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Tip of the day: Just remember to post any new WIP here so that some judge could finish watching the whole movie as soon as possible.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
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I have completed the first license tests battle, and get a better luck, so improve 640frames. 0468 - mmbn2wip1 But sorry, I made some mistake about the plan. Before beat sneakman, I can’t use 10-Chip-Trader, because of the robber. SneakmanV1 only have 600HP. Varsword only hit prism 4frames first, not 5(too bad, I must buy atk20). The map of Netopia-1 shows that I can get a Prism* from BMD, but in fact, I only get a PrismQ from PMD with the rom I used… So I have to use 10-c-t to get prismB. I have tested the power of M-burst. This is the first and second hit, every 9frames 1hit. OOOOXO--OOOXOX OOOXXX--OOOOXO OOOOXO--OOOXOX Therefore, use M-burst+Prism only damage 1500(if boss moves, maybe 1700 is max). Now I will restart my plan. Thunderman700HP: M-burst1000 It’s not easy to damage 700. Snakeman600HP: M-burst1000 I have tested, it’s no problem. Protoman800HP: PrismB+varswordB800(160×5) KnightMan800HP: PrismB+varswordB800 MagnetMan1000HP: PrismB+2×varswordB+atk10(170×5+160) or PrismB+PanlGrab*+ varswordB(3×4×160=1920) OOOOXG LLLLXP OOOMXX Because of the magnet line, I can’t use the varsword in the side. PanlGrab* can solve this. But it’s slower than using 2 varswords. FreezeMan1000HP: ZapRing+fullcust+M-burst1000 or PrismB+varswordB+2×atk20(1000) Freezeman’s shield is like the 150HPBarrier(hard mord). I have tested that PrismB+varswordB+2×atk20 is the best choice, because first wave can break the shield, and can’t damage boss or let boss be invisible. Bass(Fake)1000HP: Prism+varsword+atk20(1000) Gospel2000HP: PrismB + varswordB + 2×atk20 + fullcust + varswordB+40(2000) If I have enough money(29000Z), I wanna buy 1fullcust(5000Z) and 3atk20(8000Z). Should I need to get 10000Z from the Netopia2’s GMD?
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Oh, but you have to switch to the Japanese ROM to make the Prism do that rapid damage thing, don't you?
Yes, only Japanese ROM can ues this glitch.
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Good news, I have found the reason why varsword hit prism 4or5 frames sometimes, and I have another ideas about beat boss. If megaman is in the front of prism, first varsword wave only hit boss 3 times. OOOOOO OOMPBO OOOOOO If like these, can hit boss 6 times. OOOOOO==OOOOOO OOMOPB==OMOOPB OOOOOO==OOOOOO But if at this, only hit boss 5 times. OOOOOO MOOOPB OOOOOO So if I use varsword+prism+atk10 can damage 6*170=1020HP. No need to get atk20. This is a list about the chip I can get easily or must get after beat sneakman before use 10-c-t. (Get the chip from BMD cost 120frames) 20 chips: panlgrab P(ACDC Elementary desk 102frames) CrossGun J*2(shop 600Z) WideSwrd L*2(shop800Z) longsword L(PA) sword L(PA) Atk+10 * *3(shop 600Z) Spreader O *3(shop 800Z) recov30 *(Mission2) cross *(koto bug shop 1bug) spreader M(koto bug shop 1bug) roll2 R(story) Quake2 W TreeBom1 * SonicWav I(Mr. Higsby) 7 or 8 chips: recove50 *(Talk to the Official, not test frames) fireblde R(Talk to the old man Official, not test frames) geddon3 Y(little girl near the License Office, not test frames) roll R(mail, 129frames, after change the chip. If meet the better luck, maybe less than 120f) Atk+10 *(Bomb4 BMD) Fire +40(3000Z) *2or3 or panlgrab*(1000Z) *3(koto shop) If I have enough money(3400Z) after beat cutman, I’m willing to buy crossgunJ(600), wideswrdL(800) and 2 recov30H(1000). 12+1? Chips from virus battle License Tests B: Beetank, Beetank, Beetank Bear: Spikey, Spikey, Spikey Mission1: Handy, Handy, Handy Spikey2, Spikey2, Spikey2 Flamey2, Flamey3(no chip) Mission2: Spooky2, Spooky2, Spooky2 License Tests A: Swordy, Swordy2, Swordy3 Mettaur2, Mettaur2, MettFire(guard* from mettaur2) Request: Sparky, Flamey2, Flamey2(need get gatekeyB?) Chng.bat: Spooky3, Spooky3 TuffBunny, TuffBunny, MettFire(ZapRing2B from tuffbunny) Swordy3, Spooky2, Spooky2 Mettaur2, TuffBunny, MettFire(can I get 2nd ZapRing2B?) Square: Goofball300HP(no chip) Mother Computer1: -----(got style) Search Back Passport: HardHead2, HardHead2, FullFire These 5 chips I need get from Detailed Chip Trade(3-c-t). And cost 10 chips. Spreader N P Q. I think needn’t get DashatkJ to trade spreader*, though spreader* is very useful. DashatkL beat License tests. Now, I’m sure I need to use 3-c-t to get poismaskS to trade varswordB. Varsword is very important to beat virus. Then, this is the very important problem: How to use the Netopia Chip Trader(10-c-t)? I was worry about these chips. 38. VarSwrd BLNTZ* 160 60. Twister NOTUY* 20 Wood 61. Blower PRTWZ* 20 Fire 141.Prism BCLNQ* 148.FullCust * I have 2 plans about use 10-c-t. Plan 1: only get VarswrdB and PrismB.(the least chip used) Get these 2 chips is enough, but I really don’t want to chose this plan, maybe get fullcust is better. Because… OK, let’s see the boss fight first. Protoman800HP: Prism+varsword960(160×6) KnightMan800HP: Prism+varsword960 MagnetMan1000HP: Prism+varsword+atk10 1020(170×6) FreezeMan1000HP: ZapRing+PrismB+varswordB(80or120 +960) Protoman, Knightman and Magnetman are no problem. Freezeman has a shield, but use zapring1*(buy from Netopia Area 2’s shop 5000Z) or zapring2B(virus battle) can stop freezeman at first time, and make 4 times damage to him. Airman2: Prism+varsword Quickman2: Prism+varsword Cutman2: Prism+varsword These three fights are continuous. There is a very big problem; it’s very very hard to use the same chip thrice without fullcust, maybe impossible, though I have 2 varswordB. Use a PA once? KnightMan2 800HP: Prism+varsword960 MagnetMan2 1000HP: Prism+varsword+atk10 1020(170×6) FreezeMan2 1000HP: ZapRing+PrismB+varswordB(80or120 +960) The second 3-continuous-fight. What should I do? Use M-bustPA beat knightman or magnetman? Bass(Fake)1000HP: Prism+varsword+atk10 1020 Gospel2000HP: PrismB + varswordB + atk10 + varswordB+atk10(2040) I’m sure the second varsword should wait for the gospel’s mouth open again. Though I can’t change chips after beat Bass, the next battle is not continuous, so I can change the random.. I don’t think that use the same type to beat all bosses is a good idea, just like use Prism+treeball glitch in the Japanese ROM. It maybe faster, but it’s not seemed entertaining. So I have another plan, maybe this plan is faster, but I haven’t completed. Plan 2: Get (2×Fullcust* Blower PrismB) or (Fullcust* PrismB BlowerT VarSwrdT) or (BlowerP PrismB VarSwrdB) or (PrismN VarSwrdN wood40) 38. VarSwrd BLNTZ* 160 60. Twister NOTUY* 20 Wood 61. Blower PRTWZ* 20 Fire 141.Prism BCLNQ* 148.FullCust * Now I explain why I need Blower. Blower: Creates a Cyclone 2 sq. ahead that can hit the enemy up to 8 times. It is faster than Prism+varswrd. And I can buy 2or3 fire+40 in the koto shop. So use Blower+2*fire40(800), I can beat Protoman800HP, airman2 300HP(only one fire40 480), cutman2 600HP. Use Blower+3*fire40(1120), I can beat Bass(Fake). If I meet the bad random, I can use panlgrabP + BlowerP + 3*fire40 to beat magnetman, it’s faster than use fullcust+varswrd. I have tested; I can use varswrd after used blower or twister before gospel’s mouth close. This is the fastest way to beat Gospel, But blower has the very bad code… How can I get Blower* or Prism* ? If I have * code, I can easily use Prism +blower+2*fire40(800) +fullcust + varswrd+4*atk10(1200). So I have to use two fullcust to complete this. How about Twister? I can get Twister N from Undernet 3’s GMD, but only get one wood+40 from Mrs. Millions’ bag. This is a list about the chip be used need the frames. Panlgrab 134 Prism+varswrd about 110 Fullcust about 110 Blower or twister about 45(because of the more chips used, 50 is better) PA not stop time 340 PA stop time(usually with Navi) more than 600 Walk one step 11 I prefer to choose the BlowerP PrismB and VarSwrdB, and give up use blower to beat Gospel. Because getting 9 more chips to trade is not a good idea, cost too much frames. Under the perfect luck, use blower 4 times(Protoman airman2 cutman2 Bass) can save 240frames, but getting 3 Fire40(3000Z) is more complex than 3 panlgrab*(1000Z). I should get the BMD containing 3000Z from Bomb4, and then jack into the toy robot (mission1) and get another BMD with 3000Z. At last, get 1500Z from Den2’s GMD when going to the koto square (add to the money beat the quickman1500Z). I have said get the chip from BMD cost 120frames. What? Too bad, maybe this plan saves nothing. Under the very bad luck, good news, prism+varswrd is hard to use. E.g. If boss move at this, I can’t do anything.(1/8) OOOOOO OOOBOO OOOOOO prism+varswrd can be used like these: OOOBBB== OMVVBO== OOVVBO OOVVPB== OOVPBO== OMVPBO OMVVVB== OOOBBO== OOVVBO Bad news, use blower usual need walk 1or2 step first. If boss move into the bottom line, blower can’t do anything. (3/8) It seemed the bad luck is worse for blower. But don’t forget, different chip is easier to be got in the continuous fighters. Forget something? A piercing Chip! I can get SilvFistE talk with a muscle guy in the airplane.
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Quickman complete, and improve about 30 frames.
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Great, I was able to make time to watch your movies today. Well, I watched the one on nicovideo first, and it was okay; it did remind me of some things I forgot, like how nice it is that the CountBombs go off on the entire area at once rather than cascading down the columns. Does it only go up to KnightMan? It's hard for me to find things on nicovideo without knowing Japanese, but I guess it would have been all "Throw Prism, throw TreeBomb" the rest of the time. With proper luck manipulation, I don't think RockMan would have needed those extra Prisms, and yeah, I think that one map simply mislabeled the Prism Q as a Prism *, sorry. But your run was a lot nicer so far! I did see you stop to pick up more goodies in the early part of the game, but the battles go so fast now with the mix of swords and V-Guns you used, and I guess the cheap chips could help you make trades you need later. I didn't see you PowerUp your Buster at all though, so I guess you won't be using the Mega Buster except for luck manipulation? Anyway, there was barely any hesitation that I noticed, except in the Hardheads battle, but then I guess that's just how it goes with Hardheads, huh? Actually I'm just impressed that you're able to plan 5 battles in a row like that. Are you planning to win your money back when you enter Netopia, or will you just go broke in that part of the game like the other run did? There was one thing I wasn't sure about in your run, in the Lan part of the game. When you enter the campground, you have to pick up three objects after running into the bees, but did you know you can hit Start to skip the conversation once you're ready to remove the bees? It was strange to me too, since you end up skipping a dialogue that would otherwise require you to make the correct choice before it would let you proceed, but it works. So I think that ought to be changed in the final run, unless you already tested it and the fade-out was longer or something. And please post links to playlists of any other Rockman.EXE TASes you find, since I'm not good at searching for them!
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Cutman complete! Succeed to get VarSwrdB! Improved more than300 frames from my wip2!
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Are you planning to win your money back when you enter Netopia, or will you just go broke in that part of the game like the other run did?
This money is useless. After beat sneakman, 10000Z is enough.
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
There was one thing I wasn't sure about in your run, in the Lan part of the game. When you enter the campground, you have to pick up three objects after running into the bees, but did you know you can hit Start to skip the conversation once you're ready to remove the bees? It was strange to me too, since you end up skipping a dialogue that would otherwise require you to make the correct choice before it would let you proceed, but it works. So I think that ought to be changed in the final run, unless you already tested it and the fade-out was longer or something.
Oh, my god. Too bad thing...200frames... I have completed cutman. I use the re-edit chips before the last Btest's 5battles to finish 10 battles(5 testbattles, 1 in bear, quickman, mission1's 3 battle)...If fix it, it will change the luck manipulation. Another thing which can be improved: The teaching battle, I can save 5frames, but I can't edit it. After talking to Mayl at the school, I should go through the park, saved 100frames... It can't be edited, too.
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
And please post links to playlists of any other Rockman.EXE TASes you find, since I'm not good at searching for them!
You can search ロックマンエグゼ, I only find one exe2's tas, and one exe3, one exe6. Now I explain about Detailed Chip Trade(3-c-t) and how to get poismaskS from it. The tradechip like the battlechip, the sequence doesn't change while viewing the folder. I got 5 chips in the 3-c-t. poismaskW(6B 22 84400) poismaskS(6B 18 84644) dashatkL(32 11 84944) spreaderQ(7 16 85178) spreaderP(7 15 85458) Note: I made these 5 chip_trade_dump_lists (ID code frame), and I can be easily to search the chip which I need. You can see the ID and code list from MMBN2 Save State Hacking Guide, because this ID is not equal to the library’s ID. Why did I get poismaskW first? If I haven’t poimask chip or it’s ID(library’s ID), I only got poimaskW from 3-c-t. So I have to get poimaskW first. You can find the chip list changes simply after got poimaskW from my dump lists. In the first list, you only find poismaskW(6B 22). It’s seemed that Capcom didn’t hope we get VarSwrdB easily. Why did I use chip trade early or later? It’s seemed walking a little long. Because poimask is very rare. I have to wait more than 1000 frames at other time.
Player (177)
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Hey, and you also got Chng.bat! Great job! I was stunned that your reward for drawing all 5 Spreaders was a single attack worth 1000 points of damage, but then I read the guide more closely and realized the Mega-Burst is 10 shots of 100 in quick succession. I like how useful the Atk+10 chips have been in tweaking the damage output of certain chips, so that even a simple CrossGun can be crucial to wiping out a pack of viruses fast. Of course, any chip that hits multiple panels is valuable when the game forces you into more regular battles, right? I saw you get a FireSwrd N, and later I noticed you also had a HeatShot B and a Heat-V S; are these the chips you plan on stacking Fire+40s onto? I also wondered why you didn't use your WideSword more efficiently in the battle against two Mettaur2s and a MettFire, but then I realized you were lowering your Busting Level enough to get a Guard chip--just as I did back in the oven before FireMan! But wait, are you using that Guard in battle, or is that the chip you plan to give to Jim? I ask because I saw you were talking about saving up chips to use in the 10-chip trader, but are you aware that a character in front of Netopia's castle will give you 30 Guard * chips by the time you need to find one for Jim? Similarly, just as you arrive home from that trip you can find someone behind a house who gives you another 20 Guard *s, so that ought to give you at least 5 uses of the 10-chip exchange before the FreezeMan episode. Finally I'd like to know, is there a reason you entered Yumland 2 from this angle the second time? Was it just because you would keep getting into a battle if you ever turned at all or something like that?
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I have explained that M-Burst power is not the real 1000.This is the first and second hit, every 9frames 1hit. OOOOXO--OOOXOX OOOXXX--OOOOXO OOOOXO--OOOXOX 3 Fire+40 is used for blower which from 10-chip-trader. 61. Blower PRTWZ* 20 Fire Blower: Creates a Cyclone 2 sq. ahead that can hit the enemy up to 8 times. It is faster than Prism+varswrd. But I can use fireswordN+fire40+atk10 to delete Goofball300HP, too. Sorry, I never found this person who give me 30 Guard*, and never find it from gamefaqs. If this is true, maybe I should restart this tas from beginning. You mean this? "Guard/Reflect * . The one chip you're guaranteed to have 99 of at some point in the game. Lampshaded at least twice - in EXE 2, when in a foreign country, a kid asks you to get him a Guard * , because they're super rare there. However, all your spare chips have been stolen; if you don't have one in your folder, you can talk to a tourist from your country, who gives you 30 Guard * chips! If you talk to her again, she says: "No need to thank me, I still have over 1000 'Guard *' chips". Later in the sixth [?] game, someone gives you a good chip in exchange for 30 Reflect * as part of a mission." I'm not plan to get 20 Guard*, because the chips I got are enough. If I goal to beat bass, I'm willing to get. Yes, the reason is very easy, to avoid battle. It's 1 or 2 frames faster than turning. Turning can let megaman or lan stop like put off B, and change the random. So I have to turn twice or put off B again to against random battle. I have edited the chips 6 times in all. Every edit will cost about 250 frames. 1. Beat airman Chip got: crossJ*2, wideswrdL*2 (shop) panlgrabP(desk) Used for: airman (5Vgun 9Vgun 2wswd 17wswd 20wswd) Swordy Swordy(25atk 2wswd 20wswd 11 12) 2. License tests B first 5battles. Chip got: longswrdL(virus), swordL(BMD) Used for: LicenseB tests first 5battle cannon*2 13cb 17ca cannon*2atk*2 8ca 17ca 24 23 cross atk10 2 23 cross*2 0 2 widesword16 lswrd3 0cross 2cross 3lswrd 8cna 13cnb 16wswrd 17cna 23atk 24atk Pointer, slots 66 13 25 17 12 19 142 8 23 16 24 17(buster used, pointer+1) 218 +1 10 28 2 23 25 296 +1 0 18 2 21 4 374 +1 8 3 22 17 16 3. License Tests B: Beetank, Beetank, Beetank Chip got: NA Used for: Beetank, Beetank, Beetank(22atk 5Vgun 9Vgun 20wswd 25atk) If I buy the chips first, maybe I could skip next edit. Maybe not, because too much atk+ used, and I only have 5 be used. The slots, 22atk and 25stk can’t be got in this battle. 4. License tests B second 5battles Chips got: spreaderO*3 atk*3(shop) rollR(mail) lilbombO(virus) Used for: License tests B second 5battles Vgun wideswrd atk*2 Vgn16 7 19 atk22 11 3 25 w8 spreader*3 atk*2 s14 28 0 Cross*2 atk*3 c2 24 wideswrd longswrd atk*2 l18 longswrd Vgun*3 0spd 2cross 3atk 7Vgun 8wswd 11atk 12wswd 14spd 16Vgun 18lswd 19Vgun 22atk 24cross 25atk 28spd 65 -0 3 8 16 22 143 +1 0 3 14 28 11(143: 13 14 6 25 9) 221 +1 2 24 11 3 22(221: 9 17 28 4 1) 300 +1 11 25 5 18 12(299: 11 17 5 18 12, 300: 6 4 16 19 1) 378 +1 7 16 18 24 19(377: 1 16 18 24 19, 378: 2 23 29 8 25, 380: 17 23 29 8 25) This is hardest battle in this tas(include all future battles), because I only have the low power chips. But very good luck, I can use atk+ 9 times. Bear: Spikey, Spikey, Spikey(0 22atk 15swd 9atk 12wswd) Wait for one atk+, and I change slot9 to atk+(last one), 15 to swdL for quickman. Quickman (17 8wswd 18lswd 3 15swd) I forget, maybe I waited 40 or 60 frames for 18lswd. LongswdL is very important to License tests B, it’s slot can’t be changed. Mission1: Handy, Handy, Handy(12wswd 18 19 17 10) Mission1: Spikey2, Spikey2, Spikey2(15 16Vgun 11atk 5 12wswd)only wait 12 frames. Mission1: Flamey2, Flamey3(27 1wswd 24 26 12wswd)change the last wsrdL to slot1. 5. Mission2: Spooky2, Spooky2, Spooky2 Chips got: timebomb1M heatshotB heat-vS (virus) poismaskS dashatkL spreaderP spreaderQ (trade) Used for: Mission2: Spooky2, Spooky2, Spooky2 (0Vgun 16Vgun 3atk 18lswd 22atk) Too much 0 is beside this pointer. I have to edit again. LicenseA tests first 5battle ballB ballB cannB atk spd*2 atk*2 spd*3 dashL dashL atk 3atk 4ball 5spd 6dash 7cann 8atk 9atk 11atk spd24 spd26 29ball 1 29 1 8 7 4(+1 23 1 20 10 4) 78 24 11 3 27 26(77: 4 21 18 22 8, 79: 4 21 22 18 8) 156 +1 24 1 19 5 26(156: 9 1 4 6 18) 240 +1 10 11 6 3 14(240: 20 5 18 3 8) 320 +2 12 13 14 9 6(320 +1 19 26 27 22 0) I have no idea about beat Hardhead. Get BrnzFist B or S? But getting BrnzFist cost more than 480 frames(240 from 2 BMD, 250 from chip trader), 8seconds. And I don’t think BrnzFist is usefull in the future. Because I have varswd, or later SilvFist. Swordy, Swordy2, Swordy(3atk 29 20wswd 0Vgun 17wswd) Mettaur2, Mettaur2, MettFire(16Vgun 25 13 17wswd 2wswd) 6. License tests B second 5battles Chips got: Invis2* fireswrdN Guard*( virus) cross* spreaderM(bug shop) fire40*(shop) Used for: License tests A second 5battles lswd atk*2 Vgun*2 wswd atk dash atk wswd*2 cross wswrd*2 0Vgun 1atk 2wsrd 3atk 4Vgun 5cross 6atk 17wswd 18lswd 20wswd 23dash (15Q 21P 7O 12N 29M, 5 spreader for cutman) 64 18 24 2 6 1(+1 5 17 21 12 29) 135 0 2 3 6 4(+1 0 15 27 17 4) 225 0 16 3 23 19(+1 0 7 17 13 24, +5 0 7 17 13 26) 313 2 23 12 8 17(+1 25 19 10 5 12, +2 2 23 12 8 1, +5 25 17 10 5 8) 403 5 20 29 9 17(+1 24 29 20 12 22, +3 24 29 17 12 22, +4 5 20 6 9 17) In fact, License test A is too much easier than B. Cutman (15Q 21P 7O 12N 29M) Good luck, these 5 slots haven’t be used. I plan to use one edit to beat next 6 battles(4 Chng.bat, Goofball, shadowman). It’s a easy thing, because I have varswrdB. There are some addresses for mmbn2. 0x02005EC0~0x02005EDD(1byte)displays the folder slot number in the battle. You can see the first folder chips’ ID and code from MMBN2 Save State Hacking Guide. I usually use these cheat to get the chip what I want in the License tests, and playing through once to find the slot pointer which I dumped. Easily use this address ID: 0x02007EA8 code: 0x02007EAA(2byte) to display the chip which be got from chip trader.[/u]
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I had a little trouble getting the ROM to work with the WIP for Megaman Battle Network 2 due to the dumping group's Intro. This site: http://arcvoreppin.free.fr/ips/ Has the IPS patch you will need if you want to patch your Megaman Battle Network 2 ROM that has the Mode7 Intro. Don't know your CRC? Archive it with WinRar and that will tell you it's CRC. This only applies to the US version, not the EU/J version. I watched the WIP 3 and it's great so far. What random battles?
When TAS does Quake 1, SDA will declare war. The Prince doth arrive he doth please.
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hegyak wrote:
I had a little trouble getting the ROM to work with the WIP for Megaman Battle Network 2 due to the dumping group's Intro. This site: http://arcvoreppin.free.fr/ips/ Has the IPS patch you will need if you want to patch your Megaman Battle Network 2 ROM that has the Mode7 Intro. Don't know your CRC? Archive it with WinRar and that will tell you it's CRC. This only applies to the US version, not the EU/J version. I watched the WIP 3 and it's great so far. What random battles?
The rom I used, its CRC32 is 6D961F82. The random battles are the uncertain battles what happened in the internet. BOMF, can you tell me how to get the 30 guard* chips? This is my save state, but nothing happened. If like you said can get them after beat Thunder man, do you think it walked too long? Go to talk to the girl and turn back to the backstreet, could cost 1400~1500 frames. But I got Guard* only cost less than 120 frames. I planed to get 39 chips in all. Only 7 chips are useless. PanlgrabP(desk), RollR(mail), atk+10(Bomb4 BMD), fireblde R(Talk to the old man Official), and Quake2 W TreeBom1 * SonicWav I(talk to Mr. Higsby). These 7 chips only cost less than 700 frames. Use 10-t-c 3 times (BlowerP PrismB VarSwrdB) is enough. What do you think? I must be sure how many frames I cost about get 30 guard*.
Player (177)
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Posts: 5712
All right, I just checked, and here's the process. First you need to win back your passport. Then you need to talk to the hiccuping man walking back and forth near the radio. Then you can talk to the girl who forgot her camera to receive your Guards. But as you said, if you were close to having enough chips to make all the trades you wanted anyway, then that may not be an efficient use of Lan's time. Or if you just wanted to make two more trades late in the game, you could wait and get the 20 Guards from the kid behind the house in ACDC Town. I just realized this week what you meant to do with the Blower: Since it's Fire, and attack boosters affect individual hits, those Fire+40s you bought will make it do crazy amounts of damage, right? Like if you only wanted to use the Blower one turn, you could also draw all three Fire+40s and your Atk+10 to get (20 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 10) * 8 = 1200 points altogether! Although, with all the bosses in the second half of the game who hide in the back all the time, you may need to use an AreaSteal before you can get that to work, I imagine.
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Thinks, BOMF. I planed to use PrismB and VarSwrdB to beat the boss what in the bottom line. But I'm not sure I can use the same chips 3 times(KnightMan MagnetMan FreezeMan), so get Blower is safely. I have got PanlgrabP, I hope I can got the BlowerP.
Player (177)
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Oh that's right, a PanlGrab P would get you close enough to use, and be in the same code as, your Blower! Suddenly that very first chip you can collect in the game doesn't seem so useless now. I was curious about what you tested on SnakeMan, since you will need to keep him from hiding while you attack. Did you say that M-Burst worked perfectly?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Knightman complete. Thanks, BOMF's notice. Help me against one battle in the mother1 computer. Suggest: check option-> video->disable SFX, when watch the run in the mother1 computer. A terrible thing...I can't get any Blower or Twister from 10-chip-trader. I think the reason is I haven't Blower's ID. So I have to give up it. If I buy two fire40+ , is not 3, would be better. If I have an amazing luck, I could give up buy fire40+, and only use the varswordB 5 times to finish chng.dat. I got 2 prism B from 10-c-t, because the more chips the less edit. I think I should complete this tas first. I don't know what would happened in this run. Maybe I can finish it next week. IN the castle, I can pass start and check chip 3 times to avoid bat. But It cost more frames.
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Hmm, that's a little annoying that Blower wouldn't come out. I checked an old document from when I did a "thousands of tries" test on all the exchangers, and only Netopia's had it, and only in W code. But then, that was when I was carrying the bare minimum of chips possible to own. It's likely that as your library expands, the game adjusts what has a better chance of being awarded, and certain possibilities get "crowded out" from appearing in the set of random chips to dispense. Well, if that doesn't work out, you do still have plenty of other Fire chips to use Fire+40 on! Now I'm starting to understand the repeating action of the M-Burst a little better; it's only confusing because hit points count down so slowly in this game. It looks as though firing on the center panel of the enemy's side is ideal if you want to leave him with no room to escape it. Now I only wish I understood how the Prism is multiplying damage so much!
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From the 3000+ data I dumped, I can't find any Blower. You are right, I can still use Fire+40, but 3 fire40 is too much... Varsword's sonicwave can hit prism 5 frames(times) first, as I said If megaman is in the front of prism, first varsword wave only hit boss 3 times. OOOOOO OOMPBO OOOOOO If like these, can hit boss 6 times. OOOOOO=or=OOOOOO OOMOPB=or=OMOOPB OOOOOO=or=OOOOOO But if megaman is at this, only hit boss 5 times. OOOOOO MOOOPB OOOOOO
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As an aside, I noticed a strange behavior in the game today: Whenever I use H-Burst, MegaMan loses his ability to charge up his Buster for the rest of the battle. Is this supposed to happen, or have I discovered a bug? Currently I'm using WoodCustomV2 style with no PowerUps (in order to test a few things at minimum levels). I also noticed that the spellchecker pays no mind to words with numbers mixed into them. ... Okay, I've figured out that it does depend on the use of PowerUps, as it only happens when I haven't increased Charge beyond 1. Maybe what happens is when the game returns use of the Mega Buster, it disables charging at level 1 without bothering to check if a Style's equipped? Anyway, I still need to investigate whether it happens with any other Program Advances. Don't forget that mtvf1 has already submitted: #3385: mtvf1's GBA Megaman Battle Network 2 in 1:40:14.35
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http://tcrf.net/Mega_Man_Battle_Network_6 it has a twister glitch on jpn version increasing the damage on panels and with the pill,is it known? http://s6.zetaboards.com/The_Rockman_EXE_Zone/topic/8731967/1/ Also mmbnTAS list for reference
TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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grassini wrote:
http://tcrf.net/Mega_Man_Battle_Network_6 it has a twister glitch on jpn version increasing the damage on panels and with the pill,is it known? http://s6.zetaboards.com/The_Rockman_EXE_Zone/topic/8731967/1/ Also mmbnTAS list for reference
Thanks, I know this glitch. http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=298042#298042 This is mmbn5's tas, but not prefact. http://nicoviewer.net/mylist/29712183 MMBN4, he still test http://nicoviewer.net/sm16896232 http://nicoviewer.net/sm15877729
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http://s6.zetaboards.com/The_Rockman_EXE_Zone/topic/8550108/1/ mmbn3,5,6 seems to have interesting glitches Edit:unless the glitches in mmbn5 jpn are very good,Lan's friends have a bigger HP than in the international version.The meddy glitch is only for saving points so i don't thinks it's very relevant.
TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
Player (177)
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Hey, you know how I used a save+reset to set up the right chip trader output or whatever? Tterraj42 just let me know that that technique is now being used in real-time runs to set up certain encounters and/or folder draws TAS-style, by starting in a certain corner that's known to give a certain outcome after running from it after reloading the game. "TeamBN", as they call themselves, have their own wiki and Twitch channels!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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I think i found an interesting glitch in mmbn2,though it's only relevant for 100% and sidequesting i hadn't fought planetman but i was collecting chips on the chip trader.I managed to get all of planetman's chips(v1 v2 v3) before fighting in the ACDC metroline special trader(10 chips) The thing is,i had all 246 chips(all chips but the bassv1,2,3 and lifeaura3)) gives before planetman.I defeated planetman and bass and went to wwwarea 3 to beat planetman and Bass DX. I've beaten bass deluxe many times but i can't find planetman v2 on his spot neither does he appear as a random battle as v3.The questionis: Did Bass DX block the planetman v2 encounter on its spot and random encounter?Does the game consider planetman chips as a trigger to remove planetman or is beating bass or unlocking bassDX a trigger to remove planetman?
TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
Skilled player (1174)
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grassini wrote:
I think i found an interesting glitch in mmbn2,though it's only relevant for 100% and sidequesting i hadn't fought planetman but i was collecting chips on the chip trader.I managed to get all of planetman's chips(v1 v2 v3) before fighting in the ACDC metroline special trader(10 chips) The thing is,i had all 246 chips(all chips but the bassv1,2,3 and lifeaura3)) gives before planetman.I defeated planetman and bass and went to wwwarea 3 to beat planetman and Bass DX. I've beaten bass deluxe many times but i can't find planetman v2 on his spot neither does he appear as a random battle as v3.The questionis: Did Bass DX block the planetman v2 encounter on its spot and random encounter?Does the game consider planetman chips as a trigger to remove planetman or is beating bass or unlocking bassDX a trigger to remove planetman?
If you press start at the planetmanV2's spot, and watch the chip or save the game, you can be stopped and can't move. After save the game and turn off GBA, Planetman will never appear. This glitch happened on all fixed bosses(except story boss).
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mtvf1 i think you're talkin about the glitch that also happens on mmbn TAS,this is a little different.I just jacked out on the undernet and planetmanv2 normally appeared where it should now,i haven't seen the V3 version though,only bass deluxe.
TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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