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"Wow! You're right out in front!" :) Hahaha. Awesome job!
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I'm happy to announce that after only about 20 hours of fruitless banging my head against a wall (and mupen64) I finally was able to float in Mute City 1, which will hopefully lead to some progress on my long-stalled time-trial effort. EDIT: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1075350257/Lord%20Tom%20FZeroX.m64 Looking to get some help from MrFixItOnline re: steering in the air, but can't post links until I make 10 posts and 1 week passes...doh!
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Lord Tom wrote:
Looking to get some help from MrFixItOnline re: steering in the air, but can't post links until I make 10 posts and 1 week passes...doh!
Ehem, there IS a way to post links in MFO for new users w/o all that trouble, is mentioned on the menu->Help->How to insert a link... http://www.mrfixitonline.com/viewtopic.php?t=3227 Anyway, I wish you luck with the run Lord Tom :)
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samurai goroh wrote:
Anyway, I wish you luck with the run Lord Tom :)
why do you wish him luck? I do the run. :)
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Well, you're doing the GP run, mine is a time-trial attempt, so he can wish us both luck ;) As a side note, TASEditor I encourage you to post your emulator movie files (.m64) along with your encodes - I'm amazed that with all the work on this game over the years that almost nobody shares the files that would let people view the input required for various strats - it makes it a lot harder having to reverse engineer them from AVI's!
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It only took 20k re-records, but I finally beat the unassisted WR for Mute City 1! In my defense, a totally new strat was developed and several new marks set after I'd already put a ton of work in. This run makes use of the "Air Ground Glitch" to float around during lap 2 in such a way that I can refill life while in the air. The major improvement vs the WR is the end of lap 2, where I take a curving dive to skip the loop, then bounce off the track back into the air to skip the first quarter of lap 3. I daresay this strat would be all but impossible unassisted, but I'll never say never. Skipping the loop like that requires very particular positioning of the dive; further optimization could dive from higher up/further away and get more speed; lap 3 is also totally unoptimized - once I got the end of lap 2 working I just wanted to finish and see what time I'd get. Time (NTSC): 1.03.367 (WMJ's record is 1.05.395) http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1825758785/Lord%20Tom%20FZeroX.m64
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Got another 0.3s off by tightening up lap 3; new time is 1:03.07. Onto Silence 1! http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/696773232/Lord%20Tom%20FZeroX.m64
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Already saw the newest run (1:03:074) on MFO and it was terrific, thumbs up :D I have one question, will you be making the tracks separate or are you planning on doing a WIP of what would be the final version?
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Thanks. :) I'm currently building the wip as one big TAS with all the tracks. Personally, I think the "course table" approach at SDA makes a lot more sense for this game, but in prior discussions the community seemed to require one big run. One thought would be to do each cup separately, ie 4 6-track runs...not sure that would garner any more support though. While I'm at it, if anyone knows how to do the little jump JKT does on lap 1 of Silence 1 using Twin Noritta/jumper, that'd be a big help. My attempts so far just fling me off the edge or land on the track but without gaining any speed. :-<
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Well, I was never good at aerial tricks, so I can't help you there, but I could give you JKT's MSN so that you could talk to him personally ;)
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Completed Silence I, about 0.08s ahead of JKT's prior TAS - identical strats but better optimization. I'm going to redo the landing on the last jump and try to post an encode/youtube. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1547203467/Lord%20Tom%20FZeroX.m64 1/3 through Jack Cup...it's getting (a little) easier! EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWaq-QMxqRc Final time for Silence I 0.59.757
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Favorite animal: STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(rtTA,EGFP)Nagy Grm7Tg(SMN2)89Ahmb Smn1tm1Msd Tg(SMN2*delta7)4299Ahmb Tg(tetO-SMN2,-luc)#aAhmb/J YouTube Twitch
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TAS Editor - I'm happy that you're doing a GP run of this game, but I'm afraid your current effort won't go far in terms of publication chances here. I'd suggest watching the vids at MrFixItOnline (or even SDA) and trying to incorporate more of the advanced techniques such as sliding, DTD's, air-ground glitch, etc. Granted you have other cars to worry about, but I'd say for a TAS your times should at least be close to the unassisted record - I think in GP mode any of the top-10 players could beat your times on console. Finally, for the strats you use in Mute City and Silence, you'd probably get a faster time with jumper settings since you don't really slide and only do a little railsliding. (of course, using slides with the slider settings would be even faster for Mute City) An alternative (like your earlier wip) would be to do more of a playaround, choosing funny challenges for each track (like killing all opponents, etc) and worrying less about time - but you'd still be well advised to show off some crazy glitches/techniques to make it entertaining. Please don't get discouraged or interpret this as over-critical; this is just what I think would give you the best shot at publication, which is only my opinion and may or may not be your main goal.
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I know that my run so bad. But I have very very very less time. I only have time on weekends. So I don't want make a perfect run, it would take over 2 years. I watched some videos on SDA too and I know all the tricks on MFO, but after 50 re-records for one trick I give up and don't do the trick. I also thought to finish this project and make an easier one.
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Whats wrong with the run taking 2 years to make? I have been working on and off on my Ghostbusters run for the past 5 years now. :D Hope that you make an awesome TAS. Good luck.
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5 years (0_o), don't get it boring? I would stop the project, if it would take over 1 year. I think my TAS is not awesome, especially the first cup.
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Why the rush? I mean. I have a real life to attend as well. And I don't always feel like TAS:ing when I'm in front of the computer. Five years might be a bit extreme, but rather late than never, right? Casual, when I'm in the mood, and when I find the time. Thats how I work.
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Well, JKT mentioned that he has some time to do some tracks again. However, he wants to aim on the DD tracks first, and also in no particular order... Here's a video of Devil's Forest 4: Link to video
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Hooray! Sliding sideways down narrow curving tracks is awesome, and of course the ending doesn't disappoint. :)
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Made some progress on Sand Ocean, the 3rd track, finishing the 2nd lap over a second ahead of JKT's TAS: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/1879834403753105
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TAS of Sand Ocean 1 done in 48.570, fast lap of 14.081: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNyZYzFzMFg&feature=youtu.be
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I uploaded a wip of the 1st five tracks. Encodes for individual tracks are up on my YouTube channel. I'll probably submit once I finish the last Jack cup track...see if there's any interest in handling racing titles like this with many individual tracks that can be tackled in any order a bit differently from 'must play entire game' normal games. It's difficult to imagine someone wanting to a) watch all 24 tracks in sequence rather than a few at a time or b) want to tackle improving a potential run and having to complete all 24 tracks to do so. Individual level tables, like at SDA, or individual-cup (6 tracks each) seems a lot more appealing both content and execution-wise IMO.
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I wouldn't mind seeing all 24 tracks in 1 sitting (it shouldn't even take more than half hour seeing it completely). However who knows when (if at all) all the tracks will get TASed eventually or not, so it wouldn't be that bad to have a TAS per cup (which means there would be 4 videos in total) a part of the reasons you've already mentioned. I'm all in with the split. Just don't forget to detail the strats used when you submit it, as anyone who hasn't played the game won't know how hard are they.
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Yeah, I think doing per-cup is a good compromise between one-submission-per-track and requiring the TASer to do the entire game all in one go.
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Derakon wrote:
Yeah, I think doing per-cup is a good compromise between one-submission-per-track and requiring the TASer to do the entire game all in one go.
Yeah, and if I recall correctly the credits do actually show after completing just one cup, so for this sites standards, it'd count as completion. And as I haven't said this before: awesome work Lord Tom, I'm always looking forward to your next TAS.
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