• Emulator used: Snes9x v1.43+ Improvement 9
    • Use WIP1 Timing
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses death as shortcut
  • Heavily manipulates luck
  • Abuses programming errors

  • Battle Mode: Wait
  • Battle Speed: 4
  • Message Speed: 1
  • Commad Set: Short
  • Gauge: Off
  • Cursor: Memory
The Battle Mode set to wait is because with the Battle Speed set at 4 doesn't give you much time, even with frame advance.
The Battle Mode set to 4 is because is the fastest you can go w/o making the enemies to fast for you (i.e. The Wingrapter could defend before I get my 3rd time with Faris to attack...).
Message Speed at 1 shows the text the fastest.
Command Set to Short allows me to chose any of the 4 commands in 1 frame, instead of sometimes 2.
The Gauge bar is removed because IMO looks better that way & might save lag.
The Cursor set on Memory really saves time when you are choosing something, like an item or magic.

Boss Strategies: Here I'll mention what & why did I manipulate in each boss fight.
  • Wing Raptor: I just couldn't get him to use his Fight command, that would had save some time. BTW, I equip Galuf with the BroadSword I just got, to deal more damage & be able to kill him before he gets the chance to defende. (I wasn't that familiar with luck manipulation yet)
  • Karlabos: Tailscrew is faster than Fight, though he only can make it on his 2nd move. So I got his fastest attack animations. Still not very familiar with luck manipulation, so I have to use the Thief's Steal command... (this repeats several times over the curse...)
  • Siren: Mute was the best option out of her 3 possible attacks on the 1st round. Cure is faster, so I use Faris to attack to manipulate her. Butz attacking w/o using Goblin Puch was faster than with it.
  • Magissa: She starts with magic attacks, so I can barely survive her attack, that's why I need to heal. Don't remember if Fire was faster than lightning, though. I attack breaking an Ice Rod I found earlier.
  • Galura: Whenever I attack him, he counters. However, using the whip I got from Magissa, I can paralize him.
  • Liquid Flame: Fight is Faster than Flame. Then, since he always counters with Flame, it can't be helped. So I let Faris and Galuf die & use the Pot instead of items to revive them & replenish of MP too.
  • Iron Claw: I have to kill someone becuase I need to learn Lv5 Doom and the boss does give me Experience. So I choose Butz, since he'll be damaged with Death Claw anyways.
  • Ifrit: Flame is the only attack that didn't killed someone, so I have to get that.
  • Byblos: He's the only boss in which I can get a Pre-entive attack, so he doesn't even get the chance to attack.
  • Sandworm: The holes that also appear will counter with Demi. For who knows what reason, I don't get counter once, which is good, but might be able to exploit it if I knew the reason...
  • Cray Claw: Again, Tailscrew is faster than Fight. Also, I had to break the rod with Galuf since Lenna & Butz where short in damage.
  • Adamantoise: Since I can survive his Attack, I let him hit me once. And yes, he attacks twice the first time.
  • Soul Cannon: He doesn't get the chance to attack.
  • Archeoavis: For those that don't know, he has 5 forms. The 1st 4 have 1600 HP but the damage won't be carried from one to the next.
  • Manticore: Same, I can survive his attack, so no need to evade.
  • Titan: Lenna will die anyway, so I let Titan hit her.
  • Purobolos: Gil Toss kill them all at the same time, so no one revives. In the patched run I learned here the Blue Magic Explosion, but I don't need it now.
  • Abductor: I could had used Explotion here, but learning it was really slow... So instead, I make him to use Hurricane & then I kill myself. This is faster than trying to kill him with the current level...
  • Gilgamesh (Dungeon): A missile takes him before he can even attack.
  • Gilgamesh (Bridge): His Jump attack can't be evaded, so someone has to die.
  • Tyrannosaur: I can withstand his attack.
  • Abductor: Same as above.
  • Dragon Pod: I don't allow him to attack.
  • Gilgamesh (Ship): I think this time being attacked was faster than evading...
  • Atomos: Even if it doesn't look like, I manage to avoid his attack 3 times by making him doing nothing. That's why it looks like it takes lot more time to begin the fight.
  • Crystals: Their attacks where as fast as blocking them, so no need to manipulate it.
  • Exdeath (Great Tree): Galufs dies with a Fenix Down because he's wearing the Bone Mail. Exdeath doesn't even get a chance to attack him.
  • Exdeath: Can't take damage & Condemn is slower, so I avoid his attack. (Well, actually I think they could be revived once I stay at Tycoon Castle, but this way looks more impressive.
  • Antlion: I think his Sonic Wave gets evaded by the Aegis Shield, but not sure. Well, at least it's faster than taking damage.
  • Gargoyle: As usual, evaded the attacks with the Elf's Cloak.
  • Mummy: Same as above.
  • Melusine: I manipulate Merugene to do nothing, that's why she stands still.
  • Calofisteri: Out of her 3 commands, Old was the fastest & was kind of funny as I also use Old on her.
  • Apanda: He counters each time he gets hit (although he can also do nothing). Since he uses Toad, I manipulate it to hit Faris, since she can't equip a Ribbon for Halicarnass' battle.
  • Catastrophe: My thiefs where faster than him, so I don't even allow him to attack once.
  • Halicarnassus: She starts with Kurururu, so that's why I equiped some Ribbons & made Faris a frog. Also, with only 3% of success with Old, I could only manipulate it the way is shown on the movie.
  • Twintania: I let Lenna die as he later uses Atomic Ray to kill the other 2 members.
  • Exdeath: I make him do nothing. Also, I have to rely on the same luck manipulation as with Hali (attemping to run away), DarkShock only had 1% of hitting.
  • Neo Exdeath: Since I use the Mix "Kiss of Blessing", Exdeath can't transform into Neo Exdeath.
Note: Names where taken from the GBA version.

FAQ: I've decided to mention some of the most frequent question I could be asked.
  • Why is the run only around 13 minutes faster than the SDA run?
    • That's because in the SNES version you can't run as fast as in the PS. You have to walk a lot, so it's where I lose some time compared to the other run.
  • Why do you decided to run accross the lava & not over the flowers at the North Mountain?
    • This is because crossing either will make me lose a frame per square. At the Mountain, I can't get healed of Poison, so I must avoid it, but on Exdeath's Castle, changing into a Elementalist is slower.
  • What is faster, evading or taking damage?
    • Evading using the Elf's Cloak is faster than evading using a shield (and easier to manipulate too). Taking damage is around the same as evading with the Elf's Cloak, though it varies sometimes.
  • Do you really buy something at Karnak Town?
    • Yes, in fact I buy 1 Ice Rod at half price.
  • How can you use Ice 3/Lightning 3 so early and not using a Black Mage?
    • This is because I break some Rods & they have that effect.
  • What do you do in that battle against a robot that looks just like Omega
    • I fight against a Prototype. I perform the Infinite Item Glitch to get lots of money quickly.
  • Is this the same thing against that Zombie Dragon?
    • Yes, though this time I steal a rare item.

Despite trying to avoid any mistake, I still had some minor errors that should be taken into account if someone decides to obsolete this run.
  • Even better luck manipulation to reduce "lag" (Use shortest commands always to manipulate luck).
  • Avoid winning dropped items that aren't needed.
  • With better luck manipulation, it's possible to make Wing Raptor attack with Fight instead of Breath Wing.
  • Fighting a (Killer Bee x2 + Goblin) might be faster than fighting (White Snake + Black Goblin) & (Goblin), since I ended up not using the items at the beginner's house as I think I would. Though you would need to trigger the battle quick.need to get the fight quick...
  • Moving the cursor fast (as shown in the M-i-a-B fight with a Goblin) might look good, but it creates lag. So it should be avoided, unless you manipulate luck that way.
  • After I receive the ship, I equip Learning to both Lenna & Galuf. I wasn't that good with luck manipulation, so I just increased the chances.
  • If someone knows why 1 hole didn't countered with Demi, this could be used to avoid more counters...
  • At the Quicksand Desert, with luck manipulation with enemies group encounters, I could avoid the detour I made to fight against those Sand Bears. If it isn't possible to get them quick, then Probably breaking a rod or two on Gigamesh(Bridge) battle would be possible.
  • Buying less items, maybe. I would think it's faster if your inventory is reduced, though I'm not sure.
  • When fighting the Rocket Launchers, learning Missile should be skipped. You can use Gill Toss to dispatch Gilgamesh with Galuf.
  • With a better luck manipulation, it's barely possible to avoid letting Archeoavis attack even once. However, it highly depends on how fast is your team.
  • I overlooked the fact that Lenna wasn't in the Team when I fought the Gargoyles, so only Butz could use Mix. At least I found a way to deal with it.

Thanks to:
  • Boko: She started the idea of having a run for this game. Her topic made me join this forum.
  • /*-: He decided to take serious Boko's thread & gathered all the strategies into 1 post. This helped finishing the strategies for latter bosses.
  • Maza: He's working on making some subtitles for the movie. Also, we discussed stuff about the run & often he checked my advances.
  • bmgenji: Posted some strategies on Boko's thread.
  • GameFAQs FAQ authors: The Algorithm FAQ was incredible helpful. My LLG FAQ helped before I joined the site too.
  • SDA page: It helped other people with some ideas before I came.
  • RPGclassics page: Their maps where really helpful. Also, their ABP Monster List was useful to plan the route taken.
  • Snes9x's cheat searching & watch features: I could find some helpful addresses like the Enemy's HP, Lv & Attack Gauge.
  • RPGe's Patch: Since I know zero Japanese, this patch was really helpful to quickly check if I had the correct equipment & items instead of using memory addresses.
  • Ebmid (from GameFAQs): Save me the trouble to test if the Ancient Sword had the same % when it uses Old as just using the Time spell.
  • SilverLance(From CavesofNarshe): He explained me how does stealing works, and explained me about the random fights.
  • Anyone I forgot who helped on Boko's thread.
  • & everyone else that kept interest on this run, thanks.

adelikat: Congrats on having your first submission accepted for publication.

Joined: 10/3/2005
Posts: 1332
I'd also be very appreciative if a copy of the subtitles were made available... I'm thinking of hacking in some subtitle support for snes9x, since as much as I'd like to see the movie with subs, I'm not keen on downloading a 3:35:00+ AVI.
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Or sitting still for 3 and a half hours.
Has never colored a dinosaur.
Editor, Active player (297)
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The idea of separate subtitles is probably better after all.
Joined: 8/27/2006
Posts: 883
Would be nice if there were included in snes9x because most subtitles will be for long movies.
Dromiceius wrote:
I'm not keen on downloading a 3:35:00+ AVI.
Me neither.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [942] SNES Final Fantasy V by samurai_goroh in 3:34:41.07
Active player (434)
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Hey, been looking forward to watching the full run but I'm having trouble with the torrent. I'm getting hung up on "getting info". This doesn't happen with any other torrent from this site. It seems like it just wants to keep looking, but never gives any error message that it can't find the tracker, or can't connect to the tracker or etc. I am using Tomato Torrent v 1.1.2. I will update it to 1.5 when I can, but I suspect that isn't the problem. Just wondering if this is something on my end, if anyone else is having problems, or if there's something else I can do to fix it. ps, I'm sure someone will suggest I download the smv. However I am confined to a mac almost all of the time. If there is a usable OSX version of snes9x I would gladly (and rather) use the emulator file.
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thank you. now i can rest. it took you long enough :) thank you once more.
Emulator Coder
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So, are the subtitles in the AVI? I am currently watching it, but not seeing any. I wasn't sure if they were finished.
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Samurai Goroh and I are working on a soft subtitle track for use with the AVI. There's no hard subtitles in the AVI other than the usual branding near the beginning. Because Gencon is happening in a few hours I'm going to be gone from internet and sanity until like Monday but after that I'll be working on the subs pretty much constantly until they're done.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
Emulator Coder
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Boco wrote:
Samurai Goroh and I are working on a soft subtitle track for use with the AVI. There's no hard subtitles in the AVI other than the usual branding near the beginning. Because Gencon is happening in a few hours I'm going to be gone from internet and sanity until like Monday but after that I'll be working on the subs pretty much constantly until they're done.
Hey, no rush. Thanks and have fun :) What type of subtitle filter will I need then?
Post subject: First world subtitles...
Editor, Player (54)
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Well, I'm "finished" with the 1st world subtitles... I "translated" (actually, just used the GBA text) every battle command, added a few notes when I'm about to use for the first time Goblin Punch, breaking a rod, etc. Added the explanation of the story that is shown in the intro of the GBA version & added conversations I consider most important. Bear with the fact that since there's lots of text, sometimes it covers the whole screen. I could reduce the amount, but there wouldn't be time to read it. So either I would have to just remove it or showing it almost like in the TAS... I created a page on google in which I uploaded my part, here's the link: http://samuraigoroh.googlepages.com/home Since the file is "big", I'm having lag when viewing the video, so I don't know if something didn't synched or if there's some other kind of error :P Any feedback is appreciated :)
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Meanwhile I've been using goroh's version as a base and have added more comments and all the missing conversations: http://www.geocities.com/boco_xlvii/ffvsubs.zip It's slow going but there's the first 20 minutes or so.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Posts: 1332
Dammit. I can't compile snes9x-1.43. Massive wall of errors. Would someone more able perhaps be willing to add subtitle support?
Joined: 10/3/2005
Posts: 1332
Ahoy, mates. I don't know if anyone is actually working on subtitles anymore, but this TAS seems to sync with DeHackEd's Lua-enabled version of Snes9x, for which I have cobbled together a very serviceable subtitle script out of straws and chewing gum. Uh... has work progressed?
Editor, Player (54)
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Nope, I'm not working on them anymore. I mentioned I was going to do the subtitles for the first world only. Boco was going to do the rest, but she didn't/hasn't. (though she helped me with some extra info in the 1st world...) Besides, I can't work on them again (don't have a good computer to even run the movie at 100%...) Anyway, what's this Lua-enabled thing?
I'm the best in the Universe! Remember that!
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Ah. Sorry to hear that. Here's the thread on Snes9x-Lua.
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In the submission text, the link on the very bottom should be changed to this: SamuraiGoroh/FFVWalkthroughPlan (Wiki: SamuraiGoroh/FFVWalkthroughPlan)
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