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moozooh wrote:
AngerFist wrote:
Hahahaha WTF man, never seen someone kill Phantoon like that before :)
Umm… Well, yeah. ;)
Never saw Michaels wip. Guess he did it too.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Was that the part with the Doppler effect?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Was that the part with the Doppler effect?
Exactly. Not the only one though: in order to perform Kraid quickest kill™, you must use the same technique, AFAIK.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Pure awesomeness, JXQ. Keep it up.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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No time for losers because JXQ is the champion! Awesome work.
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Looks very good. Some questions: 64223: You stay quite far to the right when the skeleton collapses... can the super missiles be manipulated to appear more to the left? 68338: Could you have been pushed right from the damage? Perhaps you can choose to be damaged by another (earlier) enemy. 71650 and forward: can you shoot the door before you take the upgrade (for example while jumping up before grappling or just after grappling), and wait less for the door to open? 76668: The stop at the door looked weird... i guess the stop is necessary, but can you stop earlier and have more speed as you pass the door? Alternatively, not run as fast in this corridor so the door has time to open before you get there. 78940: why no damage boost to the left? I know you need to drop a super bomb, but anyway. Doesn't the damage boost travels faster than the super bomb explosion? 82916: I don't understand why you have to pull back to the left so much.
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Answers! 64223: This manipulation wasn't friendly to me, Super Missles seem to be rare after Crocomire (as compared to Phantoon, for example). Most frames didn't give me any, or one, or two but one was high in the air. This was the best I could get (and was a 15 frame delay to the scene) 68338: Enemy knockback is annoyingly specific. I need to be in non-ball form, and facing left in order to take advantage of it, and that platform may be too high anyway. The best I could do here would be to mockball past all the enemies, turn around while in ball form, un-morph, and then run to the left to get hit and knocked back. However, then I'd have to open the door afterwards. If I instead shot after un-mockballing and then turned left, turning around takes 8 frames or so and the enemy would be far away. I took damage from that enemy specifically so that in the next room, I could walljump through the first blue enemy with the damage invincibility. 71650: The door? I may have been able to shoot it earlier but I don't remember. But the gate? No, because Super Missles travel so flipping fast that they become off the screen too quickly to use them before hand. Once I pass the gate, I start shoulder pumping until entering the door, so even if the door (not the gate) could be opened earlier, I wouldn't have entered it earlier. 76668: The stop is used to charge for a shinespark, so I can't remove it, or it will make the next couple rooms slower. I also do that stop at the first frame that will give me the charge. I could do the slow-charge trick a bit, but that would cost some time and eliminate the fastest part of that running stretch. The speed after the door does affect my jumping speed where I shoot twice and shinespark to the left, but that is only 10 frames of movement or so, and I still must wait in order to let the shot travel to the door. 78940: Enemy knockback might travel faster than a Power Bomb explosion at parts (I haven't thorougly tested, and I don't plan on it; just doing individual tests in each case), but for this room, that strategy was 22 frames faster than Michael Flatley's (which used that strategy, because he didn't have any Power Bombs at that point). I was also able to gain 10(?) or so frames by taking a hit just before entering that room instead (I couldn't have taken both hits because damage invincibility doesn't wear off fast enough). 82916: I'm not sure if I fully understand this question. The door on the right is an orange door, so that Power Bomb is as far to the left as it can be while still opening the door. Afterwards, I travel to the left far enough to be able to charge up a shinespark for the next room (with a tiny bit of room left over to help my jump over that small pit).
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I bet JXQ would even Tie his mother down for this run ;)
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Well I'm not going to lie, that's one of the strangest comments I've seen on the forums here. Besides, my Mom's not too good at Super Metroid, although she could always kick my ass in Asteroid. For Intellivision.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Questions: 33200 - No arm pumping on the last platform by the door, why? 33900 - I doubt a smaller jump is possible here. Confirm? 35000 - Would it be faster, (or even possible) to mockball that last one? 37800 - You land so far away from the door, and it looks like you can run through it before you actually do. Luck manipulation? 39000 - 40000 - I seem to remember someone shooting as they went through the door and the beam appearing in the next room. Could this allow more arm pumping in these rooms? 41500 - You go pretty high at the enterance to this room. Could you shorten your jump any and land faster? 44700 - You pull back before aquiring the Varia Suit, even though the cutscene cancels all of your momentum and resets your position. Why? Did you lose any time? 46200 - Instead of killing that bug, damage boost? 49300 - Do you have time to use 5 missles instead? Because you were having some trouble manipulating Super Missles later on. Enough refill points, in fact you max out in the same room. >.> 51500 - You go a bit higher than the platform here? But it was a large jump up, so I don't know if it's possible to jump exactly to the platform here? 53158 - At the exit of this room is it possible to jump and shot and grab the missle pack. (Rather than coming to a stop outside of the room shooting up and then jumping straight up.) 55200 - Five Missles here? 55500 - No arm pumping on this platform, why? Door to Wave Beam- Super Missle? The reason I ask is you're full up until the door right before Crocomire, several refill points. And it takes a while to shot five Missles. 58300 - No arm pumping on this (very short) platform, why? 62200 - Not possible to shinespark over Croco before? 62200 - Is it possible to shinespark lower and still grab the Tank? 62500 - Faster to run through the acid? 63400 - Running slow like that seems much much slower than 15 frames. :/ 65300 - I assume this one can't be grabbed by hitting it with your shoulder while turning around. amirite? 67800 - Diagonal Shinespark maybe? 70000 - Actually, I guess running through the acid wouldn't be feasible at 62500. >.> 71800 - Longshot, but would it be possible to shinespark that using the speed from two rooms ago? (How long does the charge last exactly?) 71800 - If not, why no arm pumping on the last platform before using the Grappling Hook? 72500 - So 66 spare energy units? Not enough to run through the acid at 62500 just a teensy, weensy bit? :3 73600 - Same as before. 80000 - No arm pumping? 82916 - Would it be possible to charge the shinespark while going left? You have to come to a stop to turn around anyway.
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Answers! Various arm-pumping questions - Arm pumping doesn't increase Samus's velocity, rather, each pump bumps her position forward a tiny bit. Speed when jumping or mockballing is based on Samus's velocity at the time of the jump. So if I need to make a long jump and don't have a lot of platform to run on, I can obtain a faster jumping speed by not arm-pumping (essentially making the distance traveled longer, giving me more time to gain speed). 33900 - Confirmed, unfortunately. It's tough to make that part look smooth. 35000 - If it's possible, the distance traveled in ball form is so tiny that I doubt it would even save a frame. I didn't specifically try it here, but I tried it in Crateria after the bomb boss, and a mockball ended up being slower with preparation time. 37800 - No, I need enough speed to make the jump in the next room, so I can't move to the right very far until I'm on the ground. I just shot the door when I had the chance so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. 40000 - I've never seen this trick, myself, but if it worked, it would probably allow for a couple more arm pumps. 41500 - Nope. Doors heading up or down place Samus higher or lower than it would seem, depending on the direction. 44700 - Facing left puts my "location" more to the right, so I can acquire the Varia suit a few frames earlier than just jumping at it, and since my momentum is reset, it doesn't matter where I am when I collect it. 46200 - I tried this the same way Michael did, but the enemies were diving at me too quickly. I also tried boosting off the one to the right I didn't kill, but this way was 4 frames faster. 51500 - Ok, I think I finally understood what you are asking. I jump a bit more here because I have to wait for the door to open anyway, and bringing the door up cuts down on the time between rooms, since the game sloooooowly scrolls up before scrolling to the right. Normally I don't care enough to optimize this type of thing because it can make for sloppier play during rooms to save frames between rooms. But I made an exception here since I was waiting for the door to open anyway. 53158 - No, the opening for this missle is very narrow, and also you have to jump slightly after shooting, or you will run into the block that hasn't quite desintegrated yet. 55200 - This is actually probably faster than the five missles at the Wave Beam door. Crap. I used five missles at the wave beam door because that extra Super Missle is better used on Crocomire. I don't max out on Super Missles until a couple rooms before him (bubble room) and I don't know of any places to spawn a super missle in those few rooms between there and Crocomire. But five missles on this door is probably faster. I spent about 20-25 frames using them on the Wave Beam door, probably more like 5-10 on this door, max. 62200 - It is possible to shinespark over Crocomire right after he starts to die, but if he is on the screen at this time, it causes lots of lag. I don't think I could be any lower, though. Either way, it doesn't cost time, because I have to wait for Crocomire to make his way to the left. 62500 - No, Samus is slow in lava, and also I need all the energy I can get for the next few shinespark and lava rooms. 63400 - If you run to the left immediately, then you have to sit there for a while and wait for Crocomire's bubbles underwater to move far enough to the left. I did the running to demonstrate speeding up Samus's leg speed without actual speed. 51500 - You go a bit higher than the platform here? But it was a large jump up, so I don't know if it's possible to jump exactly to the platform here? 65300 - Hitting with shoulder while turning this the thing MF did a bunch? Turning around while spin-jumping is faster in general, similar to Varia suit. 67800 - This would probably work if I had the High-Jump boots, but I can hardly get anywhere to the right while jumping (which I must do if diagonal will go to the right far enough), all the while trying to have decent jumping speed, and keeping shinespark charged. 71800 - I don't know exactly how long a charge lasts, but definitely not long enough for this. It's possible to slow-charge on this platform and skip the grapple beam usage, but that's around a second slower. 72500 - Running through the acid from stationary speed isn't fast at all, and like I said, it doesn't matter, I need to get to Crocomire's skeleton at that specific frame. 73600 - Same meaning, the turn-around-shoulder thing? This is faster. I'm not sure what MF was going for in this room, but I beat him by 18 frames here.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Player (206)
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The run looks great as usual! The most surprise for me is that you progress so fast with still such a awesome quality. :-) One thing I want to say though: After a quick-test I calculated that in your case (100% and crocomire first), geting the High Jump Boots immediately after coming to Norfair is definitely faster at the end because the double-detour is around 4,5 seconds but you save even more time during all the rooms you did without HJ boots. For example you lose around 1,5 seconds alone on the first room where you have to use a bomb-jump or around 1 sec in the big green-bubble room which leads to Speed Booster or Wave Beam etc. There are many rooms where you have to jump up that save a couple of frames which in total is about 1 sec faster than the non early HJ Boots route. However I don't think it's that much of a difference during this long part and geting the HJ Boots later on the way looks more rational at least. Also I understand that you aim for fastest possible real-time but keeping Crocomire offscreen whie he gets roasted takes a great moment of this game away, another disadvantage if aiming for real-time. Anyway I look forward to the next WIP and one thing I can say for sure now is that the Ridley-fight is a pain to optimize (after trying it in testings of the RBO run) and it's just awesome how well Teri could do it in his any% run.
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JXQ wrote:
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
39000 - 40000 - I seem to remember someone shooting as they went through the door and the beam appearing in the next room. Could this allow more arm pumping in these rooms?
40000 - I've never seen this trick, myself, but if it worked, it would probably allow for a couple more arm pumps.
See Terimakasih's run at frame 39150. He's shooting ("x" key on the pad) and the beam goes with him through the door. With the right timing it can also happen at full speed.
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After getting item 15, you do a shallow jump while speed-boosting to break the block on the other side of the door. Is it not possible to store the charge, shoot the blocks and the door, then shinespark out the door and across the green room to collect 83-85? (or do those require something strange like a power bomb?) And why is it faster to collect 86 where you have it scheduled instead of the first time through, since 87 is on the other side of Zebes?
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Saturn: Hmm. I'm not completely convinced but I am intrigued. What about the third room where the lava is rising and you must jump high in ball form to barely make the jump? Would High-Jump affect the speed of that room? It's a bummer that Crocomire is off the screen mostly, but I figure that it's been seen by most players. Also, when shinesparking to the right, you get to catch a glimpse of him half-melted, which I think is the coolest part. creaothceann: I see what you mean, but the shot doesn't seem to get to the door any quicker. I'll be going through this tube-section again, so I'll find out then I suppose. Torgen: 83-85 collected later will benefit from the gravity suit, which will let me dash through the bottom second room and shinespark back, making it significantly faster. Edit: I'd also have to re-walljump up the bubbles to get to the Wave Beam afterwards, and this isn't very fast. I can collect 86 while waiting for a power bomb to explode in order to enter the bottom left door quickly. I won't make it to the missle and back before the bomb explodes, but I'm at least overlapping some wait time.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ, what about 82916, charging up while going left, it might reduce the amount of jumps needed.
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I have shinespark charge for 30 more frames if I don't use it when I do, and it takes at least 50 frames to run to the right after charging, and 20 frames aren't saved in that tiny jump to make up for it. The shinespark in the next room is very specific since I'm not using a Super Missle to open the door, just a regular beam. I have to make sure the beam doesn't leave the game's memory, and also that I don't go too early and hit the door. It's a very small window. I also just tested your red-door replacement, and it is indeed 11 frames faster to 5-missle the red door you mentioned than it is to 5-missle the Wave Beam red door. And I haven't mentioned it yet, so thanks to everyone for watching so closely and giving me lots of ideas!
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ: You cannot gain any momentum or build up speed booster while running through lava, but it's still faster to have the Gravity suit. The other people who likes to act like they know anything: (I'm not to be taken seriously.) And you can't shoot a shot through a door, you're beginning to charge a shot when entering the door, and it's released while you enter the next room, it's just as fast as shooting at the first frame.
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How about this then? What if you did a short shinespark through the room before the waterpit and the waterpit, then did another one through the long room and the tunnel? This assumes that you can successfully time the Super Missle in the long room. I was working on an .smv of it, until I realized I suck hardcore at TASing Super Metroid. :)
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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JXQ wrote:
Saturn: Hmm. I'm not completely convinced but I am intrigued. What about the third room where the lava is rising and you must jump high in ball form to barely make the jump? Would High-Jump affect the speed of that room?
No it would even be slower with High-Jump Boots since you reach the top of the room too early which bounces you down so that you can't reach the long platform even by using the morph ball trick. You have to switch HJ Boots off in this room then turn them on again for the green bubble room. If you aim for realtime it's of course out of question anyway. Here is a list of specific rooms between your 100% WIP and my RBO run (which uses early HJ Boots route) compared in how many in-game frames the non HJ Boots route is slower: 1.) 1st Hot Room which requires bomb-jump if no HJB: 87 frames slower 2.) Big Green Bubble room which connects Speed B. + Wave B: 67 frames slower 3.) Reaching the top ground of the pre-Speed B. room (where I refill my energy): 15 frames slower 4.) Big pre-Wave Beam room (returning by using a walljump for the top left exit: 43 frames slower 5.) Climbing up the next room with the Dragons and the red flying balls right before Green Bubble room: 16 frames slower 6.) Green Bubble room (back from the wave-beam entrence till the lower left exit which also leeds to Croco: 23 frames slower Together 251 Frames in total ~ 4,2 sec The double detour for geting HJ Boots early: 111 frames down, 156 frames up = 267 frames But: You definitely lose more than this 16 frames in the Crocomire area especially in the walljump after the spike-azid Missile and at climbing up your way to the HJ Boots from Crocomires Grave. If skipping Crocomire (like MF) you have to add 35 additional frames between the Save-Room and the HJ Boots room which is still around 20 frames slower than the early HJ Boots route. This is the result I got at least. And I also confirm that shooting on the first possible frame in the next room is not slower than shooting through the door in the previous room (like Teri did).
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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What happens if you use slow running to build a charge and shinespark into Crocomire's open mouth? Does he take much (any) damage? Do you go right through him and get stuck on the other side? I'm imagining how awesome it would look to pull it off and hoping there would be a reason to do it.
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If I remember correctly I heard that shinesparking into Crocomires mouth will cause the game to crash because it's a invalid move that you can't normaly use unless you use the short-charge glitch. This needs to be tested and confirmed though.
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It's perfectly possible to do it without the short-charge glitch. Nothing happens; he doesn't take damage.
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If you shinespark into Crocomire's stomach, you lose energy at a ridiculous rate and die almost instantly. Didn't try his mouth though.
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Will he back into the lava him self then? If you fly over him for example?