I think those good old fashion monks said it the best when they said "..." when asked about the existance or nonexistance of God. That's the best argument for either side I've heard yet.
<i>A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day.</i>
Sorry to ask something so far off the topic of discussion, but has anyone heard of this game called "Mission: Impossible"?
EDIT: This was originally posted in this thread.
You know what gets on my nerves? When someone gets in a debate, and then other people feel the need to make a post and say "You know, it's pretty stupid that you're debating, flaming, derailing, etc."
Yes, THANK YOU. I believe we all know when we are arguing, and adding your own "You're arguing online. I'd never do that, so I'm above you" post is just as retarded as the arguing going on in the first place.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
I disagree with both of you (JXQ, your attempt to end this thread has failed! Haha! Err... yeah...).
HiddenGamer wrote:
...there is only one God and eventually we are all going to be judged.
Perhaps, perhaps not. I think what's important is to live one's life according to one's own principles; what one believes to be good. No one can claim to believe that such things as stealing and murder are good, because they would not want these things to happen to them. People who choose to do such things do so with the knowledge that it is not good. Should I come to judgement and be asked to explain my actions, I feel that I would have no trouble doing so.
Ozmodiar wrote:
If your computer can't handle a simple video codec, then you don't deserve to see it anyway.
Not as punishment for having a terrible computer, but because you are an inferior human being.
Because naturally the value of a person is determined by the size of their e-penis. The most meaningful purpose for life that I can think of is the pursuit of happiness. If stroking your e-penis is what makes you happy, then I suppose I really can't discourage you from it.
Grammar error. Thanks Truncated.
principal = the boss over a school, and I'd rather not live life according to him
principle = a guideline after which you choose to live your life
I quite like the word e-penis though.
I question the existence of any and all supernatural beings, but especially that there should be only one. After all, if we are going to trust ancient knowledge, the belief that there are many gods is more ancient than the one that there is only one.
Additionally, my shoulder hurts and I want a cookie. Okay bye.
I don't know much about about codecs, but this TAS is certainly coming along. Woot...
OK. The bible was written about 3000 years ago to show Desert Dwellers how to live their lifes since back then there was no morals. And so it talks on behalf off someone who logically doesn't exist. Much like the Quran and other holy books. The newer testament was based on rumours and historians have managed to come up with a logical explanation for all the supposive miracles that happened. One other thing I will point out is that the stuff about Jesus was written about 30 years after his death and we all know how hazy memories can become. Also take note that people more easily amazed back then through lack of understanding.
So except that you'll die and everyone else around you will die, and there is no afterlife whatsoever, which in affect end any form of disscussion.
BYE BYE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ZOOM>>>>>>>>>>>
The argument is pointless because everyone has their own belief system, which may or may not coincide with other's beliefs, and arguing against a belief is like arguing against an opinion.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Not all opinions are equally valid.
For instance, if I were of the opinion that it is safer to mow the lawn barefoot because the vast majority of lawnmower injuries happen to people who were wearing shoes, that would not be a very valid opinion.
Another example of a less valid opinion would be if I said "The pride of a professional football team is worth more than thirty libraries."
The worth of neither thing can be measured, and yet...
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
Well an opinion is more or less proven wrong/correct over time when you think about it logically.
Although it doesn't always apply to something that constantly adapts.
If you were to compare two competing teams against each other over time then you could compare say over a year and say yes.. that was the better team, but not if they constantly adapt and change. Then reasons for good/bad performances is often what normally causes the contriversay.
Some statements which you may or may not assign meaning to in context of the current discussion, and which have no logical structure aside from that which you impose while reading and processing them:
It is easy to measure the value of a library by adding up the values of all its books plus the building the books are in.
The Chicago White Socks once sold thir pride.
You cannot prove by logic that God doesn't exist.
The four best-accepted accounts of the life of Jesus began circulating in written form while there were still living witnesses of the events.
Those accounts passed the strictest standards of authenticity available at the time they were written.
If "..." is an intelligent post, we should set loose some spambots on this topic.
Even though you can believe whatever you want, that doesn't make it true.
If I have the opinion that nobody's opinions are valid, then my opinion is most certainly not valid.
EDIT:And to delete a post, hit the X by the "EDIT" button.
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
Some statements which you may or may not assign meaning to in context of the current discussion, and which have no logical structure aside from that which you impose while reading and processing them:
Replying with an equal mix of relevance and facetiousness as what I percieved:
JSmith wrote:
It is easy to measure the value of a library by adding up the values of all its books plus the building the books are in.
Which, of course, tells you exactly how useful it is to the community it is in.
JSmith wrote:
The Chicago White Socks once sold thir pride.
How many libraries did it go for?
JSmith wrote:
You cannot prove by logic that God doesn't exist.
Nor that he does
JSmith wrote:
The four best-accepted accounts of the life of Jesus began circulating in written form while there were still living witnesses of the events.
Also true of the eight worst-accepted accounts of the life of Jesus
JSmith wrote:
Those accounts passed the strictest standards of authenticity available at the time they were written.
Which were nowhere near the standards of authenticity we have today.
JSmith wrote:
If "..." is an intelligent post, we should set loose some spambots on this topic.
The implication was that the choice to say nothing was the most intelligent course of action in regards to this thread. But the other people who chose such didn't post, so "..." is the most intelligent post in this thread.
JSmith wrote:
Even though you can believe whatever you want, that doesn't make it true.
Even if I believe really, really hard?
JSmith wrote:
If I have the opinion that nobody's opinions are valid, then my opinion is most certainly not valid.
But what if you have the opinion that nobody's opinions are valid except for your own?
JSmith wrote:
EDIT:And to delete a post, hit the X by the "EDIT" button.
The X only appears until someone has replied to your post.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
Let's steer this into something more exciting.
What do you guys usually have for breakfast? See I usually only eat one meal a day, and I'm trying to change my eating habits into something more healthy. The problem is, in the morning I don't feel like preparing all this elaborate stuff, considering I'm not really hungry to begin with.
So, why don't you guys list some easy to prepare, hopefully healthy good cool breakfast stuff you eat, to give me some ideas. Also, feel free to discuss anything breakfast related.
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I read that the ear lobes of chickens determines the color of their eggs (brown or white). White lobeed chickes lay white eggs, brown lobed lay brown eggs. The common belief of the feather color comes from the fact that experts thought that commoners would have a hard time believing that chickens had ear lobes.
That's a great piece of breakfast trivia adelikat! Exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for. I had no idea chickens even had ear lobes!
JXQ, that's a nice box of eggs you've got there. I'm getting hungry just watching that!
Ear lobes, man that's a strange correlation.
Fabian, I suggest something quick and easy for a breakfast shortly after getting up if you're trying to improve your eating habits. Cereal (although most are really sugary), instant oatmeal, or a slim-fast kind of shake are all pretty good.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Posts: 4756
Location: Tennessee
I disagree, you should have something with a lot of protein, to give you the energy to keep going until lunch. Some sort of high protein breakfast food that is quick and easy to make is ideal.