 46: LR 13: YX 0.: BA Enter: Start Ctrl: Select
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For playing SNES games: ASWQ are mapped to BAXY buttons; Num4568 are mapped to the directional pad; (and JKLI on the laptop, due to lack of a numpad); either DE or num79 for L and R buttons; (depends on the game; DE for games like Street Fighter, numpad otherwise) Start and select to spacebar and enter. And mostly standard keys for other stuff, although some hotkeys have been disabled due to me pressing them accidentally too often. (The feature bound to "\" by default comes to mind, not sure of what it actually was)