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This he is my first speedrun of NES, The Simpsons Bart versus Space Mutants. The protagonist of this game is bart simpson, this boy has discovered that mutants have a machine to enter ingredients which will allow them to conquer the Earth, for this Bart goes to the search of these ingredients to hide them or to take them thus to avoid the disaster.
The time that I take myself to do speedrun is of 16:21 seconds.
  • Aims for fastest completion
  • manipulates luck
  • no damage
  • takes damage for save time
  • uses no cheat

First level

Objective: hide and to paint with spray the objects color purple
Explanation: in the superior part of the window of the cinema I obtain first spray, to paint the objects like poster of the cinema, the trash cans, the flowerpots, among others. they notice that I do not call by telephone (if I call leaves a person with shirt color purple), I do not do it because it delays to me and in addition are more objectives to part of that. Soon but ahead I buy the rockets to clear the curtains purples and others, and a pump to frighten a bird of a store.
Boss: The Boss of this level is Nelson, that just by 8 blows surrender and I finish the level

Second level

Objective:Hide hats, caps and helmets
Explanation:In this level there are 3 floors, each floor has miniboss and I do not keep some hats because they make me waste time, single treatment to complete it as rapidly as possible.
Boss: The Boss of this area is the well-known baby sitter that tortured the life to him to Bart and Lisa, the baby sitter drops suitcases without stopping, which I do is to send them upwards to it and after a few blows she surrenders.

Third Level

Objective: Hide globes
Explanation: It will seem rare to them what I do almost at the beginning, to play the three in ray, I I play here first to gain 5 coins, these coins will allow but opportunities me to play in the game of globes. What I do in the game of globes is to lose, but simultaneously I am gaining goals, because if I win I will not be able to return to play that game and for that reason I lose intentionally. what it makes me play this game of globes, is that there is sufficient no goals in the level.
Boss: The Boss of this level is Bob Patiño, this will try to be above to me, but he as she has his long feet, I step on him

Fourth level

Objective: Hide and to eliminate the signboard that says: EXIT
Explanation: In this level there are many pistols, for that reason I do not keep all those that there are in that level, first miniboss that I am is a carnivorous plant, this dies of three blows in the head. But ahead they will see that I cross short cuts of the game. When I arrive at 3 statues them exempt keys so that they allow me to cause an earthquake and thus to pass to the second miniboss:Mummy.Soon I arrive at a place where there is a rock rain, I cross a river and jump between the bones of dinosaurs to arrive at third miniboss: dinosaur
Boss: I do not know the identity of this boss, but for me he is boss but easy of the game, of three blows in the head dies

Fifth level:

Objective: Gather nuclear objects
Explanation: There are five floors in this level, the objectives that I call “nuclear objects” estan hidden by all the nuclear plant, single Bart has capacity to take 4 nuclear objects for that reason it is that I go to Base whenever Bart has 4 nuclear objects. Marge almost helps to the beginning taking the 4 nuclear objects me that I gave them so that she takes them to the base. and thus I am collecting the nuclear objects of all the floors, they will realize that lacks a nuclear object, but maggie removes to me from that mess contributing his but appraised object in the base and finished game.
Boss: In this level there is no boss.
Note: I do not speak the English very well because my language is the Spanish, but please try to understand what I say to them in the commentaries that I wrote. thanks.

DeHackEd: Reformatting.

adelikat: Setting this to cancelled for the author since he is actively working on an improved run.

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I'm not sure if this run is fully optimized, but I remember hating this game as a kid, and am voting yes simply because someone finished it :) The run is done well, but since not all stages require you to collect 100% of the listed items, chances are this run could benefit from additional route planning. All in all though, good job.
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* no damage * takes damage for save time
what is this?
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This video desynchs for me when you try to hop on the first rotating sucker in stage 2. =( I'm using the correct ROM. Are you using some odd version of FCEU? This hasn't happened since I tried to watch Pinball Quest. Switching to Blip's edit of FCEU fixed that, and as far as I know there haven't been any new versions of FCEU since then. It was pretty entertaining up uintil then, though. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
Experienced player (613)
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Plays fine with FCEU 0.98.16 and with that said a yes vote from me since a run of this game is done and is of pretty good quality regardless of bad game physics, besides it's the simpsons.
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Whenever you jump, Bart's velocity resets. However a few places you continually jump while facing the wrong way, and it does not reset the velocity. I think this could be abused a lot more to make the run faster and smoother. Other parts didn't look optimized, but I'm not sure if they were or not. Sideshow Bob fight, for example.
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I have used the version fceu-0.98.15, I do not gather all the items to the 100% because simply they delay to me, my only goal is to complete the level fast. with respect to which you say JXQ, you are right, is a something complicated to handle to Bart, but is something that would have to improve
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I get what you did with the balloon game, but when you use your last coin, since you have to stop anyway, why not get all blue balloons? (Globes as you call them.) I'm sorry but I have to give this a meh vote. It's not necessarily your fault. Some stuff is cool, like how you narrowly avoid all those shoes, but there are a lot of really boring parts, particularly the last level where you have to go back and forth so many times. It just gets old. :/
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Movie looks like it knows what it wants to do, but it very often looks very unoptimized. It's your first TAS, so I can understand; I absolutely hate watching my first TAS because of how unoptomized I now understand it to be. This movie does do a good job, but it's not pixel perfect, something a great TAS should strive to be. Despite being a really horrible game, I actually think it could make a good TAS and isn't a bad choice, although a couple parts in the middle of level four (where you're jumping only on red squares or extended stones) were annoying, and the last level is pretty dull. But I think that this could be a publishable movie with another go that saves a good amount of frames.
Post subject: boy and blob errrr bart vs space mutants
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This looks like a rather difficult game to fully optimize; a rather daunting first TAS submission for sure. I'm not too familiar with the game itself, so I won't vote, but you definitely inspired me to revisit the game. It looks and sounds a lot like A Boy and His Blob, which I thouroughly enjoy. Also, this is one of those games that I rented once as a kid, and I just never figured it out (I never got past the first level in fact), so going back and beating it should be amusing. Keep up the good work.
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I enjoyed it. That giant Krusty-head reminded me how terrifying I thought the Sphinx-lookalike in Bart Vs The World was. Yes vote.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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VANDAL wrote:
Plays fine with FCEU 0.98.16
Yeah.. I was using .15 actually. I needed to upgrade. Fancy that. So... watched it. I went ahead and voted yes for being entertaining despite being imperfect. But I do think Ivan would do well to try a second version. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Well, the movie was more entertaining than I thought it could be, so I think a run of this game is a good idea. This run, however, looks to me like it could be improved by quite a bit by handling Bart better and jumping continuosly. I'm going to vote no. I really want to see a v2 of this.
Player (71)
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it looks good, but i'm not gonna vote. dont' know enough about the game to make a sound judgement (other than that it's a terrible game to actually play)
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The run is not bad, especially for a difficult game like this one (I played it on NES as a child and never passed lvl 3 boss) but I think some jumps must be greatly improve especially in stage 1 and 5. Levels 3 and 4 are much more convincing.
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Good effort but I got to vote no because the game is pretty bad in my opinion and perhaps there were some places where you could've optimized even further.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
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Ivoting meh. Run is sloppy and can be easely improved. I want see good TAS of this game.
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I'm very much with AngerFist in this one: the run looked like it could use a little optimizing plus I think this game is not so good to TAS. Voting no. But I must say, for a first TAS your run looks much better played than mine (Megaman & Bass).
Which run should I encode next? :)
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I'm gonna have to give this a meh. It was played well but it does look like it could be optimized better. Great job for beating it though, I could never get passed the second level myself.
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All ways, I will deal with to optimize speedrun of this game, I will be sending it this week.
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as far as the TAS potential, I vote yes for lv 1 & 3 and no for the rest. The first level is one of the more interesting/unique for NES games. The game is just a let down from there (except that lv 3 is pretty cool :) ) lv 4 & 5 are just a let down for TASing. too much backtracking in lv 5 and the ledges in lv 4. two questions: lv 4: the bricks that extend out of the wall, could they possibly appear faster if you jumped ot the right to induce them to appear? lv5: are the combinations random? or the same numbers everytime you play the game? If they are random, you should manipulate them to be fast numbers to get to (low or high). The good news is that I think I could vote yes on a more optimized version of this game :) The weird factor and the uniqueness of lv 1 tip the scales in favor of a yes vote.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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It goes bad on stage2... I think every player should test the movie on different emulators and with proper roms. Then all above should be explained in your post.
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Why would you expect it to work on more than one emulator?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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I mean, at least, it should works on most versions of fceu. Desyncs on fceu is not a good thing for TAS, since fceu is considered to be most stable and widely used here.
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With respect to stage 5, the combinations are not ramdom, because each floor has its combination, 1Floor is 14, 2 floor is 32, 3 floor is 11, 4 floor is 41 and 5 floor is 21. The Speedrun that I have almost ready is 30 seconds but fast that the previous one.
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