Post subject: Idea: Removing the link below the submission text box
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I just wrote a very very long submission text. And by accident I hit the "How to make a submission" link. I tried to go back but my text wasn't there any more. In future I'll write my text on a text file...
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Or in a better browser. The one that doesn't erase the form contents if you go on another page.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Re: Idea: Removing the link below the submission text box
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MUGG wrote:
In future I'll write my text on a text file...
That's what I always do.
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Two browsers that definately should retain form data, no matter how large: Firefox Opera
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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I write the submission text on Word as I go along. I hate to see submission texts that say, "Something or other is improvable here, but I forget what..."
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I'm currently having another problem. The submission preview function doesn't work even if everything seems to be correct... I make empty lines with no end in sight but the text is mixed with the headings nevertheless... What should I do? Is that also because of my browser (Internet Explorer)?
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I always write mine in Notepad first so I can use them as a template for future submissions.
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MUGG wrote:
I make empty lines with no end in sight
What do you mean by that? Can you post a snippet of text that gets garbled, or a screenshot?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Quick Help on edit/formatting at the SubmitMovie page wrote:
empty line creates a new paragraph,
Text Formatting Rules wrote:
Example: This is paragraph one. This is paragraph two. There is a blank line in between.
I just changed the design of my submission text, it has no headings in it anymore. *presses SAVE* wow what a great feeling... EDIT: looks like shit, though -..- EDIT2: The more I look onto my final submission text the more I feel like crap XD
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Here's a good way to format your submission
It would be nice if someone could help me with the headings because I'm having problems with it

! Intodruction

Note that I'm German and have been learning English merely 4 and a half years.%%%

This is my first submission on this great site.%%%
A run about one of my very first games I've ever played, The Smurfs!

! About the game

Here's a short intodruction I found on the internet:

««Three Smurfs have disappeared from the village! As Hefty Smurf your journey will be long.%%%
Jump across the river climb the mountains and travel through mines as you try to find Gargamel.%%%
Papa Smurf is counting on you to defeat Gargamel and bring the missing smurfs home!»»

The Smurfs is a sidescroller in which you must reach the goal in each level by beating or avoiding enemies and jumping across fosses.

There are 12 levels in total + 3 boss fights.

! About the run

* Aims for fastest tim
* Plays on hardest difficulty
* Manipulates luck
* Takes damage to save time
* Used emulator: [=forum/t/2050|Visual Boy Advance 1.72]

In my first attempt I beat the game in 9:16 minutes. This is an improvement of 14 seconds, most of the improvement came from the fact that I didn't know that the first screen was skipable (~220 frames saved). This led to better timings. I also optimized much at level 6, the boss fights and other parts!

! Items

This is about those useless items in the game.

They don't lag but bring bonus points. In the run, I didn't really care for points, though. 

The best possible highscore wouldn't have been that amazing anyway.

* __Raspberry__ - Refills your health by one unit.
* __Leaf__ - Get ten of them and you'll earn one extra life!!!
* __Smurf doll__ - Extra life!!! Wow!
* __Star__ - If you get all five stars in a level, you may play a bonus game. Even by getting only one star, there would be a lag of 10 frames. So I always avoided them if possible.

! Tricks I used

__Don't continue reading if you haven't seen the movie yet or it may be less entertaining afterwards!__

I found several glitches in the game but almost all of them were useless and pointless.

* If you get damage, you fall back. By ''turning around in front of an unavoidable enemy'' you fall into the right direction.
* But by ''pressing left + right before getting hit'' you can even avoid the "falling back" animation. However, this bug wasn't optimized well yet.
* You'll run faster on platforms which go into your direction, like birds and water striders.
* and more...

! Notes on certain levels

LEVEL 1 - A level with many platforms and great variety of enemies. I used the "falling into other direction" trick here first.

LEVEL 4 - I stopped slightly in the end in order to luck-manipulate the location the snake in the next level comes from!

LEVEL 5 - In my first attempt I took much damage to save time. But due to better timing I was able to just run through the level without taking much damage.
In my opinion, that unfortunately made this level less entertaining...

LEVEL 6 - I optimized all jumps, and used the floor detection to its full capacity!

LEVEL 9 - Due to buggy layout of the solid sprites in this level, I could have gone a new route but it was sadly not time-saving!

LEVEL 10 - The last polar bear in this level was not avoidable. I wonder if it was intended to be like this...

! Closing words

Thanks to all people who posted into [=forum/t/5618|The Smurfs Thread] in the Gameboy forums.

I hope you enjoy the run!

If there are some people who are too lazy getting the ROM (and stuff), I uploaded a 12 frames slower version onto youtube:%%%
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P.JBoy wrote:
Here's a good way to format your submission
Good, but not recommendable without some slight improvements. Most of the %%% were completely redundant. I would delete the support for %%% if only there weren't the borderline cases where it's actually needed :) Also, you should use !! instead of ! for mainlevel headers so that you can use ! for subheaders, such as making a new header for each "level" in the "Notes on certain levels" section.
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Thank you, PJboy for your help. I first did it like this
!! bla1
or so, but bla1 and bla2 were mixed together. That was my actual problem!
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MUGG wrote:
That was my actual problem!
This problem has recurred occasionally. It may have something to do with CR characters intermixed with LF. I will take a look at the problem.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Also, you should use !! instead of ! for mainlevel headers so that you can use ! for subheaders
IMO the logic should go the other way: The more the "header" characters, the "smaller" the header. In other words, 1 header character = main header, 2 header characters = subheader, 3 header characters = subsubheader, etc. That way it's much easier to create hierarchical sections (each with their own header) on the fly, while writing the text. If the logic is in the other way, it takes a lot of work if you want to create a new level of subheaders but you already spent your "smallest" header level of one header character. You would have to go through the entire text and add a header character to each header.
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Warp wrote:
IMO the logic should go the other way: The more the "header" characters, the "smaller" the header. In other words, 1 header character = main header, 2 header characters = subheader, 3 header characters = subsubheader, etc. That way it's much easier to create hierarchical sections (each with their own header) on the fly, while writing the text.
Yeah, I have considered the same thing. The original idea was that more "!" = more important. Maybe some day the markup will be changed.