This movie has been obsoleted. The new movie can be found here.
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
    • (Ab)using monsters as platforms
    • (Ab)using main character as a critical strike weapon
    • (Ab)using boomerangs to cause massive damage to multiple, superimposed targets.
  • Manipulates luck
  • No death
  • Uses emulator FCE Ultra 0.98.16
  • Genre: Platform
Many of you are probably familiar with Konami’s original Castlevania game, but in case you haven’t played this game, here is a brief description:
Castlevania is loosely based on Bram Stoker’s character, Dracula, and Dracula’s extravagant and creepy castle deep in Transylvanian forest.
The main character is Simon Belmont, a vampire hunter.
Dracula’s hit points reach zero 250 frames (~4.16 seconds) faster than Phil Cote's previously published run. If you subscribe to the ‘end input as soon as possible' philosophy, then the run is 423 frames faster (~7.05 seconds). This version does not feature a higher score, but a high score was sought after.
I would suggest revisiting Phil's Castlevania TAS before delving into this one.

Level improvements:

Level 1: 20 frames faster

  • Enter castle gate faster—1 frame
  • Optimized using the bat as a platform—16 frames
  • Optimized bat boss—3 frames

Level 2: 59 frames faster

  • Cross took 42 extra frames to get.
  • Second whip upgrade avoided—49 frames saved
  • Killed Medusa faster—52 frames

Level 3: 115 frames faster

  • Took four more extra frames to get to the mummies with the cross.
  • Beat the mummies faster—119 frames
  • As for stage 8, it may look like I waste frames, however no frames are lost due to a frame rule. Originally I was going to replay this segment and kill the ravens, but I thought the manipulation of the raven enemies was funny.

Level 4: 29 frames faster

  • Killed Frankenstein faster—29 frames

Level 5: 10 frames faster

  • Optimized using the hunch-back as a platform.

Level 6: ?? frames faster

  • Dracula’s hit points drop to zero 17 frames faster. This could have been optimized more if I had decided to end input in the same manner as Phil, but using Dracula’s ghost to push Simon to where the magic crystal spawns took a significant amount of extra time to arrange.
  • End input 173 frames faster. The trade-off of the previous note.

About abusing the cross:

The cross is meant to hit strong enemies (such as bosses)once then pass through them. Funny thing about the cross is that by hitting two enemies on top of one another, it is actually possible to make the cross hit three or more times in one pass.
This technique is used on that knight enemy at the start of level 2, the bone dragon in level 4, the mummies and on Dracula. In the example of the knight, the cross hits the knight first, then the cross hits the bat, then the knight again. Once the cross hits a second target (bat),it can hit the first target (knight) again so long as the cross is still inside the knight’s hit box. It is as if the cross has been reset to yield damage to a target it previously hit one or two frames ago, but the programmers neglected this error.
The mummies both have a lot of HP, so throwing a cross at them once they are close together makes each mummy reset the cross’ strike on the other mummy over and over and over again. This tactic yields massive damage in a very small amount of frames. Hence, the mummies can be killed solely with 2 crosses because they take 2 damage (from their collective HP address) each and every frame that the cross is inside both their hit boxes.
It was possible to throw crosses at the mummies before I did, but each frame that a cross hits a mummy, it prevents the mummy from moving along his course for one frame thus preventing the mummies from moving together at the first possible moment. Also, both mummies need the same amount of HP in order to die at the same time using only the cross. One would have to hit the last mummy for the same amount of HP as the difference of the mummies' HP once one mummy dies.
It is possible to kill both mummies with only one cross, but it takes more time to manipulate that into happening than it does to just use two crosses.
Special thanks to the Castlevania TAS authors Bisqwit, Genisto and Phil Cote. Without these authors’ ideas and TASes to reference, this version would not have been possible. To be honest, I feel more like a co-author. Enjoy.

Bisqwit: Processing.

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This route also avoids the possibility of getting the meat. If it takes more than one hit to get up there, Dracula will have to be faced with less than two critical strike opportunities. It would still make for a vast net improvement though. The only way I can think of making this jump work would be to use a memory poke to bypass the invulnerability time period, but that obviously can't be used in the movie. :(
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You told me this would come out of nowhere and it did in spades.... nice job
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Congratulations for finishing this Morrison. The run is fantastic.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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Good job, you should try improving the Sypha or Alucard route in CV3.
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Automatic yes, excellent work. And I would love to see you try CV3, as that was one of my favorite NES games way back when. You could obsolete a couple Famtasia movies in the process, even.
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [694] NES Castlevania by Morrison in 11:34.12
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Mummies alive!... or not.
"The way to move out of judgment is to move into gratitude." — Neale Donald Walsch DannyLilithborne on IRC
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I can't wait until I can watch this movie! I've loved all the Castlevania movies I've seen so far, and I'm sure this one won't be an exception.
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Well, nice dicovery. I have no choice but to beat you. It's sad that some parts of the movie aren't as entertaining as in my run. I am going to correct them. In fact, with the boomerang, it will be even easier. It's rather strange that I don't see Bisqwit complaining that the movie input stop as soon as possible while it was the case with me. Oh well... No more commentary.
Joined: 5/3/2004
Posts: 1203
Times change, people change. Anyways, if you beat him, I will be forced to beat you in turn. Get used to the taste of defeat! _________________ <PhilCote> I don't like your attitude Mr. Zurreco. Are you trying to make me feel minus because somone beats me at Castlevania or what?
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I am used of taste of defeat. How many movies I have been beaten recently and didn't even care... let's see Contra 3, Adv. Island 3, SMB2( his movie was better even if it doesn't look so). Maybe I am missing some more. When people like you and Zurreco are trying to give me lesson, I am saying "Check elsewhere if Morimoto could be there". :P
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Don't misintepret my words! I give no lessons and post no bills.
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Phil wrote:
When people like you and Zurreco are trying to give me lesson...
Well, to be fair, I wasn't giving you a lesson; I was making a statement. Claiming that someone else's work isn't as interesting as your own isn't very becoming of a good competitor, but that is just my opinion. Feel free to passively insult people all you want.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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xebra wrote:
Don't misintepret my words! I give no lessons and post no bills.
Yeah yeah, they are always saying that.
Zurreco wrote:
Phil wrote:
When people like you and Zurreco are trying to give me lesson...
Well, to be fair, I wasn't giving you a lesson; I was making a statement. Claiming that someone else's work isn't as interesting as your own isn't very becoming of a good competitor, but that is just my opinion. Feel free to passively insult people all you want.
Now, you're saying that I am insulting people... I said that SOME parts aren't as entertaining and I am going to redo the run.
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Phil wrote:
It's sad that some parts of the movie aren't as entertaining as in my run. I am going to correct them.
How is this not an insult to Morrison's work?
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Now reporting errors, etc... is now illegal? Sorry but stop that. Here, we want the most entertaining movie and I think it's not the case. However, the new trick makes an illusion that the movie is perfect which I say it's not true. The movie is indeed good but I say it can be even better. If you have a problem with that, then open a new topic so people can discuss.
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I have not noticed any reporting of errors, good sir.
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Yeah, what exactly did he do wrong?
What's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire?
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As far as Castlevania's entertainment is concerned, the only problem I had with Morrison's version was that the actions he did sometimes blocked out sections of background music I would have liked to hear clearly. (Example: level 3: stage 7 @ time=476 and stage 9 @ time=445; the same sequence of music was masked out at both occurances.) All the new choices of action, such as using the boomerang in the Level 2 boss room walk instead of repeated backwards jumping, were entertaining in my opinion. I certainly was not disappointed. EDIT: But I agree with Phil that there may be a marginal for improvements. I was going to try it myself as well. I can't label them offhandedly where; it was an intuition.
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First of all, great job. This is fun to watch. However, I'm inclined to agree that some aspects were less entertaining than they could be. I'm can't speak for Phil or Bisqwit, but in my case I felt like there was too much item collection. Maybe this was integral to your luck optimization, but if it wasn't I'd hope a future version would include less candle-smashing.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Entertainment wasn't really a big concern of mine. I was simply shooting for a faster time and a good score. Everything below is @ Phil: I think you'll find that the cross is rather cumbersome; it's far more cumbersome than holy water. It causes a lot of lag in certain parts of the game, and you cannot hit anything below you (such as skeleton pillars) without having to stop for a few frames. I thought the cross would be better for score hogging, but this wasn't the case after level 2. In level 3, it can cause lag on potential high scoring areas such as the first stage of that level with the two skeletons and the ravens (not to mention making it far more difficult to get the first skeleton to drop an amulet). Also, it's difficult or maybe impossible to hit those ravens with a cross/whip without losing frames. The only way that this could be made possible is if the frame rule is in the player's favor in this section and if eliminating lag is possible (I had no luck at this section). I could go on, but I think I you get the idea. If you're seriously thinking about making a new run, I might be able to help out. I'll be on IRC and checking the forums, and I'd love to chat CV with you. Morrison
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So I had idea for a time saver in the 4th level. I bet people have tried for the same idea here so maybe I bring nothing new. It has to do with the part where your boosted up onto the red cave stuff with the moving platforms below, when you get to the end you can't quite jump to the last moving platform as it's moving away from you and you have to wait for it to move back. I was wondering if anyone's tried using a boost from a bat to reach it. You'd want to do some manipulation so that a bat came at the right time. I'm not sure at point you start the moving sequence for the last platform, but even it took some delay to set up it could still end up saving time. Also this probably doesn't work but maybe moving the platform off the screen then back on again could change it's position or direction like it can be done in Ghosts N Goblins. You'd probablly need to do this starting around the first platforms as I guess all the platform are in phase but there should be a point where game starts to move the platforms and point where it doesn't.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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feitclub wrote:
However, I'm inclined to agree that some aspects were less entertaining than they could be. I'm can't speak for Phil or Bisqwit, but in my case I felt like there was too much item collection. Maybe this was integral to your luck optimization, but if it wasn't I'd hope a future version would include less candle-smashing.
Imo, collecting bag of money is good. I am also doing that in my movie and will do that in future version.
Morrison wrote:
If you're seriously thinking about making a new run, I might be able to help out. I'll be on IRC and checking the forums, and I'd love to chat CV with you.
I am happy that you don't feel insulted like Mr. Zurreco claim to be and loves to make false accusation.
Editor, Expert player (2070)
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Phil wrote:
I am happy that you don't feel insulted like Mr. Zurreco claim to be and loves to make false accusation.
Edit: (deleted) Please stop pointing fingers at others.
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And that's what you are doing.