@bahamete: My suggestion for when chuck-eat is this: No repeating levels to do it over. So you get one goal sphere from, say, YI1, and then that's it. Same for any other level you can do it in.
The idea to go all out seems like a decent one, but then does "all out" mean we can write 96 to the exit counter and be finished possibly faster than the glitched run? Obviously not but you see that "all out" doesn't really mean so, and we have to draw a line somewhere.
100% doesn't mean getting all of the exits, though - it means playing every level to completion.
Current projects: Yoshi's Island Disassembly
Yoshi's Island any% TAS with Carl Sagan
So today we were talking about using goal sphere in special world, so I made a testrun for a demonstration up to MONDO.
smw-specialworld-testrun (smv)
GNARLY is ISM's work and GROOVY is Masterjun's.
I'm posting this for two reasons. The first is to show to people what the new smw-96 could possibly look like in some areas, so they can judge the entertainment properly (note this is a testrun and I didn't bother overly with entertainment).
The second reason is this:
<xBaha> Gnarly -37f | Tubular -282f | Way Cool +119f | Awesome +765 | Groovy -96
<xBaha> Comparison with ISM's WIP
<xBaha> Cumulative
<xBaha> So by Mondo we actually lose time.
The goal sphere will be used in even less places than we thought. Due to powerup management the bug is likely slower in many situations. However now I'm going to test using the goal sphere in all of the levels instead, which I hope is not faster. :(
..."all out" doesn't really mean so, and we have to draw a line somewhere.
IMO "all-out" means use all available glitches. That's what was done in the new short glitched run that jumps to the The End screen. No restrictions needed on which glitches to allow. However, a "96 exit" run adds the additional separate restriction of "all exits + beat Bowser", which will more define the boundaries of the run.
"All exits" to me is well-defined - get one of {goal sphere/gate/dead boss/key/switch/yoshi wings} for each of the original 96 exits. "Beat Bowser" is a bit more tough to define exactly with these glitches, but I feel like as long as you see the entire ending, starting with Mario and the Princess, the text, fireworks, etc., that it will be good enough.
SMV example in Special World
This SMV makes me think two things:
1) This run would be extremely entertaining and surprising.
2) I think an updated "no yoshi all-exits" run would also be well received because it would be so different from the all-exits run with these glitches (yet still entertaining).
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Updated testrun.
Now uses goal sphere for most levels.
Thanks to ISM, Mister and Masterjun for Gnarly, Way Cool and Groovy respectively. I think this version is not so entertaining. <.<
e: saves time in all levels except Groovy. The normal route is faster there I think.
1) This run would be extremely entertaining and surprising.
I disagree. Going back to levels you've already played just to skip new levels deprives the run of content and, in turn, hampers its entertainment value.
Current projects: Yoshi's Island Disassembly
Yoshi's Island any% TAS with Carl Sagan
I think posting the test run was a great idea. My opinion on backtracking is immediately "no way" after watching that. The overworld time, and repeating the same orb grab over and over and over really kills entertainment, imo.
I think posting the test run was a great idea. My opinion on backtracking is immediately "no way" after watching that. The overworld time, and repeating the same orb grab over and over and over really kills entertainment, imo.
I generally agree with JXQ, but I guess I'm ok with the no backtracking rule (no death abuse or start select). Either way, I still think there's probably room for two 100% runs.
I generally agree with JXQ, but I guess I'm ok with the no backtracking rule (no death abuse or start select). Either way, I still think there's probably room for two 100% runs.
There's always room, but it's extremely unlikely that you'll find another person/group willing to make an equally impressive TAS.
Current projects: Yoshi's Island Disassembly
Yoshi's Island any% TAS with Carl Sagan
I watched the updated run, and although it was a bit repetitive, I still would vote for backtracking allowed.
I believe this section is more prone to backtracking than the average part of this theoretical TAS:
The goal sphere won't work for getting secret exits (25 exits are secret). Not sure about bosses dying though (Big Boo is a secret exit, yes?)
The 25 regular exits of these same levels would often be very similar to the secret exit, so you're actually skipping some repetitive play by glitching the normal exit
The overworld maps are often more spread out than the special zone is, making backtracking less appealing in other areas
I also find the route planning to be a fascinating part of this kind of run. That is more of a technical thing though, and a more casual viewer probably wouldn't care as much.
The restriction of "don't use start-select" or something with an equivalent effect seem to be just trying to make this run more like a theoretical no-yoshi run. I would prefer to wait for a separate run for that, whenever it comes along. Each one will have its own distinct flavor.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
I remember being disappointed by the extremely pedestrian solution to most of the stages in the old 96-exit run, which was flying over/under them in a straight line, but at least it resembled normal gameplay somewhat, and Mario flew through different stages. This new strategy is like the opposite extreme that is shorter but not even a little bit more fun to watch. The novelty of this trick wears off pretty quick, and what you're left with is nonsensical action repeated with little—if any—variation. :(
Though I admit, the way you ended Outrageous in that test run made me smile a bit.
i have no idea what route you plan to take, but if it's similar to the any% and you do chuck-eat in YI1 to skip the first castle, obviously at some point you're going to beat the special world and be right back at yoshi's house, right next to YI1. i understand this is some extreme gray area, but would anyone be against getting the goal sphere again from YI1 again since they would be right there anyway?
note: this is probably extremely badly worded, but i hope you understand what i'm trying to say
All that backtracking was... blah. Maybe if it was used once when there'd be an insanely huge backtrack... but this was excessive and killed the entertainment. :(
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
I don't see how completion using the goal sphere is less entertaining that completion using the Yoshi wings (or whatever they're called). Both completely bypass the level. I don't see why people find the wings acceptable but the goal sphere significantly less so. Both are about equally boring, IMO.
I don't see how completion using the goal sphere is less entertaining that completion using the Yoshi wings (or whatever they're called). Both completely bypass the level. I don't see why people find the wings acceptable but the goal sphere significantly less so. Both are about equally boring, IMO.
Yoshi wings can only be [ab]used in the level you're currently in, while the Charlie glitch lets you get a goal sphere from one level and use it in virtually any one you want.
Current projects: Yoshi's Island Disassembly
Yoshi's Island any% TAS with Carl Sagan
I don't see how completion using the goal sphere is less entertaining that completion using the Yoshi wings (or whatever they're called). Both completely bypass the level. I don't see why people find the wings acceptable but the goal sphere significantly less so. Both are about equally boring, IMO.
Two obvious differences are excessive traveling back and forth across the world map with the orb, and the fact that obtaining the orb is exactly the same every time, whereas yoshi wings are unique to a level.
I personally find the orb far worse than yoshi wings in terms of entertainment.