Hammerin' Harry is a pretty simple platformer. Armed with a big hammer, you make your way through 5 levels, and the first 3 levels have bonus levels as well. At the end of each level there is a boss, and in some levels, there are also mini-bosses. In short, this game is a "normal" platformer, you won't have a hard time figuring out what's going on.


Note about the ROM: Please note that I used the Japanese version of Hammerin' Harry, called "Daiku no Gen San". There are no differences between the European and the Japanese version of the game, except for some translations between levels.
  • Emulator Used: FCEU 0.98.16
  • Takes damage to save time.
  • Abuses programming errors in the game. (the "walk on air"-glitch.)
  • Manipulates luck. (manipulates the spawning place of the boss in the bonus stage in level 2.)
Goals (in order of priority):
  • Aims for maximum score in the bonus levels.
  • Aims for fast possible completion time.
The goals need to be commented on: Getting points in the bonus levels actually wastes time - for example, in the first bonus level you are to kill enemies that jump down on you. For each kill, a counter will increase by 1. By the end of the bonus level, the counter will count down to 0, with a speed of 1 per frames.
In short, If I kill 48 enemies, the counter will have the value 48 when the bonus level is finished, and therefor I have to wait 48 frames for it to count down to 0. All in all, getting a high score in the bonus levels wasted about 100 frames or so, and they would probably be pretty boring if I were just to stand there and wait them out.

Run summary:

Tricks and glitches:

  • Jumping wastes 2 frames compared to walking, because you stop for a short while when you land. Therefor I avoid jumping as much as I can.
  • You can kill 2 enemies at the same time with the hammer, even when they're on opposite sides of you! This is done a few times, you'll see it in the beginning of level 1 for example. You need to time your attack well to pull this off.
  • Doing a crouched attack, striking the hammer on the ground, deals 2 damage. All other attacks deal 1 damage. This is why I use the crouched attack on bosses.
  • Your movement pattern in this game is 1-2-1-2-1-2.... If you jump on a frame where you have moved 1 pixel, your jump will be slightly longer, to be exact, half a pixel. :) This can save quite a lot of time though, since there are many jumps to be done.
  • After a bonus level, I am rewarded with a first aid kit. This item heals my lifebar, but it isn't used in this run at all.
  • I've only found one glitch in this game, and that is the "walk on air" glitch. By moving to the right (or left) and attacking each 6th frame, the game will think that you stand on solid ground all the time. This allows you to walk on air! I haven't found any practical use of this trick, but I show off a little with it on level 3. Because the game thinks you stand on solid ground, you can also perform a jump while in air, if you jump on the exact right frame.

The making of this run:

This run didn't take too long to do, due to the simple nature of the game. I spent about 3 days, a total of about 11 hours or so, on this run. I used memory watcher to some extent, but not that much. Again, this is a simple game, so it wasn't very necessary. :)


  • Thanks goes to mazzeneko for his almost complete run of this game, which can be found here. He used the European version of the game.
That's about it. I hope you enjoy watching this movie!

adelikat: I consider this a borderline movie but it received good response from voters so I am accepting it for publication.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1565: Randil's NES Hammerin' Harry in 07:17.83
Player (121)
Joined: 2/11/2007
Posts: 1522
I enjoyed this movie. Hammers are fun ;) Definitely worth killing everything in the bonus stages even if it "wastes" frames; the first one in particular it looks like you kill 5 or 6 dudes in one shot which was cool. Killing stuff behind you and jumping from thin air were awesome. The autoscrolling boat was handled well ... I almost called you on not killing the last enemy but it looks like you could get off the boat faster if you didn't, so that's good. The bosses in this game are hilarious too, esp the last one... The game is not super different from some others on the site, but it's quick, violent and amusing to me so I vote yes!
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Active player (367)
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Same here, I enjoyed the movie pretty well. I tried the European version to see what the changes were, and actually it seems slower without much entertainment gain, though the J version's celebration voice is a looooot more grating Also, when I tried the E version and got to the bonus stage, it seemed like I could hammer the lady. ERr sorry, hit the lady with the hammer. Anyway, I think it lowered my Count...count. If it did, you could use that to save time in the movie while still being entertaining. Killing all the enemies in the second bonus stage without them ever appearing was pretty entertaining as well, though. Good work I say
Player (217)
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An entertaining quick watch. I thought it was pretty funny watching the enemies fly off the screen when they got hammered :).
Skilled player (1820)
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Thanks a lot for all the feedback. :) I was worried that this movie would get a lot of no votes due to the nature of the game.
alden wrote:
I almost called you on not killing the last enemy but it looks like you could get off the boat faster if you didn't, so that's good.
Actually, it would have been exactly as fast to jump off the boat. However, I tried to reach that last enemy without luck, he was just too far away. I hope it doesn't ruin the run totally. ;)
Twisted Eye wrote:
Also, when I tried the E version and got to the bonus stage, it seemed like I could hammer the lady. ERr sorry, hit the lady with the hammer. Anyway, I think it lowered my Count...count. If it did, you could use that to save time in the movie while still being entertaining. Killing all the enemies in the second bonus stage without them ever appearing was pretty entertaining as well, though.
Yes, you lower your count by hitting the girl hanging from the roof (I think this is your girlfriend). I chose not to do that however, for two reasons: 1. I was busy doing other stuff in the bonus levels. I would have a really hard time both hitting the enemies/bombs as well as the girl. 2. If I were to waste time hitting her, I wouldn't have gotten such a high count, which to me would look less impressibe. It would also interfere with the "highest score in bonus levels" goal. I think the bonus levels look fine just the way they are. :)
Active player (436)
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I smiled when you slammed your hammer on that red car :) Pretty decent game, voted yes.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Looks like a great run. Oddly reminiscent of Kirby's Hammer ability in Kirby Super Star. Anyways, yes vote.
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I voted meh. This game is marginal, but not too bad. It is very optimized in typical Randil style. The problem is that I find it too straightfoward and simplistic. The optimal solution is obvious for most situations. Therefore there was nothing impressed/suprised me in the run. In most situations, it is optimal to simply run right and jump/attack to handle the occasional enemy. In boss situations, attacking the boss quickly is straightfoward. The game is very limited in terms of types of movements, weapons, power-ups. There isn't anything in the way of route planning to consider. However, it isn't terribly simplistic, and is somewhat enjoyable so I didn't vote no. I feel that it falls into the gray area on the borderline of publication vs rejection.
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adelikat wrote:
I voted meh. This game is marginal, but not too bad. It is very optimized in typical Randil style. The problem is that I find it too straightfoward and simplistic. The optimal solution is obvious for most situations. Therefore there was nothing impressed/suprised me in the run. In most situations, it is optimal to simply run right and jump/attack to handle the occasional enemy. In boss situations, attacking the boss quickly is straightfoward. The game is very limited in terms of types of movements, weapons, power-ups. There isn't anything in the way of route planning to consider. However, it isn't terribly simplistic, and is somewhat enjoyable so I didn't vote no. I feel that it falls into the gray area on the borderline of publication vs rejection.
Allrighty, thanks for the feedback. :) So... What are we gonna do about this submission? Perhaps hear the opinions from other judges? Is it anything I might do to speed up the decision on this movie?
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It could have been a yes vote if not for the bonus stages which I absolutely had to fastforward through. But then again, it would have been a very weak yes even without them… But it's not that bad, so I voted meh.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [902] NES Hammerin' Harry by Randil in 07:17.83
Player (181)
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I rather liked it. The bonus stages were tolerable, in fact the 2nd one was very funny.