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hero of the day wrote:
1. You either used a different steam boost. 2. You used an extra steam boost. 3. You know of some unknown method for increasing speed slightly. 4. You know of some unknown method of walljumping differently
All wrong.
hero of the day wrote:
I remember when you told me that the reason you were 30 frames ahead of JXQ up to the torizo was just because yours was more optimized. Well in truth, yours was not more optimized, you just used an otherwise unknown technique to gain the frames.
How do you want to know that? I don't remember to ever posting the run somewhere.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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(Yes, that conversation did take place as shown.) If you really wanted to help the progress of TASing the game as a community, then you would share your findings. If you really wanted it to be a surprise, you would have not said anything (or you would at least have shut up about it by now). But neither of these has happened. Instead, you walk this middle ground, releasing just enough information to get some attention, keeping other information for more attention in the future. What could your motives be for this behavior? I believe the time exists - I just don't give a shit.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I never said it was one of those on the list, but it is some sort of technical change, not an optmization. Chose your words better. I know it because when I posted about the CWJ in the Old MB room, you said something like "Hero, you found one of my optimizations". That is how I know that. Like JXQ, I also don't give a shit. I doubt I would even use it in my run unless it was faster in real time (which I am pretty sure it isn't).
They're off to find the hero of the day...
Player (206)
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JXQ wrote:
What could your motives be for this behavior?
To give people a small preview of what to expect in the future run. Just a small teaser, nothing else.
hero of the day wrote:
I never said it was one of those on the list, but it is some sort of technical change, not an optmization. Chose your words better.
Nope, it's indeed all about optimization, not a change.
hero of the day wrote:
I know it because when I posted about the CWJ in the Old MB room, you said something like "Hero, you found one of my optimizations". That is how I know that.
It might be both combined. Though most of the gains are still from optimization.
hero of the day wrote:
I doubt I would even use it in my run unless it was faster in real time (which I am pretty sure it isn't).
You're right. Not worth for your run.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Can you just change subject ? That's really boring to read, please, stay focused so that we see a new movie soon :)
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I agree, let's keep all posts constructive from now on. I have nothing against Saturn, I just wanted an explanation. He sorta gave one, so I am not gonna post about it anymore. Once I find the time I will restart my any% run. I will aim solely for real time once again, and it should be below 40 minutes. In the mean time Cpadolf will probably submit his run, so you will have something to watch ZeXr0.
They're off to find the hero of the day...
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I have an idea. kilojoules from M2K2 discovered a new glitch that might have some interesting applications. Why don't we talk about that instead? :P
kwinse wrote:
Kejardon wrote:
Kriole wrote:
Samus is damaged by a Rinka in the opening.
That's a script action; no damage. ... it just dawned on me I know way too much about SM.
It took THAT to make you realize?
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we should stop talking and begin to enjoy the nice beam of me here you go no cheats used its all true used freejump and armor equip/unequip and things like that note: freejump bugged jetjump obtainable from draygoon ( used to flee out of his pit in an suitless/rbo run)
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evilchen: does that beam actually do something special or is it just a color-glitched regular wave/spazer? I noticed it disappears when you leave the room, so application seems limited.
hero of the day wrote:
Once I find the time I will restart my any% run.
Did you find a new trick that warrants restarting or are you just switching to 1.43?
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îts just a color glitch but it looks awesome :D or not? :P
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Tub: I am restarting mostly because it would be impossible to finish the run using 1.51. I started getting desyncs after every single room. There was a couple tricks I missed the first time around, saving ~1 second total. So these little tricks help alleviate some of the pain of starting over.
They're off to find the hero of the day...
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since ceres is finished now the run goes rolling i wont post a wip yet but maybe someone is intrested(tonski i just say cwj xD) i tried the varialess.smv hero posted some pages ago after finding the new tourian entry its 1121 frames compared to heros 1171 (note: he goes down and emulates taking the missile but his smv was well more optimized and he had the highjump boots ^-^) i think i can shape more and more frames off since it was just a small test done in 5-10 minutes ^^ for anyone intrested iam currently in the old motherbrain room
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i've completed and finally encoded my super metroid music video and here is the download: (use telia sonera mirrors they have over 1,3 mb/sec for me) it was a lot of work and i hope you enjoy watching it and give me a review of it :D here are some video notes: -aims for realtime without loosing any ingame frames :P -skips all pause buttons hahaha -used heros any%(so you might wanna look at it now if you liked heros any%) -i did change the color slightly of some rooms maybe youll notice -i made most of the music parts fit to the video(was the hardest work) -and some other tricks and edits are inside to maybe youll find everything -its x264 codec - was a hella lot work to do !!!!!!! :( ----------------------- btw woot 300 posts :D
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Ok Evilchen, I watched it and I have some comments for it. - Music + Skipped waitings + change of colors + fadings + Hero's TAS itself ^^ ? Perhaps could make just a bit faster movie playback when game is lagging (for smoother look) +++ Machinae Supremacy Ok, everybody likes different music so minus to music is just my opinion (Machinae Supremacy is +++ because I'm fan ^^) Those start button skippings and door fading skips are veeeery nicely done and makes movie much more entertaining :) Absolutely best thing in this movie (for me). Smooth looking fadings with elevators :) TAS itself rocks hard, this was 10th time I watched that tas, or something like that. And that lag thing explains itself (I hope) I hope that I'm not too brutal with my comment when I say that video was good without music (mainly without)
Experienced player (760)
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I enjoyed this video, but I like some of your others better. You didn't go as wild here visually as you have in the past, and that's what I like best - when you get creative with visual effects. My favorite here was for the Spazer. I also liked how you supplemented each item pickup with a small message in the corner. Great jorb!
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Joined: 7/26/2006
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Apart from what seemed like interlacing artifacts (could be a playback problem on my end), the video was entertaining and I enjoyed most of the music. Nice job :)
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IMO the second and third songs didn't fit the game at all and especially the second song was unnecessarily long and repetitive. Immediately when Machinae Supremacy kicks in the video gets a boost of speed and excitement and made me perk up again. The editing was very nicely done, I liked it. In general, very good job!
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I gotta agree on the music choice critizism. Otherwise, simply awesome, very enjoyable.
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its hard to me to decide wth the music sometimes because iam listening to more extremer songs and stuff but well iam glad you liked it at all :) so jxq loves more visual editing? i thought i should not overload it or things like that :( - what do the others say?
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I like what you've done to it, I wish you'd done more of those 3 second pallette changes and used some alternative music. What did you use to make this btw?
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3 second pallet changes? do you mean the color invertions? i used sony vegas 5.0 alternative music? give me some genre examples :D? ill give my best for the next video - maybe its about tases in general i dont know yet edit: you guys didnt notice the speed accelaration or :P? it is a very nice trick making it hard to notice :D
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evilchen wrote:
alternative music? give me some genre examples :D?
I meant alternative as the genre Edit: 350th post. woo!
Skilled player (1442)
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I noticed the speed changes at some places :) The music wasn't really my style (Though the one that started at draygon was great) But otherwise it was a really nice video and I enjoyed it even though I have watched that TAS so many times. After some problems and setbacks with the luck manipulation from Plasma-Ice beam I'm now progressing nicely again and have just finished the gold pirate shaft in LN.
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
Joined: 8/1/2004
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You could also edit the songs as well as the videos. It's good to have an imagining of your song selections in mind, and when something visually complimenting comes your way while the TAS is running, try to imagine what part of the song you could cut in order to get to that complimenting song section. I don't know much about video editting, but that could be done to go with the song, too, like you've already done with this video. I always liked this SM remix. / And this one. It's not exactly the standard pumping thrill music that everyone uses, but why does everything have to be super energetic, anyway? For example of my first paragraph's suggestion, 1:04-1:29, of the first link, is a part of the song I don't enjoy as much as the rest. For the second song, I have a cut version which isn't so long, if that's a problem. Or you could not use any of those. But if anyone enjoys the idea of putting 'beefed up' arrangements of SM songs to fit the game, then there's always this whole page to browse. Those two are just suggestions of ones I thought were the best musically. Then there's this, which I find pretty average except for about 3 or 4, but more might go well with the game. As for non-SM remixes, I could try to search for some, but I dunno.
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Cpadolf wrote:
I noticed the speed changes at some places :)
hooooo? how i guess this wont be possible since the speed increases continuating with the time soo far :D the music wasn't my style either it was just i could make the scenes fit better to that kind then my own style(you dont want to know :P) - i do better next time but don't expect me to find songs fitting for everyone ;D