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A speedrun for a little-known, bizarre NES game.
  • Uses FCE Ultra 0.98.15
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Manipulates luck
This is a tool-assisted speedrun for one of the strangest games to ever come out for the NES - and given that "Blaster Master" and "Zombie Nation" are also on this system, that's saying something. The plot has to do with an alien gargoyle (named "Bert") abducting a young baseball player (named "Mark") to save his planet from evil monsters. It just gets weirder from there.
Bert and Mark merge into one, but only Mark's abilities are available unless you get a pill(!) from an enemy, which lets you use Bert for a limited time. Bert can fly and shoot short-range lasers. Contrary to popular belief, however, Bert is not a better character. He jumps much slower than Mark and he can only have two lasers on screen at a time, unlike Mark who can attack constantly by holding his bat out. The transformation sequence (both to and back) is also painfully slow.

Mark is not really a swift character. Under normal circumstances, he moves at about a pixel a frame. Exceptions are when he gets hurt, which makes him reel back for about four frames in the opposite direction at double the normal speed; and when walking off a ledge, which gives him an edge boost of an extra pixel. They don't warrant excessive use, although getting hurt intentionally is often preferable to killing an enemy in a narrow passage.
Jumping doesn't move you any faster; in fact, you freeze for one full frame before the jump, and are not allowed any horizontal movement during landing from a jump. Mark always jumps at the same height as well; however, you can drop down from a jump by tapping down in mid-jump. This helps reach ledges quicker.
Mark's standard attack is his baseball bat, which stays out for ten frames. This can't be cancelled by attacking in a jump, unless the ten frames ends before the jump ends. If this happens and you hold a direction, Mark keeps the bat out and it continues to hit. This is his main way of dispatching bosses. You can also deflect certain projectiles back at the enemy; this is not used as frequently.
Bert is only used once to reach a door that Mark would have to backtrack a considerable distance to reach. Contrary to what has been written about the game, Bert is not stronger than Mark, but in higher stages of the game he shoots a double laser that hits twice; however, since he can only have two lasers on screen at once, his rate of attack is considerably lowered. His jump mechanics are also screwed up; among other things, he can only drop straight down from a jump (attempting to move him horizontally causes him to float).
The goal in every stage is to find the doors containing bosses; defeating all the bosses in a stage grants you the key to exit the stage (with one exception). Not all doors contain a boss, so I avoid going into empty rooms; however, there are two non-battles that are required, one of which uses up a large amount of time.

Round 1 - Entrance to the Dark World
In the middle of this stage, lightning strikes and the environment becomes quite frightening. Given Nintendo's reputation as kid-friendly at the time, I'm surprised at all the gore in this game. Other than that, there's little noteworthy about this round.
  • Man-Eating Plant - This plant shoots bubbles for some reason. Since this boss is not only stationary but has a platform right next to it, it's easy to beat.
  • Giant Spider - Sorry, it's dead.
  • Pumpkin Ghost - It jumps and shoots little pumpkins. Because of the way it jumps, I have to do a little bit of maneuvering to avoid getting hit toward the end, but overall it's pretty simple.
Round 2 - Dark World Dungeon
This stage is the most boring one; there's not much room to maneuver and I'm forced to take hits against stronger enemies because it's quicker than just standing there and killing them. Plus, two of the boss doors require backtracking. There are also ladders which require climbing down, because the game won't let you jump down (you'll grab the ladder once the jump's vertical rise ends).
  • Medusa - "Let's mix it up!" Too bad her idea of mixing it up is just standing there and spitting out pregnant snakes at you. Another stationary boss, another quick kill.
  • Shrimp Attack - This is bar none the strangest boss fight ever - floating fried shrimp, onion rings and shish kebabs. Each one generally has the same attack pattern, and without any projectiles to dodge, they go down quickly. And now I'm hungry.
  • The Haunted Well - Another stationary boss, which shoots paper plates at you for XYZ reasons.
Round 3 - Dark World Cave
Umbrella bats. That is all.
  • Great Bull Man - Throws cows at you. Like many other large bosses, it has a deceptive hitbox allowing you to jump over its head, so repeated bat clobbers are not an issue.
  • Guardian of the Sphinx - An invisible mummy who seems to have gotten lost on the way to the next stage. It likes to stay in the corner of the room and throw bandages at you. It also has its own little theme.
  • Giant Spider - Sorry, it's alive (and looks nothing like the last Giant Spider). This one is like the Pumpkin Ghost, except it's not as tall, so I don't have to do fancy footwork to dodge it as it jumps. Quick kill.
Round 4 - Dark World Castle Ruins
Bert is used in this stage to reach the door to the Punk Rocker boss for reasons I speak of above. This stage is difficult to navigate; the moving blocks for the most part require you to wait to pass them without taking damage, as they can only be destroyed with a deflected projectile. There are also lots of narrow passages and resilient enemies, so I end this stage with only one hit point.
  • Giant Samurai - It has roller skates, but it's still slow and doesn't even require jumping over to continuously hit. It also throws swords at you for what it's worth (not much).
  • Giant Cat - The worst mother in Nintendo history, it throws its own litter at you. I'm guessing you're supposed to not be able to hit it when it's in the box, but the programmers forgot that detail; you can hit its paws.
  • Punk Rocker - Like the Guardian of the Sphinx, he has his own theme, something that sounds like an NES version of the "Bonanza" theme song. I fight him with Bert, so it's slower than it could be, but still relatively quick.
Round 5 - Dark World Lake
The fish in this level are crazy and pretend to be sharks. There are only two bosses in this level, and one of them's not even a fight. There's a jump in this level that is too far to cross without hitting the water; looks like another design oversight.
  • The Living Dead - "Watch my dance", they say, and you have to do just that. Attacking this boss will make it come back to life and repeat the process from the beginning, so I just dance along (horribly) until I'm allowed to leave.
  • Mad Javelin Man - "Catch my javelin" (Very Melon). Its hitbox is higher than most enemies, so this one looks a little slower.
Round 6 - Dark World Haunted House
For some reason this house has no roof so you have to dodge meteors as well as living furniture and ghost pants. There's only one boss in this round.
  • Chameleon Man - Only one of them can damage you or be damaged. I use luck manipulation to keep the real one from moving out of range, but it's still a quick fight.
Round 7 - Dark World Tower
Even though there are three bosses in this stage, you must only fight two (fighting the third causes you to lose your key and the only way to get it back is by dying and continuing). Because Royce the Giant Caterpillar is the slowest boss fight by far, he is skipped.
This stage scrolls vertically, so I use the jump drop a lot here to get on platforms. You can also use the jump drop to catch the edge of ladders. Normally, you have to wait until you begin to drop down from your jump to start climbing, and the ceilings are "sticky"; but dropping from your jump prevents this.
  • Grim Reaper - Uses the word "hell" which is pretty shocking for a Nintendo game. This fight is similar to Mad Javelin Man because its hitbox is pretty high, but Death is nowhere near as difficult as his Castlevania appearances.
  • Giant Spider II - Almost exactly the same as the first Giant Spider fight. Sorry, it's dead (for good this time).
Round 8 - Dark World Heaven's Castle
The stars don't like you, and attack you with floating dynamite and flying witches, as well as the stars themselves. You have to backtrack to find the first boss in this stage; a lot of people got stuck in this part, as the game gives no indication that this is necessary.
  • Giant Dragon - Ouroburous-esque boss. It's impossible to beat this boss without taking damage unless you use Bert, and since that's not happening, I just stay close to its head and clobber it.
  • Hand Creature - It doesn't really look like a hand, but whatever. Another stationary boss, not nearly a challenge as a final stage boss.
  • Snake Man - This thing moves quickly, so I use luck manipulation to get it to stay close to me; attacking on certain frames causes it to turn around. The random crouches aren't really necessary, but I kept them since Mark needs exercise.
Final Round - Dark World Master
The final boss is only vulnerable when its nose opens up, so I use luck manipulation (attacking on certain frames) to get it to do so often.
The game ends at 16 minutes exactly, but I have to press buttons to move the ending along, which adds 1:03 to the overall time, which is why this game is longer than my original cancelled submission.
Enjoy the bizarre, hilarious ending.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1342: Dasrik's NES Monster Party in 17:02.62
Former player
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Umm, have you seen this topic? Josh the FunkDoc did a run a while ago, and he finished in 15:24 apparently. I couldn't find a movie in that topic, and I haven't watched your run yet, but yeah.
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OgreSlayeR wrote:
Umm, have you seen this topic? Josh the FunkDoc did a run a while ago, and he finished in 15:24 apparently. I couldn't find a movie in that topic, and I haven't watched your run yet, but yeah.
This. Though it doesn't include the ending input, which is why it was cancelled. Anyway, I guess it finishes the game in 15:24? (Note, I haven't watched this submission and didn't watch the old one either to rehash my memory). Apparently, there is this fixed version too, finishes the game (+ ending) 16:27 if I understand correctly. It's cancelled too, due to some tricks found in ladder climbing and because better luck manipulation could allow for a faster time. In this light, I wonder how this is different?
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Damn! Josh should still be around (he responded to my SDB run). He beat my time pretty clear, I'd like to see how. :( edit: In light of the new movie, I'm gonna just cancel this one. I'll look at the better one and see what I can do, but I don't feel real good about just borging someone else's hard work.
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Dasrik wrote:
I'll look at the better one and see what I can do, but I don't feel real good about just borging someone else's hard work.
I would say go for it, seeing that the other movies are from november 2004.
"Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home." ( Pratchett & Gaiman: Good Omens )