Post subject: is this a TAS or not?
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Location: Quincy, MA I think It is a TAS just judging by the color, but i'm not 100% sure.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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I'm 95% sure it's a TAS of some kind.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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It's hard to tell. I have already seen your SMB speedrun and I thought it was tool-assisted myself. In my opinion, this isn't a tool-assisted speedrun. The video may have been recorded with a capture card.
Player (224)
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I can tell it's a TAS by how he's playing. He made some unnecessary "risky" jumps. Plus the quality. Edit: Where's adrewg's run btw. Edit2: Okay, I'm blind.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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It may be emulated, but I doubt it used savestates or was slowed down. There's a lot of mistakes and who would make a TAS that just ties the world record?
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The edges of the video screen correspond exactly to the edges of the NES display, exact tile boundaries. Check for example when a level ends or begins. So, it's emulated. Whether it's assisted or not I don't know.
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For the most part, it looks like it's some of my earlier SMB TASes, converted into a VirtuaNES movie... Though it's pretty unlikely one would have converted it into a VirtuaNES movie. It's not a Famtasia movie, because the sound is different. The palette reminds me of VirtuaNES. In the water scene (after the place where everyone would normally walljump, but his video didn't) there are some delays that I know they aren't from any of my videos, and likely none of the videos on this site. In total, I give it 70% chance it was made on VirtuaNES, and 70% chance it's a TAS. 100.00% chance it was emulated.
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TAS or not, his keyboard skills are excellent (check the related videos)
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I think this kid is just trying to fool me with some TAS, possibly one he made. or an old TAS. the color just makes me think it is emulated. my run is in my signiture. "100.00% chance it was emulated" thanks for the info, I was like, if he did that on console... wow, he beat me by a little. I played sooo much, so for someone to beat me would be a bit suprising. the worst TAS of smb1 i've seen tied my record, so it's very difficult to tell.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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Boco wrote:
The edges of the video screen correspond exactly to the edges of the NES display, exact tile boundaries. Check for example when a level ends or begins. So, it's emulated. Whether it's assisted or not I don't know.
Couldn't it just have been captured exactly perfectly? Could that happen?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Boco wrote:
The edges of the video screen correspond exactly to the edges of the NES display, exact tile boundaries. Check for example when a level ends or begins. So, it's emulated. Whether it's assisted or not I don't know.
Couldn't it just have been captured exactly perfectly? Could that happen?
No this was definitely played on an emulator. try capturing this game with a real NES and look at the overscan. Here, instead of overscan, the edge of the picture is good. It may not use slowdowns or savestates but there's no way it was captured from an NES. Edit: but man is he good on that synthesizer
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I'm not even sure that he did it:
And upon reviewing the video, I noticed quite a few times when I appeared to go right through an enemy, especially on 8-4.
Is there any chance he noticed that only upon reviewing the video?
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i agree to bisqwit. the colours are absolutely identical to virtuanes. only virtuanes emulates and displays these colours in super mario.
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I think the last comment is the funniest: "Every speed run that anyone posts is accused of being fake. How does one make a fake video? Call me dense, but whether you use a VCR, some kind of camera, a webcam, hell even if you use the "record to AVI" function on an emulator... one thing is always constant. ONCE YOU PRESS RECORD, THERE'S NO TURNING BACK! It records your every move. So you have to go through the whole game unscathed. How is it possible to fake a video? I'm sure all of you can enlighten me on this one." Seemingly this guy has never even heard of tool-assisted speedrunning and cannot even begin to comprehend how a run could be done in some other way than in real-time in one contiguous take and get an AVI out of that. Not very relevant to this topic, but I found it slightly amusing.
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I as well thought that that comment was funny. I kind of am hoping he says something like "It's not emulated" because obviously it is. haha. he deleted the video. I wonder why.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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I have another one for you guys. Tetris. Now. I believe this is fake. The only reason is that the screen does not flash when he gets his first tetris. What do you guys think? Edited? TAS? real?
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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Its hard to tell, someone more familar with NES emulation might know, but the description does kind of hint that its a TAS but I couldn't say for definite.
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Tetris is one game where the best people in the word do indeed have mad l33t skillz. Ever seen any video from a tetris world championship? All the harder it makes to judge whether any given tetris video is tool-assisted or not.
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I don't see what the screen not blinking has to do with anything. Are you suggesting he somehow edited the video file? I don't know much about editing videos but that sounds unlikely. It's perfectly normal for movies recorded at 20fps or so to miss stuff like that.
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andrewg wrote:
Now. I believe this is fake.
Warp wrote:
Tetris is one game where the best people in the word do indeed have mad l33t skillz. Ever seen any video from a tetris world championship? All the harder it makes to judge whether any given tetris video is tool-assisted or not.
Indeed...I wonder what andrewg will think when he sees videos such as these. ;)
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I know a lot of people are good at tetris. I'm just thinking it is insane for someone to beat tetris.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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It looks fine to me.. by which I mean the things I saw meant that if it were fake, it wasn't even made with an emulator, and that means a toN of work and why would those things be missed? So I'm more willing to concede that my memory is faulty than that video. What I saw: -is 18 really that slow? -doesn't the game force a level increase at 100 and not 130? -does 29 really give a speed increase? I think it's my memory at fault and not that video. I've seen legit plays of 700k so why not 999k?
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Boco wrote:
-is 18 really that slow?
Once you play 19 a bit, yeah. :p
Boco wrote:
-doesn't the game force a level increase at 100 and not 130?
I dunno. It seems like it's supposed to level you up once you reach the line amount where you would normally reach the level above the one you started, but I suspect there's a glitch somewhere...I seem to remember one time where I tried starting at level 15 or so, and got the first level-up at, like, 110 or 120, and was surprised it was so early...o_O
Boco wrote:
-does 29 really give a speed increase?
Oh HELL yes. @_@ The blocks fall one space every 2 frames at level 19, and then at 29 they fall a space every single frame, which is twice as fast...obviously the programmers didn't expect the player to survive past that point. :p
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One cause for suspicion, in my eyes, is that his top score is 931,000 or so. Shouldn't someone that good have scored 999,999 at least once before?