I haven't exactly abandoned it, but my progress is REALLY slow. For example, I was able to work on it some about 3 weeks ago (when I had a bit more free time; project-heavy class load this semester.) I progressed to the first "King Stages" boss. That latest version can now be downloaded at:
(It also includes a save state at the beginning of the gateway stage)
Now, I suppose you can continue it, but you must make sure to maintain a comparable playing level. There's two reasons for that.
1. The accuracy and complexity of the run increases somewhat as it progresses. It will really stick out like a sore thumb if the ending is played too relaxed.
2. I am still slowly working on it, thus any significant delays will be obsoleted in the future when I finish.
So, be sure to give it a good and thurough watch as well as some good play testing. I also
uploaded the notes I've made, although only the T-dash, J-dash, and dash info will really be useful, I think. (Unless your car happens to be low on radiator fluid, that is.) (Look for the Summary: stuff that I've copied a number of times in the text) (T-dash is short for Tengu-dash and means using Tengu Man's weapon to dash; it's significantly faster than everything else.) (J-dash is short for Jump-dash and simply means jump dashing; it's somewhat slower than normal dashing.)
Oh... I also exploited a simple glitch to avoid the monkey-taunting just before the first boss. The screen still darkens\lightens in the boss room, though. What bothers me about this is that, when I was earlier in the level test-playing through (I test played many times) I was first experimenting with the glitch and somehow got into the room avoiding the monkey taunt while also not getting the darkening\lightening. I spent the later half of Sunday (when I reached that point in the run) testing to try to duplicate it, with no success.