If your goal was to provide the community with an entertaining and surprising run, you'd give your tricks to anyone actually working on a run and have him finish it. But that's not your goal, you want that run to contain your name...
...Everybody who works very long on a single run wants to have credit for it. It's human nature, and those who disagree are lying.
You have a gigantic ego problem, and you justify it by saying everyone is the same way because it's human nature. Some people actually think of others before themselves, as foreign as this may sound to you. I hope you try it some day, it's very rewarding.
An example of thinking of someone else before yourself: since you've already claimed a bunch of Super Metroid "perfect" strategies and optimizations, once someone posts first their new 49.17 time, you swallow your own pride and congratulate them instead of ridiculing them and belittling their achievement.
Because they aren't a selfish asshole like you are.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Joined: 6/13/2006
Posts: 3300
Location: Massachussetts, USA
superjupi wrote:
If you tried to get every last frame out of a game whose physics model fights you at sub-pixel level, you'd be the same way.
But I'm still sane, so that can't be it.
JXQ wrote:
An example of thinking of someone else before yourself: since you've already claimed a bunch of Super Metroid "perfect" strategies and optimizations, once someone posts first their new 49.17 time, you swallow your own pride and congratulate them instead of ridiculing them and belittling their achievement.
Not quite. It was more like:
"We achieved 49.17!"
"awesome job! too bad I had already done it. So even though both of you worked together to independently of me achieve it, it's pointless because I'm still the one who got it before you did."
I've avoided posting because 85% of the people have already been saying what I feel towards saturn. I'm constantly reminded of "if you're in a ditch, stop digging", and saturn, you really are just making this worse and worse upon yourself with each new post you make; you're just confirming what everyone is saying about you.
To be 100% honest, back when hero of the day first started TASing SM was when I took a little bit of interest in watching the TASes for it. As soon as I found out what a jerkwad you are and how you treat others and keep this egotistical aura of secrecy around you, I completely lost all interest and now SM bores the fucking crap out of me, specifically because you ruin the goal of TASing.
Joined: 11/21/2007
Posts: 94
Location: United States
sorry to ruin you pride Saturn, but how is you WIP "perfect" (excluding the pre-torizo room) if you didn't know about the frame Kriole/Taco found on the way to Ceres Ridley?
Current TAS Project:
SMR 100% TAS - 12.5% of the way done with the initial route (I'm going to then release it for further improvments)
sorry to ruin you pride Saturn, but how is you WIP "perfect" (excluding the pre-torizo room) if you didn't know about the frame Kriole/Taco found on the way to Ceres Ridley?
For instance, the fact that you're not helping anything at all when you're going on flaming Saturn. We've already finished that a couple days ago, and the fun stuff was cut out and put into a separate thread, as was supposed to.
If you really want to hurt a man's pride that bad, just ignore him. Otherwise you're increasing the amount of redundant/useless/foul content in this thread, and it has seen a lot of it already. Much more than needed.
The 2nd is called "Love don't let me go/Walking away: David Guetta & The Egg RMX".
The 3rd is called "Hold" by Wumpscut.
Walking awayHold
Also thanks for asking, I always wanted to have these songs but never knew the name of them, now you made me find out by googling :)
As for the super missile door leading to the big sidehopper room in Red Brinstar, shooting at it diagonally was NOT 2 frames faster. The super missile hit the door at the same frame in both instances. You need hi-jump boots to execute it in a way so that it saves frames. I still shot at it diagonally for variation ;]
good wip, much better didnt check frames now but looked much better :P
Until Green Brinstar I'm 79 frames ahead of my old run. Until pink brinstar SS shaft, I'm 67 frames ahead of myself, due to 1 more picked up missile expansion.
Again, don't understand me wrong, I congratulate Taco and Kriole for getting 49'17 by themself. I honestly didn't expect this to happen before I'd show it myself. This deserves alot of respect. Also I think that hero deserves part of the credit as well, because without his release turn around trick that he discovered only recently, a 49'17 wouldn't be possible.
Fano wrote:
how is you WIP "perfect" (excluding the pre-torizo room) if you didn't know about the frame Kriole/Taco found on the way to Ceres Ridley?
Thats why I wrote frame-perfect Zebes only.
Kriole wrote:
There is more to it than the Ceres frame ;]
Why you don't show it then? After all you mentioned to have "regained" some frames somewhere, didn't you? :-)
But no, to be honest, the only theoretical possibility to ever save a frame in my entire Zebes-demo until pre-Torizo, would be in the mainstreet room when running over that mountain on the way to OTES, by optimizing subpixels to not being forced to skip any arm pumps during all the slopes there. I tried alot of variations though, and came to the conclusion that it's impossible to be faster there. You mentioned to skip 0 pumps for just 1 dash frame, but I don't see that in your latest RBO WIP, which means that it's same fast at best or slower than my strategy.
Speaking of the RBO WIP, very solid done so far, Kriole. I realize now that the diagonal SM shot is only faster with HJ-Boots because you can skip the walljump before it. Also as you see, you barely lost any frames despite picking up one more Missile pack, thanks to the ~50 frames faster ingame route in the Super Missile room. Be sure to have enough health before heading to the Etecoon area this time, to kill every drainer for PB refills there. This is a major key to speed up the run for the next quests.
All in all good job, looking forward for more.
And evilchen, your music video of hero's any% run is probably the best I have seen so far. Really nice editing and graphical effects, and a pretty good and suitable soundtrack for most parts of the run. You did a great job with it. :-)