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Game/run description: There are cleverly disguised Mega Man clones, there are blatant Mega Man clones, and then there's "Widget". Based on a bad 1970's TV show, everyone's favourite purple shape-shifting hero goes on a mission to rid the Earth of Ratchet's evil world-taking-over plans. The author uses wall zips and other interesting tricks to save time and have Widget go into place he shouldn't be going and manages to keep the audience amused, despite the hero character moving really, really slowly.
  • Aims for fastest in-level time
  • No deaths
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Abuses programming errors in the game (tons)
  • Manipulates luck (mostly on bosses and item collection)
  • Aims for entertainment during unavoidable waits
This is my tool-assisted speedrun of "Widget". This is my first completely independent TAS and my second submission (and hopefully my first publication as well). There are no acknowledgements as such, but maybe Bisqwit needs one for hosting this site ;)
Widget is surely the most bug-infested game I have ever played (metaphorically and literally). The music is terrible, the controls are abysmal, and Armake21 listed it as his least-favourite NES game of all time. But it's still fun to play really, really fast.
I mainly use Normal Widget and Mouse Widget, due to his insane speed, but I also use Dolphin Widget and Rockman Widget (as if I need more evidence this is a Mega Man clone) when necessary to complete a specific level.

Bug description

Here is a list of the bugs I abuse during the run and how they work:

Falling through platforms

Holding left/right at the same time will occasionally cause Widget to fall through a platform onto the one below. This is abused heavily to create shortcuts throughout the run.

Wall Zipping/Warping

Alternating between left/right and right on consecutive frames will cause Widget to zip forward (this does not work with left/right and left). On one-screenful rooms, this works as an extra warp to zip through the level. However, this does not work all the time, because the game is subject to crash if you start zipping from certain points in the room. You can also use zipping to take damage early and bypass a backwards boost, and can also be used to bypass ground and wall checks and go right through walls

Self-inflicted damage

As Mouse Widget, it is possible to inflict one bar of damage upon yourself by holding left/right at the same time. This is used to bypass enemies which would normally inflict heavier damage.

Premature Level End

When a level has finished scrolling and the ending door is in sight, pressing left and right simultaneously will trigger the entering-door movement early. Sometimes this is impossible since occasionally you take extra damage after entering the next room. I usually do not use PLE if I am down to one bar of health.
If this run gets published, more extensive comments will be available in an audio commentary.
NOTE: Enable “Allow left+right/up+down” before playing this movie!
That’s all I have to say for now. Hope this movie does well!

adelikat: I'm afraid this must be rejected. Reasons are addressed in my post. Good luck on a new version.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1351: theenglishman's NES Widget in 10:37.67
Active player (328)
Joined: 2/23/2005
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I don't think I've ever seen such an obnoxious-looking face on a NES sprite. I liked the mouse-morphing action. Glitching through the floor after the boss fights was also funny. Overall, it didn't look very optimal, but I've never played this game before. I won't vote.
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There were two flubbed shots in the run I was going to hex edit out, but every time I tried to do so the FCM went wonky on me and desynched with some hilarious results. So it'll stay that way until my next version comes out :(
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
Experienced player (760)
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Some questions: I wonder if you could take damage in level 1 better to save mroe time. For instance, take hits by the hamburger looking things instead of earlier, because the hamburgers take a lot of time to wait for to move. Level 2 boss, how come you hit him once sometimes and twice others? Around 24500, you transform to the mouse for a very short period. Does this save time when the 2 pause screens are factored in? It looked like you took two hits around 29000, one while a mouse and one while normal, then later you have to avoid damage. Instead maybe you could have transformed to normal earlier and take only one hit. If left+right is the glitch to fall through platforms, how are you supposed to fight the last boss?
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ wrote:
Some questions: I wonder if you could take damage in level 1 better to save mroe time. For instance, take hits by the hamburger looking things instead of earlier, because the hamburgers take a lot of time to wait for to move. Level 2 boss, how come you hit him once sometimes and twice others? Around 24500, you transform to the mouse for a very short period. Does this save time when the 2 pause screens are factored in? It looked like you took two hits around 29000, one while a mouse and one while normal, then later you have to avoid damage. Instead maybe you could have transformed to normal earlier and take only one hit.
I'll address these issues for my next version of the run.
JXQ wrote:
If left+right is the glitch to fall through platforms, how are you supposed to fight the last boss?
Good question. I think it has to do with a randomness factor. I had to manipulate luck so the the boss was where I needed it to be, and I think as a player you're not supposed to be able to hit the boss most of the time. It just shows you how hard this game is ;)
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
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I'll address these issues for my next version of the run.
Since you acknowledge that there are numerous issues with the run (they stood out to me, too) I'll go ahead and vote no. Let's see that next run!
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I don't think I've ever seen such an obnoxious-looking face on a NES sprite.
You sure?
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Ouzo: Okay, ya got me. Englishman, check this out: I was screwing around with the... very interesting physics... of the left+right glitch. I noticed that you turned invulnerable while glitching, so I wanted to check to see if you could use the conveyor belt to slide through the enemies unharmed instead of waiting for them to move. Instead, I found this trick. I think you should do a little bit more research on how the L+R glitch works. From what shows in this movie, it appears that L+R actually warps Widget to another part of the level data. Notice how I manage to grab a health powerup that never shows on the screen (It's actually up and far off the right). This explains why he sometimes falls through the floor, other times he appears to walk on invisible platforms, and other times he causes the game to crash (Getting warped to invalid locations... Notice that the game actually recovers from these crashes if you wait long enough for Widget to fall back into valid data).
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CAD: That...was...just weird. Yeah. Don't know how I can fully optimize that in the future.
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3566)
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This game....well sucks when you are not a mouse or zipping through something. But it seems like the glitches could be abused far more (which also would make the game more entertaining). I agree with JXQ, there are times where being the most is likely not faster and you should test those areas better. Also, research the glitches more, I suspect this game could be abused far more. Also the boss fights didn't look optimal. I think this run could be improved greatly. I also think that a polished version might be published so I encourage you to work on the next version.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Active player (328)
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21 and a half seconds of improvement on level 1 alone! Yeah, this run needs some work. If it were optimized much more, It'd be a great little 8-minute movie. I encourage Englishman to try again. P.S.: Check out how fast that boss goes down!
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DAMMIT! The one time I actually FINISH a run and it gets rejected.... EDIT: My new thread for Widget glitches is here.
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
Joined: 4/17/2004
Posts: 275
Just to let you know, the game is based on a bad 1990's TV show, not a bad 1970's one. :P There's also an SNES game called Super Widget. How I remembered that, I have no idea, but I do. I... don't really know what to think of this game. The zipping is rather amusing, but other than that, I didn't find anything particularly interesting about the run. It also comes off as "unoptimal" to me, but I'm probably the last person here that needs to be splurting out such things. (Also doesn't help that I've never played the game.) With that, I think I'll abstain from voting for now. Edit: Ahaha, I post and the game ends up in Gruefood. Also, seems I was right about the unoptimal comment. Hope the new run turns out much better.
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theenglishman, if you're the official slacker then what I am? :P But I also want to say that I'm looking forward seeing the improved run.