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You're warning me for accusing you of favoritism? Well that's a new reaction. Usually you either (1) get quite angry, as noted by your cute red avatar, or wanting to punch me in face™, or (2) explain the very specific scenario's behavior away with semantics and contrived conditions that ultimately don't add up when you look at the general behavior. If anyone besides Phil had gotten into this argument, you would not have done a thing and everyone here knows it. Of course you'll try to explain it away with stuff about common enemy, "gang" mentality, poor Phil can't express himself well, blah blah blah blah. It doesn't matter, there are too many examples to ignore. If you have to ban me in order to feel like you are fair, then do so. After all, I'm completely replacable, right?. I only ask that you make me a nice "Goodbye JXQ" thread, praising everything I've done and ignoring my shortcomings completely. Since you are completely not biased, I trust this will not be an issue, thanks.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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If anyone besides Phil had gotten into that argument, you wouldn't have posted something like "Would you insult or reason with a mosquito? It can't communicate effectively, it doesn't care what you're saying, and in the end it's just out to annoy you", would you? I'm not so much warning you because of accusations of favoritism as for general aggression towards me. You go around ridiculing and desecrating my actions, and when I confront you and ask you what I could do to improve things, you're like, "oh, there's nothing I guess, you're doing fine". And then you continue badmouthing me in front of everyone else.
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I typed that because I feel sorry for those who try to reason with Phil. I have experience in wasting my time trying to communicate with him. Perhaps it should have been PM to Upthorn and Xkeeper rather than a public post. Way to ignore my claim and respond with your own accusation. But, talking to you in PM is a waste of time. You see my claims and do one of the two things I listed above. I don't remember saying "oh, you're doing fine" in our recent PMs about the SDW submission. I remember saying you were an asshole for telling members of the community that they weren't needed and that it would push away the people who produce your content. You responded with
Bisqwit wrote:
As I saw your line as an attack, part of neutralizing it was to point out that you are not absolutely necessary; you cannot force my hand by saying that you won't be doing any more work.
Great ideals, except that you are attempting to force others' hands to redo work by rejection, and forcing others to feel they MUST do it, by pointing out that they are replacable. Of course you can do that; you're the admin, blah blah. But your attitude conveys that you see the members of this community as resources instead of people, and replacable at any time - except for a select few. That pisses me off greatly, and there's no "fix" for it, no matter how many ways you ask. It's hopeless. Are we all replacable? Yes, very much so. The concept of TAS will live on. But as I told you in PM, reminding people of this fact in your position is a straight dickhead move. Add all this to the recent attitude you've contracted since xebra annoyed you, and you have a recipe for "nothing's getting better". EDIT: And yes, I'm sure you can find a PM from me at some point saying that I can't think of anything to do to help, but it's this recent issue that have really put me at odds with you, not previous ones.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I think the political correctness of trying to do everything "correctly" and "nicely" for everyone is a silly and impractical thing that just gets in the way of progress. This is really silly and immature bickering, and yet I'm at a loss for words what I really want to say. While I disagree with the general manner in which this site has been run lately, I can't point fingers and say it was just one or two people who are the issue. I think there's a general synergy problem amongst the people in here. This is kind of a complex and confusing situation that I think need to be addressed at the root (which, unsurprisingly, I don't think we'd be able to agree on just what the root is) and worked up to the details.
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JXQ wrote:
I don't remember saying "oh, you're doing fine" in our recent PMs about the SDW submission.
In there you indeed didn't.
JXQ wrote:
Great ideals, except that you are attempting to force others' hands to redo work by rejection, and forcing others to feel they MUST do it, by pointing out that they are replacable.
You're putting awfully lot weight on that comment. As I pointed out already, I thought that SDW is a simple movie to improve, and that your saying "I <expletives> won't do it" was an attempt to force me around.
JXQ wrote:
Of course you can do that; you're the admin, blah blah.
I like that argument as little as you do, because it shoves the real issues under the carpet.
JXQ wrote:
But your attitude conveys that you see the members of this community as resources instead of people, and replacable at any time - except for a select few.
That was not what I wanted to convey, and not a subtext I was thinking, as I have already explained. I apologize that it appeared that way to you (and possibly others).
JXQ wrote:
Add all this to the recent attitude you've contracted since xebra annoyed you, and you have a recipe for "nothing's getting better".
Can you explain, what is the "recent attitude" that you speak of? From my point of view, there was this topic about size tags being abused. At first I decided to shrug it off saying it's a social problem and should be dealt in social ways, but after having been made aware of it, I came to notice that it actually is quite annoying, so I devised a technical means to discourage the use of micro text. But instead of being discouraged, some people protested and decided to become troublemakers instead. I dealt with troublemakers as any admin is supposed to, however, it was not received well.
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JXQ wrote:
But your attitude conveys that you see the members of this community as resources instead of people, and replacable at any time - except for a select few. That pisses me off greatly, and there's no "fix" for it, no matter how many ways you ask. It's hopeless. Are we all replacable? Yes, very much so. The concept of TAS will live on. But as I told you in PM, reminding people of this fact in your position is a straight dickhead move.
Agreed. It pisses me off too and I have observed and felt this by more situations than just the SDW submission. There is a general lack of appreciation for "new" people and there contributions. TASes as well as emulator updates or new rerecording platforms.
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adelikat wrote:
JXQ wrote:
But your attitude conveys that you see the members of this community as resources instead of people, and replacable at any time - except for a select few. That pisses me off greatly, and there's no "fix" for it, no matter how many ways you ask. It's hopeless. Are we all replacable? Yes, very much so. The concept of TAS will live on. But as I told you in PM, reminding people of this fact in your position is a straight dickhead move.
Agreed. It pisses me off too and I have observed and felt this by more situations than just the SDW submission. There is a general lack of appreciation for "new" people and there contributions. TASes as well as emulator updates or new rerecording platforms.
I have not seen such a thing, (though I do not really follow the politics of the site very closely) if such a thing is happening, it needs to stop. The time the respect stops is the time the TAS' stop. Keep that in mind.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Can you explain, what is the "recent attitude" that you speak of?
I have felt that you have had an apparent mood shift since around the time of that "xebra incident" (not that I am saying it was caused by that). I just figured you were in some sort of "funk" lately. I don't think I am the only one to observe this. Just though you should probably be aware (since you seem to suggest you aren't aware).
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adelikat wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Can you explain, what is the "recent attitude" that you speak of?
I have felt that you have had an apparent mood shift since around the time of that "xebra incident" (not that I am saying it was caused by that). I just figured you were in some sort of "funk" lately. I don't think I am the only one to observe this. Just though you should probably be aware (since you seem to suggest you aren't aware).
I indeed wasn't aware of anything like that. I'm indeed somewhat more depressed now than I was before, but I think as a consequence of the events after (i.e. from reception to moderative actions etc.) that anything leading to that.
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adelikat wrote:
There is a general lack of appreciation for "new" people and there contributions. TASes as well as emulator updates or new rerecording platforms.
Kles wrote:
The time the respect stops is the time the TAS' stop.
These are valid points. As for myself, I've always been somewhat passive towards emulator updates or new rerecording platforms here; mostly because most of the emulators are entangled with Windows by design, and getting them to work on my favourite operating system is a large hassle, and also because my personal zone of familiarity has been exhausted already. That's when enthusiasm stops, and it becomes work. As for insufficient appreciation towards new people and contributors, I plea guilty. It is something part of my nature, which I could probably outgrow. I can deal almost warmly with a few people, but I cannot make 1000 or 200 people feel themselves important. :-/
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Bisqwit wrote:
I'm indeed somewhat more depressed now than I was before, but I think as a consequence of the events after (i.e. from reception to moderative actions etc.) that anything leading to that.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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Bisqwit wrote:
adelikat wrote:
There is a general lack of appreciation for "new" people and there contributions. TASes as well as emulator updates or new rerecording platforms.
Kles wrote:
The time the respect stops is the time the TAS' stop.
These are valid points.
Even though this is common sense, I feel it should be mentioned as well: The respect needs to go both ways. The staff needs to respect the contributors just as much as they need to respect the staff back. If the staff does something they disagree with, they have the right to be huffy and annoyed, but it needs to be respectful and not just a series of ridiculous personal attacks. Also, respect entails not acting like a complete child when people do things you disagree with. I have always known this but up until recently, I too used to participate in being an immature clown towards those I disagree with. Don't do it. It's nothing but harmful and unproductive and there are much better ways to get your point across. A positive message, genial tone is much more likely to sway your opposition than a nasty, scathing tone is.
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JXQ, quite successful trolling you have been doing here. Congratulations.
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Hmmm... adding a feature like this thread originally intended is looking better and better. Bisqwit could ignore JXQ and live a happier life, JXQ and I could ignore Phil and avoid arguments that start due to language barriers and mis-communications, and all the BS might actually be cut down. See why other boards think of this as a good idea? The best arguments are the ones that get avoided completely. Edit: After reading the past few responses more closely, I feel I should add I have also noticed a difference in attitude, both from Bisqwit and in general, since Xebra decided to start posting again. I don't feel it's anyone's fault, sometimes shit just happens, however it has been nearly palpatory. I think in general most of the population here tries to be respectful (indeed, it was only when Xebra started being a prick to Bisqwit did I say anything about it, otherwise I liked him), but sometimes many people could just take a step back. I don't dislike anyone on these boards because I feel that most of the time they show me the respect I try to show them. The only exception I have would be Phil, because I have seen increasing amounts of disrespect to many people from him since my start here. And no, this is not an attempt to start an argument, it's simply how I feel. But in most cases, respect, or lack thereof, is the issue at heart, which can only be addressed by each individual member.
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Bisqwit wrote:
your attitude has been recently less than constructive.
I am just wanting to make certain that you understand that "undesired by the administration" is not the same thing as "nonconstructive". In fact, if the administration is behaving nonconstructively, the only constructive thing to do is to oppose them and try to show them that their behavior is the opposite of helpful. The best thing the administration can do in this situation is try to understand the complaint and determine whether or not it is reasonable. It may not always be, but it will be most of the time.
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JXQ wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
I suggest you post those complaints more formally
Yeah, that worked wonders for jimsfriend. I'll get right on it.
You shouldn't rule out the possibility that "ignore offending user" was the prize behind door number three.
JXQ wrote:
I typed that because I feel sorry for those who try to reason with Phil.
Perhaps the problem here is that you used the comparison of a mosquito. Next time you wish to insult someone's intelligence or reasoning ability you should try comparing with monkeys and very young brats. No content required.
Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign aqfaq Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign
Post subject: An ongoing battle which never ends...
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With regard to the topic title, I think ignoring specific users posts is a terrible idea. At first I thought it was a great idea, but as time has progressed after reading the posts so far, that vision has plummited drastically. Think about it ignoring long term problems like other members on the board does not make the problem go away. I don't care much for newly registered members who don't incorporate an acceptable attidude because they will get banned quickly anyway. Plus if the feature was implemented I would end up choosing to block several previous posters in the thread (now how does that make you feel eh). As for JXQ, you brought up a point and Bisqwit made counterstatement which is fair game in my books. You then decided to de-rail yet another thread with a recent unrelated political point. Yet a I fully admit Bisqwit has made some bad judgements in the past, present and likely future. I have to admit that I'd rather have him as admin than you. As for your ongoing issues with Phil, you have a very bad arguing strategy in relation to him. There is a relatively simple way to counteract him, not that I'm going to tell you :p For Bisqwit, you tend to ignore the problem so dealing with you over PMs is pointless and quickly resorting to admin threats is effectively ridiculing yourself when dealing with established members. Also the voice of reason might have been better than using metaphoric examples against JXQ. EDIT: Calling for a lock in the not to distant future...
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Why call for a lock? This topic hasn't become the flame war like other topics have been, hell no one had even posted in it for 10 days before you. Just because it may have outlived it's usefulness for you doesn't mean that everyone else is done thinking about it or wanting to discuss it.
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AKA wrote:
Think about it ignoring long term problems like other members on the board does not make the problem go away.
Users could ignore other users. Moderators would still have the unenviable task of reading all the posts. If there really is a problem that the moderators might consider serious, I imagine they would deal with it whether the user complains or not. If it's a simple case of someone being annoying, someone else has the option to block it. So in stead of users trying to 'drive off' annoying people, and being annoyed when those people stay, cumulating in the user trolling the annoying person, pressuring the moderators to take action, and possibly both parties being banned, the user can choose to simply cut him or herself off. This sort of feature can keep the atmosphere of a forum from getting too negative. I don't see a downside, really. Besides the work setting it up, I mean. It's all well and good to say if there is a problem on the forum, report it, but most people want to purge thier forum of dumb people, whether those people are following rules or not. You can't very well report someone for being stupid or irritating. But if you think you can get away with trolling someone into quitting, then why not do it?
AKA wrote:
if the feature was implemented I would end up choosing to block several previous posters in the thread
So would I. But that's neither here nor there. Don't get me wrong. I'm quite capable of scrolling down to the next post if I come across something I don't like. It's clear that a lot of people do not share this skill. An ignore feature would save me some scrolling time, though.
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Good bump. FWIW I've been using a script to ignore people since this thread started and I'm happier than ever. tasvideos has never rocked this much.
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I would never use an ignore feature even if it was present.
Nach wrote:
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For all you know, a user you dont like, could find something amazing. Say everyone blocked FODA for a unknown reason, and he found a glitch to immeadeatly speed up mario like a BLJ, but no one would actuallly know about it. And, how would submissions work?
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I find it very unlikely everyone would block one person who wasn't just a straight-up spammer. Submissions are reported by nesvideoagent, so it wouldn't matter unless he was blocked by someone.
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I'm receiving private messsages from an unwanted guy, I think that feature should exist.
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Chamale wrote:
Submissions are reported by nesvideoagent, so it wouldn't matter unless he was blocked by someone.
Actually, I want to be able ignore him. He and I had a big fight the other day. He took the side of the toaster oven in my apartment, and I took the side of the potted plant. At least the ficus agrees with me.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.