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Sir VG wrote:
P.S. Megaman fires blaster faster when closer to the enemy (at least it seemed like it from the frame advances I was doing with Protoman) so getting in front row vs. LifeVirus may be faster? I noticed you did the run mostly in the middle square.
The thing you have to remember about LifeVirus is that you have take the aura off with a high enough attack, but the rapid fire from up close may help once it's down. But yes, it's faster. I noticed that even when I played unassisted.
Yeah, that's what I thought. MM can't initiate another firing sequence until the next shot lands or misses, and shots take a frame or two to travel over empty squares. So getting up close makes you fire faster
Player (177)
Joined: 5/29/2004
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braindx wrote:
Jack into the piano and collect the Recovery-50 L, but not @Mayl. (is this necessary? -- not including for right now; how much extra time is it?)
Um, yes it is necessary. Sorry if I didn't explain this before. Dex forces you to give him a Recov50 L before he'll let you fight GutsMan to win the /Dex link. So this forces Recov50 into your library, but you won't have the chip itself to trade later unless you pick up another copy while delivering that message to Roll.
braindx wrote:
not counting the one in e-mail from dad that never checked- already have crossgun though
If I were going to pick up any repeat chips just to have more to put in the trader, this CrossGun C would be first priority, because I found it's only 62 frames to read that e-mail if you're already on the e-mail you're forced to read to collect an HPMemory and PowerUp. Normally grabbing a chip on the overworld takes at least 88 frames, but in an e-mail it's faster because you don't have to watch Lan/MegaMan's arm-pump animation before clearing the dialog. That's why it saves a bit of time to get @Mayl that way.
braindx wrote:
School5 – smalldetour for Can C?
Now the Cannon C before NumberMan, that costs 4 seconds, and I see 8 other repeat chips that are faster to grab, so I would leave this out unless you have some amazing Zeta-Cannon1 strategy to try. (Or you could get it if you don't want to miss any "lost forever" items while you're testing, as the Cannon C mysteriously disappears after you beat NumberMan even if you didn't pick it up, just as all the items in the oven mysteriously disappear after beating FireMan, Lan's breakfast disappears along with its Recov10 A after the first day of school, and Yai stops offering a 10000z gift after the WWW Party of Death.)
braindx wrote:
If were not going to use Beta/Sigma sword to defeat anyone there's no point in getting it. It's only to get an extra chip.
Right, if I don't need the LongSwrd that much, I could just get a random LongSwrd O later. I was planning on Steal + BetaSword for the polar bears in the waterworks, but I could retry it with 4 swords and a buster to see if that even costs any more time after cutting out the Program Advance activation time. SigmaSword is a nice strategy on ElecMan, but only if I can't get any more amazing combination of chips such as Snakegg1 + WoodTowr. And what was I going to use to win TriSpear G, anyway...? (I've forgotten! D: )
braindx wrote:
I'll have to see about this because GMD it may be better to just get money and mass buy chips from the vendors to use for traders.
Kirk was thinking of something like this too. My thought is "beware the middleman": For each new chip this nets you, remember to add up the time to get the money, the time to make the purchase, and the time to use the exchanger machine. I'm not saying it won't work, just that like anything else, it'll have diminishing returns once we use up the fastest sources of money.
braindx wrote:
Inside the Water Works' Main Network, in the area where you must fall through the ice to the paths below. (decent size detour -- 10-20s)
Um, no, this isn't a detour at all. It's on the path to the faucet on the right you need to turn on to clear a path off the ice. Interestingly, the other faucet on the left turns out to be completely unnecessary, as you can take a shortcut to the faucet on the right by sliding straight northward and just barely missing two holes on either side of you. But I still haven't found a way to bypass that faucet on the right, so the PowerUp costs virtually no time at all to grab for what it's worth, and it's on my "must get" list for sure.
braindx wrote:
3. Jack-in to the Summer School's blackboard in Dentown. (gotta come here anyway for 60 chips memo; can also get barrier so probably worth it)
Yeah, this was the one I was agonizing over. I found this added 16 seconds total in jacking in and out and running over to the item, plus a bit more if you consider that you need to equip it before it'll increase your level to show the old man, and I don't think you need the menu otherwise at that point. This decision may come down to the usefulness of Charge.
braindx wrote:
8. Inside the fourth traffic light Lan and MegaMan jack-in to stop the runaway bus in Dentown.
I was thinking of getting this one, too, if money's tight. It's a pretty quick detour.
braindx wrote:
For the HP Mem we have a dilemma here. IF we grab them in Area1 (which we may not be coming back to after the first couple bosses)
Heh, I think the fact that you have to backtrack to the shop or to any Area 1 mystery data puts the final nail in the coffin for the "Dex's PC" shortcut.
braindx wrote:
We could just ditch both; how does this affect latter chip battles though like LifeVirus with +4 instead of +5 blaster (well, HubBatch would make it +5 vs. +6)?
I'll double-check this, but I believe that Hub.Batch maxes out your MegaBuster no matter what PowerUps you used before. Well, and except for Charge, it really takes your buster beyond the maximum, with a 6-point base attack, and you can fire once every 5 frames no matter where you are. As an added bonus, you no longer flinch from hits, though I recall you still lose your charge when hit. So as for your concerns about rapid-fire...
braindx wrote:
P.S. Megaman fires blaster faster when closer to the enemy (at least it seemed like it from the frame advances I was doing with Protoman) so getting in front row vs. LifeVirus may be faster? I noticed you did the run mostly in the middle square.
Sir VG wrote:
The thing you have to remember about LifeVirus is that you have take the aura off with a high enough attack, but the rapid fire from up close may help once it's down. But yes, it's faster. I noticed that even when I played unassisted.
braindx wrote:
Yeah, that's what I thought. MM can't initiate another firing sequence until the next shot lands or misses, and shots take a frame or two to travel over empty squares. So getting up close makes you fire faster
This only applies before Hub.Batch. Without it, Rapid level 5 only lets you fire once every 5 frames when you're right up against the enemy, and then it's an additional 2 frames you have to wait between shots for each additional panel between MegaMan and his target. So it's 1 shot per 7 frames across 1 empty square, 1 shot per 9 frames across 2 empty squares, 1 shot per 11 frames across 3 empty squares, and so on. At Rapid level 1, you can fire once every 7 frames up close, then it's an additional 4 frames between shots for each additional space in between. 7 frames with no squares, 11 frames with 1 sqaure, 15 frames with 2 squares... (Other levels of Rapid use various values in between.) That's why the "run and gun" style works slightly better when the enemy is sitting in the back, because it resets MegaMan's buster wait time. I think battle chips always have the same time to wait before moving or shooting again, but a longer time before being able to use another battle chip, so I tend to use a chip after arriving on a panel, then use the buster until stepping off. And you're right that shots take an extra frame per panel they travel across before they hit, but that doesn't seem to be related to how fast the MegaBuster fires. For example, when I was fighting a Mettool in the back after I had moved up with one Steal, there were times when I could have fired at a row the Mettool wasn't in but was about to move to, so it still got hit. But although the shot only had to travel across one empty space, which means it should have only taken 11 frames to fire again, the game saw two empty spaces in front of MegaMan at the time he fired, so I had to wait 15 frames before the next shot instead. So in those cases I would wait 3 frames to make the game realize the shot was headed for the Mettool and save a frame over firing as early as possible. Silly, huh? So I'm pretty sure the game doesn't care what the shot's doing when it decides MegaMan's rate of fire; it just looks at what's in front of him and checks the lookup table for his level of Rapid. Hub.bat changes all that so that it's 5 frames per shot no matter how far away from the target you are. It's as if Hub bends space to pull every enemy into "point-blank range". In that case, I may as well not move if I don't have to. Here's something I made just now. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1274522642/FireMans.vbm I recorded a battle with FireMan, and this time, I included the entire trip to the Folder so I remind myself how long it was. I would say that opening the menu to go to the Folder an extra time adds almost exactly 2 seconds, and each chip to be swapped adds about 6 frames on average. Manipulating the Navi AI is still a bit of a mystery to me, though. I know that shooting the enemy affects its decisions as well as the prize at the end (if it's not set like the V1 and V2 Navis). But it seems as if all odd numbers of shots produce nearly the same sequence of moves from FireMan, as do all the even numbers of shots. Then when the number of shots gets high enough, the pattern gradually changes. I don't know... Maybe enemy moves are chosen in a similar way to Folder orderings. I could really use some help with this.
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Here's something I made just now. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1274522642/FireMans.vbm I recorded a battle with FireMan, and this time, I included the entire trip to the Folder so I remind myself how long it was. I would say that opening the menu to go to the Folder an extra time adds almost exactly 2 seconds, and each chip to be swapped adds about 6 frames on average. Manipulating the Navi AI is still a bit of a mystery to me, though. I know that shooting the enemy affects its decisions as well as the prize at the end (if it's not set like the V1 and V2 Navis). But it seems as if all odd numbers of shots produce nearly the same sequence of moves from FireMan, as do all the even numbers of shots. Then when the number of shots gets high enough, the pattern gradually changes. I don't know... Maybe enemy moves are chosen in a similar way to Folder orderings. I could really use some help with this.
Hrm, instead of rearranging the folder, we should do frame delay and see if we can randomize getting the chips we want. This is what I used to do with save states when fighting since I didn't know how to manipulate chip entries with frame advance. Just keep reentering the battle until I get the combinations of chips I want. It looks to be about 120 frames or so to rearrange the folder and get out to challenge Fireman. It's certainly possible within the combination of frames we challenge him to find a number of 1-119 frames to delay where we spawn 4 swords right away. This is more tedious though than manipulating it this way... but on the other hand should lead to a more favorable result. Since there's at least ~12 boss battles we would probably be able to theoretically save 1-12s (well, max is 24 if we get really luck) or so; but implementing it may take 2-3 times as long to solve. Depending on all of the random battles we choose to take if we have to manipulate the folder as well then that takes away a lot more time as well. It is also of note that rearraging the folder with start (ID/alphabet/code) etc. of chips to positions closer that you need them may be slightly quicker in some cases. I'm pretty sure the enemies change patterns according to their health just like they will change their attack patterns/healing/etc. I cannot confirm this though. I'll look into it.
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Right, I was going to try those things in the final run too, but I just wanted to rearrange the folder the regular way this time to get an idea of the time spent. It only took a second to get the 3 Cannons in the tutorial, but then I had 4 Cannons total, and other strategies will require 3, 4, or 5 specific chips that we'll only get once. Have you tried out the scripts that show you the order of the 30 chips in battle yet? Hey, minor update: I found some things that affect how long RockMan "flinches" after he gets hit. I noticed that in some frame timing tests, I lost control of him for 25 frames, while in others, I regained control after only 21 frames. It turns out that it depends on what armor RockMan's wearing. Flinching lasts 25 frames with NormalArmor, but 21 frames with any of the three elemental armors. So you can save 4 frames every time you get hit by equipping armor... But I believe that equipping one takes 47 frames even if you're already on the status menu, so unless you plan on getting hit 12 times after getting an armor but before getting saito.bat, I don't think that would save time. It's just a funny bit of trivia for now. Did you notice that Hub.bat makes you not flinch at all? Well, I examined the timing closely. During a hit, there was only 1 frame on which MegaMan wouldn't respond to controls. But taking a hit does disrupt whatever attack animation he's in before that. You lose your charge, real-time battle chips fail, and even the rapid-firing MegaBuster will be stopped if you're hit before the shot leaves the gun. So that's something to watch out for when shooting the LifeVirus. Uh, I forgot to mention last time I updated this that MegaMan always gets 78 frames of invincibility time after he gets hit, no matter whether he has armor or Hub.bat. Most enemy Navis get a total of 142 frames of invincibility when they flinch, but I just checked the FireMan battle, and he only stayed invincible for 95 frames, so I'll make sure to check that timing on all the other bosses too. I finally made a movie of that old strategy for NumberMan that wins in under 18 seconds by the game's clock. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/328786581/NumberAS.vbm Maybe a few more frames can be shaved by changing when I attack with the buster or replacing a 5 ball with a 4 ball with better luck, but it's good enough for now. I may try some other strategies against NumberMan soon to see how much time the Quake1 A, Steal A, and PowerUp really save.
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All right, here are some simple GutsMan and StoneMan battles. Now I think Quake1 A and Steal A are worth getting for NumberMan, but Attack 2 doesn't make up for an extra trip to the shop, so we should save buying both PowerUps for the way to StoneMan. I found that GutsShoot only saves a fraction of a second over re-using the NumberMan strategy on StoneMan, so the battle for DashAttk will have to be made up for by battles like ColoredMan's and MagicMan's where you can't Steal your way to the boss.
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Whoa... Sorry for the triple post, but this is a major find: I managed to skip the first boss in the Waterworks! All that fooling around with opening the menu on event triggers paid off now. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1723879958/skipbear.vbm You have to hit Start just as MegaMan steps onto the ColdBears trigger line (on the last frame possible, basically), then go into a submenu twice, and after you exit, the screen will be black. You're still on the menu, so hit B or Start to close it, and instead of fighting a boss, MegaMan will be in the cutscene where he blasts the ice off! The one side effect I've noticed so far is that when the game returns to Lan, you can't make him move at first. Only R and Start will do anything at this point, so you can either jack in and jack out to get Lan back to normal, or save the game and reset. Saving and resetting is a lot faster than jacking in, so this speedrun may end up with a save file after all if the glitch is legitimate. Does anyone with a real copy of the game on hand want to test this? If the glitch doesn't mess up the story at all, then I don't have to worry about grabbing any new chips to speed up that battle, so LongSwrd S will probably turn out to be useless. This also means skipping the 2000 zenny from winning the battle, as it's no longer an efficient source of money now that it's skippable. Okay, I suppose I'll put up this IceMan movie now. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1953948401/IceMan5.vbm I keep wondering if there's a way to insert the WideSword or LongSword to take advantage of their range, but I can't find a way to mesh them with the strategy of bumping into ice blocks at certain times to nullify the next attacks. Here's a battle against SkullMan, combining the quick shooting style from the Mettool battles with the masochistic swordplay of the IceMan battle. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/441025575/SkullSwo.vbm I was about half a second faster when I used LongSword in this battle, but even with only the 5 starting swords I was still faster than if I had used TripleSpear and GutsShoot. So now the TriSpear+GtsShoot strategy may only be useful on ColorMan and MagicMan, which throws the worth of the time sacrifice for TriSpear G into doubt. Here is an example of how trivial a boss can be with TriSpear + GtsShoot. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1200309599/ColorManT.vbm Having TriSpear saved almost 4 seconds over shooting an additional 20 times.
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It's been a week, so I'll bump this one in case anyone didn't notice the edits. Here is how the ElectricMan and ProtoBluesMan battles will go if I can get the special wood chips I need from the trader quickly enough. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/836540330/ElecProN.vbm The Snakegg1 + WoodTowr strategy does save some time, at the expense of a trip to Higsby's sometime before the SciLab party. I think the fastest time to visit is just before opening the car with the kidnapped boy. Since we'll want to dump the rest of the chips into the trader the same way later on, it won't be a loss as long as it doesn't take more than a couple of seconds to manipulate the right chips to come out amidst the new chips. Another thing I looked at just now is that first battle against ElecMan. I was thinking it was faster to grab a random ShokWave P next to the merchant in Internet-3 than to run over to the ShokWave L at the beginning of the school network, so I came up with another strategy for the unbeatable ElecMan that's just as fast: Two Cannons followed by a TriArrow. Yes it does require two extra shots per Cannon to reach 50, but ElecMan's healing is on a kind of "frame rule", where as long as he doesn't get a chance to move and doesn't get stunned by the attack, he'll heal at the same times. Since I couldn't figure out the ProtoMan glitch, I moved on to the boss fight at the end of Area 4. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1838286043/Bluies.vbm I suppose the only way to be faster would be to hit the other HardHead the first time it opens, but I can't get the chips to start up soon enough for that. Here's a BombMan battle fought with FireSwrd and GtsShoot that requires perfect luck. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1445814407/BomberfG.vbm HiCannon would only help if the bomb only did 210 dmg instead of 280. FireSwrd G is easy to get from the trader, but it requires the bombs to be in certain positions in order to be able to set off the chain reaction, which requires more luck manipulation. Heater and RedWave have better range, but RedWave doesn't come in G code, and Heater G can only be won from a random battle. So even with the extra bit of luck manipulation, the FireSword strategy should save a second and a half over the complicated two-turn strategy. But it also means that the fifth PowerUp is useless, and the HiCannon and TriSpear might not quite pay for themselves... Ah, we'll see. If I do have HiCannon, then the MagicMan battle can go like this: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/681454404/MagiThun.vbm It turns out that ThunderBall3 is just as fast as TripleSpear in that battle, so if I can pick up Thunder3 G from the trader without delay, then... that makes TriSpear only useful on ColorMan. Now I had been thinking of TriSpear, Recov200, and 3000 zenny as a package deal in jacking into the Waterworks control panel, as if I cut out the TriSpear for not saving enough time, then the other two probably aren't worth the jack-in time either. Cutting all three will make the chip and money budgeting even trickier to work out to find the fastest way. Getting six particular chips from the trader may be tough to work out, too, as now I'm planning on Snakegg1 N, WoodTowr N, DynaWave C, Quake3 C, FireSwrd G, and Thunder3 G. What do you think?
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This is a zip file of save states I made when I was testing things this time. http://www.box.net/shared/q3x2xur6yc I probably didn't make as many saves throughout the dungeons as I should have. I mainly saved before bosses so you could practice on them and after bosses so you could try out the very next part of the story. I got a few more chips and some more money than we'll probably get in the final run, so there's a bit of leeway if you want to try buying different combinations of items. I also didn't equip any of the PowerUps until the road to BombMan, so you could experiment with different combinations of those too. Well, now it'll be easier if you want to test a new strategy! I just made a couple more tests on bosses thanks to the savestates. This is an example of beating ElecMan with only 5 swords not in a program advance. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/263113006/Elecswod.vbm It's a little slower than the 2 Wood chips strategy, but not slow enough to justify the extra trip to Higsby's, I'm afraid. And I found a faster way to beat the blue Fullshell and HardHeads at the beginning of the Undernet. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1161329891/CheatL1.vbm Now I cheated 3 of those chips into the Sack to save time, so the savestate this movie begins from isn't really legitimate, but they're all chips that could have been won from the 3-chip trader.
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Hey, I decided to continue that run that played through the tutorials. Now you can see what the game might look like played from the beginning. I don't know if this will be the final run. It's going okay so far, but I mainly want to see how difficult it will be to win Dash G when that part comes up. Right now it's up to having beaten FireMan. http://www.box.net/shared/ijs4gqhyck If you see anything you think I should do differently, let me know right away, because avoiding battles all the time is a bit of a pain!
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Is it possible to have it encoded ^_^ I would really like to see that one.
Post subject: Encode of Test Run
Player (210)
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Here's an encode. VBA records pretty fast so I don't mind providing updates. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylkNdlGj7lA The enemy manipulation looks about as good as it gets. You can hardly notice any slowing down. In fact, disregarding any changes in routing, I'd say it looks very near flawless. (No visible improvements, though I'm sure a few frames could possibly be shaved through better overworld manipulation.) I also enjoyed the second mettool battle in the tutorials. Pure delicious optimized shooting. Good stuff Bag, you've definitely done a ton of research to get to this great execution.
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I'm too lazy to check on my own, but how much time does this improve on my test run?
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Bag is 3546 frames (59 seconds) ahead at the end of the Fireman fight. You lost most of your time not clearing green arrows in the tutorial, fighting 2 extra mettool/shockwave fights, and on the fireman battle itself.
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Yeah, I know of the cause for the time losses. I just wanted to know the time gains so far, since I don't have VBA on the laptop I'm using. Keep up the good work BoMW.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Wouldn't you know it, I just finished NumberMan yesterday, but I kept putting off uploading it. http://www.box.net/shared/ijs4gqhyck Now you can check all the gains and losses. When I put in the Quake1 and Steal, I also went ahead and dropped in the MetGuard, just in case it turns out to be faster to have it in the Folder already, since I was waiting for the passcode to reach 90 during that time anyway. If it ends up being better somewhere else, that might even be edited easily thanks to the forced wait.
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Nice run, I'll be sure to follow that, as long as it's encoded and put on youtube :) Thanks Kirkq for the encode.
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I think I'll be starting this run over soon, not only because I wanted to pick up fewer spare chips for my new plan, but also because I just now found another "frame of opportunity" trick. It turns out that if you press A on the frame before entering a random battle, you'll skip that battle. So now it appears that MegaMan can always take the shortest path through a network, with no speed compromises to avoid battles. The only time they would still be a problem is if I'm trying to get into a specific battle to win a certain chip, since A doesn't seem to affect the next battle in any way other than skipping it, but I'll see what I can do about that. The main trick will be getting the chips I need to use on the first turn as fast as possible... Hmm, but now I'm encountering some situations where pressing A doesn't work, so then I have to avoid the next battle by slowing down again. Could there be some sort of pattern to when this happens?
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Perhaps A just affects the RNG? You might check to see if any "useless" input is sufficient.
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I don't think it works like that. Select didn't do anything when I tried it, anyway. When I avoid battles by stopping, it works differently. Normally I'll be running for a while, and at some distance get into a certain battle. I can avoid that battle by stopping for a certain small number of frames before that, sometimes 1 or sometimes more. It doesn't really matter how I do the stopping, whether by actually standing in place, changing directions, or just switching to walking speed for a while, as long as I wait whatever minimum it needs. But if I do it too early, I might get into a battle earlier on than when I just ran straight forward. Direction almost never seems to make a difference in how much distance can be covered before the next battle starts. But covering the same distance in a different amount of time (by not waiting the full minimum) does result in a different battle, while getting into a battle at the same time even if the distance was different gives the same enemies and chips. Feel free to mess around with the memory viewer if you think you can figure out how this all works.
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Wow, I didn't update here for a long time. I started the run over to skip two items I decided I didn't need and use that A button skip. Recently I've found that the A button can also count toward "waiting to change a battle" time if it's pressed on a frame on which a battle could occur. If it doesn't cause a battle on that frame, then it also reduces the number of frames to wait to get rid of the next battle. I don't know if this is making sense to anyone, but I'm trying to use it the best I can! Here's the new run. http://www.box.net/shared/ft821hdynj I had bad luck in a couple of places, but nothing serious. The different timing caused the final door before NumberMan to be close to 50, which is about the worst because of all the extra digit changes (8 extra frames per 1 extra digit change), but that didn't cost much more than half a second. I was lucky in discovering that Dash G can be won at only Busting Level 9, so I could fight a single Fishy for it, but it's so rare at that level, I had to shoot an extra 5 times to get the right prize, costing about two and a half seconds over an ideal battle. Still, I tried waiting up to 150 frames and fighting all the battles where I could instant-kill Fishy, and they always ended up requiring even more shots to get Dash G to appear, so the battle I fought could be called lucky when you consider the rarity of the prize. The battle against StoneMan went just as planned. But afterwards there's about 4 minutes of just running back and forth through buildings, and the movie currently ends when I finally get into the Waterworks Net. It'll get a little more exciting soon! Edit: Now the first part of IceMan's area has been added!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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All right, I finally finished IceMan! It was tough, but I managed to win a HiCannon G along the way too. http://www.box.net/shared/ft821hdynj If anyone is watching these updates, please let me know what you think!
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That was a lot of fun to watch; it had a good pace to it and I got a kick out of stuff like Lan moonwalking while the elevator opened.
Working on a mod of an old favorite in my spare time. PM for updates!
Player (177)
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Yeah, I remembered to put in some use of opposite D-pad buttons pressed at the same time for that effect. When you hold opposite buttons like that, it makes Lan/MegaMan stand facing north and then northeast on alternating frames, and when you let go of the buttons at the exact same time, it makes your character walk in place facing west. I don't think you can examine objects in this state, though; apparently it's considered no direction at all. And I haven't found any other use for pressing opposite directions, so I may as well start sticking it into areas where I'm forced to wait for something. Edit: I added SkullMan too! http://www.box.net/shared/ft821hdynj I think I'm going to edit in a different folder arrangement before SkullMan, though, once I find out what slots I'll get against ColorMan. If that works, then it will save one trip to the menu. And thanks for replying, TimeSpaceMage!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (210)
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Player (177)
Joined: 5/29/2004
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And now this input file should complete ColorMan! http://www.box.net/shared/ft821hdynj Yep, I was able to edit in the correct battle chips for the slots I would get for ColorMan back when I was preparing for SkullMan. Thank you, tas-movie-editor.exe!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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