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It's Widget, and he's here to rid the universe of pollution and animal abuse once and for all!
  • Used FCEU 98.15
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Takes damage to save time
In addition to having a smile you'll just be dying to wipe off his face, Widget walks at a speed which is even more obnoxious. He's effing slow! Thankfully, he's armed with a handful of glitches he can use to zip across the screen, pass through walls, stand on invisible platforms, grab items nowhere near him, and exit levels prematurely. Also, after the first boss is defeated, he gets the power to change into a mouse and scurry through levels at blazing speeds.
This game is a Mega Man ripoff, and it almost has just as many bugs. It consists of five worlds which can be visited in any order, each of which will give you another animal transformation upon beating which are (normally) needed to bypass obstacles in other levels. Here, I make do with only one transformation: the mouse.
The thing that got me interested in running this game was the very unique L+R glitch. When L+R is pressed, Widget's hitbox gets teleported to somewhere else in the level and skewed, allowing you to apply clipping data to yourself which is nowhere near you. There are some places where this is not possible to do, due to your hitbox being warped onto something which damages you, and the game crashing upon trying to perform an invalid hurt sequence.
Zipping is performed by alternating L and L+R every other frame, and it can be used to quickly move to the right without scrolling the screen. Therefore, it only comes in handy under very specific circumstances such as the very beginning and ending of levels, 1-screen rooms, and bosses.
Special thanks to:
BoltR: Discovering L+R
theenglishman: Discovering zipping, posting the run which got me interested in the game and which I used for reference
Zero7: Finding a hidden gun upgrade in the second room
Hope you enjoy.
P.S.: theenglishman, you're more than welcome to try and beat me. :)
Edit: Canceling submission, submitting an improved version.

adelikat: Accepting for publication.