Post subject: Legend of Zelda: OoT
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
I've seen the recorded avi of LoZ: OoT and was surprised to see such authentic graphics. What are the exact plug-ins used + settings? I've looked around the forum, and saw that jabo's 3D6 1.5.2 is popular, but still I wasn't able to get such pretty authentic graphics. I've also tried downloading the re-recording Mupen64 version with the default plug-ins (rice I believe), but still it didn't look as good. Anybody can tell me?
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1311)
Joined: 12/21/2004
Posts: 2687
I think that AVI was encoded using Jabo's D3D8 1.6
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Ok I just noticed that when selecting the m64 movie file it shows you what plug-ins are used, and indeed it is jabo's d3d8 1.6. Thanks for your help! Now I'm wondering what settings are being used, I just can't get it to look as good.
Joined: 6/12/2006
Posts: 368
Default settings? Direct64 looks better for me, the white screen before pause is gone but that's the only significant difference.