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Hey Kejardon, I was thinking about something before, what would technically be the lowest percentage possible to beat the game? I'm not thinking in humanly ways, but technically.
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14%, which is humanly possible, as well. 13% just isn't possible at the moment.
kwinse wrote:
Kejardon wrote:
Kriole wrote:
Samus is damaged by a Rinka in the opening.
That's a script action; no damage. ... it just dawned on me I know way too much about SM.
It took THAT to make you realize?
Post subject: You can do less that 14%
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It's not humanly possible, but you could get away with: gravity suit 1 energy tank charge beam ice beam bombs morph ball 1 missile pack 1 super missile pack 1 power bomb pack you'd avoid getting the missile pack on the way to the wrecked ship by wall jumping the little block that the missile is on top of from the left side, then jumping from the right side, then laying a bomb and getting across this might not actually be possible, but i'm pretty sure you could.
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No, you need a certain amount of missles to be able to kill the red thingies blocking the way to the end boss. Also you need at least 3 energy tanks for the ultra kill beam of death the end boss uses.
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Morph Ball + Bombs: To get anywhere past the start of the game, used tons of times. Not a chance it will ever be skipped. Charge Beam: Kill bosses. Pretty sure this'll never be replaced. Missiles and Super Missiles (4 total) Beat Mother Brain's first form. The Zebetites don't matter, you can skip those. Power Bombs: Reach the later bosses. Another I doubt will be replaced. Gravity Suit: Escape Draygon's lair without resorting to Crystal Flashes. It actually isn't required to win, but it's the most percent-efficient method. 3 Energy Tanks + Varia Suit: Survive Mother Brain's final attack. I recently tried a glitch I thought could disable her attack, but it didn't work... something about the background in Mother Brain's room messes with the glitch, even though you can do it in every OTHER room in Tourian. >_< Ice Beam *or* Speed Boots: Get to Botwoon, and skip the Zebetites. Quite odd that they both fulfill the same exact functions, but they do.
kwinse wrote:
Kejardon wrote:
Kriole wrote:
Samus is damaged by a Rinka in the opening.
That's a script action; no damage. ... it just dawned on me I know way too much about SM.
It took THAT to make you realize?
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so we can get rid of Varia suit. I have played without it many times, and the gravity suit works fine on it's own. The stats DONT Stack. edit: my bad, should read more carefully
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Er. It was said that Varia was needed to survive Mother Brain's beam with fewer energy tanks. Or did you miss that part?
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I would really like to have general discussion about beginners asking questions from pro gamers about snes games under this topic. If this isn't possible I humbly beg your pardon bisqwit for wasting your time. My problem is that I was recently doing a non-tool assisted speed run on my snes, but it broke down and now I'm have several troubles with emulators. I wonder how do you manage to go running speed by using a morph ball and I got troubles doing 45 boost jump (that I've seen used in maridia in few speed runs). It was quite easyish with snes but I honestly don't know what am I doing wrong in my emulator speed run. Oh and btw I had about 23mins gone when my snes broke and I just had defeated draygon.
Post subject: Re: I need help
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Wrong forum. SNES games is for discussing SNES games - one thread per game. Moving the topic to the correct forum. Also, the next time you should try writing a better subject for your topic - one that actually describes what this discussion is about. Now nobody knows whether they can help you before reading the actual message. (And I'm not sure whether they know even after reading the message.)
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with regards to the 45 degree boost jump, maybe it's that your current key setup(if you use the keyboard) includes buttons that don't go well together. In my recent run I've had to switch buttons around, as I've had to push as many as direction+weapon change+dash+jump+charging my weapon. But yours should really include 2 directions and jump. Regardless, if I understand your question maybe you should try switching the buttons around if you use a keyboard.
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Played SM yesterday and when runing around in the wrecked ship I managed to somehow mock-ball myself inside one of those big robots (this was done before the boss was killed and it was in the room were one robot is stranded against a wall). Don't know exactly how I did though but there might be a chanse you could abuse it in some other places, somehow.
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It's called the "kago ball," and you should've seen it done on the moving spike platforms immediately before Ridley.
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You are right there (hadn't niticed it there) but acctualy, I did it horisontaly. But maybe it's the same.
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Here is my list to Terimakasih of what I think you should think about. I might be wrong in some places so you whould do best if you tried it out to see what is the best way of doing something. The list is up to where you enter Brinstar (the numbers is frames and shows where this has been seen): 1750 - When going down past a ledge remember that the higher you jump the faster you fall. When you need to go down try getting a high jump before you pass the ledge. 2700 - Has nothing too do with speed but look at how Frenom did. Look at the Metroid, look at the grey door and so on like Samus wonders what is going to happend 6050 - Again, think of a high jump. 10200 - I am quite sure that it is possible to start slowing down a little earlier so you can enter the elevator earlier. 12800 - Try fiering earlier to remove that block, maybe even in a jump from one side of the door to the other and then Mockball . After the first missile - I do not think you reached top speed before you turned into the morphball. Run a little longer. 15200 - I do not understand why you jump there, is there a reason? 17800 - You hit your head in the wall as you go through the door, can this be avoided? 18500 - Try too come up with something a little more interestion to watch. The bomb jump you use in Norfair is for example more impresive in my eyes. 19200 - Why do you get hit by the Chozo? Try avoiding it unless it is extremly nessesairy. 21200 - I know you can shoot the door open earlier so you won't tutch it when you go through it. 22400 - Getting past the space pirates, can't you get thrown forward insted? Try turning around the frame before they hit you, that often works. That was what I had too say for now. Please, when you have done some progress could you post a link to it so we can watch it and point out if there is something that can be improved so you don't have to di it all again. Hope you understand what I wrote aswell.
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Edit tip: >the higher you fall the faster you fall. This should be "the higher you jump the faster you fall."
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Acctualy I ment "The higher you fall, the faster you fall" but now when you mention it I can see that it was a bit wierd written. Thanks for the note Truncated!
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I was thinking of something.. When leaving the wrecked ship. The room where you are "supposed" to have the grapling beam in order to get over the water and all that. When you get to the door on the left, would it be possible to open it while flying over the water and then mockball out of the room and maintain the speed when you come out in the next room? I might be writing a bit fuzzy so I will include a pice of picture as well. You come in from the right, moving to the left, shoot the door while you are airborn, land with a mockball and continue to the left. Is this possible? Would it save some time? Could you use a power bomb right when you come into the room in order to break the floor to where you are going?
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Mazzic wrote:
Thanks for your advises. I will write 'I understood.' if I can understand paragraphs.
Mazzic wrote:
(I understood, but ,maybe I have wrong understanding;) Umm, I think, 'the fastest way' equal 'shortest distance'. (Red-Line) If I jump higher , Yes, the down-speed will be faster. but , in this case , I think that Orange-Color-Line(or Purple-Line) is bad route. Because,,, sorry, I can't explain it in English;
Mazzic wrote:
I understood.(But,I will write about this, later.)
Mazzic wrote:
I understood. Oh,in this case, 'High Jump' is bad-action certainty; In this case,small jump and push L-bottan(or R-bottan) is best action,maybe. I tried many times(cases), so, my idea is right,I think; (SMV : Ceres Station Only)
Mazzic wrote:
I understood. But, maybe ,I can enter the elevator without speed-down-action. (I'm not sure,now.)
Mazzic wrote:
I can't understand 'fiering',,, But , perhaps, I could understand. (You say ,' you must do Mockball-action faster', don't you?)
Mazzic wrote:
After the first missile
I understood.
Mazzic wrote:
I understood. Yes, I had a reason. But it is my mistake,now. In a new movie, I don't(would'nt?) play like this.
Mazzic wrote:
I understood. I tried many times,but I could't so. Do you think that it is possible?
Mazzic wrote:
I understood.(But,I will write about this, later, too.)
Mazzic wrote:
I understood. Can I defeat him without damages? Is is possible? OK, I will try it in a new movie.
Mazzic wrote:
I understood. OK, I will try,too.
Mazzic wrote:
Maybe, I understood. ('the space pirates' is enemy's name?)
Mazzic wrote:
Last Paragraph
I understood. For the time being, I just say thanks for your many advises! But, I have a question,still now. If Mr.Frenom is taking a new movie, my new movie is not necessity, I think.
Mazzic wrote:
(about 2700,18500)
To take a movie give me many stress. I want to alleviate stress, in these scenes; Because these scenes have no connection, about ClearTIme. So, I want to play as my likes. If I want to submit the movie, I can't play as my likes,in my movie?
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Highness wrote:
I was thinking of something..
I can't understand all of your paragraph. So, this is my conjecture; (If it is diffrent , sorry;) (Can you see this movie-format?) or (SMV)
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>If I jump higher , Yes, the down-speed will be faster. but , in this case , I think that Orange-Color-Line(or Purple-Line) is bad route. Because,,, sorry, I can't explain it in English; Try your best, or write it in simple Japanese and I can try to translate it for Mazzic. >I can't understand 'fiering',,, 「発する」ということだけど、彼が書き方を間違えた。「firing」は正しい。
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Terimakasih wrote:
I can't understand all of your paragraph. So, this is my conjecture; (If it is diffrent , sorry;) (Can you see this movie-format?) or (SMV)
This was exactly what I ment. How ever, if it's possible to use the power bomb earlier? Otherwise the movie showed good to me. Would this be any faster?
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Terimakasih wrote:
I can't understand 'fiering',,,
He misspelled the word 'firing' (to shoot).
Terimakasih wrote:
To take a movie give me many stress. I want to alleviate stress, in these scenes; Because these scenes have no connection, about ClearTIme. So, I want to play as my likes. If I want to submit the movie, I can't play as my likes,in my movie?
Of course you can. I haven't had time to watch the movie yet (sorry!), but I think he might be saying that you could have made it more interesting. But there is certainly nothing wrong with doing cool tricks when it doesn't waste time.
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>Terimakasih Fiering: Maybe it is my spelling that is bad but I meen fire or shoot. High jumping: You didn't get quite what I meen. Check this out. Space pirates: You're right there. It's the enemy's name in USA anyway. Don't know about Japan. Ceres: Great job! The movie was wonderful! Higness' sugestion: You were right. Great movie aswell ;) 2700,18500: No, you do as you wish. I am in no position to tell you how you should do your movie, all I do is telling you what I think. In fact I think your wall jumping in the new movie at Ceres is realy impresive.
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Bob Whoops wrote:
Bob Whoops wrote:
He misspelled the word 'firing' (to shoot).
Thanks! I could understand perfection,now.
Bob Whoops wrote:
Thanks. Now, I try to write explanation. (in English) If I jump higher , Yes, the down-speed will be faster. but, I think that this action has two problems. 1:distance Please compare Red-Line with Orange-Line. I think, Orange-Line is longer than Red-Line. I think, this distance needs more times(seconds). 2:operation of jump If Samus jumped, and she reached 'top'. (and ,next time, she will down.) 'top' equal ,,, the highest point of she's jump. I think, this moment needs more times(seconds). (in Japanese) 確かに、高いジャンプを行えば、落下速度は速くなります。 しかし、2つの問題があると考えます。 1:距離 赤色の線とオレンジ色の線を、比較して下さい。 オレンジ色の線の方が長いです。 つまり、移動距離が長いです。 つまり、より多くの時間を必要とするでしょう。 2:ジャンプの動作 サムスがジャンプすると、当然、最も高い位置に来ます。 (その後、彼女は落下します。) 高いジャンプをしてしまうと、この滞空時間が長いと思います。 つまり、より多くの時間を必要とするでしょう。
Highness wrote:
This was exactly what I ment.
Oh, I felt easy^^;. Umm,,Excuse me, you said, "Can you use Power-Bomb, faster than this movie?" ? or "What a faster to use Power-Bomb!" ? ("You must use Power-Boms more slowly!")? or another meaning?;
Bob Whoops wrote:
I understood,thanks! Oh,, of course , I can understand Mazzic's volition(or will). But, I am at a loss^^; Umm,, This Problem is difficulty , I think; Yeah, I flash across my mind. To take a new movie by Mr.Mazzic(not me), is best way, isn't it? He has many good-ideas. And, If he takes a movie, he doesn't have need to explain to me. Mr.Mazzic , Can you take a new movie?^^;
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Terimakasih wrote:
Umm,,Excuse me, you said, "Can you use Power-Bomb, faster than this movie?" ? or "What a faster to use Power-Bomb!" ? ("You must use Power-Boms more slowly!")? or another meaning?;
I ment if you could place the powerbomb as soon as you enter the room. Like switch to powerbomb while jumping in the other room -> Mockball -> continue to roll to the left -> As soon as possible, place the power bomb and roll to the hole in the floor. Seems like you slow down before you reach the hole. I know that the mpg file you made is just a showoff. Nothing finals yet eh? =) Also you could combine it to what you other guys are talking about. To jump while the bomb explodes to be falling faster down the hole in the floor.