Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets."
Wally: "Really?"
Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying."
Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!"
Currently working on:
Nothing at the moment.
After megaman becomes invincibility by using the cheat, it becomes able to down-scroll when megaman repeats a right and left movement in the wall.
Therefore, if some devices are done, it might be possible.
Joined: 4/21/2004
Posts: 3518
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
If you can make this trick to work, then not only is it a huge time saver, but also I probably dont have to take two refills in Cossack for the Balloon Adaptor. This trick reminds of the one you did in Dust Man, which I could reproduce but could not gain control over Mega Man afterwards or he would die. <-- Although this particular video does not demonstrate some mentionable success, it illustrates what Finalfighter just explained. By the wobbling motion, you can maybe make the screen scroll the necessary amount in order to scroll down.
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Thats more like it :) Wonder if it will work switching to Mega Buster since thats what I have to switch eventually. Wonder how long it takes to set up that Rush Jet trick.
Perhaps, to TimeAttack though it is not possible to use(Because there is no
RushJet. )
The similar technique is possible even by this place.
Megaman doesn't die even if it has been buried on the wall for a long time. (In
this place. )
Oh my GOD.. FinalFighter did something SUPER COOL again :) i almost figured out
technique myself.. but FinalFighter used a balloon to get screen to correct place "my tech. demonstration was to change weapons but i didn't even tried it (yet)".. I'll hope megaman 4 can be glitched so much as Rockman 1 :)
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Dive Man, Drill Man and just recently Toad Man is completed (<--- the stage, not the boss). Click here for the WIP and at this point, we are 19,2 seconds ahead.
Joined: 4/21/2004
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
You mean like this:
Dust Man
Stage: 33 frames, how? Faster crushing ceiling tactics and less lag during the red blocks zone.
Boss: 65 frames because DeHackEd managed to killed him in the center of the screen.
Skull Man
new: 32676-36743=4067
old: 33528-37634=4376
Stage: havent confirmed yet.
Boss : 40 frames faster, how?
Dive Man
new: 40067-44214=4147
old: 40998-45187=4189
Stage: 42 frames faster, how? same as above stage; more aggressive.
Boss : 72 frames faster, how? mostly a revised version of Bablo's trick.
Drill Man
new: 47543-51210=3667
old: 48592-52296=3704
Stage: gained 37 frames, how? Used earlier Flash Stopper.
Boss: gained 51 frames, how?
Toad Man
old: 56676-60204=3528
Stage: gained 17 frames, how? Didnt fire early as possible on some enemies which minimized lag and other minor things.
Havent checked yet how much we gained in Pharaoh Man and Bright Man.
Edit: De will explain someday (probably in our submission text) how he managed to gain some frames on the bosses I havent explained. By the way, we need to discuss the use of Balloon Adaptor for the Cossack and possibly Wily stages due to the discovery Finalfighter did in Cossack 4. Should we get the big refill (for Balloon) in Cossack 3 for the later stages?
Great WIP. The only thing I was left wondering was if Dustman could have been manipulated into not jumping so you could always hit him as soon as he stops blinking.
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Good observation :) In our current published run, DeHackEd could easily make him jump to the center (as we all know, killing bosses in the center is the fastest way for those shiny balls to disappear) but the problem was to connect the Ring Boomerang at him while he was jumping. Fortunately, De could do it now at our current second version/work.
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Cossack 1 and Cossack 2 done. Lots of sweet things happened in Cossack 2 :) For instance, I discoreved a tiny zipping technique, I call it: "Diagonal zip". It involves A Balloon and one of those spike blocks. Ya'll will see it once we are done :) Its not a significant zip but Im sure Mega Man followers will appreciate it. Now to the biggest discovery in Cossack 2! Everyone remember the boss? The one with the two parts. Now according to the current published version, the boss came in two phases, one fast and one slow. You cannot obviously do a thing during the first phase, as the two parts passes through you quickly, however the second slow phase is when the boss forms into a square shape and then you'll begin executing it. I found (by pure accident as I was goofing around) out that with luck manipulation, you can make it skip the first phase and instantly begin with the second phase :) What this means is that DeHackEd will save lots of seconds.
See? This is why having a job sucks. You miss stuff like this because you can't be in IRC as much.
That said, our current estimate of how far ahead we are is something like 20 seconds from our previous run...
Now, AngerFist: what is this bug of which you speak?
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File sent to Mr DeHackEd. For reference, we are (not counting De's upcoming Cossack 2 battle, as stated before, he'll gain a few seconds) at this point 21,06 second ahead of our previous run.
Joined: 4/21/2004
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Cossack 3, Cossack 4, Wily 1 and Wily 2 done. Gained several frames on each stage, recently finished Wily 2 and I gained 61 frames. Ok now Im going to sleep (its 03:38 a.m)..