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Over the past few months, I've started a topic on a couple forums I go to about "The Laws of Forum Psychology and Phenomena", asking people to share their own observations. I compiled most of them into a poorly-constructed HTML page, and the result is this semi-lengthly list which really reminds me of that one "grand list of RPG cliches" except this time it's with forum behavior. A lot were written by me, a lot were not... Many people should get a laugh out of this. Keep in mind that most of these laws are not supposed to be true, proven, or even serious, but an effort was made to keep them believable. I hope you enjoy, and feel free to add your own.
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I'm reading over these, and I'm loving them for the most part. One thing I want to draw attention to is this:
Ruined Mood Theorem - A new thread with a first reply which is severely off-topic or lacking in content is not likely to see an improvement.
If every thread in a forum has a first reply shit post, then this theorem becomes moot. Case in point: AdBot at the Awful Forums. Automatically posts a cliche and useless reply to a new thread, so as to avoid active shitposting. e: <3 x 1000 at this:
In a non-debate thread about tastes and opinions, posting a detailed dissertation about why one has a strong negative opinion on something will attract posters who don't know the difference between discussing opinions and arguing morality or politics.
As an active debater (read: arguer), I have to frequently remind people that morals and ethics have no place in an opinion-driven argument.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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The Effort-Acknowledgement Disproportionation Theorem - The more effort a poster feels he has put into a post, the less likely it is to be read by the people he wants it read by. Conversely, if the poster puts little effort into the post, this will be the time when people are most likely to read it.
One rule I've learned: people often fail to make the distinction between not being replied to and not being read.
The Rolling Bandwagon Effect (also known as Euphrates’ Cancer) - In a forum or website with favoritism voting, a person/item with negative points will continue going down even if there's nothing wrong with them/it, and a person/item with extremely high points will keep going up for the same non-existent reasons.
Ironically, the prevailing opinion in some places I've been is that this effect does not exist.
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Excellent list, CAD! I really like how you've spotted all these patterns and presented them in a humorous yet truthful manner. The only thing which I think lacks reasoning, though, is "Name Change Cascade". Care to elaborate the conclusion?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 6/25/2005
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Name Change Cascade - If a user has two name changes, it will be very likely that they will want a third.
Same with Sex Changes. Really. Here's one I rediscovered yesterday evening: If you finally get back on the forums after a longer downtime, you'll be disappointed to see that there are no new posts.
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This is pure gold. I love it. Some of these just seem completely true, too :D
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moozooh wrote:
The only thing which I think lacks reasoning, though, is "Name Change Cascade". Care to elaborate the conclusion?
Actually, I forgot to update that one. It should say "If a user gets one name change, they will probably want another sometime in the future. Exception: If their new name is their real name." Today, I've come up with a new one: "Thanks for Nothing" Effect - If the first post in a thread ends with the sentence "Thanks in advance!" it is exponentially less likely that it will be replied to.
Post subject: Re: Forum Psychology Laws!
Editor, Active player (297)
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Very clever discoveries and good writing.
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The Elitist Ego Syndrome - If you're on a board which advocates a specific game (or a series of games), and the game has multiple difficulty levels, the board's users will not take you seriously if you do not play on the hardest difficulty.
貴方の人生、せめてノーマルモードぐらいチャレンジしたら? えーマジ イージモード!? キモーイ イージモードが許されるのは小学生までだよねー キャハハハハハハ (English: the link says "To improve your health, why not try playing on at least Normal Mode?" and the conversation is like "What, Easy Mode?" "Gross!" "You'd have to be an elementary school kid to justify that!" "Ahahahahaha") Catchphrase Effect - If a thread is created to bring attention to a humorous video or flash animation, at least one of the replies will consist of a quote from the video and nothing else.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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After reading this, i realize that i have much to learn :P
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If they were emotionally detached from the community already, they would have left a little more quietly.
Does this mean nitsuja is gone forever? :(
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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laughing_gas wrote:
Does this mean nitsuja is gone forever? :(
No, I simply feel entitled to ignore communities like this when my free time is on the low side. EDIT: It actually had more to do with loss of interest than lack of free time, but the former may be a temporary condition...
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The "Ziplock must be dead" law no doubt
Boco wrote:
Oh, when it said "Game Start", I thought I was the one playing. :(
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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nitsuja wrote:
No, I simply feel entitled to ignore communities like this when my free time is on the low side.
Well, you're obviously emotionally detached enough to be able to ignore it when you want to. Some people can't do that.
Post subject: And now, my sad, pathetic attempt at humor. <__<
Joined: 4/17/2004
Posts: 275
I find these laws amusing. Now watch me ruin this as I attempt to add in my own suggestions. (Feel free to reword as necessary.) 1) The more well-liked a user is, the more likely they will be able to post questionable, objectionable, or even bannable content without incident. —> First corollary: If said user has a following of any sort, they will receive support for whatever actions they may take, regardless of if is against the rules, or how derogatory the user might be. —> Second corollary: If the well-liked user is arguing with another, less-liked user, onlookers will most often take the side of the former. This applies even if said user's presented arguments are illogical and nonsensical. —> Third corollary: If said user is arguing with someone and has a following, then odds are that the other user arguing will be on the receiving end of countless flames and insults detailing the nature of their apparent stupidity and/or questioning of their sexual orientation. 2) The longer an admin is inactive on a forum, the greater chance that a moderator will attempt to usurp power and become the new (unofficial) administrator of the forum. —> First corollary: If said moderator does manage to rise to power, then any and all attempts to oppose or question their actions will either result in a swift warning or banning. Have fun with that. Or not.
Post subject: Re: And now, my sad, pathetic attempt at humor. <__<
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Anon wrote:
2) The longer an admin is inactive on a forum, the greater chance that a moderator will attempt to usurp power and become the new (unofficial) administrator of the forum. —> First corollary: If said moderator does manage to rise to power, then any and all attempts to oppose or question their actions will either result in a swift warning or banning.
Hmm... I'm thinking "Bloody Tyrant Law" or "Power Vacuum" or something. Then again, I haven't seen this enough to be able to confirm it. As for #1, it hasn't worked like that in my experience, even though it may automatically seem at first thought that it does. It is true that well-liked users can get away with more, but that's because the public response to it is different. When you see a well-known member breaking a rule, you will think "I know this guy, he's not stupid. He probably has a good reason to do this, I wonder what it is" as opposed to "Oh my god, you broke a rule, BAN!" like you'd think if a newcomer was doing it. You have, however, inspired a new one: "Because It's Mine" Law: It is inevitable that the head master of a forum will, at one point in time, break the rules of his or her own board.
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Posters whose native language is not English will usually make less grammatical and spelling errors than native speakers, but their vocabulary will usually be somewhat poorer.
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Enjoyable read. Very true. I may just pass the link on ;) I was going to make suggestions as well, but I have decided that I don't actually want to.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
As for #1, it hasn't worked like that in my experience, even though it may automatically seem at first thought that it does.
This is true, but there's still a few cases I've seen where it indeed does work the way that I typed out. It's like the other members of the forum are sitting back going "Oh, that guy, *wrist flick*" and I'm sitting back thinking "...did I just miss something?" But you're right, I suppose it's not commonplace enough to warrant mentioning. However, from my experience, the three corollaries from #1 are pretty common. This board aside, I don't think I've been to one forum where there hasn't been someone that has a massive cultish group following. Shameful really, but I digress. At any rate, nice to see that I inspired a new law. Horray!
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Law of Lists: Whenever anybody links to a site with a list, somebody will always attempt to add something clever to the list.
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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RT-55J wrote:
Law of Lists: Whenever anybody links to a site with a list, somebody will always attempt to add something clever to the list.
Corollary: 90% of the time, they will fail. Corollary 2: The list will accept the content anyway, and grow less clever exponentially as the number of users who contribute increases.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
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Law of bureaucracy: Informal forum laws always grow in number and become harder to comprehend and document.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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I Forgot To Laugh Law: When a thread about the Laws of Forum Psychology is started on a board, people will inevitably start posting laws (and very lame ones at that) making fun of the thread itself. Seriously, it's happened every single time now.