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Who needs more food, a fanboy or a troll?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
P.S. Provoking fanboys is just as bad as being one.
And exactly as fun. :D
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Whoa there. It's WAY more fun moozooh.
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I guess that depends.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
Note that it actually would have accomplished nothing if n00b123 replied to me about the beam system, because it's actually not the beam system he dislikes, but the game- his dislike for the beam system most likely did not cause, but came from his dislike of the game.
This really isn't how I feel at all. I really like the Metroid franchise and I really wanted to like this game, too, even after some of the aspects I wrote about began affecting the gameplay. The things I listed about the game were just too much to overcome, for me. Note that this is different than not liking the game from the beginning, and then going and "finding" reasons (which is the view you take in this example, and accuse me of doing for this article). I'm listing the things that caused me to give up on the game.
You can't make somebody like or dislike the game just by arguing some points, all you'd be trying to do now is make yourself look good, and accomplishing nothing but insulting other peoples' taste in games and making everyone involved look like a noobish fanboy.
I'm not sure where you think you pulled my intentions from (thanks for assuming!), but I'm not trying to make anyone like or dislike the game. I don't like the game, I wanted to write about it, this is the style of writing that I chose. On the other hand, several people have written comments that really seem like they are trying to get me to like the game via argument (or admit that what I wrote is "incorrect" or not justified writing). Is this what you are mad at? Or my response to them that their argument makes no sense (not that they shouldn't like the game)? Maybe we're actually saying the same thing in different ways.
CtrlAltDestroy, in really tiny print for no good reason, wrote:
P.S. Provoking fanboys is just as bad as being one.
Thanks for your wisdom (and assuming it applies to me). Let me know if you want to assume I'm doing anything else, thanks.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Look, all I'm saying is that you can't argue video games like you argue religion or politics. My frustration was never aimed only at you, JXQ, but at everyone who contributed to this thread becoming 5 pages of pointless fanboy-like arguments when in theory it should have only been 1 or 2.
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I think religion is a particularly funny thing to include in that sentence.
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CtrlAltDestroy: Though I disagree with your first sentence, I see your overall point. Most of what I argued back against was people's perception that my article was flawed in some way - things like "complaining about [specific feature] is pointless." If you read through the more tedious argumentative of my posts, you'll notice that I stick to a group of points, which I finally outlined in this post. Then there are my other posts responding to people discussing varying opinions on some of the points I brought up in the article, such as the controls. I just get the impression that you think the posts I've made and the posts that, for example, TixFrix has made, are equally justified. Maybe I am just reading too much into things, or maybe you do really think that. I disagree with that notion, though I obviously have a bias. I enjoy discussing other people's opinions on issues. I also enjoy pointing out when people are doing what you were complaining about - arguing that my opinion is incorrect, for whatever reason. I don't respond by saying my opinion is right, I respond by saying that it's ridiculous to try and prove an opinion wrong. I could have also not responded to any of the criticism here. Perhaps that would have been best to "keep the peace" or what have you, but I actually enjoy this kind of back and forth sometimes. I don't believe that arguing is automatically bad, even if it gets pretty heated. Overall I think we are annoyed at the same thing, but handle it in very different ways, and the way I handle it also annoys you. If that's the case, I'm sorry you've been annoyed by me.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
As for me, I don't like Ocarina of Time
I have a theory. My theory is that the order of preference in games corresponds to the order they've been played. For example, Mega Man 4 was the very first Mega Man game I played, and it's thus my favorite episode in the series. Super Metroid was the first Metroid game I played, and it's still my all-time favorite Metroid game. I know you played Wind Waker before Ocarina of Time, so Wind Waker became your first 3D Zelda experience, with all that means (discovering the expansive world, gameplay mechanics, targetting system, etc.). Playing OoT for the first time after finishing (and falling in love with) WW diminishes the experience of playing OoT, exposing its technical flaws and stuff (just like playing OoT before WW -the intended order- diminishes the experience of playing WW, since you already know more or less what to expect, and the sense of wonderment is lost). OoT, although not perfect, is still a great game today; but it was absolutely awesome back in its time, when it was first released; a time where the Game Cube didn't yet exist.
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GeminiSaint wrote:
I have a theory. My theory is that the order of preference in games corresponds to the order they've been played.
Maybe if you are 13 years old... and have a weak mind. My favorite Zelda(s) game is ALTTP and Majora's Mask, and I played OOT before both. My favorite Mario game is SMW, and I played SMB2 (US) first. My favorite DKC game is DKC2, and I played DKC1 first. Favorite Mario Kart game? SMK, yes I played it first. 1/4, great theory ;).
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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I said theory, not fact, and I never said it was great. Perhaps I chose the wrong word, as I only wanted to convey something I observed. Of course it doesn't apply to every game series in existence. For example, I too agree with some of the preferences you listed, especially the DKC1/DKC2 one. (However, I feel compelled to say NES Super Mario Bros. is still my favorite Mario game, and probably my all-time favorite game ever) Eh, whatever. Other people's preferences can't affect you in any way. Or at least they shouldn't. The fact that some people hate Metroid Prime -or any other game I like for that matter- won't make me like it less. EDIT: All right. I guess this "observation" only applies to very specific cases. Such as my liking of Megaman 4 and Super Metroid as the best Megaman and 2D Metroid games respectively.
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Maybe I should add orange flags to my post.
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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I have noticed that this orange flag works pretty well.
Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign aqfaq Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign
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That is more like red, is it not?
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It is orange. This is red.
Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign aqfaq Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign
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You are both wrong. That falg is celarly ornage!
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Hm, sometimes I like things because they're older, or I saw / read / played them during an emotional time or whatever, but I don't think that's true for a good portion of things I like. Like, I played FF7 shortly after it came out (to completion), and didn't like it, and played the FF8 demo along with Brave Fencer Muashiden (BFM is awesome, FF8 significantly less so), yet FF9 was an actually good 3D FF game, so my favorite 3D FF is the 3rd I played... I don't like 3D games, and I don't think I'd like video games at all if I grew up in the 3D generation. They disorient me, give me headaches, are too complicated or hard to play, etc.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Well, 2D games are nearing extinction anyway. In one or two years, all games will be 3D, and textured polygons will reign supreme.
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If 3D games are too hard, then you need to develop your spatial memory skills! Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
Look, all I'm saying is that you can't argue video games like you argue religion or politics.
Wow. Are we on the same Internet?
"The way to move out of judgment is to move into gratitude." — Neale Donald Walsch DannyLilithborne on IRC
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GeminiSaint wrote:
Well, 2D games are nearing extinction anyway. In one or two years, all games will be 3D, and textured polygons will reign supreme.
This is precisely as valid as if it was said ten years ago, when games started supporting Voodoo chip for 3D acceleration, which gave a good bump to the industry. Funny thing, the situation hasn't changed drastically since then, although the balance was additionally shifted in 1999 with the invention of GeForce256 supporting hardware T&L, and then again in 2001, when the graphics cards (notably GeForce 3) started supporting shaders. But I still see a lot of 2D games being produced since then even though everything that was required to obsolete them happened six years ago.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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You don't like 3d game, or those game with advance graphics ? Because I like game like Final fantasy tactics or chocobo dungeon, but I dislike game like Oblivion. I don't like ultra realistic graphic game, it just seams to me that the story or game play is affected with such graphic.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
If 3D games are too hard, then you need to develop your spatial memory skills!
I can't see anything. The "super detailed whatevers" all blend into the background and each other and everything is the same color and I can't see anything. And I can't see distance because I don't know how big anything is supposed to be and I can't just move my head a little to find out how far away it is because the camera doesn't work that way. And I can't just move where I want to go because there'll be some complicated control scheme that either means I'm stuck facing forward all the time so I can't see behind me or above me or where my feet are or in the distance or anywhere, or I'm in some 3rd person perspective where the camera moves and so the way I move changes depending on where I am, and anyway, I can't DO anything in the game because it won't let me aim for myself and when I use the autoaim or lockon or whatever it always misses because it doesn't understand how to predict the target's movements. I don't think the problem here is me.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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I guess 3D games aren't for everyone. Myself, I never had a problem with them. It might depend on what game you are playing. Maybe.
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The controls also matter. So far keyboard + mouse (+ free look) is the optimal solution for me. I can look everywhere unhindered, I can change my field of view to, say, 130 degrees and see more than I would have seen in real life. The difference is greater than it may seem. The fact that we can move freely in real life has something with the fact that we can do the same in a video game, provided the controls are appropriate.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.