• If you are watching the .m64 file, make sure you have these settings on with Mupen64 v.0.5.0:
Video Plugin: Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6 Input Plugin: N-Rage`s Direct-Input8 1.60 Sound Plugin: Jabo's DirectSound 1.6 RSP: RSP emulation Plugin and make sure RAW DATA is checked under ->Options-->Input
Quite a journey to make an N64 game. First of all, this would have never been completed without the help from everyone on the message board and in IRC. More of a thank you to MWL for providing a walkthough, via webpage located: http://mwlin.freehostia.com/wiki/index.php?title=TAS/Speed. Thank you to AKA, Acryte, YautjaElder, and everyone on SDA forum and NESVideos forum for much of needed help.
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses death as a shortcut
  • Ignores minor obstacles
  • Completes game as fast as possible
  • Abuses programming errors
A short description on what went on: OH NO! Dreams of soon-to-be Deja Vu & The Great Deku Tree is in need of help!
Kokiri Forest - Fastest route in getting rupees so far. No more diagonal walking unless needed in certain areas for a small distance.
Inside the Deku Tree - Ahh, the 1st dungeon. In the room with the Skullita and web on the ground, there is a new method there which will take off 4 minutes or so in the next run. I got lucky in the Pre-boss room.
To skip a lot of backtracking, there is a part where Link grabs a chicken and jumpslashes over the Guerdo fence to go to the Spirit Temple.
Haunted Wasteland - There is a poe that navigates you through the desert, but with brilliant skill, Link surpases that.
Spirit Temple - What a fun 1/2 of a dungeon where Iron Knuckle meets his doom for the 1st time! Also, there is a way to get the Mirror Shield early, maybe it will get used in a future run.
  • Had just enough of a heart remaining to die upon impact for a death/warp
Fishing Pond - Swimmin into the middle of the pond after catching the biggest fish and holding Z & R while swimming to the owner will give you the Golden Scale, needed to dive deep and get the bottle. There is a way to skip King Zora now without the bottle, maybe it will get used later on.
Hyrule Castle - The 1st of 2 seamwalks. Seamwalks are tough when you start out, but practice makes it easier. The sidehopping past the guards was fun because they just look to lazy to say anything to you.
Zora's Fountain - There was said to be a way to roll into Jabu-Jabu's mouth at the perfect pixel angle, but after many attempts, I gave up and did the next easiest thing, which is jumpslash on him to enter.
Inside Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly - Fun dungeon with a stabbing bomb boost for the Mini-boss skip.
Dodongo's Cavern - 85% of this dungeon was skipped due to the bombchu's lighting the eyes. No one could prove if it was possible to light both eyes with 1.
Death Mountain Trail - The 2nd and last seamwalk to get to the Great Fairy Fountain and jumpslash through the mountain side to enter since I had no bombchu's.
Market - At the Market, I went bombchu bowling for the bomb bag upgrade to carry 30 bombs. Even though I didnt get the bombs, when I become an adult, they are automatically filled!
Temple of Time - OH NO! Ganon, The King of Evil, has followed me into the Temple of Time!
Graveyard - The dead Graveyard keep is wanting to race me in his grave! He likes my style so he gives me the Hookshot! Back in the Graveyard, the Poe boost was never accomplished after thousands of tries. So a new method was discovered!
Shadow Temple - The funnest watching Temple of them all! This is where I pick up the hover boots because they are needed for the other Temple's (Forest and Spirit). Bongo Bongo met his final beat.
Lost Woods - Since Mido did not get any taller, I might as well just backflip over him!
Sacred Forest Meadow - To skip most of the annoying enemies in this area, I used a "stored ground jump" to get to the top of the ledge and hover my way on down.
Forest Temple - Only thing needed out of here is the Fairy Bow. Once I got that, I played the Requiem of Spirit and went to the Spirit Temple to finish the 2nd and final Temple.
Spirit Temple - Some obstacles were in my way because I did not have the Longshot, but just a few seconds were lost in climbing and such. The witches could have been beaten a little faster but I could not position them so they would not move, got frustrated and gave up! However, I did stab Twinrova to death.
Inside Ganon's Castle - ALL SAGES UNITE! The most desynching part of the game is here in the Castle. Redo, after redo was put into this, but finally got it done!
  • Going down the tower, I only needed to keep Zelda moving to where she needed to go
On Ganon, there is a place behind his foot where if you stay and don't move, he'll just glide you around like a merry-go-round.
Final blow on Ganon is at frame 539871, 2 Hours 29.8Minutes. End of movie is at frame 552279, 2 Hours 33.4 Minutes.
Enjoy the video!

adelikat: Accepting. Good luck publishers.

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The game's programmers assumed that the only way to enter Shadow was by playing the Nocturne. You can only learn the Nocturne after earning the Forest, Fire, and Water Medallions. Hence, the game only checks for the last two medallions to determine whether the player has awakened all six Sages.
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Ouzo wrote:
Very well done, loved Bongo and Ganon fights. I think someone should put an explanation of the pause bug in the movie text. New people will probably not get it.
Is that what was happening? I assumed it was an AVI thing.
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feitclub wrote:
Is that what was happening? I assumed it was an AVI thing.
For some reason the pause screen lags really bad on a lot of emulators... the latest version of Project64 fixes it though.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1312)
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I think it affects the Game Over screen too, although obviously that happens less often than the pause screen. It's likely that the "fix" in Project64 is a hack, applying a cheat code to that game to reduce the time the pause screen takes to come up... not that these emulators don't have a lot of hacks already, but it's just a myth that modern N64 emulators don't use low-level emulation at their cores.
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Well, can you please look into how to fix those delays before Guano begins to work on the updated run?
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Already have, more than once. I won't be able to do it.
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Posts: 368
It seems project 64 just keeps the FPS at 60 going into the pause screen to avoid the long delay.
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I have to admit when I was using frame advance in the the open sequence the timing seem to go like this when I pressed a button A = *,A,A A,B = *,A,A,B,B,A,A,B,B It was also a bit anoying when I was try to roll since I held a direction and pressed A, but nothing happened. You must have to hold down a for longer than one frame for it to register properly.
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AKA, now you know what I'm dealing with in OoT :) Buttons wont get pressed when you want them to. Directions get off by just a hair. Its annoying and very complicated.
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
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It's also like that for Hybrid Heaven and Shadow of the Empire.
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GuanoBowl wrote:
AKA, now you know what I'm dealing with in OoT :) Buttons wont get pressed when you want them to. Directions get off by just a hair. Its annoying and very complicated.
I think its because even thought the game runs at 60fps it only takes input at 30fps, which either means delaying for a frame for button to register or the same button or movement being duplicated twice. I'm not sure if this applies to the Gc version. I actuallly think the Gc version is 1% faster than the NTST N64 version, however the pause lag does cause a loss in time on the Gc though.
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Alright, I'm commenting on this because too many people are IMing me about this run. I don't see why this run was published here. At SDA, we can post a run with outdated tricks as a run is done because we don't have the emulator's advantages. This run, in my opinion, was only put out as it is because 1) It's OoT and 2) It wanted to get out before my or anyone else's run to gain the attention. In all honesty, while I could never replicate this TAS, nor with more tricks will my run beat this time (97% sure), this TAS was sub-par. I am positive somebody can beat several segments in this TAS, as is, on a standard console - and this is without new tricks. Primary example? The Rupee route at the start. What was that? And what was with the excessive backwalking over distances where it is not justified (IE it wastes time)? Sure, some parts were amazing, but there were still obvious, very obvious issues with the run. Also, until that sub-menu issue is fixed...that got annoying. I'm with the mindset of a few people here that this run should not have come out now, it should have had more research done, and waited for the SDA runs to come to a halt (which it is going to reach very soon - we're running out of tricks) to have all the known tricks out, and then made a TAS that would be unmatched. As it stands...with Bottle Adventure and other tricks skipped, the TAS will be sub 2. Not sure, besides two things, the TAS didn't really show anything new. Congrats on actually spending the time to get this done, but it should have remained in WIP mode. Just my two cents.
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Posts: 368
The run should have been published and here is why. From the guidelines: Play for entertainment, not for ego. * We want movies that are entertaining to watch! * If you made a bad movie, do not submit it. This isn't a bad movie, so why not submit it? It's not perfect but is anybody going to make a 3D game this large perfect? TAS only means a good example of great movement/strategy/luck, not perfection.
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TSA wrote:
I'm with the mindset of a few people here that this run should not have come out now, it should have had more research done, and waited for the SDA runs to come to a halt (which it is going to reach very soon - we're running out of tricks) to have all the known tricks out, and then made a TAS that would be unmatched.
The status of the run at SDA has little to no bearing on whether a run should be published here, IMO.
What's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire?
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Posts: 186
Since I only know of SDA as the major OoT discussion area for runs outside of here, that is why I mentioned SDA. If others existed, I would have named them. And only somebody ignorant would state the progress of other runs, whatever form they are, have no bearing on a a WIP of any type of run of the same game, especially if newer tactics are being employed. Not sure about the guidelines here, but did they magically change from solely being entertainment based from "being absolutely best possible run with best known tricks at fastest time possible"? Sorry, speed and tactics over entertainment. If you want entertainment, then I fail to see why only emulator movies are accepted here...I really think the TAS mandate of "entertaining" is superficial, an excuse to rationalize their existance beyond what they're really meant for. No offense, but TAS serve only as research tools, to show what is possible. If you want entertainment, then you guys need to rename this site MachinimaVideos. Because they've been around before the TAS, and a TAS is merely Machinima if it is solely for entertainment. Again, just be the status-quo of t his site, this OoT was not up to par. Popularity demends....so I guess give the people what they want. But unlike the other Zelda TAS, which for the most part I respect, until this OoT run is improved, it's just another speedrun. If you're not going to utilize the functions a TAS allows you, why bother?
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"TAS only means a good example of great movement/strategy/luck, not perfection." I thought the only reason for TAS videos was perfection...
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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TSA, I would be very interested in hearing which segments you think somebody could beat without using new tricks, as I was under the impression the rupee route was pretty much the only example standing out. I'm of course assuming you're not talking about 5 second segments or something ridiculous like that. On another topic, I think you seem to overestimate the importance of you, your run and SDA as it applies to an OOT TAS and its possible publishing here. Your suggestion that this run was submitted "before your run" "to get attention" shows, in my opinion, a pretty significant misunderstanding of TAS making and what we try to accomplish, and without having talked to him I imagine GuanoBowl might feel pretty insulted by it. It's of course understandable that you're analyzing the run from a console speedrunning, and, dare I say, quite possibly biased, perspective. However, evaluating its merit for publication on this site based on anything but this site's rules/guidelines/etc is pretty weird I think. Again, understandable considering where you're coming from, but still weird. In closing, let me echo what notBowen wrote in the above post: The status of the run at SDA has no bearing on whether a run should be published here, in my opinion. Some of the other things you bring up are also questionable at best; Nothing new is really shown off? Besides two things? Edit: Ok so some new posts where written while I wrote this post. This is only in response to your first post here, TSA.
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L4yer wrote:
TAS only means a good example of great movement/strategy/luck, not perfection.
Of course, I disagree (and probably nearly everyone will). What you discribe sounds to me more like a segmented run.
andrewg wrote:
I thought the only reason for TAS'd videos was perfection...
TSA wrote:
No offense, but TAS serve only as research tools, to show what is possible. If you want entertainment...
I think the goal/reason for a TAS is perfection aswell as entertainment. Only perfection won't cut it. A lot of movies are being rejected because of poor game choice. If the only reason/goal for a TAS was perfection, those would have been accepted. In fact, the at the rating system the entertainment score for a movie decides 2/3 of the final score, while the technical score only gives 1/3 of the final score. TSA: Don't you mean emulators can serve as a research tool? (It would be kinda weird to me if the actual TAS would serve as a research tool.)
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Perfection isn't category and if it was, only a handful of games would be published. Have you ever even played Ocarina of Time? To do what GunaoBowl did 'perfect' would have taken us into the new millenium. Why do we have to dwell over the fact it isn't exactly the best route? Nobody could ever do this not using an emulator and it is highly entertaining, beats the game fast etc... why isn't that good enough?
Joined: 8/1/2006
Posts: 40
It's funny how TSA claims that "he can do better." Well he should put the money where his mouth is and actually do it. Before he does that, his complaints smack greatly of sour grapes that this guy basically halved the time of TSA's run. IMO you can't beat something with nothing, and right now TSA has nothing to compete with this run.
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L4ayer, aiming for fastest possible speed usually means aiming for perfection.
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TSA wrote:
Not sure about the guidelines here, but did they magically change from solely being entertainment based from "being absolutely best possible run with best known tricks at fastest time possible"?
It started out as a testrun but in the end, it became too good not to be submitted. There have been several cases where a author submits a run, knowing his/her run have a few flaws, and yet it has gotten accepted and published. 60 Yes votes, 3 no yes, what does that tell you besides the fact that its one of the worlds greatest games?
TSA wrote:
No offense, but TAS serve only as research tools, to show what is possible.
What in the bleeding hell are you talking about? How can someone not get offended by that? Tool-assisted-speedruns "serve" as you eloquently put it, so much more than to just "serve" your royal highness that I wont even bother mention because there are too many aspects to be mentioned.
TSA wrote:
If you want entertainment, then you guys need to rename this site MachinimaVideos. Because they've been around before the TAS, and a TAS is merely Machinima if it is solely for entertainment.
Again you are a bit offensive.
TSA wrote:
But unlike the other Zelda TAS, which for the most part I respect, until this OoT run is improved, it's just another speedrun. If you're not going to utilize the functions a TAS allows you, why bother?
Notice the "most part" people. Oh and dont worry your royal highness, Guano, along with a few other people have shown interest in working on a second version. GuanoBowl, utilized frame advance, frame counter, tested various paths, routes, redoing several times his run just to satisfy himself and his crowd.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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I know that's the goal, but the goal is too farfetched when the game is as complex as this is. Do we want GuanoBowl or anyone else to go crazy over this because we want to see a small, improved, almost insignificant change?
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TSA wrote:
This run, in my opinion, was only put out as it is because 1) It's OoT and 2) It wanted to get out before my or anyone else's run to gain the attention.
TSA wrote:
Not sure, besides two things, the TAS didn't really show anything new.
To me, and surely many others, it did show something new.
TSA wrote:
Not sure about the guidelines here, but did they magically change from solely being entertainment based from "being absolutely best possible run with best known tricks at fastest time possible"?
TSA wrote:
If you want entertainment, then I fail to see why only emulator movies are accepted here...
It's kinda hard to explain... Look at the top left corner of this page.
TSA wrote:
I really think the TAS mandate of "entertaining" is superficial, an excuse to rationalize their existance beyond what they're really meant for.
Which would be...?
TSA wrote:
No offense, but TAS serve only as research tools, to show what is possible.
Ah, I totally forgot that we serve under the allmighty speedrunners.
TSA wrote:
Again, just be the status-quo of t his site, this OoT was not up to par.
Yes, 'cause anybody would just give up all they've done to make a movie up to the Kokiri toothpick and wait for someone to maybe fix the pause screen issue.
TSA wrote:
Popularity demends....so I guess give the people what they want.
So you're writing this because...?
TSA wrote:
But unlike the other Zelda TAS, which for the most part I respect, until this OoT run is improved, it's just another speedrun.
I don't know what to say... Or why I quoted this, it kinda only applies to TSA, and doesn't really belong in that post.
TSA wrote:
If you're not going to utilize the functions a TAS allows you, why bother?
And those functions would be? Anyway, I found this movie really good, I jumped half of the movie because of the talking/sequences, but it was really good to watch. I really couldn't care less if there were a couple of tricks left out, things that people found out when Guanobowl had alreay passed that part of the game.
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TSA wrote:
I don't see why this run was published here.
I published this run, so I'll comment on this one. I do not follow SDA. In fact, I don't know what happens over there. Occassionally, some new spectacular movie may raise a popular discussion, in which case I may download the movie and watch it. I have watched one Ocarina of Time speedrun, one Half-Life speedrun, one Half-Life 2 speedrun, and a few other speedruns. (And I have enjoyed them all btw.) So my motivations of publishing a TAS on this site have nothing to do with SDA. This movie was published, because it's OoT, which is a very popular game, and because the movie is entertaining to watch and is clearly different than non-TA speedruns. (*) I am not an expert with OoT -- in fact, I have never played it. I also do not know what kind of new techniques there exist that are not used in this movie. Thus, I cannot judge it for its lack of techniques. Others can, but all negative points raised about the techniques used in this run were sharply diminished in comparison to the expectations made towards publishing this TAS. It is a famous game, and as a confirmation of the expectations, it was downloaded over a thousand times in the first day after its release. I hope this answers your questions. *) This is not a reference to any particular speedrun or any particular player. I am talking about features feasible in the playing.
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