Post subject: Cannot edit own page?
Editor, Reviewer, Experienced player (983)
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I might be going crazy, but I've been looking for the edit button for my page ( for five minutes now and I absolutely can't find it. Am I blind/stupid or is something wrong? I can swear there was one yesterday. Sorry to bother everyone with this, I couldn't find a better way. Edit: And before anyone asks, of course I am logged in.
Post subject: Re: Cannot edit own page?
Editor, Player (91)
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This function was temporarily disabled due to the recent vandal that showed up. It will be restored within a few days or weeks with minor changes.
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I see. Thanks for the heads-up. While I have your attention; I have written a short compilation of Kid Chameleon tricks and bugs. Even though there is no accepted KC submission at the moment would this be interesting to have as a separate page? If not I'll just put it on my presentation page.
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Hey again. I never received an answer for this question. Also, I'd like to know how the restoration is going.
Editor, Player (91)
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Truncated wrote:
I have written a short compilation of Kid Chameleon tricks and bugs. Even though there is no accepted KC submission at the moment would this be interesting to have as a separate page?
Currently I don't know anything about the game, so I can't say whether it would be interesting. It could be.
Truncated wrote:
Also, I'd like to know how the restoration is going.
Planned, not done.
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What did the vandal do and do you know who it was?
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Michael Fried wrote:
What did the vandal do and do you know who it was?
Chose usernames that collided with vital pages such as FrontPage and WhyAndHow and then edited them because the system understood the pages as his homepage. I know IP addresses.
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So why don't you just make them is the style of homepage.cgi?username and store the homepage info in mysql? Just out of curiosity, are the scripts in cgi, php, or a mixture of both? You obviously have the .cgi ending, but are you just having php parse the pages or what?
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?I?t? ?s?a?i?d? ?i?n? ?t?h?e? ?e?d?i?t? ?n?o?t?e?s? ?t?h?a?t? ?h?o?m?e?p?a?g?e? ?e?d?i?t?i?n?g? ?m?i?g?h?t? ?b?e? ?b?a?c?k?.? ?F?r?o?m? ?t?h?i?s? ?n?e?w? ?c?o?d?e?.?.?.? ? ? ? ?[?i?f?:?U?s?e?r?H?a?s?H?o?m?e?p?a?g?e?]?F?o?r? ?g?r?e?a?t?e?r? ?j?o?y?,? ?c?h?e?c?k? ?o?u?t? ?y?o?u?r??p?e?r?s?o?n?a?l? ?p?a?g?e?:??[?u?s?e?r?:?[?e?x?p?r?:?U?s?e?r?G?e?t?W?i?k?i?N?a?m?e?]?|?p?e?r?s?o?n?a?l? ?p?a?g?e?]?.?[?e?n?d?i?f?]?? ? ? ? ?.?.?.?i?t? ?s?e?e?m?s? ?t?o? ?m?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?I? ?s?h?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?a?b?l?e? ?t?o? ?e?d?i?t? ?m?y? ?o?w?n? ?p?a?g?e? ?n?o?w?,? ?b?u?t? ?I? ?c?a?n?'?t?.? ?T?h?a?t? ?t?e?x?t? ?d?o?e?s?n?'?t? ?s?h?o?w? ?u?p? ?f?o?r? ?m?e?,? ?w?h?i?c?h? ?s?h?o?u?l?d? ?m?e?a?n? ?t?h?a?t? ?U?s?e?r?H?a?s?H?o?m?e?p?a?g?e? ?i?s? ?f?a?l?s?e?.? ?T?h?a?t?'?s? ?n?o?t? ?t?r?u?e?,? ?b?e?c?a?u?s?e? ?T?r?u?n?c?a?t?e?d?.?h?t?m?l? ?e?x?i?s?t?s?.? ?A?l?s?o?,? ?m?y? ?n?a?m?e? ?i?s? ?l?i?s?t?e?d? ?i?n? ?U?s?e?r?s?.?h?t?m?l? ?b?u?t? ?h?a?s? ?n?o? ?l?i?n?k? ?t?o? ?m?y? ?p?a?g?e?.? ?R?e?l?a?t?e?d? ?s?o?m?e?h?o?w???
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Well it simply means that there exists a Truncated.html but there exists no homepage for user called Truncated. mysql> update users set homepage='Truncated' where name='truncated'; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 There, this will fix it.
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Heh. So you can change someones homepage to someone elses?
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It works! I can't believe it! (And they said imitation diamond wasn't good enough!) Thanks a bunch Bisqwit. :) Profile now with Kid Chameleon Tricks.
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Bob Whoops wrote:
Heh. So you can change someones homepage to someone elses?
Editor, Experienced player (736)
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I'm not sure, but it seems the 'anyone' create home page does not work yet, as in order to make any new webpages you need to be an editor. for example I tried visiting the url and got this, and when I tried to edit that page it said: Want to create it? [if:!UserIsLoggedIn]* If you are an editor, [log in] to edit the page. * If you are not an editor, become an [users|editor]. [endif][if:UserIsLoggedIn][if:!CanEditPages]* Become an [users|editor]. [endif][endif]* Click [[expr:WikiGetCurrentEditLink]|Edit this page]. * Write the page content, and click Save to create the page. Note: When creating new pages, always ensure that there is some other page that links to the newly created page. Otherwise your page will just become a [WikiOrphans|wiki orphan] that will be quickly forgotten. So has those changes not been implemented yet or is there a new way of making home pages?
Homepage ☣ Retired
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So this is related to semi-important goals because...?
Post subject: Re: Access tables
Editor, Experienced player (736)
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Bisqwit wrote:
|                     |nobody|anyone|editor|judge|publisher|halfpublisher|admin|
|                     | (1)  |(530) | (38) | (2) |   (5)   |     (0)     | (1) |
|view_submissions     |Y     |Y     |Y     |Y    |Y        |Y            |Y    |
|editing_submissions  |N; N  |N; Y  |N; Y  |Y; Y |Y; Y     |N; Y         |Y; Y |
|(all; self-submitted)|      |      |      |     |         |             |     |
|submitting_movies    |N     |Y     |Y     |Y    |Y        |Y            |Y    |
|editing_pages        |N; N  |N; Y  |Y; Y  |Y; Y |Y; Y     |Y; Y         |Y; Y |
|(all; homepage)      |      |      |      |     |         |             |     |
|editing_deletedpages |N; N  |N; N  |N; N  |N; N |N; N     |N; N         |Y; Y |
|(all; homepage)      |      |      |      |     |         |             |     |
|editing_moviehdrs    |N     |N     |N     |Y    |Y        |Y            |Y    |
|editing_movietext    |N     |N     |Y     |Y    |Y        |Y            |Y    |
|editing_moviecats    |N     |N     |Y     |Y    |Y        |Y            |Y    |
|editing_moviefiles   |N     |N     |Y     |Y    |Y        |Y            |Y    |
|publishing_movies    |N     |N     |N     |N    |Y        |Y            |Y    |
|judging_movies       |N     |N     |N     |Y    |Y        |N            |Y    |
|editing_page_history |N     |N     |N     |N    |Y        |N            |Y    |
|edit_recommendation  |N     |N     |N     |N    |N        |N            |Y    |
because of this, the changes listed don't seem to be implemented, specifically with non editor players unable to create their own homepages. unless there's a memo I'm missing, like a specific link or somewhere for players to create their own homepages.
Homepage ☣ Retired
Post subject: Re: Access tables
Editor, Player (91)
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Homepages are created on database admin level. No editor can create them. (They can create pages that have an arbitrary name, but it doesn't make them homepages.) Editing them, once created, is another issue though. The access list does not lie. In the past, it was possible for anyone to create a page by their account name, but it was abused; someone registered as "Frontpage", and put a goatse image on the front page because the site assumed it was their homepage. Thus, now homepages can only be created by database admin.
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yes, I noticed that the page already exists, yet it is mostly blank and is ready for editing, and additionally does not have any other sites that link to it, making it technically a wiki orphan... not needs to be "created" per se but "made" might be a better term. The list specifically says anyone (530) can edit homepages, but not all pages. (all; homepage | N;Y) Truncated already told me of the wariness of members creating deceving names to cause problems, so I'm aware of that danger. I was just noting that anyone (530) is listed as can edit homepages, but when I tried to do so couldn't.
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comicalflop wrote:
yes, I noticed that the page already exists
I don't know how you "noticed" that, considering that the address you pasted says "This page does not yet exist.". (And gives a http 404 status code, which is not displayed.) [Edit: Moved into a new thread, as it should have been done by the original poster.]
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True. "This page does not yet exist. Want to create it? * Become an editor. * Click Edit this page. * Write the page content, and click Save to create the page. Note: When creating new pages, always ensure that there is some other page that links to the newly created page. Otherwise your page will just become a wiki orphan that will be quickly forgotten." it still doesn't help non editors to make their own home pages. Everything I see described about making a player homepage specifically requires editor status. I'm sorry if I'm probably being very assertive about this, I'm running on a little bit of low sleep *yawn* and was wondering if in my spare time I could figure out this stuff on my own, and came upon this little speedbump and noticed the permission list is (if I read it correctly) inaccurate. I'm sorry to have been a slight hassle for the past 1-2 hours, thanks for making this a new thread. Truncated had linked me to the ignore semi-important goal thread where you posted the list and I started posting there.
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Note that the "want to create it? become an editor" part is not a lie either. It doesn't say anything about "homepages". It only talks about creating a page. As I previously explained, editors can create pages with arbitrary names. But homepages can only be created on database administration level. Otherwise, they are just pages with a name. Homepages differ from regular pages in these aspects: * Homepages can be edited by their owner, even if they're not an editor. * A homepage provides automatic links to the owner's forum profile, submissions etc * A homepage enables [user:name] type links work. Those links are automatically created by various functions in the site, as well as created by editors. Without a homepage, it won't form a link. * Homepages are denoted by a house icon on the RecentChanges page.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Homepages differ from regular pages in these aspects: * Homepages can be edited by their owner, even if they're not an editor. * A homepage provides automatic links to the owner's forum profile, submissions etc * A homepage enables [user:name] type links work. Those links are automatically created by various functions in the site, as well as created by editors. Without a homepage, it won't form a link. * Homepages are denoted by a house icon on the RecentChanges page.
oh ok I did not realize this difference. I understand those 4 points now. so could I have such a homepage created? can you make that happen, or have I been too much of a slight nuisance the past 3 hours? (which I apologize for)
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comicalflop wrote:
can you make that happen, or have I been too much of a slight nuisance the past 3 hours?
that made me laugh. The assumption that an admin would permanently deny a valid request because you've been a bit of a hassle tells me what kind of admins you've dealt with in the past. I could imagine that bisqwit wants to know what you're going to use it for prior to giving you one, but unless you're been annoying on purpose, I doubt he'll bear a grudge :)
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yeah I had bad experiences with past admins and other beings in high power, plus a few months back Bisqwit yelled at me for my lack of knowing my avatar was too big. So I tend to tread lightly in these areas when I feel I might've toed the line or at least gotten on someone's nerves. It'd be to make a Comicalflop home page, much like how most of the editors have one. I might also want to take a look at how FractalFusion posted his progress in a chart for his MMX run, and use it for the 3-4 runs I'm working on.
Homepage ☣ Retired