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Duke Nukem 64 is a classic port of the PC classic Duke Nukem 3D, unfortunatley much of its charm has been lost through the port as Nintendo at the time were very strict on censorship and so much of the sexual and language content had been removed, but none of its gameplay engine or physics had changed and the level design are generally very simalar throughout.
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Plays on hardest difficulty
  • Takes damage to save time (no choice really)
  • manipulates luck
  • Abuses programming errors

Bisqwit: Submission file updated.

Truncated: This movie has possible improvements of 30 seconds or more. As such it cannot be accepted in it's current state.
Many people seemed not to complain about that though, but instead voted No because of
  • low framerate
  • too dark
  • general incomprehensiveness about what is going on
A remade movie incorporating the known improvements with less lag would be acceptable. Playing on easy could be an option, if that helps the lag any. The movie can be encoded on higher brightness to make things more visible.
(On anther note, I find it strange that the site gives this movie 100% confidence rating, despite the large number of No votes.)

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1449: Mitjitsu's N64 Duke Nukem 64 in 15:49.98
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My god.It sounds veyr good.
work hard
Emulator Coder, Former player
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Very well done. The first person view, constantly spinning at some points is a bit nauseating, but I guess that's to be expected. This game seems quite a bit more toned down than the original DOS version. The ending seems different too ... though it's been a while since I played this last ;) Regardless, Yes vote here ... Now I'm off to kick ass and chew bubble gum ... but i'm all outta gum...
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As much as I love 3D action games and Duke Nukem in particular, there's almost nothing to look at in this run — 2/3 of the frames are skipped due to inhuman lag and half the rest are too dark (or too red from taking hits). FPS value jumped from 30 to 4 (what the hell) and was around 8—12 all the time. This is positively intolerable. EDIT: Though I must say that I'd gladly vote yes if there at least was no lag.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Editor, Experienced player (734)
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you know you have my yes vote. watched through all the WIPs, and made sure all was done well and it was. I also would appreciate if there was less lag, but you sped through this game in an inhuman manner which is very good.
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I thought the movements were decent, but you seemed to of not used a lot of glitches which we have used in the PC version. In Toxic Dump, can you no longer jump/duck/jump to avoid needing the shrink ray to fit in the small pathways? In the PC version, you could do a small ledge push on the blue key pad in Launch Facility ( ) In Rabid Transit there was a weird glitch that if you kicked the door that opened witrh the blue key, it would open regardless. It was some odd LoTag setting glitch. We also had different paths in Death Row, Rancid Meat, and a few others. Our videos can be seen at
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Hoe wrote:
I thought the movements were decent, but you seemed to of not used a lot of glitches which we have used in the PC version. In Toxic Dump, can you no longer jump/duck/jump to avoid needing the shrink ray to fit in the small pathways? In the PC version, you could do a small ledge push on the blue key pad in Launch Facility ( ) In Rabid Transit there was a weird glitch that if you kicked the door that opened witrh the blue key, it would open regardless. It was some odd LoTag setting glitch. We also had different paths in Death Row, Rancid Meat, and a few others. Our videos can be seen at
The Toxic dump shortcut does work, unfortunaltely at the time I couldn't get it to work and also from reading the thread I thought the glitch didn't transend, I only figured out how to do it once I was at Fusion Station, but unfortunatley I couldn't hex in the stages becuase the game irregularly updates frames. I reckon that glitch in the Toxic Dump and Abyss save about 30-40 seconds overall. The transit level is the level thats changed the most since the PC version, I didn't realise that kicking the blue key card door was purposful, I'll give that one a try later. EDIT: This one does indeed work I couldn't for the life of me get the glitch in the Launch Facilty to work even with steroids or steroids + pipe bomb. The reason I beleve it doesn't work is because the blue key card switch has been moved on the N64 version.
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I voted yes but it's a shame some of the shortcuts were missed. I can upload a video if somebody wants it.
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Vote yes. Fast and Cool.
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A few more things. It probably would of been best to spend the time in the first stage to get the Vitamin X, and use it after you use the key card in stage 2. There's also some Vitamin X in Toxic Dump and The Abyss which you did not get. In Incubator, there is a pipe bomb assited small ledge push in the yellow key room. There's a few alternatives to your path in Lunar Reactor which may decrease the time. There's a sequence break in Dark Side which you may want to look into because you do have a jet pack
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Hoe wrote:
A few more things. It probably would of been best to spend the time in the first stage to get the Vitamin X, and use it after you use the key card in stage 2. There's also some Vitamin X in Toxic Dump and The Abyss which you did not get. In Incubator, there is a pipe bomb assited small ledge push in the yellow key room. There's a few alternatives to your path in Lunar Reactor which may decrease the time. There's a sequence break in Dark Side which you may want to look into because you do have a jet pack
You're a PC runner right? How does this run compare to the times already achieved in real time? Or is the 64 version so laggy you can't really say?
What's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire?
Experienced player (760)
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I first thought this would be a good watch, but eight frames a second literally gives me a headache after about ten minutes of watching. My vote is no. It would be neat if the N64 emulator could be "overclocked" to get rid of lag to this extreme. Though, it wouldn't be true emulation at that point. But I would enjoy the result more.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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The run itself wasn't bad, it was just that the video is so choppy and it didn't utilize all possible shortcuts, so I'll vote meh.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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It isn't lagging, more like dropping frames because it was not a good port, he's still moving at the same speed. Only a few people worked on it according to the credits and it was fairly early in the n64's lifespan so it may have been difficult to port the game.
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About the lag, I requested if I could do the run on "Piece of Cake" difficulty, mainly becuase I knew the lag would be heavily existent in places, More time could have been saved by staring at the floor and walls but I knew that would simply confuse too many people as to whats happening. The lags is at its worst when multiple enemies are firing machine gun based weapons at you and again it should also be strongly noted that all the PC run times are done on the easiest difficulty setting.
Hoe wrote:
A few more things. It probably would of been best to spend the time in the first stage to get the Vitamin X, and use it after you use the key card in stage 2. There's also some Vitamin X in Toxic Dump and The Abyss which you did not get. In Incubator, there is a pipe bomb assited small ledge push in the yellow key room. There's a few alternatives to your path in Lunar Reactor which may decrease the time. There's a sequence break in Dark Side which you may want to look into because you do have a jet pack
When I tested using vit_x on the first stage and getting the jet pack it turned out to be about a second slower than just heading directly to the jet pack. the second level is too short with too many doors to be worth using steroids given how many seconds it'll waste getting and not using it in the first stage. Skipping the jetpack is simply not worth it as it saves as its at least a 5 second net gain in the second stage. I'm sorry there is only one location for Vit_X in Death Row and its in a obsure location, I take it you're suggesting to get it there and to use a small ledge push. I don't know where Vit_X is in Toxic dump although I feel it may divert too much time to get it. About the Dark Side Shortcut, I couldn't figure this out from what you'd written, I got onto the track failry easilly but couldn't figure out where the warp was.
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L4yer wrote:
It isn't lagging, more like dropping frames because it was not a good port, he's still moving at the same speed.
Well it's equally unpleasant to watch. Actually, it's even worse in a sense that it's much harder to track player's actions when we don't see them.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 11/14/2005
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Look at the acceptance and confidence percentages. 69 dude! (as of this post) edit: I watched it and really liked it. You should do Zero Hour next.
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Well that wasn't fun to watch. Even as a fan of Duke Nukem, I found the run really ugly. The game/system set up is more to blame than anything else, but I can't accept this movie. Voting no.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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The game seems a bit more bearable for me watching back the video i made of it instead of on emulator. Dunno why.
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I'm sorry, but I have to vote no. The little action I saw between the lag was awesome and could have made a great run, but now it was unbearable FPS that no man, living, dead or undead, could have handled. It's not like you did a bad run (I think) or anything. No, sorry.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Editor, Active player (297)
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I didn't find it lagging terribly, but I found it very difficult to follow regardless, because of the general crampedness of the maps and lots of movement around. Because of the FPS perspective, the camera would never hold still. It's a curiosity movie, but I didn't particularly enjoy it. I vote "no" with a "meh"-like connotation.
Joined: 8/29/2006
Posts: 13
It's nicely done, but if I could vote no, I would. I've played the PC and N64 versions, so I think it's fair to say I know the game pretty well - and I had one hell of a time trying to follow anything that was going on. It wasn't the kinda lost I got from Zelda II glitched run or the Biker Mice from Mars, the 'whoa, awesome' kind. It was the 'huh? I can't really make anything out' kind. It really is phenomenally played, but it's just no fun to watch out of sheer confusion.
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I pended between 'meh' and 'no'. Landed on a 'meh'. This game is about splatter brains all over the place. Not run from all the action. The only time I enjoyed watching this run was when you were in those cable cars, when you actually killed something, besides the bosses. Not your fault. The run is impressive, but not appealing. Sorry.
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Finally got around to watching this. It didn't lag at all for me and it was definitely inhuman as I didn't have a clue what was going on. I liked it, however, you say you know of 30-40 seconds of improvement already? Would it not be better to redo? It's the only thing that is stopping me from voting at the moment. Will you be making another version?
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This has an awful lot of no votes. What is the record for %votes being no whilst still being accepted/published?
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine