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This is an "Any Percentage" completion of Mario Kart 64, to see the end credits players are required only to beat the Special Cup on 150cc and that's exactly what I do. This run began as the next step in proof-of-concept runs I'd been doing for my research work with ComicalFlop's 16 course run. I had done a Flower Cup run earlier this month and concentrated purely on strategy exploration with time and optimization as a secondary importance. As I began the Special cup I remembered that one need only beat this single cup to view the credits and be greeted by Mario saying "Hey, you're very good! See you next time" as the words "THE END" bounce across the screen. So, I figured I'd test out the TASing skills I'd been developing thanks to Comical Flop's guidance and make this cup as optimized as I could stand. I think the result is quite impressive and certainly entertaining. I developed new strategies, especially on RRd, with surprising results.
Mario Kart 64, Any Percentage Completion
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Manipulates luck
  • Genre: Racing
  • Video: Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6
  • Sound: Jabo's DirectSound 1.6
  • Input: TAS Input Plugin 0.6
  • RSP: RSP emulation Plugin
Course Times:
DK: 20"21 (10"48, 6"21, 4"22)
YV: 29"43 (9"33, 10"33, 9"77)
BB: 1'29"80 (33"36, 22"99, 32"45)
RRd: 1'02"32 (34"95, 13"92, 13"45)
19,045 Last race frame (5 min 17.42 sec)
20,018 Second to last frame of necessary input (5 min 33.63 sec)
24,194 Last frame of input to initiate the End Credits (at 6 min 43.23 sec)
8317 rerecords
Credits end at about 9 min 34 sec.
Suggested Picture:
Frame 10,923
First, I use two extra frames at the beginning to choose Toad rather than Yoshi. For the record, I have no reason to believe that there is any difference between Toad, Yoshi or Peach in terms of performance and control (and the variety of characters used for WR’s over at is further proof of that). However, there is a discernable difference in weight between Toad and Yoshi/Peach. The difference is very small but every bit helps for SC’s like Banshee Boardwalk. So, I chose Toad to ensure maximum hops off of cpu players.
I tried two very different strategies on this level but neither panned out. They were: 1. CPU hop back through the trees on the left and somehow drop down into the tunnel while triggering the regular SC. This completely failed.
2. More promising, I drove forward and cut around the trees by the water towards the waterfall. I managed to get behind those trees and my hope was that I would be able to jump down into the cave from here to speed up the first lap. Unfortunately there is a large, invisible polygon that forces a tumble and put me right into the drink no matter what I did.
So, I ended up using the typical SC strategy and just optimizing it. The very first turn is more aggressive and direct than normally attempted on a console. Please keep in mind that if you try to compare this run to the WR times, I am playing in 150cc when Time Trials is approximately equivalent to 100cc. However, I have only two mushrooms.
Now for a course where the SC brings me nowhere near an item box. With no mushrooms I was forced to get creative with the strategy. The first lap was fine, the SC is perfectly doable without an extra shroom. It’s the second and third laps that are tricky. The third lap strategy is obviously the fastest (and just barely possible without a mushroom) but when Lakitu puts you back on the track it is further forward and just far enough to make it impossible to trigger the SC (at least based on my testing). So, I came up with what you see in lap two as a way to allow three quick SC’s because this strategy places me in the right spot for lap 3. I would like to dedicate this particular trick to the late Martin McMullan who discovered the fast lap strategy that uses a similar fence bouncing technique.
First, I’d like to mention that the wall-hit early on in this level was intended to demonstrate how some corners can be used to make abrupt corners. This is especially true in Bowser Castle (not shown in this run) but it may not have been faster here. No matter, I had to wait a bit for Bowser later on anyway. For the record, manipulating cpu movement is next to impossible. Hopefully, with time, a greater understanding of how to do this can be obtained. I first performed the massive jump about 2 years ago using save-states but no slow down or re-recording. I think it is worth noting that I cannot guarantee this jump will be possible in Comical Flop’s run that Fried and I are supporting. Bowser happened to swing wide and fast and I was just barely able to get enough speed by shroom-sliding.
I would like to thank Malcolm Young for making a video of a lap trick on this course back in 2001. He used toad to jump off of Bowser in Versus mode to trigger the strange SC. This was largely an inspiration to me to search for more interesting GP mode SC’s involving cpu jumps and items. In this course I took Malcolm’s discovery to another level and used items readily available to me from the conveniently close item boxes behind the finish line. My hope was that I could go back to those item boxes and grab two sets of triple green shells never to return. However, I was surprised to discover that it is impossible to get triple green shells in last place (a strange predicament). So, I decided to try my luck with red shells. Unfortunately, if you hit yourself with a red shell and fall off the side, you continue to tumble straight down (unlike the green shells). So, I grabbed a set of mushrooms as well (triple rather than golden, so I could use more after Lakitu brought me back). I knew that one way to protect yourself against a red shell was to jam a mushroom at the last possible and hope and, if you were lucky, your character would make a big hop rather than tumble. With TASing I didn’t have to hope, but I did have to experiment to see the cause. Turns out this occurs if you use a shroom the frame you would normally get hit the jump occurs on its own. In fact, if you press R to jump during this frame, you will get hit.
After this strange part of the first lap, I used the magic of AB-spin-shrooming to make some tight maneuvers and grab a set of triple green shells. Please note that hitting the wall at the very end was somehow “01 faster than not hitting the wall. If you watch the speedometer, it indicates that this does not slow me down but it does allow me to spend less time turning.

Truncated: Firstly, I don't like the idea of running only one cup. That would either mean that we publish every cup as a different movie, or have both a "full run" and an "any % run" which would be identical for the last cup. Neither of these is a good idea.
Secondly, some people have pointed out that this movie is badly played.
For these two reasons, this submission is rejected.

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"I think we could take up a collection to make it worth his time" are you serious? Why is *this* the run to get paid for doing? I can't stop you from paypal'ing cf to motivate him, but personally i think the community and the content of this site thrives on something other than money, and that's really fucking cool. Donating for hosting and such is one thing, but... *sigh* I dunno, I just think it's a bad trend to start. Onto things more topical, I enjoyed this run and am voting yes... I really hope that Comical Flop finds the motivation to keep working on his, but it's his prerogative; if I really wanted to see a full run badly, I'd do it myself, but I don't think it's my place to demand anything of anyone (a surprising number of posts are exactly this it seems) nor pay someone to do it with anything other than compliments and praise =)
What would Mr Belvedere do? Probably eat some butter.
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I think hopper's idea of paying people is excellent! I'm looking forward to someone starting the SMW96 fund. In reality I think the idea is not excellent. I've also always wanted to write in small print weee macrowave
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I neither have paypal nor want donations. In fact, I feel bad for being the first person to inspire such an idea. My motivation is the audience, who has given me enough input in this thread to make me continue, since I have seen from the majority of people "watched the run, would prefer to see all cups AND/OR want to see all cups completed regardless." Seems everyone wants the whole pie and not just a slice, so time to get back to the kitchen and get baking.
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I also vote yes and want to see the whole run so stop yappin and start TASin.
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I watched the movie, and despite the fact that the "fall off the world, win the race" glitch was kind of tired by the end, I was still entertained. Voting yes.
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I voted yes, haha. That's just so awesome. The glitches on the first two races I did know of but you totally mangled Rainbow Road, hahaha. I never thought I'd see the day with Rainbow Road beaten faster then Luigi Raceway, just awesome. Very entertaining with the glitches.
Soft Blue Dragon
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Did I enjoy watching this movie? Hate to say it.... but nope. I was a fan of MK64 back in the day, did a lot of multiplayer with friends for a few months until I picked up Goldeneye. I was never "obsessed" with it however. I've skipped all the movies on SDA, skipped the posts on any forum about it, and just generally never cared too much about this game. So when I came to this submission, I wanted to see crazy frame perfection driving mayhem that would floor me. Not circular "trick the game/give me laps" bugs. Enjoyable? Again - not for me. The first two courses soured what was impressive in the last two. I'll mention that if I knew what I was in for by looking at the submission text, I probably would have been more impressed. Going back and looking, I see you mention "abusing programming errors" and the lap times which definately point out that something is awry. But putting *glitch* somewhere in there would have made more sense to me. I tried reading the level stratagies, but all the abbrivations made my head hurt after a few lines and I had no idea what you were talking about, even knowing the game. Should it be published? I'd go with Meh to borderline Yes, considering how many people are way more into this game then I am. But it should be a concept demo and/or headlined with the word "glitched" like NES LoZ2 is. And if it matters, I'm looking forward to the 16 course run, regardless. And I'm sure to be suprised. =P
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I will also vote "No", as I also prefer full-track runs rather than shortcuts. As an aside, I thought the emulator made everything look excellent, so it was a shame to not see all the Rainbow Road "effects".
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A no vote from me. I just didn't get why some of the tricks done in it took so long to do. For example, in Banshee Boardwalk, why did he wait a while before doing that boost in the second lap that shot him to the house area? And in RR, he missed the finish line the first time...I don't know, maybe it was intentional and necessary, but it looked odd. The first and second levels were very nice but the sloppiness in the rest of it made me vote no... And I also think that full-track runs would be better than glitched ones.
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Swordless Link wrote:
For example, in Banshee Boardwalk, why did he wait a while before doing that boost in the second lap that shot him to the house area?
I had to wait for Bowser to come around the corner so I could jump off of him.
Swordless Link wrote:
And in RR, he missed the finish line the first time...I don't know, maybe it was intentional and necessary, but it looked odd.
That first jump brought me to the end of my first lap rather than the beginning (if you want to get technical, the game actually tracks negative laps and I skipped from lap -1 to lap 1 since I'd gone backwards). By the way, are you people who are asking for a run with no shortcuts sure that's what you desire? With no shortcuts all three laps would be nearly identical, laps 2 and 3 would probably be the same right down to the frame in many cases (depends on where the last set of item boxes are). I can understand a run that "Does not use Lakitu" and "Does not use finish line glitches." I think that would be an interesting alternative run, but it's really more difficult to define. For example, if you compare the third lap of Luigi Raceway on Comical Flop's run to DKJP in this run, those glitches are quite similar. Both, essentially, spin around the finish line. I guess you could explain the difference in a few sentences, but not in a simple phrase.
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I'm voting meh since the glitches were not hugely entertaining. The 3rd race was good though, mainly because it was very high quality playing for the most part, and that part where part of hte map is skipped surprised me. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't snaking possible on MK64?
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I proved "snaking" to be horribly ineffective. what you see in the TT vids and in Banshee Boardwalk in this run- doing Mini Turbos about every 2 seconds, and holding R when under a shroom/boost effect- has been proven to be the fastest.
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Anyone with game knowledge: Is there an estimate to how many races of the full run are going to be predominantly a "tricking Lakitu" race?
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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4 of the coruses in the full race are going to be the "tricking lakitu" style shortcut that people do not seem to enjoy in this run. (3 official, 1 short course that a few people will go "is that it?") In mushroom cup, no course lap skips like this exist that are exploitable in Time Trial. in GP, Luigi Raceway had the CPU boost, but that does not detract from entertainment, as many people seem to enjoy it. That type of boost is only possible in two other courses, Wario Stadium (where it wouldn't be used anyways) and Mario Raceway, which probably will not use it, but needs testing on if it could save time. Mushroom cup: Moo Moo Farm has none. Koopa Troopa Beach is INCREDIBLY complex, we don't know what shortcuts can be done yet. there might be a lap skip, but none has been found before, and it won't be boring. Kalamari desert there's a way to skip one lap, but it's cool as hell, and involves awesome timing, aim, and manipulation. Flower Cup: Only course that has the "boring skipping laps" is Frappe Snowland. Star Cup: Wario Stadium is the shortest of the courses, in that you'll drive circles. However, you'll do so in a cool, and (for those that wouldn't think of it) unexpected way. But to be sure, it was a very obvious discovery. Star has some cool shortcuts and tricks, but none are the tricking lakitu style.
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comicalflop wrote:
Special has some cool shortcuts and tricks, but none are the tricking lakitu style.
?? -- I tricked Lakitu on YV and RRd. Also, that would make 5 courses (FS, WS, DKJP, YV, RRd). Keep in mind though that RRd. is one that nobody knew could be beaten in that method. Also, KD in Mushroom cup has a finishline trick but it is definitely programmer intended and will only be used for one lap. TT uses the "Lakitu Effect" which means you can drive on previously off-limits parts of the course for a few seconds after Lakitu puts you back on the course. Of coures, part of it could be done by jumping off of a cpu. RRa warp glitch tricks Lakitu into putting you by the finish line. The same sort of glitch works on FS but it is slower than just tricking the finish line. The point is there are a lot of these various tricks but they are usually very different from course to course. Overall there is a lot of variety. For the Special Cup, it just so happens that there are three courses that have extremely exploitable tricks. As I've described before though, they aren't truely repetative in this run as a different strategy is required almost every lap.
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ugh, I *so* meant star, not special.
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comicalflop wrote:
ugh, I *so* meant star, not special.
Not true, both CM and SL have Lakitu short cuts. They won't necessarily be used in this run though (will talk with you on AIM later about SL though, I just thought of something).
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I've always wanted to see this game done with the skill and knowledge that this board is able to accomplish. That said, if I could vote, I would side on the meh/no side of the equation with a heavy emphasis on "no." As much as glitches are used extensively, this movie does not entertain me for a sustained period of time. It repeats the glitches (for the most part) and tricks lakitu of the completed lap. This does not bode well for the entertainment side although it is much faster. I would trade some speed (the multiple lap glitches) for a great deal of entertainment. If the lap skip was used once per lap, then I would be more likely to vote on the yes side. Variety is what this movie needs. Although this movie is blazingly fast, it sacrifices the entertainment in too many ways to make it an enjoyable and "viral" type video.
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I don't really get the general distaste for this one. I found it very entertaining. The entire Special Cup was beaten in a bit over 5 minutes, something I would have thought impossible back when I played this game. Like DonamerDragon, I was aware of the first two shortcuts, but couldn't help but to lol at Rainbow Road, one I expected to take as long as the other 3 combined. Even though I already saw the the trick in Banshee Broardwalk done in Comicflop's Luigi's Raceway run, it was still very unexpected, especially in a course that I believed didn't have a significant shortcut to begin with (though I suppose its still true in Time Trial mode) I hope to see all the tracks done sometime in the future Yes vote by me.
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Vote=VERY YES. Easily the best video I've ever seen on the site, or anywhere else. When it's published, it'll get a 10 rating from me. Comicalflop, I'd kill to watch the all-course video. Don't give up! The whole discussion about whether Comicalflop should keep making his video has reminded me of my Pokémon Red run: It's very tedious to make the video, but the end result is amazing. But no matter how hard you try, it will never be totally optimized. So just go for the shock value of getting one "pretty good" video with all the odd glitches. I'm definitely finishing the Pokémon run.
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Yes for Banshee Boardwalk alone.
What's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire?
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If anyone isn't convinced that Weatherton's TAS is sloppy, this is what a DK TAS is supposed to look like:
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Now that was entertaining. I'm not sure why
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Does not having the shrooms influence things? Sure it was faster, but I can't see the differences in play in terms of sloppyness(although I don't have a good eye for MK64 too much). Is there a run around w/ the grand prix mode to give a better comparison?
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mmbossman wrote:
Sure it was faster, but I can't see the differences in play in terms of sloppyness(although I don't have a good eye for MK64 too much).
I can see the differences in terms of sloppiness, and I'm not any sort of MK64 professional. This whole TAS looks pretty sloppy, so I'm going to vote meh. But I would definitely yes this if it were tightened up to a good level.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.