Post subject: Mickey Mousecapade
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I plan on doing a speed run for Mickey Mousecapade. I started today but the fmv got broken, so I'll have to start all over again, but luckily it was only a minute long so far so I didn't lose too much. In case anyone hasn't played this game, you play as Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse and go through five levels shooting stars at enemies and fighting a boss at the end of each level. Unlike Super Mario Bros., the levels aren't so linear, and a few of the levels are mazes. This game is pretty fun so I think a speed run for it would be entertaining.
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I worked on my video a little today and the video length is up to 1:22 so far. I think it will be very entertaining because there are so many things to shoot on each screen so it'll be cool how I go through each screen at full speed jumping and shooting so accurately and shooting as many things as possible.
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I've been lazy for the past few days and I haven't been working on my video, but today I spent some more time on it and I finished level 2 (the ocean) and the video length is up to 3:32 (up to when the screen turns black). So far I think everything is perfect and there won't be any room for improvement.
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Why is no one responding to this topic? Isn't everyone looking forward to seeing my Mickey Mousecapade speed run? It's gonna be the best speed run ever since it's a hard game with nonstop action. Anyway, the video length video length is up to 4:25 so far and I'm in the middle of level 3 (the woods). I'm looking forward to finishing the speed run so I can see the ending because this is one of the NES games I own and I played it sometimes when I was younger but I was never able to beat it. I don't know why Nintendo would make a game that's supposed to be for little kids so insanely hard (or maybe I just suck at the game).
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I am looking forward to seeing this speed run, but I don't know this game yet so I don't have anything reasonable to say.
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It's on my list; I want to see it.
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Ok, at least now I have a reason to hurry up and get it done instead of goofing off. You can expect it done within a few days, but if for some reason I don't have time, I'll be able to finish it next week because I'll have off from school.
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Hope you finish it soon, i am getting lazy too with my Double Dragon III movie and there are people waiting for it, just as there are people waiting for yours, like me.
G1MM3 4 BR34|C!
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take your time, i've worked on time attacks sometimes more than my own school assignments! people will just have to be patient and wait for the finished result. :P
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When I said "hurry up" I meant spend more time on it, not make it faster. You can be sure it will be a very good speed run.
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Now the video length is 5:25 up to where the screen turns black after level 3.
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I've been lazy again and haven't been working on my speed run for a few days, but I continued today and I just finished level 4 (pirate ship) and the video length is 6:04 now. I don't have anything else to do, so I'll try to finish the fifth and last level (the castle) today. Edit: Minnie is very annoying is the castle level. There are lots of platforms to jump on and I have to make sure that both Mickey and Minnie both land on them. If Minnie falls behind I can't go on to the next screen because they both need to be together to advance.
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hehe, i can't wait to see the run mate. I used to rent this game often as a child, but i never made it past level 3 :/ i wasn't very good, but i was only 8 when it was for rent in my area. I'm looking forward to it ^-^ good luck
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I am really excited about seeing this run. The first time I beat this game (when I was 8) It took me more than 1 hour to complete (and Minnie always was getting kidnapped in the first level). Nowadays whenever I feel like playing this game, I just go downstairs and pop the game in. Then I put in the level select code because once you beat a level with the code on, It resets the game so I don't have to spend a long time playing in it. Do you have double stars in your run? I can't seem to remeber how to get them.....
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I didn't use the level select code in my video. I did get Minnie's stars, which you get in the first level. Getting Minnie's stars helps you kill enemies faster. I'm not absolutely sure about this, but I think the time saved by being able to kill enemies faster is greater than the time lost by getting Minnies stars. Edit: I was just took a break for a few hours from making the video, but in a few minutes I'm gonna continue working on it.
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I just discovered a technique that can save a significant amount of time in 2 of the rooms in the castle (probably about 1 second in each), so now I have to do most of the castle all over. Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, I probably could have saved a small amount of time in the fun house and pirate ship by using this technique but probably only very little so it's not worth doing the whole thing over. I'll just do the castle over because it's more significant in that level.
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I just finished my Mickey Mousecapade speed run and video length is 7:32, stopping at the exact moment that the last star hits the queen.
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Woohoo, can't wait to see it mate ^-^
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The movie looks quite good. It sort of reminds me of Binary Land. I'm not sure whether that would be a good timeattackable game - but it certainly is interesting to play.
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Bisqwit wrote:
It sort of reminds me of Binary Land. I'm not sure whether that would be a good timeattackable game - but it certainly is interesting to play.
I refreshed my memory. Binary Land is indeed interesting to play, but it's similar to the Lolo series or Tetris: the most fun is in solving the puzzles. Watching someone else do the brainwork cancels all the fun.
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The movie looks good. I tried the game and it looked very hard. I got hurt by every enemy. I just wonder how long did it take to speed run this hard game.
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I'm going to try to beat the Mickey Mousecapade movie. I think I can beat it on a few points: - It has obvious mistakes. - It doesn't manipulate luck to change the monster appear points, making the player wait for monsters to move - It doesn't use invincibility fairies at all, which can help out in lots of places (falling lights, cheap boss kills, etc.) I'll keep my WIP there. So far, I only completed the first room, as I'm trying to learn the game's basic physics. This movie uses a reset on frame 1 to change the snakes' position, and it completes the room in 288 frames (measured from the frame the room appears to the frame it fades as you're exiting) I'm extremely busy right now so this movie won't be getting completed fast at all, not that it matters anyway. Edit: Thanks to that trick, I completed the first room 4 frames faster.
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I already knew for awhile about one way it could be improved but I was too lazy to do it all over. I didn't figure out until near the end of the pirate ship that pressing up or down makes Minnie walk towards Mickey, so if you do that to keep them close together all the time, they'll be closer together when you jump onto a ladder so they'll both get to the top of ladders faster. I don't know if you figured that out already since I didn't watch the WIP so I'll watch it now. Edit: And also I didn't have the 60 fps patch when I made that so that probably cost me quite a bit of time. Edit 2: What are some of the obvious mistakes you're talking about?
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Michael Fried: lol, I remember you saying that no one will try to beat you at this game due to its great popularity. :P
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Hey cool! Didn't expect to see you posting here :)
Michael Fried wrote:
Edit 2: What are some of the obvious mistakes you're talking about?
I'm mainly referring to all the waiting you did for enemies to move, or walking through those minibosses and getting damaged. But I'm pretty sure that luck manipulation and invincibility may be able to improve these (I'll have to see when I get there though, I'm just going by theory right now... shooting the wall enough times to get a fairy might take too long) Also, I notice that you do a lot of shooting for fun (like opening windows or shooting those things on the wall in the fun house), but a lot of times it causes a lot of needless lag. (The most obvious places this happens are in the first Key room in the fun house underneath the Cat miniboss, and in the Witch's room, and in the first room of the Castle)
I didn't figure out until near the end of the pirate ship that pressing up or down makes Minnie walk towards Mickey, so if you do that to keep them close together all the time, they'll be closer together when you jump onto a ladder so they'll both get to the top of ladders faster.
I didn't know that, so thanks for the tip. It appears that if you hold up or down while walking, you can make the two stick together instead of having to jump through the room. I think that will help a lot.